How bad guys are made

Chapter 190 Lollipop

Chapter 190 Lollipop

Wen Dong stuffed the card into his pocket with all his strength, and in the blink of an eye, he changed from tears of gratitude to foolishness. As he said this, he turned his head and made a face and a haha ​​at Li Jing who was still in shock. Just ran away without a trace.

Closed the door with a bang, Wen Dong was afraid that Zhang Hanhan would recover and chase him, so he got into the elevator in a few steps. When the door of the elevator closed, Wen Dong breathed a sigh of relief. He took out his bank card, smiled triumphantly, and thought: At last, I don't have to be afraid that Li Bing'er will catch me into the trap.

Wendong leaned comfortably against the corner of the elevator, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he hugged Zhang Hanhan's thigh just now, and sighed in his mouth: "Mr. Zhang's leg is finally touched, look at you Do you dare to tempt me with your legs in the future..."

At that time, Wendong was taking revenge. Wendong was a vengeful animal. He did not forget the sentence Zhang Hanhan said when he teased him at the ball, "I allow you to touch my legs". It's not enough to stimulate, this girl Zhang Hanhan really thinks she dare not touch her?Tiny! ?
Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't help but think of the scene when he touched her thigh just now, and he clearly noticed the trembling of Zhang Hanhan's thigh, as if his whole body was tense, and his face was as red as a monkey's butt, Wendong I couldn't help feeling puzzled again, and said to myself: "Why is this woman's reaction a bit like Sun Xiaojie's? Has she never been touched by a man before?"

You know, Zhang Hanhan is Zhang Wending's mistress. If she can take this position, she must be able to do everything. However, with Wendong's red-like eyes, no matter what, I feel that Zhang Hanhan is still an inexperienced person. Now this temptation has proved his conjecture even more, but in this way, Wendong became even more puzzled.

That Zhang Wending has always been referred to by Wendong as old and immortal, but at most he will be over 50 years old. Although he is a little old, he is still more than enough to have sex. Unless he is stupid, otherwise how could he not eat Zhang Hanhan? Give her such a big group to manage?

"Ding..." The sound of the elevator door opening interrupted Wen Dong's doubts.

Forget it, don't want to...

"Gululu..." Zhang Hanhan picked up the water glass in front of him and drank all the water in it, but he still suppressed your thumping heart that was about to jump out of your chest. Looking at himself, Zhang Hanhan wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in and never come out again.

Zhang Hanhan is a smart person, he suddenly remembered the scene of Wen Dong's foolishness when he left, and he didn't feel any sense of gratitude, and suddenly realized that this bastard was taking advantage of himself!

But after realizing it, Zhang Hanhan was even more angry, and wanted to go to this bastard Wendong to kick him hard, but he was afraid that others would find out that Wendong was holding his thigh. If you get cheap, suffer from being dumb?

It just pissed me off!Zhang Hanhan gritted her teeth with hatred, but she didn't know that her naive attitude at this time made Li Jing on the side even more puzzled. Why did Mr. Zhang look like a shy and angry little girl whose first kiss was taken away by the other party in the first love, isn't it?

Zhang Hanhan, whose lungs were about to explode, naturally didn't notice Li Jing's weird eyes. He picked up the cup and found that there was no water. He quickly got up and went to the drinking fountain beside him to pour water, and suddenly noticed that Li Jing was looking at him Zhang Hanhan was startled, and quickly lowered his head and patted the slightly wrinkled skirt, staggered, and almost fell to the ground...

At this time, Wen Dong, who had already been cut into pieces by someone, was standing at the door of his office in a daze, as if he had lost his soul, his face was not good-looking, and there was even a hint of pain in his slightly dull eyes .

The office is very clean. The cigarette butts that I smoked when designing clothes here before have been swept away, and the desk next to Wendong's desk is even cleaner, which is Sun Xiaojie's desk. At this time, except for a computer, those belonging to Sun Xiaojie The things are gone.

I remember that when I copied the data to the USB flash drive this afternoon, it was not cleaned up, so it is obvious that Sun Xiaojie came here secretly tonight.

Even if Wendong knew that with Sun Xiaojie's temper, he would never forgive himself, but Wendong was not in such pain as now. Maybe it was because he still had a fluke mentality in his heart, but now, she is really gone...

Like a puppet, Wen Dong walked into the office slowly with a stiff body. When he saw a neatly stacked rag beside his desk, he touched it with a slightly trembling hand. There was water and it was very cold.Turning his head slightly, looking at his seat, Wen Dong gently sat on it, recalling in his mind the scene of Sun Xiaojie sitting on his seat with a rag and carefully cleaning the table for himself; A few days ago, the water had already been poured inside, and I lightly touched the kettle on the side with my fingers, it was very cold...

