How bad guys are made

Chapter 191 Rush to Songhai City

Chapter 191 Rush to Songhai City

"Let's go, some of the voice-activated lights in this corridor are broken, I will lead you." Xiangyu was in his arms, but Wendong was not in the mood to feel this, so he quickly let go of Lin Xiaoxi's body, took Lin Xiaoxi's little hand and Go downstairs.


A Zhanyi brand car worth several million, with its headlights shaking, turned the steering wheel hastily, and with a beautiful tail flick, it sped out of the community.

Shuicheng belongs to a municipality directly under the Central Government, but Lin Xiaoxi's hometown is not Shuishi. It is in a place called Mingxi County, which belongs to Songhai City, not far from Shuishi. Because Lin Xiaoxi's father was too seriously ill, he died a few days ago. It has been transferred from the county hospital to the city.

Wendong's destination is the No.1 Civilian Hospital in Songhai City.

Lin Xiaoxi's father suffered from uremia. Needless to say, as long as it is uremia, it is already at an advanced stage, and Wendong has a D-level skill as a master doctor, and he still knows these diseases very well.

Now that the hospital has issued a critical illness notice, it can be seen how serious it is. If you say a bad word, Lin Xiaoxi's father will pass away. It's no wonder that Lin Xiaoxi cried anxiously.

It is almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and there are not many cars on the road, especially after getting on the viaduct and running into the expressway, there are even fewer cars on the road. Wen Dong stepped on the accelerator hard to control the speed of the car tightly to the maximum limit Speed ​​up the pulse speed.

Sitting in this car can naturally run faster, but Wendong is not speeding, even though he has absolute confidence in his skills, because there are surveillance on the high speed, if the traffic police find out, it will be even worse if you don’t bother. wasting time.

While driving the car intently, Wendong turned his head to look at Lin Xiaoxi, who was sitting nervously on the co-pilot with an anxious expression on his face, and said, "According to this speed, it is expected to arrive in four to 10 minutes, but it must not be so fast when we get to the urban area. Speed ​​up, it will take five to 10 minutes anyway, why don't you close your eyes and rest for a while."

"Well, I'm fine." Lin Xiaoxi nodded.

Hearing this, Wendong smiled wryly, shook his head and said nothing more, but he felt a little envious of Lin Xiaoxi in his heart. Although this envy is somewhat weird in the current situation, Wendong is just envious.He was an orphan since he was a child, and the word "parents" was too far away for him.

Thinking of this, Wendong suddenly missed the old cripple. Although the cripple saved a lot of coffin books, who will take care of him when he gets old?
"I'll be there soon, call your mother and ask where your father is now." More than half an hour later, Wen Dong's car had already driven into Songhai City, Wen Dong turned his head and said.

"You don't need to ask, I asked before." Lin Xiaoxi shook her head and said, but her little hand was holding the phone nervously. She didn't call her mother all this way. It wasn't that she wasn't worried, but that she was too nervous and scared. She was afraid that after calling, she would hear bad news.

"En." Wen Dong nodded, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything else, because he felt that the hospital issued a critical illness notice, and it took more than an hour, so her father would have to be pushed into the operating room, and he didn't remind Lin Xiaoxi , for fear of scaring her.

After another ten minutes, I finally arrived at the No.1 People's Hospital of Songhai City. The entire parking area was packed to the brim. It can be seen how many sick people came to this hospital to see a doctor. I searched around but couldn't find a parking place. , Wendong simply turned in the direction and heard the side of the road. Although he might be fined, he couldn't control so much.

Sure enough, Wendong followed Lin Xiaoxi into the hospital all the way, and came to a consultation room on the fourth floor, but there was no one there. Lin Xiaoxi was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "Huh? Where is my father? I remember my mother said it was room 403." Ah? It can't be..." Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoxi's eyes were full of tears, and she was about to shed tears.

Wendong, who was standing by the side, saw Lin Xiaoxi's helplessness for a while, and quickly said, "Don't worry, uncle may go for kidney dialysis, you should call your mother and ask."

"Oh, yes, yes." After Wen Dong's reminder, Lin Xiaoxi woke up with a start, quickly wiped the tears off her face, took out her mobile phone and called her mother.

"Hey, mom, where's my dad? Oh, I see, I'll be there right away." Hearing her mother's words, just as Wendong thought, Lin Xiaoxi immediately felt relieved, and she wanted to cry with joy.

"Look, let me tell you, uncle will be fine." Wen Dong looked at Lin Xiaoxi's cat-like face and comforted him.

"Well, well, let's go find them." Lin Xiaoxi nodded excitedly, glanced at Wendong gratefully, and while talking, took the initiative to grab Wendong's big hand and left.

"Xiaoya?" The two came all the way to the door of the emergency room on the sixth floor. A haggard middle-aged woman said in surprise when she saw Lin Xiaoxi coming in a hurry.

"Mom..." Seeing this, Lin Xiaoxi was overjoyed, and quickly dragged Wen Dong over.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't be so anxious." The middle-aged woman saw Lin Xiaoxi sweating profusely, and a look of love and compassion flashed in her eyes.

