Chapter 184
"Okay, hurry up, I don't want to see you in Shuicheng in the future, otherwise, I will find someone to break your legs." Liu Jiancheng took the USB flash drive in Yuechen's hand , looked at him with disdain and threatened.

"Hey, I'm leaving now." Yue Chen took the bank card, with a happy expression on his face, and ran away, thinking disdainfully, there is nothing you can do if you don't want to see me by then, because we are all together In prison--

Liu Jiancheng had his reasons for buying this USB flash drive at such a high price.

Liu Jiancheng can already predict that starting from tomorrow, or even from tonight, the seven styles of clothing launched by Lanyun will be extremely popular. I don’t know how many shopping malls or companies are rushing to place orders with Lanyun’s new clothing company .

But what would people think if an artwork that was exactly the same as Wen Dong's design was exposed in a certain clothing company tomorrow?
And what if it goes to court?Even if Lanyun still won in the end, so what.

Now everyone knows that if a matter goes to court, it will not be resolved within a week or two. At that time, when the enthusiasm for this clothing is over and Lan Yun delays it after winning the court, then It's not the situation you think of now.

Besides, as long as the court does not pronounce a sentence for a day, which shopping mall company dares to place an order?This costume is good, but there is a problem!
Even though the last few clothes are still selling well, when people see these clothes, they will think of the beauty of these clothes, and then they will immediately think of the problems that occurred when these clothes were launched, which will affect the brand image of Lanyun in the future. Development will be an indelible huge blow.

The more Liu Jiancheng thought about it, the more excited he became, and he was already thinking about which clothing company he should find for this job.

Seeing Liu Jiancheng return to the dance exhibition hall with the USB drive on his face excitedly, Wen Dong, who was in the grass, couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Oh, I really sympathize with this idiot now."

Of course, Wendong is not only sympathetic to Liu Jiancheng's imprisonment, he is more sympathetic to how many cuckolds his wife Pan Jinyuan will bring to him.

In fact, Wen Dong also knew that he was thinking too much. If something like this happened to Liu Jiancheng, they would definitely get divorced. Even Liu Jiancheng's current position would definitely not be able to keep.

It's a bit pitiful when you think about it, but a poor person must have something to hate. When he framed himself at that time, he should have thought that he would have such a day.

"Sympathize with him? That's good, drop the camera, and he'll be fine." Li Binger said disdainfully, as if she was about to fall, obviously until now she didn't agree with Wen Dong's method of framing.

"Hey, don't, don't, grandma, this thing is evidence. If you drop it, you will destroy the evidence and go to jail. If you go to jail, then I can't be a widow for you outside?" Take the camera over.

Li Binger originally thought that Wendong was begging to say something nice to him, but he didn't expect to say a good fart at the end, and suddenly he was so angry that he smiled and said, "Stop talking around there, I will go to jail? Believe it or not, I will kill you right now." Send him to prison to stay with Liu Jiancheng."

"Don't, don't, I was wrong, Mr. Li has a lot of adults, hehe." Wen Dong quickly accompanied him with a smiling face.

Li Bing'er snorted coldly and didn't turn her head away.

"En? Wendong, have you committed a crime?" Wu Jian looked at Wendong suspiciously.

"Get out of here, you're the one who committed a crime!" Wen Dong glared at the guy angrily.

"Where have you been? So long?" Pan Jinyuan looked at her husband and asked casually.

"I went out to smoke a cigarette, isn't it almost here?" Liu Jiancheng sat beside Pan Jinyuan, looked up at the dance scene and asked casually.

"Well, it's probably the last show, and some guests are singing." Pan Jinyuan said indifferently. , then stood up slowly, put the clothes box on Liu Jiancheng's lap, and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

"Ding Lingling." Wen Dong took the evidence and was about to take action. At this time, the phone rang suddenly. It was expected that Zhang Hanhan couldn't find him, so he called himself. When he picked up the phone and looked, Wen Dong suddenly For a moment, it turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

Wen Dong frowned, thinking: Whose number is this?
Wen Dong had something to do, so he hung up directly, but what made him helpless was that after hanging up, the call came back immediately.

Who?Looking at the phone, Wendong suddenly felt that the number was a little familiar, and quickly took out the postcard that Pan Jinyuan had given him earlier from his pocket.

A look, on the right.

Damn, why is this slut calling me?

"Who is it?" At this time, Wu Jian came up and asked.

"Pan Jinyuan, Yingsa's boss has taken a fancy to me." Wen Dong said casually.

"Cut!" When Wu Jian heard this, he lost even the mood to inquire. He glanced at Wen Dong contemptuously, and raised a middle finger. He didn't believe it. As the director of the venue, Wu Jian naturally heard about Pan Jinyuan's story. Things, that person is at the same level as Mr. Zhang, will he look at Wendong?

