Chapter 189

"Puchi!" Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan was immediately amused by Wen Dong's words, laughed, and suddenly became vigilant, Wen Dong is a good-brained guy, and he has a lot of gossip in his stomach, he is obviously trying to tease me on purpose Happy, confused me.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan quickly covered up his smile, looked up at Wen Dong seriously, and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

" haven't paid me a salary. Money is a little tight recently. I'm out of money. I'm a high-level executive at Lanyun. I'm just saving food and money, but I can't even have bus money. Well, it will be laughed at by others." Wen Dong rubbed his hands together and said embarrassedly.

Wen Dong thought to himself, damn it, that sentence is really true: a man can't have money for nothing, and a man can't ask a woman for money. It's really painful when a woman asks for money.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, you said this, it was indeed my mistake. If you don't tell me about this, I will tell you. You did a good job this time. I It is decided that in addition to your salary, I will also give you some bonuses, and, since Liu Jiancheng plagiarized your design, Yingsa will compensate you for mental damage and reputation damage."

"Bonus? And damage fee? Yes, yes, there must be a loss fee. You don't know. I didn't think about food and tea in those days. This loss fee must be much, how much?" Wen Yan , Wendong's eyes lit up, he was really sleepy, and someone gave him a pillow, why did he forget the seven clothing designs, and the damage fee, at least 800 million, Wendong's peach blossom eyes are sparkling Looking at Zhang Hanhan, this pretty face is so kind no matter how you look at it.

"Your personal damage fee is estimated to be about 50, but it will take a few days to get it. As for the bonus, how about [-]?" Zhang Hanhan said.

"It's only one hundred thousand..." Wen Dong murmured, it was far from one million.

"What? Too little?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback.

"A little less."

"Then how much do you want?" Zhang Hanhan asked angrily.

"How about... 100 million?" Wen Dong raised his head and looked at Zhang Hanhan in embarrassment. Obviously, he knew that the bonus of 100 million was a little too much.

"A bonus of 100 million!? Why don't you grab it? Do you think this is a vegetable market? Asking prices all over the place, and paying back the money!" Zhang Hanhan exclaimed, looking at Wendong with a shocked face, really angry in his heart, 100 It's not that the bonus of 100 yuan has never been paid, but it is a year-end bonus, and the usual bonus, [-] yuan is definitely a high number. In the past few years, there has never been a high-level executive who has paid [-] yuan a month. This guy Wendong wants [-] yuan Wan, how dare you shout it out!
"One million is not much, right? You know, that guy Yue Chen stole my design, and Liu Jiancheng gave him back one million. You are also the chief executive of Lanyun, so you can't be more stingy than Liu Jiancheng, right?" Wen Dong blushed and argued hard.

"That's a crime, can it be the same?" Zhang Hanhan said angrily, and after thinking about it, he reluctantly compromised: "You have indeed made a great contribution to our Lanyun this time, but I absolutely cannot give you a bonus of 100 million now. , that will make people think that I am partial and unfair. At the end of the year, I will give you a bonus of 100 million at the end of the year."

"Oh, don't say it's the end of the year, even the end of the month, I'm still waiting for the 100 million to save my life." Wen Dong said with a sad face.

"Help? What do you mean? Who threatened you!?" Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan was stunned for a moment, and his beautiful face was instantly covered with a layer of frost. Wendong did such a big thing for Lanyun this time. The limelight can benefit the company, and it also offends the interests of some people, such as the most direct heroic Liu Jiancheng or Pan Jinyuan. If Wendong is threatened because of this, then Zhang Hanhan will not be willing to say anything, otherwise , who dares to make profits for the company?

"No, no, ah, yes, yes, hey, no, no." Wen Dong quickly waved his hands, and suddenly remembered that Li Binger was threatening him, so he nodded quickly, but Li Binger's threat was not Zhang Hanhan at all. In the end, Wen Dong himself was also confused about the kind he was thinking about.

"What difficulties are you encountering? Tell me, and I may be able to help you." Zhang Hanhan was also confused, and the more Wen Dong was like this, the more worried she was, thinking that he didn't dare to say it.

"This one……"

"What's the matter?"

Sensing the anxiety in Zhang Hanhan's eyes, it was obvious that he was really worried about himself, Wen Dong's heart warmed up, and he said it with a mournful face.

"You actually used the stolen money to speculate in stocks? You really are so brave! You don't want to die!" Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong, and said with a look of hatred, not knowing what to say, Let yourself worry for nothing.

