How bad guys are made

Chapter 187 I want to give birth to monkeys for you

Chapter 187 I want to give birth to monkeys for you

Wen Dong came to the rest room at the back which was dedicated to providing rest for the models. Before he reached the door, he could hear chattering and laughing inside, and the atmosphere was very active.

"Hello, girls, do you miss me?" Wen Dong pushed them away and greeted the models with a smile.

"I miss you, I miss you to death—" At this time, Liu Shuang, the most extroverted girl among the models, immediately spotted Wen Dong, and rushed over, grabbing Wen Dong's arm, Said with a grin.

"Director Wenda, I heard that you have been promoted to vice president of Lanyun. Your promotion is not so fast. Congratulations..."

"That's right, Vice President Wen has been promoted, do you want an assistant? What do you think of him?"

As soon as Wendong appeared, he was immediately surrounded by these extroverted and bold models, surrounded by fragrant fragrances, Yingying Yanyan, especially the big breast loli who just rushed in, and the pair of big rabbits went straight to Wendong's arms Going up, Wendong, who was going up, went up for a while.

"You are such a rascal, Mr. Wen won't like you. I heard that Wendong's assistant has left. Do you want to consider finding another one? What do you think of him being your little secretary?" The innocently dressed The model winked at Lianlian Wendong.

"Oh, Wendong is looking for a little secretary? I can do what I want! Please take it away, please take care of me." A model boldly said.

"Choose me, choose me, he can cook and warm the bed." A model said with a blushing face.

"Choose me, choose me. People are delicate and soft and easy to overthrow." A model twisted her face, her eyebrows were affectionate, and she fired at Wendong blinking and blinking, posing as if she was at her mercy.

"Choose someone. They will give you monkeys. Their body has never been touched by a man. I don't know what it feels like to be touched by Mr. Wen—"

Wen Dong was said to be covered in cold sweat, his head was as big as a bucket, and adrenaline hormones were rushing upwards like an oil pump. He could touch a soft place with just a casual movement. Even though Wen Dong was thick-skinned, he was also attracted by these bold people. The model's cheeks were flushed from the stimulation, and she was dying.

Especially Wendong didn't dare to move, because both his arms were tightly hugged in his arms, and he didn't even dare to wipe off his sweat, for fear that someone would accidentally pat a certain model's chest. It doesn't matter, I'm afraid that if someone shouts it out, then my reputation will be completely ruined.

And Wendong's wisdom has been almost ruined, Lin Xiaoxi stood aside, looked at Wendong surrounded by all the fragrances with some surprise, and secretly said in his heart: I didn't see it, this stinky hooligan is quite popular.

"Hmph, a group of nympho girls!" Cheng Yanan stood aside, folded her arms and curled her lips.

"Okay, okay, I have something to tell you today. I plan to hire you as regular models for our Lanyun new clothing company. I plan to ask your opinions. I will go to talk to Zhang later. Always go to ask for instructions, if I can't go, it seems that I can only forget it." Wen Dong quickly stopped, and said his trump card.

"Really? Oh, Mr. Wen, I really love you to death." The models were ecstatic when they heard this, and quickly let go of Wen Dong. You know, becoming Lanyun's regular model can not only earn a lot of money Appearance fee, and there is a big guarantee, even if Shangzi Model Company does not want them, they will not starve to death.

This is the difference between odd jobs and national careers, so why not make them ecstatic.

"Of course, if everyone agrees, then this matter is basically settled. I have the final say on everything about the new clothing company." Seeing that the girls finally stopped clinging to him, Wen Dong breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but Sao Bao said.

The matter of being promoted to vice president before was a little watery, but in the clothing company, He Qing was the first in command, and she was the second in command. Naturally, she could make decisions about these matters.

"Of course I agree." All the models agreed unanimously and nodded quickly, even Cheng Yanan showed joy on his face.

"Boss Wen is so domineering, he found his heart trembling, and I found that I fell in love with you."

"Don't stop, I still have business to talk about." Wen Dong waved his hands quickly, really afraid of these models, turned to look at Lin Xiaoxi, with a slightly more serious expression, and said: "After my discussion with Manager He and Mr. Zhang , decided to hire Lin Xiaoxi as the image spokesperson for the queen series clothing of Lanyun New Clothing Company, I wonder if Miss Lin would like to?"

"Me? The spokesperson of the Queen's series!?" Lin Xiaoxi was dumbfounded on the spot, looking at the serious Wen Dong with a surprised face, and her heart was full of shock.

"Xiaoxi, even if you don't agree, you should just nod your head and agree first, it's so embarrassing—" Wendong saw that Lin Xiaoxi didn't seem to have recovered, and spread his hands with a wry smile, but there was no expression on his face. A trace of disappointment, because he felt that Lin Xiaoxi must have been scared out of his wits.

