Chapter 188

But today, she heard from her brother that Wendong has designed a batch of new clothes. Tonight is Wendong's fashion show. Sun Xiaojie naturally disdained to go, but she couldn't help but sneaked here...

Listening to the laughter in the lounge, the corners of Sun Xiaojie's mouth turned bitter, and he warned himself: Sun Xiaojie, why are you doing this, without you, he is just as happy...

So be it……

Wendong came out from the lounge, but there was no sign of Sun Xiaojie here. For some reason, Wendong was stunned for a moment, and slowly turned his head to look at the corner by the door. An inexplicable sadness suddenly appeared. Let Wendong stand in place for a moment.

Wen Dong was a little puzzled, what's going on?

"Dinglingling..." At this time, Wendong's cell phone rang suddenly. Wendong was startled, picked it up and saw that it was Li Binger's number.

Shaking his head to dispel this inexplicable feeling, Wendong couldn't help feeling relaxed and comfortable when he thought of Li Binger, a girl who refused to admit defeat.

"Hey, what's the matter? Missed me just after we left this night?" Wen Dong said as he walked towards the elevator.

"Hmph, where's the money?" Li Bing'er didn't like Wendong at all, and asked directly with a cold snort.

"Money? What money?" Wen Dong was surprised, and sighed inwardly. The money Li Binger mentioned was naturally the money dug out from Yue Chen before. His 50 was lent to Lin Xiaoxi, and Wu Jian's 50 was lent to Lin Xiaoxi. Wan even used it to invest in stocks.

"You don't want to pretend to me there, what about the 100 million that was extorted from Yue Chen and Liu Jiancheng? Now that the trial of Liu Jiancheng's plagiarism case has officially started, the 100 million will not only be handed over, but also part of the evidence." Li Binger's voice was cold. the way.

"This...can you give it a two-day extension?" Wen Dong wiped off his sweat and said awkwardly.

"Grace? Do you think I'm a debt collector? Pay the grace!!" Li Binger scolded angrily, and then remembered something: "Didn't you use the money?"

"No, it's useless. I know the importance of this money, so how dare I use it indiscriminately." Wen Dong shuddered and said vaguely.

"Then call me the money."


"Don't tell the truth, right? Alright, I'll ask Wu Zhan." Li Binger was about to hang up the phone as she spoke.

"Hey, don't, don't, no, don't ask..." Wen Dong almost sat on the ground with his ass, if Wu Jian said something good or bad to make this little ancestor angry, I'm afraid Li Binger didn't call. It came directly in a police car.

"Speak." Li Binger suppressed her anger.

"We used the money to speculate in stocks." With a bitter face, Wen Dong had no choice but to reveal the truth, and quickly moved the phone away from his hand.

"What! You actually used this money to speculate in stocks!! Wendong, are you going to turn yourself in now or should I drive a police car to arrest you!?" Sure enough, Li Binger's voice on the phone suddenly rose an octave, and Li Binger's His voice was icy cold, chilling, and he couldn't hide his anger.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't come, Aunt Li, Grandfather Li, please, don't come..." Wen Dong is going crazy, and Wen Dong still knows a little about Li Binger Yes, as long as you make this girl happy, she won't bother to talk to you if you tease her a few words, but she will get angry, that's always the same.

Liu Jiancheng has just been arrested. If he is arrested again, he will be very happy. Will people think that there is another reason for the previous plagiarism case?If such gossip rumors come out, let alone other things, I am afraid that Zhang Hanhan will chop himself up with a kitchen knife.

"Then what do you think we should do? I'm going tonight. Don't you talk about investing in stocks? Hurry up and sell it. If you make any money, you will get it. If you lose it, you will pay for it yourself." Li Bing'er said decisively.

"I must have earned it, but... I just can't make 50..." Wen Dong muttered with a sad face, the investment was only Wu Jian's 50, and the other 50 was in Lin Xiaoxi's hands. This money is Lin Xiaoxi's life-saving No matter what, Wen Dong couldn't get rid of this old face to ask for it back, and that's why he didn't let Li Bing'er call Wu Jian just now.

"Why can't you earn 50? What do you mean?"

"Ah!? It's's nothing. Can you wait a while? There is still time to sell stocks, and it's still such a large number." Wen Dong said quickly.

"Yes, within two hours, I'm still in the police station. If I can't get the money within two hours, I will drive a police car to arrest you. One million is not a small number. It is enough for you to sit for a few years. .”

"Don't, don't, I'll do it, I'll do it."

"Hmph..." Li Binger snorted coldly and hung up the phone.

"Dong dong..." There was a knock on the office door on the [-]th floor of Lanyun Building.

"Please come in." Li Jing's voice came from inside.

Only then did Wen Dong slowly open the door and close it carefully.

Turning his head, he saw Li Jing, this disgusting woman, staring at him again, but it seemed that because of tonight's fashion show, this woman's eyes seemed to ease a lot.