"I can't do anything about it. Our Lanyun's stock market has fallen. Although we have no money, we are still the top management of Lanyun. In order to stabilize Lanyun's stock market, we will do our best. Mr. Zhang, Li Binger is waiting to arrest me with his watch on. It doesn’t matter if you arrest me. The key point is that it will be troublesome if someone with a heart sees it. It's also involved, if something goes wrong, it will be troublesome, our Lanyun New Clothing Company just got a little angry, but we can't stand it, otherwise, I will become a sinner through the ages." Wen Dong snotted his nose Talking in tears, he looked like a man who would throw his head and blood for Lanyun.

"So, all you did was for Lanyun?" Zhang Hanhan looked at Wendong with a weird face, feeling funny in his heart, this guy is really talented, he can call black people white, It feels like if I don't give him 100 million, I will be a sinner through the ages.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang is sympathetic to the people and knows my heart." Wen Dong looked up at Zhang Hanhan, as if he had met a confidant. If he hadn't annoyed the great God of Wealth, Wen Dong might rush forward and grab Zhang Hanhan's little hand and rub it hard. got it.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with me there, stabilize Lanyun's stock market? Is your 100 million useful? You know that after tonight's incident, Lanyun's stock market will definitely go up again? Take the opportunity to make money A stroke?" Zhang Hanhan smiled, but what he said didn't give Wendong face at all, and immediately broke his initial carelessness.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang knows everything." Wen Dong touched his head in embarrassment. With Zhang Hanhan's cleverness, he could see what he was thinking at a glance. Naturally, Wen Dong would not talk nonsense anymore. His biggest goal now is money. As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Hanhan expectantly.

Zhang Hanhan also knew the seriousness of this matter. Fortunately, the other party was Li Binger, otherwise Wendong might have been caught in the police, so he would have to give the 100 million.

Zhang Hanhan lowered his head and took out a bank card from the small drawer in front of him. This was the card that he had taken by him when he first met Wendong. It's God's will to sneak back, this card will still be in Wendong's hands sooner or later.

Sensing the red light in Wen Dong's eyes, and seeing that he was about to grab him, Zhang Hanhan waved his hand to avoid it, raised the card in his hand and said to Wen Dong: "There is 150 million in this card, then, your personal loss fee I will give it to you in advance, and your bonus this time will be calculated separately. I will hold a special meeting for you in the next few days and send it to you at that time. As for the remaining 100 million, it is considered as this year’s year-end bonus, and it will be given to you in advance. The password has not been changed." With that said, Zhang Hanhan handed the card to Wendong.

"Bonuses are calculated separately?" Hearing this, Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and he almost cried out excitedly. He grabbed the card in his hand, and then, under Zhang Hanhan's dumbfounded, Wen Dong threw himself on Zhang Hanhan's lap. Go up, put your hands on your thighs: "Mr. Zhang, you are really a bodhisattva. You saved my life. In this life, people will follow you. From now on, you can do whatever you say!"

Zhang Hanhan's legs trembled, and he almost cried out in surprise. A flash of panic flashed across his pretty face, and he blushed instantly. He opened his mouth and shouted, "Wendong, get up quickly, what are you doing!"

Unexpectedly, Wendong, who was in a state of excitement, didn't seem to hear it. He hugged one of Zhang Hanhan's thighs with both hands, and as he spoke, it seemed that his nose had been wiped on Zhang Hanhan's white and tender thighs, and he shouted: "You are My reborn parents, I am grateful to you all my life..."

But at this time, Li Jing on the side was already frightened and dumbfounded. She watched Wendong lying in front of Zhang Hanhan and holding her thigh. You know, Zhang Hanhan is wearing a skirt now, and Bai Shengsheng's thigh is not covered at all. The gangster Wen Dong not only hugged him like this, but even put his face on Zhang Hanhan's lap, rubbing against it...

"Wendong, let me go quickly, what is wrong with you like this, believe it or not, I'll take back the card in your hand immediately!" Zhang Hanhan felt his heart was about to jump out, and when he looked up, he found himself The senior assistant Li Jing looked at her side with stupid eyes, and Zhang Hanhan's red face instantly turned into a baked sesame seed, he was so ashamed.

You know, my thighs have never been touched by a man, let alone being hugged by a man with nothing on. Zhang Hanhan was ashamed and angry, and wished to kick the bastard away, but Wen Dong This bastard's face was stuck to his leg, and he was wearing a skirt. When the other leg was lifted up, it would be strange if it didn't disappear. Zhang Hanhan was about to go crazy with anger.

"Hey, hey, I'm getting up right now, I'm so excited, so excited..." Hearing that Zhang Hanhan wanted to get the money back, Wendong reluctantly let go of Zhang Hanhan's leg, not waiting for Zhang Hanhan to get angry, Wen Dong hurriedly said again: "I'm going to call Li Binger right now, so what, I'll go first..."

(End of this chapter)

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