How bad guys are made

Chapter 183 Liu Jiancheng Enters the Set

Chapter 183 Liu Jiancheng Enters the Set

When Liu Jiancheng saw the man's face, he was taken aback immediately, and the cigarette that had just been put into his mouth before he had time to light it all fell out.

Nima, isn't this Yue Chen who has sent a lot of people and hasn't found anyone for a few days?How dare this bastard appear in Lanyun Building?He doesn't want to live anymore! ?

Liu Jiancheng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. You know, if Yue Chen was caught and asked what was good or bad, it would be over.

At this time, Yue Chen also seemed to have discovered Liu Jiancheng by accident, and panic flashed across his face, and he quickly smiled and whispered hello: "Brother Cheng, okay."

"Why the hell are you here?" Liu Jiancheng looked at Yue Chen angrily and asked.

"Ah ha ha, no, no, I'm just here for a walk, so I'm going to leave first if I don't have anything to do." Yue Chen smiled and said haha, then turned his head and left.

Liu Jiancheng's eyes were cloudy and cloudy. After his wife's warning, Liu Jiancheng no longer wanted to provoke Yue Chen, but his intuition told him that there must be something wrong with this Yue Chen appearing here sneakily. If he didn't ask clearly, he might have trouble sleeping and eating. .

"You fucking come back to me!" Liu Jiancheng growled when he saw Yue Chen swearing at her, and rushed forward quickly, grabbing Yue Chen by the back of the neck.

"Hey, brother Cheng, what are you doing? Keep your voice down, I'll be in trouble if someone sees you." Yue Chen panicked, lowered his voice, and stared at Liu Jiancheng. There was no annoyance in his eyes, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes. in a hurry.

"Come here!" Although the emotion in Yue Chen's eyes flashed away, it did not escape Liu Jiancheng's eyes. The more Liu Jiancheng thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He looked around quickly, but fortunately, no one else saw it. Hastily dragged Yue Chen to a darker and deserted corner.

"Hey, Brother Cheng, what are you doing, take it easy..." Yue Chen was dragged to a corner by Liu Jiancheng with a face of reluctance, and Wen Dong, who was hiding in the grass beside him, was speechless and whispered He exclaimed, "Oh shit, I didn't realize that this Yue Chen is still a talent.

Soon, Li Binger, who was recording the entire episode with a night camera at the side, turned her head and stared straight at Wendong with undisguised contempt.

"Didn't I warn you not to show up a few days ago? You dare to come to Lanyun, you don't want to fucking live? Believe it or not, I found someone to do you!" Throwing Yuechen coldly into an empty room In the corner, Liu Jiancheng looked at him angrily and said, unable to contain himself.

"Ah, yes, yes, brother Cheng, I know I'm wrong, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now." Yue Chen looked scared, turned his head and was about to leave.

"Get out of here! Come back to me. Tell me, what are you doing in Lanyun!?" Liu Jiancheng pulled Yue Chen back and looked at him coldly.

"I didn't do anything, I just felt sorry for Xiaolan, so I came to see her." Yue Chen sat down on the ground, curled up in a corner, and said with a mournful face.

"Look at her? Do you think I'll believe it?" Liu Jiancheng sneered and looked down at Yue Chen.

"I just came to see her." Yue Chen argued, the panic in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Really?" Liu Jiancheng looked at Yue Chen with disdain, and became more and more sure in his heart that Yue Chen must be lying.

"Brother Cheng, Lord Cheng, I beg you, please do me a favor and let me go." Yue Chen began to beg for mercy.

"It's fine to let you go, but you have to tell me first, what are you doing here." Liu Jiancheng crossed his arms, as if he wasn't in a hurry.

Liu Jiancheng had already made up his mind, no matter what Yue Chen said, he must not be let go tonight, this Yue Chen is a time bomb, even if he cannot be killed, someone must be found to control him.

"I told you, you didn't give me any money, besides, you've already given me so much money before." Yue Chen said with a sad face, and finally started to recruit.

"Money? What you think is beautiful, how much more do you want?!" Liu Jiancheng said angrily.

"Yes, yes, so just let me go, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about the two of us." Yue Chen quickly nodded yes, and made a promise at the same time.

"What are you doing here tonight?" Liu Jiancheng became more and more suspicious when he saw Yue Chen guaranteeing himself.

"No... I didn't do anything, I really didn't do anything." Yue Chen said in a panic.

"Okay, don't tell me, right? I'll call someone to come over right now. You know my business. Do you think you can get out of here completely if you don't say something good or bad?" Liu Jiancheng saw that Yue Chen was afraid, and hurriedly Threatening, he took out his mobile phone in his arms.

"Don't, don't, Brother Cheng, don't call, I... Let me tell you, can't I tell you?" Yue Chen was shocked and said hastily.

