How bad guys are made

Chapter 185 An Unequal Contest

Chapter 185 An Unequal Contest
Liu Jiancheng off the court was startled suddenly, his body stiffened instantly, his expression changed, he wanted to throw the USB flash drive in his pocket somewhere, but he was afraid of being noticed, because there was no need to think about it, I am afraid that there is no one now. How many pairs of eyes are staring at him.

"What should I do?" Liu Jiancheng lost his footing in such a panic for the first time in so many years, and immediately came up with countless possibilities in his mind: Yue Chen betrayed himself?Did he just buy something for himself on purpose?

Immediately, Liu Jiancheng shook his head again, this is simply impossible, because Yue Chen would not get any benefit from betraying himself, and would go to jail instead, he would never do this.

Could it just be that the design theft was discovered?There is such a possibility.After thinking about it for such a long time, Yue Chen must have fled long ago. Besides, the people present are all big shots. No matter how good Lan Yun is, he would not dare to search people like himself.

With a plan in mind, Liu Jiancheng's heart was not so nervous, and he only hoped that Yue Chen would never be caught.

Looking at the chaotic scene, even many people have already refuted loudly, making a noise, is it possible that Lan Yun will not let himself wait for someone to leave, can't he be searched?Standing on the stage, Zhang Hanhan felt dizzy for a while. If this matter is not handled properly, then Lan Yun will leave a bad impression on these people, and maybe even feel disgusted.

Zhang Hanhan glanced angrily at Wendong not far away, Wendong nodded in satisfaction, walked up quickly with a serious expression on his face, took the microphone in Zhang Hanhan's hand, and blinked at her indistinctly, He secretly praised her for speaking well.

Seeing Wen Dong's indifferent look, Zhang Hanhan was so angry that he could not vent his anger, stared at this guy coldly, handed the microphone to Wen Dong and walked off.

"Don't worry, everyone, we Lanyun won't search everyone. We are all famous people, how could we do such a thing." Wen Dong said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Liu Jiancheng breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from Wen Dong's words, he didn't know who the person who stole the design was. Even if he knew, he didn't catch him. It's noisy, although they didn't steal anything, but if they were searched for a dance party, it would be embarrassing to say it.

Wen Dong paused, and then said: "Just now we have called the monitoring, and the person who stole this design has been confirmed. We have just called the police on this matter, and I believe the truth will be found out soon." Said After finishing, Wen Dong nodded apologetically to the people below, just as he put down the microphone and was about to step off the stage, suddenly, the cell phone in Wen Dong's pocket rang.

These were all discussed by Wen Dong, Wu Jian and Li Binger.

Wen Dong quickly took out his mobile phone, and Liu Jiancheng's heart tightened in the audience, and he didn't even know when his wife who went to the toilet arrived by his side.

"What's going on?" Pan Jinyuan frowned and looked at the dance scene full of discussions, telling her intuitively that there were many reporters just like their husband and wife, and that kind of weird eyes made her very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, the new program that Lanyun produced, it is said that the costume design has been lost again, is nothing more than sensationalism, so as to attract more attention." Liu Jiancheng said with a sneer, using this to comfort his flustered heart.

"What? Call the police if you lose it. Don't tell us to leave? Do you want to search?" Pan Jinyuan frowned.

"Do they have the guts?" Liu Jiancheng asked disdainfully.

At this time, Wen Dong had just finished answering the phone, picked up the microphone again, and seemed relieved to everyone in the audience, a smile finally appeared on his serious face, and said: "The plagiarist has been caught, but, After an unannounced review, the plagiarist said that the plagiarized material had been resold, and the person who bought this material was at the dance tonight." So Wen Dong still had intentional or unintentional He glanced at Liu Jiancheng, showing a hint of a smile.

"Wow——" There was another burst of discussion in the audience, which was much bigger than the chaotic scene just now. Many people looked around, wondering who went out just now, and many people saw it intentionally or unintentionally. Liu Jiancheng's side.

Liu Jiancheng stood up abruptly, there was a ghost in his heart, and Wen Dong's smile looked like a devil to him, trembling all over, a cold sweat broke out in an instant, one hand reached into his pocket and squeezed tightly. Holding the USB flash drive, it seemed that the USB flash drive in his hand weighed ten thousand catties, enough to crush him, a valiant big president.

Calm down, calm down, Yue Chen will never be caught so easily, even if caught, it is impossible to review so quickly, he must be testing me, it must be!At this time, you must not mess up! !Liu Jiancheng comforted himself over and over again.

"What's wrong? Could it be you?" Pan Jinyuan asked seriously, frowning when she realized that something was wrong with her husband.

"How is it possible? This fashion can't be published anymore, and it's too late for me to plagiarize it." Liu Jiancheng explained with a casual smile, and sat down calmly, but the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles.