Wendong ignored her, and when he heard Zhang Hanhan's voice, Wendong turned his head and saw that Zhang Hanhan was on the phone, and Li Jing on the side hurriedly gave herself a silent gesture.

What surprised Li Jing this time was that Wen Dong was not as careless as before, but nodded quickly, and walked aside carefully, for fear that making a little noise would affect Zhang Hanhan's phone call.

Li Jing couldn't help being puzzled by Wen Dong's behavior, and thought: These two ruffians have changed their sex?Thinking of this, she found that Wen Dong was wearing neat and clean trousers and a shirt. This attire looked like a human being. In addition, Wen Dong didn't target herself, which made Li Jing look at him a little better.

Wendong sat quietly at the side, thinking about how to get money from Zhang Hanhan, and found that Zhang Hanhan called "Pan Boss" in his mouth. Dong's mind is full of the 100 million now, but he doesn't have the time to worry about it.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, do you want some water?" Wen Dong got up cautiously, and asked Zhang Hanhan in a soft voice.

"Thank you." Zhang Hanhan was indeed a little thirsty. He answered Pan Jinyuan's call just after returning to the office. He nodded and said without drinking water.

Just as Wen Dong was about to pour water, he suddenly remembered again, turned to look at Li Jing and asked with a smile, "Sister Li, do you want a drink?"

"Me?" Li Jing looked at Wendong in surprise, when did this guy get so good?
"This woman, you must drink more water." Regardless of Li Jingtong's disagreement, Wen Dong said in his mouth, and hurried to the drinking fountain, picked up the two glasses and poured half a glass, and then pouted from the side. He found a disposable water cup from the small cabinet, filled it up carefully, and happily took the cups of the two of them and carefully placed them in front of their desk.

"Thank you...thank you." Li Jing seemed to have seen the spectacle of an old sow climbing a tree. She couldn't even say thank you. Will be drugged.

Zhang Hanhan, who was on the phone, also looked at Wendong in surprise, and thought: This guy must have taken the wrong medicine today, right?
"Well, we can deal with this matter as we want. After all, this is Mr. Liu's mistake, and we won't be unreasonable. As for the loss of our Lanyun, I will ask someone to estimate it tomorrow. It will be sent to your company at that time, and we can discuss this matter at that time... Well, goodbye." Zhang Hanhan finished talking on the phone and hung up.

Zhang Hanhan put down the phone, and looked up curiously at Wendong who was sitting beside him quietly drinking water from a glass of water. Wendong seemed weird no matter how he looked.

"That...hehe, Mr. Zhang, are you done?" Sensing Zhang Hanhan's gaze, Wendong put down his water glass and said with a flattering smile, showing what he thought was the most handsome and gentle smile.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback, and instinctively told her that Wendong must have something to do with him, and he still wanted something from him. A little evil thought arose in his heart, and he ignored him. He immediately picked up the shelf, nodded lightly, and picked up the water glass I took a sip of water.

"Here, Mr. Zhang, would you like to have another drink?" Just as Zhang Hanhan put down his cup, Wen Dong rushed up, Zhang Hanhan was taken aback, thinking that this guy was out to make money for himself, but Wen Dong didn't To ask this.

"I..." Zhang Hanhan looked up at Wendong in a daze, his little head was suddenly confused, what did Wendong do?
"Oh, we are all from our own family, so don't be shy." Wen Dong said so familiarly, picked up Zhang Hanhan's glass and poured it with water, and carefully placed it in front of Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan picked up the water glass in a daze, and looked up to find that Wen Dong was looking at him with a cheap face and smiling at him. Zhang Hanhan really couldn't stand Wen Dong's gaze, and besides, he still had a lot of things to deal with tonight, so he had no choice but to ask Said: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Wen Dong looked at Zhang Hanhan in shock.


"Oh, Mr. Zhang, you are really a god. You are worthy of being a fairy. Mr. Zhang is really smart." Wen Dong said flatteringly.

"Come here, let the fart go!" Zhang Hanhan was dumbfounded by Wendong's nonsense, and he became vigilant in his heart, don't be confused by this guy, in case this bastard coaxes him to think If you want to engage in such a great AV business, you must kick him out.

"This...will you promise me?" Wen Dong suddenly felt embarrassed, rubbing his hands with embarrassment on his face.

"You can talk about it first, but there should be an [-]% chance that you won't agree." Zhang Hanhan said.


"There is a good saying: If you don't have anything to show courtesy, you can either rape or steal. Your hospitality is too obvious. It gives me the feeling of a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greetings. I must have no good intentions." Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but said with a smile , I wondered, what exactly did Wendong ask himself to do?
"Oh, Mr. Zhang, you have wronged a good person, but I am sincerely courteous." Wen Dong was not happy when he heard it, and said aggrievedly.

(End of this chapter)

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