Seeing Liu Jiancheng staring at him coldly, Yue Chen knew that he would not be able to leave tonight if he didn't say anything, so he carefully took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and whispered: "I'm here to get this thing. "

When Liu Jiancheng saw the USB flash drive, his face turned pale with shock, his eyes were full of murderous eyes, and he looked at Yue Chen coldly: "You still have the evidence? Didn't you say it was destroyed? You still have it?"

"No, no, I burned the USB flash drive of that design a long time ago. This USB flash drive contains the design sketches of the clothes shown tonight. I plan to find a designer and sell them to him." Chen hurriedly explained.

"Hmph, these clothes have been posted on the Internet through the press conference just now, and now everyone can see these clothes. Do you think this design drawing is still worth money?" Hearing Yue Chen's explanation, Liu Jiancheng's heart suddenly jumped. Heaving a sigh of relief, he looked at Yue Chendao with disdain.

"Artwork is different from clothes. Clothes are finished products, and this design drawing can only be regarded as a semi-finished product at best. But in terms of value, the drawing is much higher than the finished product, and there are many more of this drawing." Wendong's design concept and design thinking in designing these clothes are very important to some designers." Yue Chen explained.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to know a lot." Hearing Yue Chen's explanation, Liu Jiancheng's heart suddenly moved, he had some other ideas in his mind, and looked at Yue Chen coldly.

"Well, Xiaolan told me these things."

Liu Jiancheng started to hold back the water in his stomach, and thought of a good idea, intending to snatch the USB flash drive from Yue Chen's hand, but Yue Chen disappeared for several days a few days ago, and reappeared too suddenly today, which made him He was vigilant.

Liu Jiancheng stared at Yue Chen's eyes tightly, and asked out, "Although the fashion show has already been released, but Lanyun plagiarized last time, it must be very secretive about this design drawing, how did you Got it?"

"Hmph, it's not that little bitch Xiaolan!" Yue Chen snorted coldly, with a flash of resentment in his eyes.

"En? What does this have to do with Xiaolan?" Liu Jiancheng looked at Yue Chen suspiciously.

"Hmph, just a few days ago, Wen Dong, a bastard, tried to get Xiaolan to take advantage of Xiaolan's breakup, and Xiaolan, a bitch, agreed. Just the day before yesterday, Xiaolan called Tell me that she has given up on me, and she will forget me immediately, and then she asked me. It turned out that Wendong, that bastard, was making a ghost, and Xiaolan also said that Wendong was making a costume these days design."

When Yue Chen said this, the resentment in his eyes became stronger: "I still can't let Xiaolan go, I followed Xiaolan secretly last night, I didn't expect Xiaolan to dress up and run out after returning home." home, I suspected that it must be a date with Wendong. Sure enough, Xiaolan took a taxi back to Lanyun Building and went directly to Wendong's office. Dong even forgot to close the office door, so I went in and turned on his computer, only to find that his computer had a password. I was afraid that Wendong would find out the strong decryption password, so I downloaded his computer program, and I put After this program was deciphered, I came to unlock the code today and stole this design, but these clothes have already been released, so I guess this design drawing is not worth much, alas." Sigh and pity.

Hearing Yue Chen's explanation, Liu Jiancheng didn't feel that there was anything wrong, besides, if he had made it up, he would never have made up such a subtle explanation in such a short period of time, so what Yue Chen said was true, and Liu Jiancheng felt relieved. worry.

"It's not that it's not worth much, but it's not worth it." Liu Jiancheng said disdainfully, his eyes couldn't help falling on the USB flash drive in Yue Chen's hand, and the idea in his heart became clearer.

"Impossible, just this design concept and thinking, if sold to other designers, it will be worth at least one hundred and eighty thousand." Yue Chen said while clutching the USB flash drive in his hand.

"That's good, sell it to me for 10 yuan." Liu Jiancheng couldn't help but said.

"You? You want to buy it?" Yue Chen looked up at Liu Jiancheng in surprise.

"What? I can't afford it?"

"No, no, since you are the big boss, you can afford it, so you can transfer the money to me now?" Yue Chen waved his hands quickly, with a flash of greed in his eyes.

"Don't be so troublesome, I don't have so much time to talk nonsense with you here, this card has 13 in it, and the password is the same as the card I gave you last time, you take the money in the card and leave Shuicheng, it's better not to Come back." Liu Jiancheng took out a bank card and threw it to Yue Chen.

"There are really 13 in this card?" Yue Chen raised his head and looked at Liu Jiancheng suspiciously.

"What? Don't believe it?"

"Hehe. It's not that I don't believe it. I still think it's better to transfer the money directly, which is convenient and fast." Yue Chen handed the card to Liu Jiancheng again, and said with a sneer that he was obviously afraid that Liu Jiancheng would deceive him.

"Hmph, I asked you to steal Lanyun's design last time. We are like grasshoppers on the same rope. Do you think I will lie to you for this little money?" Liu Jiancheng looked at him with disdain and said.

"Then... that's fine." Yue Chen quickly stuffed the bank card into his pocket, but he still spread out the USB flash drive in his hand with some reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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