At this time, Li Binger, dressed in a police uniform, walked into the dance hall with Yue Chen, whose hands were bound by handcuffs. Behind him was Wu Jian and a group of dog-legged security guards, holding rubber sticks in their hands, surrounding Yue Chen to prevent him from escaping. Wen Dong on the rooftop hurried up to meet him.

When Liu Jiancheng saw Yue Chen, he wailed in his heart: It's over.

"I'm going to the toilet." Liu Jiancheng quickly stood up, sitting and waiting is the only way to die, if he disposes of the USB drive in his hand, as long as they don't have evidence, even if it's useless for Yue Chen to identify him, then he can bite back and say yes Wendong framed himself.

"Liu Jiancheng, you'd better not have anything happen to you tonight." Pan Jinyuan and Liu Jiancheng are husband and wife after all. Even though Pan Jinyuan is dissolute by nature, Liu Jiancheng is not a single-minded good bird, but the two sides still know each other very well, and Pan Jinyuan saw it immediately Liu Jiancheng was nervous, if he couldn't guess anything at this time, he would be a fool, he looked coldly at Liu Jiancheng who was about to turn around and leave.

Hearing this, Liu Jiancheng trembled, nodded, and left in a hurry.

"This gentleman, Vice President Wen has ordered that no one is allowed to leave the scene at this time." At this time, the Lanyun security guards who had already arranged to watch Liu Jiancheng quickly surrounded him, blocking Liu Jiancheng's way, with a respectful tone Said, but I don't know if it was intentional, the voice of the security guard was very loud.

And this immediately aroused the ideas of the people around and some reporters, and even some reporters couldn't help but take pictures.

"What is Deputy Wen always? He has no evidence, so why won't he let me leave? Besides, I don't want to leave, I just go to the toilet, can't I go to the toilet?"

Liu Jiancheng was anxious, and felt that many people looked at him. He knew that no matter what, he would lose his face, but as for the consequences of being caught, face was obviously not worth mentioning, because the consequence was that he would go to jail , and his status as CEO of Yingsha was revoked, and he even divorced Pan Jinyuan. If these things happen, then he will have nothing.

Because of his anxiety, Liu Jiancheng didn't lower his voice, and even what he said was very disrespectful.

"Brother Cheng, I'm sorry." At this time, Yue Chen, who was being suppressed by Li Bing'er, walked towards Liu Jiancheng quickly, and Yue Chen looked at Liu Jiancheng with a dead face and said.

"You—" Liu Jiancheng turned around abruptly, looked at Yue Chen and Wen Dong beside him in shock, trembled all over, and lost all strength in an instant.

"Crack, click——" At this time, although Yue Chen did not directly identify Liu Jiancheng, what he said was enough to explain it. Coupled with Liu Jiancheng's panicked expression at this time, then Liu Jiancheng could not escape responsibility.

"Don't spout blood! Do you know the consequences of framing me? You will die miserably, do you want to die!?" Liu Jiancheng pointed at Yue Chen with a livid face and screamed.

"President Liu is so imposing, he dares to threaten people now?" Wen Dong sneered.

"Wendong! You are framing me! You are revenge! What evidence do you have?" Liu Jiancheng pointed at Wendong with trembling fingers and shouted loudly.

"Evidence? Just now Yue Chen said that he gave you the usb flash drive that he plagiarized. I think the evidence should be on you." Wen Dong reached out and knocked Liu Jiancheng down, pointing to his hand, and said disdainfully.

"You fart, why do you think the U disk is on me? Ah? What qualifications do you have?"

"Okay, then let everyone take a look, this is also the surveillance we found just now." Wen Dong sneered, and winked at Wu Jian at the side, and at this moment, a large screen on the rooftop lit up, and the What was played was the part where Liu Jiancheng dragged Yue Chen to the corner, and then the part where the two were talking in the corner, but there was no sound, and they didn't know what they were going to say.

"Crack, click..." The reporter immediately recorded this passage on the screen.

"Mr. Liu, the time displayed on the above is 10 minutes ago. Excuse me, why did you drag Yue Chen to the corner? Seeing him unhappy? Beat him up!?" Wen Dong sneered.

At this time, the evidence was in front of them. Even if they had a good relationship with Liu Jiancheng, the people present did not dare to say anything, and more people looked at Liu Jiancheng with weird eyes. The plagiarism incident was also done by Liu Jiancheng.

Pan Jinyuan opened her mouth, but she didn't dare to say anything. Although her relationship with Liu Jiancheng was not that close, the relationship between husband and wife was pretty good.But now that the evidence was in front of her, she didn't dare to say anything for Liu Jiancheng, just in response to that sentence, the husband and wife are like birds in the forest, flying separately when disaster comes.

"Yes, that's right. I saw Yue Chen sneaking around at the time, and I saw that he was not a good person, so I pulled him aside and asked him, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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