Li Binger on the side snorted in disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, make a bet." Wen Dong said seriously.

"Okay, just bet, what are you betting on?"

"What are you betting on... It's hurtful to talk about money. Let's just bet this time that the investment share will be divided. Didn't we say [-]/[-] before? This time [-]/[-], whoever loses will only get [-] points, and whoever wins will get [-]% How about it?" Wen Dong looked at Wu Jian angrily and said.

"Okay, you can bet, but I mean whether Pan Jinyuan has taken a fancy to you, it's not a bet, is it her phone?" Wu Jian stared, and it was more serious, but he said not stupidly .

"Yes, just bet on this."

"How about it, Li Xiaoniu, do you want to take a gamble?"

"Not interested." Li Binger pouted.

"Oh, it's a small bet, it's good, if I lose, I'll buy you a drink."

"Then what if you win?"

"Win... let me give you a kiss." Hearing this, he pondered for a moment, his eyeballs flicked back and forth on Li Binger's ruddy mouth, and said with a smile.

"No, then I'm not at a disadvantage." Li Bing'er stared at Wen Dong coldly, this bastard always wanted to take advantage of himself.

"Why are you at a loss? It costs at least a thousand or eight hundred to eat a meal. Besides, I, Wen Dong, is now President Wen anyway. It doesn't matter who will suffer." Wen Dong said smugly.

"Bullshit President Wen, don't gamble."

"Huh? Wen Dong, you haven't kissed Police Officer Li yet?" Wu Jian looked at Wen Dong in surprise.

"Cut, what do you know, can't you see that our young couple is flirting?" Wen Dong gave Wu Jian a look of contempt, then looked at Li Bing'er and said: "It's not that I haven't kissed before, bet or not? Don't dare to bet." Don't dare, don't say you don't want to gamble." Wen Dong raised the ringing mobile phone in his hand and stimulated.

"Just bet, you can answer the phone." Li Bing'er was annoyed by the ringtone, and said directly.


"Hey, what's the matter?" Wen Dong answered the phone, immediately changed his face, and said seriously.

"Where are you now? Why didn't you answer my call just now?" Pan Jinyuan said in a thin and charming voice, her tone was full of dissatisfaction and blame from the little woman, but seeing Wendong answer the phone, there was a tinge of joy.

Wu Jian on the side opened his mouth in shock, because the voice on the phone was Pan Jinyuan's.

"Mr. Pan, you are leisurely. I am a part-time worker, so I am busy."

"What are you busy with?"

Wen Dong raised his head and looked around a small corner that was at least as dark as black. He held back for a while and said, "Pee."

Having said that, Wen Dong really wanted to pee a little, and wanted to take off his pants to pee, and suddenly felt a sharp gaze from the side, Wen Dong turned his head to look, and then woke up.

Emma actually forgot about Li Binger.

"Hee hee, Boss Wen is really humorous, can't you hold it back?" Pan Jinyuan said in a seductive voice.


"Then come to me tonight and look for me, okay? I have something to talk to you. My room number is on the back of the postcard. It's in Shuicheng International Hotel."

"Um, this...Let's talk about it after I have something to do. I have something to do, so I'll hang up first." Wen Dong knew that Pan Jinyuan called him to tease him, but he never thought that this woman would be so direct, so he called haha So I hung up the phone, thinking helplessly, after a while, your husband will be caught in the police, I'm afraid you won't want to play with me.

"How is it? Do you want to verify this phone number again?" Wen Dong raised his phone, and then lit up the postcard that Pan Jinyuan gave him, and looked at his with a proud face full of shock and even admiration. Wu Jian.

Prom scene...

Wen Dong hurriedly walked to Zhang Hanhan's side with a gloomy face, leaned over and said a few words to her.

"Are you all ready? If something goes wrong, how will it end?" Zhang Hanhan looked at Wendong in surprise.

"Don't worry, everything is ready, and we have obtained Liu Jiancheng's evidence." Wen Dong said seriously, and then said in a low voice: "You do this first... As for the rest, just leave it to me. Ready."

"Okay." Zhang Hanhan really acted swiftly and resolutely, and immediately made a decision when his face changed, and stood up with a serious face.

At this time, the little fat man surnamed Zeng had just finished singing for his new girlfriend on the rooftop. Zhang Hanhan tidied up his attire and walked up quickly with a serious face.

Zhang Hanhan took the microphone and said to the guests below with a serious expression: "I'm sorry to bother you all. Tonight, something very unpleasant happened to our Lanyun new company. The seven new clothes we just released Stolen again."

"Wow..." Hearing Zhang Hanhan's serious words, there was an uproar in the audience. Many people were shocked and speechless, and some people had gathered together to discuss it. The scene looked like It was very confusing.

(End of this chapter)

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