"How is my father?" Lin Xiaoxi asked.

"I can get through it for the time being, but according to the doctor, Lao Lin is in this state, even if he finds a suitable kidney source, he would not dare to undergo a kidney transplant." Mentioning Lin's father, Lin's mother's complexion suddenly darkened, and she sighed Said.

Wendong curiously looked up at the operating room beside him, and found that the red light was still on. He thought the operation was not over yet, so he turned his head to look at Mother Lin, and found that her appearance was somewhat similar to that of Lin Xiaoxi next to her. She was also a great beauty at that time, but due to the torment of life and years, now Mother Lin is no longer the glory of the past, with a few silver strands in her jet-black hair, sunken eye sockets, and a haggard face. Didn't get a good night's sleep.

"Who is this gentleman?" At this time, Mother Lin also found Wen Dong, looked down at the hands they were holding, and asked curiously.

"He...he is my colleague. He came here in a hurry today, so he sent me here." Sensing her mother's strange gaze, Lin Xiaoxi let out a low cry, and quickly let go of Wendong's hand, her face flushed slightly, Hastily introduced.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Xiaoxi's friend." Wen Dong hurriedly smiled and said hello.

"Hello, I'm really sorry. I'm really bothering you for asking you to come here at such a late hour." Mother Lin looked up at Wen Dong with a smile and said apologetically, but the look in her eyes was somewhat strange, as if The mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law as normal, but because she was thinking about Father Lin, her smile was somewhat forced.

"No trouble, no trouble, anyway, I have nothing to do, so I sent Xiaoxi here." Wen Dong hurriedly waved his hands politely, his old face blushed rarely.

"Old Lin will be out in a while, Xiaoxi, hurry up and take your friend to the side for a meeting, it's tiring to drive." Mother Lin said empathetically.

"You don't have to sit down, you're welcome." Lin Xiaoxi shook her head and said, thinking of her father, she wanted to accompany her mother to wait in front of the operating room.

"Yes, yes, you're welcome, I'm not tired." Wen Dong quickly responded.

"En." Seeing this, Mother Lin didn't force her anymore, but the eyes that looked at the two became more and more weird.This young man is willing to drive Xiaoxi for such a long distance at such a late hour, so the relationship must be unusual. The two came here holding hands just now, and now they say that you are welcome. Could it be...

Thinking of this, Lin's mother looked at her daughter with some reproach, and didn't tell her why she talked about her boyfriend.

"Huh? Xiaoxi, you came here so soon?" At this time, a middle-aged man hurried over and found Lin Xiaoxi beside Mother Lin, and said in surprise.

"Uncle? You're here too?" Lin Xiaoxi turned her head curiously, and quickly said, this is father's elder brother, who has a good relationship with her family. Lin Xiaoxi likes this kind uncle very much.

"Well, I haven't been back these days." Lin Bo said with a smile, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Wen Dong curiously, and asked in doubt, "Who is this?"

"Oh, he's my colleague, he came from me tonight." Lin Xiaoxi hurriedly introduced.

"Uncle Lin, hello." Wen Dong said hello.

"Well, good, good, the young man is good-looking, and he is a good-looking talent." Lin Bo looked at Wen Dong and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was a little shy. In front of the elders like Lin Xiaoxi, Wen Dong naturally had to put away his foolish ways, and thought to himself that he was lucky. Fortunately, those seven aunts and eight aunts of Lin Xiaoxi were not here, otherwise Just saying these polite words is exhausting, especially the way Mother Lin and Uncle Lin look at him, it seems a bit ambiguous, do they regard themselves as Lin Xiaoxi's boyfriend?Thinking of this, Wen Dong suddenly understood.

Fortunately, this weird atmosphere didn't last long. Five or six minutes later, the operating room had a green light, and after a while, the door of the operating room opened.

Lin Xiaoxi rushed up quickly, reached out to support the push bed and looked at her father lying on it, raised her head and asked the doctor anxiously: "Doctor, how is my father?"

"The patient had a sudden myocardial infarction caused by uremia more than an hour ago. Fortunately, it was discovered in time. Now the critical period has passed, but the patient's condition is not optimistic. Now the patient still needs to rest. You'd better not bother Him." A middle-aged man wearing glasses reached out to pull off his mask and said seriously to Lin Xiaoxi.

"Oh, oh, I see, thank you, thank you." Lin Xiaoxi agreed happily, and quickly thanked her, looking at the haggard father on the cart with moist eyes, and she was about to cry.

Father Lin's face was indeed haggard, and it could even be described as haggard. He looked more like a teenager than Uncle Lin at the side.

And Wendong, who knows a little about medicine, also knows why Father Lin became what he is now.

Uremia is a general term for a series of symptoms that occur in the late stage of renal failure. The main symptoms are poisoning caused by the accumulation of harmful substances and anemia and osteosynthesis caused by the reduction of renal hormones.

(End of this chapter)

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