Lin Xiaoxi was indeed frightened, she never thought that such a big pie would be thrown on her head suddenly, because she knew very well that as such a big company, Lanyun, and after the seven models of the queen series clothing were launched It will definitely be popular, so Lan Yun must find a well-known first-line star to be the spokesperson for the clothing image.

And myself?What kind of?
"Fart! Who says you disagree, agree, I agree to this matter for Xiaoxi." Cheng Yanan on the side was impatient when he heard it, how could he miss such a good thing, although the pie didn't fall on his head, But Lin Xiaoxi is her best best friend, and a fool would not do such a thing of gaining both fame and fortune.

All the models on the side looked at Lin Xiaoxi with envy in their eyes, and some models were even a little jealous, but there was nothing they could do. Who would make someone look beautiful and temperamental, these things are not enviable, as they often walk side by side A good sister on stage, then I can only bless her.

Wen Dong glanced at Cheng Yanan with dissatisfaction: "Hey, hey, I didn't call you again, what a fart you promised." Then he turned his head and looked at Lin Xiaoxi with a smile on his face: "Xiaoxi, so many people are watching Come on, don't let me get off the stage, just give me some face, just nod."

"I... I am willing." Lin Xiaoxi gritted her teeth and nodded vigorously. She didn't need to think too much about it. Wen Dong must have made a lot of effort to be the image spokesperson of the Queen series, and even begged his president. You know, apart from being pretty, I have no reputation at all, and there are too many beautiful women.

If Wendong helped himself in this way, if he still disagreed, he would be ungrateful. He looked at Wendong with gratitude in his eyes, his eyes were already moist, and he thought in his heart that he must repay Wendong for his help in the future.

"Oh, look at your blushing face. Don't be so serious, okay? It's as if someone is proposing to you." Cheng Yanan twitched at the side, and glanced at Wen Dong with a threatening look. Warn this guy not to think about his best friend.

"Go away, a dog can't spit out ivory!" Lin Xiaoxi laughed through tears, and gave Cheng Yanan an angry look.

However, when Cheng Yanan said this, Lin Xiaoxi also felt that when she said "I do" just now, she really felt that way, her face was red, she secretly glanced at Wendong, and quickly looked away, complaining in her heart, so Big thing, why didn't this guy tell himself in advance, it was so embarrassing to have to say it in front of so many sisters.

"Beautiful Lin, congratulations, we can work together again, I remember that time when you left suddenly, I miss you so much."

"Yes, yes, I miss you too, congratulations." All the models on the side immediately surrounded Lin Xiaoxi, and said with envy in their eyes.

"thanks, thanks."

When the whole lounge was surrounded by a happy atmosphere, even Wen Dong didn't notice that there was a girl squatting outside the concealed door of the lounge.

The girl was wearing a clean denim shirt and a pair of white canvas shoes on her little feet, which made her already sexy body even more graceful.But her hair was a little disheveled, as if she hadn't washed it for a few days, her small face was full of haggardness, and the pair of vivid eyes were now full of gloom, which contrasted with the happy atmosphere in the lounge behind her. out of place.

She is Sun Xiaojie who hasn't shown up for several days.

Since the plagiarism incident occurred a few days ago, Sun Xiaojie has been hiding at home and not going to work. Even if she came, she left in a hurry, because she was afraid of meeting Wendong. She didn't know what to do after meeting Wendong, let alone Know how to face this complex feeling that makes her sweet and sad.

She has never been in love before, and this is her first love.

Some people say that falling in love is complicated. She didn't believe it at first, especially when she was in love with Wendong, but now, she believes that it is sweet when falling in love, and painful after falling out of love. She didn't have the slightest interest in anything, as if he was her own world, and if she lost him, she would lose everything.

Sun Xiaojie was very sure that she fell in love with Wendong, and fell in love with him so inexplicably, because she had been thinking about him these days, hoping that Wendong would give her a call, even a text message, but she had another Sometimes it will be very contradictory, and she is afraid that Wendong will find her, because she doesn't know what to do.

She misses him very much, even if she tells herself time and time again in her heart that it was Wen Dong who betrayed her, such a person is not qualified to have her own thoughts, but Sun Xiaojie can't stop herself from thinking about him, thinking about herself and Wen Dong. There are not many bits and pieces in Dong Na.

Thinking of her bold teasing, which made Wen Dong's lungs explode, she couldn't help laughing out loud at that time; thinking of that guy Wen Dong licking his face and boldly teasing and teasing her, it made her heart flustered, her face flushed, At that time, she couldn't help blushing; thinking of Wendong boldly holding her little hand for the first time, holding her face and kissing herself for the first time, her heart was full of sweetness at that time; thinking of herself taking Wendong to go When eating at the company's high-end restaurant, she ordered a meal worth more than 5000 yuan. Thinking of Wendong's painful appearance, her heart was full of warmth at that time; thinking that in the company, Wendong told He Qing in front of her. It was his woman, but at that time her heart was full of bitterness...

After thinking about it, she found that her face was full of tears, and the tears were very bitter, so bitter that it was suffocating...

(End of this chapter)

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