The silence in the office was frightening, and there was a sad atmosphere that oppressed people who couldn't breathe.Wendong is like a wandering ghost who has lost his soul. He does not make a sound under his feet. In his mind, he plays back the scene of Sun Xiaojie coming to the office. He will stop everywhere...

After a long time, Wen Dong slowly returned to his seat and opened the drawer. There were cigarettes in it, but when he saw what was in the drawer, he froze on the spot.

There was no more cigarettes left, only a beautifully packaged box. Wendong quickly took it out, opened it, and found a whole box of lollipops with different colors and flavors. A small note was placed on it. There is a line of beautiful and small characters written on it, which looks like Sun Xiaojie's notes.

"Smoking is bad for your health. If you want to smoke, just eat a lollipop. It's very sweet."

There is no inscription on it, and the words spoken are not touching words of love, neither hate nor regret.

"Sweet? Or bitter—"

Wen Dong's hand was firmly grasping the box in his hand, and his whole body trembled violently. Just such an ordinary sentence was like sharp thorns poking his heart vigorously.

"Xiaojie..." A voice came out of Wendong's mouth, which was low and hoarse.

Wen Dong stood up abruptly, and rushed out of the office like crazy...

"Huhu..." Wendong ran from the nineteenth floor to the square in front of the building along the stairs, his chest was as violent as a bellows, and he didn't see Xiaojie's figure along the way. She's gone now.

Wendong sat down on a stone step, facing the cool evening breeze, it seemed that the sea breeze was salty and a bit bitter, Wendong smiled wryly, and suddenly understood, even if he found Xiaojie, so what Sample?It is impossible for me to give up He Qing no matter what, so what qualifications do I have to let her come back?
"Dinglingling..." At this moment the phone rang again, it was Li Binger's number.

"Hello? Well, send me your account number, and I'll send you the money."

"Well, I'll send it to you right away." Li Binger on the other side of the phone was taken aback, because she could tell that something was wrong with Wen Dong, but she was not the kind of person who took the initiative to care about others, so she agreed Hang up the phone.

"Ding Lingling..." Wendong just went to the self-service bank to transfer the money to Li Binger's card. At this time, the phone rang again. Wendong thought it was Li Binger who received the money and told him, but he didn't expect it to be Li Binger. Lin Xiaoxi.

It's midnight, Lin Xiaoxi should go home, right?She doesn't want to let herself go home, does she?

Wen Dong was puzzled, then answered the phone.

"Wendong, where are you? I'll return the key to you." Lin Xiaoxi answered the phone and said directly, her tone full of anxiety.

"Give me back my key? Can't you stop?" Wen Dong was stunned and asked in doubt.

"It's not that I can't stop. Just now my mother called and said that my father has been notified of a critical illness. I must go back immediately. Come back quickly. I will return the key to you." Lin Xiaoxi said anxiously.

"Go back now? Is there a car?" Wen Dong was startled and asked.

"Whether there is a car or not, I must go back tonight." Lin Xiaoxi said anxiously, with a firm tone, but there was a hint of crying in her voice.

"Well, you wait for me, I'll go back now, you don't need to take a car, I'll drive you." Wen Dong said quickly, and walked quickly to the underground garage of Lanyun while talking on the phone.

"Okay, okay, I'll be waiting for you at home." Lin Xiaoxi said excitedly, even forgetting to say thank you, which shows how anxious she was.

"Don't worry, uncle will be fine." Wen Dong walked quickly, comforting the excited Lin Xiaoxi.


Wendong drove all the way back to Lantian Community, rushed up to the third floor, pushed open the half-hidden door, and found Lin Xiaoxi anxiously walking around in the living room, her beautiful face was still stained with wet tears, obviously All crying.

"Is it packed?" Wen Dong took a breath and asked quickly.

"Well, there's nothing to clean up. If you send me back like this, will it delay your work? Do you need to pack anything else?" Lin Xiaoxi quickly leaned over to pick up a small bag, and gave Wen Dong a grateful look.

"What time is this? What work are we talking about? There's nothing to clean up. Let's go now." Wendong also knew that Lin Xiaoxi was in a hurry, and he had nothing to explain, so he didn't even bother to change his clothes, so he threw Lin Xiaoxi Pulled it out and closed the door.

"Wendong, thank you, I..."

"Stop talking, we'll talk on the way if you have anything to say." Wen Dong turned his head and gave Lin Xiaoxi a comforting look, and hurriedly led the way downstairs.

"En." Lin Xiaoxi glanced at Wendong gratefully, and hurriedly followed, but she was too anxious to walk down the stairs. When she went down the stairs, she made a wrong step, stepped on the air, let out a coquettish cry, and fell down go.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Wen Dong grabbed Lin Xiaoxi's waist, thus avoiding his death. Lin Xiaoxi quickly and unconsciously hugged Wen Dong's body with his open hands, and his little face blushed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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