Chapter 192

Uremia is not a single disease, but a clinical syndrome shared by various advanced kidney diseases. That is to say, uremia has many complications, and the complications are serious, and the onset is sudden .

In the early stage of uremia, there will be nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other gastrointestinal symptoms. In the late stage, the whole system will be affected, heart failure, mental abnormality, coma, etc., and various organ system dysfunction and substance metabolism disorders may also appear. The clinical manifestations caused by it are heart failure, arrhythmia, and myocardial damage in severe cases. In severe cases, cellulose and bloody exudate appear in the pericardial cavity, which is similar to cancer. Even if you survive, your life span will be greatly improved. shorten.

Now, there are only two methods that can cure this disease, one is kidney dialysis, and the other is kidney transplantation. Father Lin is not too old now, so if he can do kidney transplantation, then naturally It is the best, as long as the transplantation is successful and there will be no rejection, at least another 20 years can be lived.

And the reason Father Lin is so haggard now is completely tormented by these complications.

A group of four followed the operation trolley and took the elevator to the convalescent room on the fourth floor. Just now Wen Dong and Lin Xiaoxi came once, but they just took a quick look at the door and left. Now standing in the room, Lin Xiaoxi and Wen Dong are neither Consciously froze for a moment.

This room is very small, there are two beds for patients to lie in, a small bathroom, a small dining table and a small locker, and a 19-inch color TV set in the air, which made them stunned Surprisingly, the other bed was not empty, but another patient.

Where did Mother Lin and her uncle sleep?Wendong slightly raised his head and glanced at a small corner next to Father Lin's bed. There were several spliced ​​cushions on the floor, and a pair of women's cloth shoes under the bed. If you want to come, Mother Lin will sleep here, right?Thinking of this, Wen Dong's heart suddenly trembled.

Quietly turned her head and glanced at Lin Xiaoxi at the side, and found that she was also looking at the narrow corner with her own eyes, staring blankly at the three thin cushions that were spliced ​​together like notebooks. Shui Wu, aware that Wen Dong was looking at her, Lin Xiaoxi quietly raised her head to look at Wen Dong, her eyes were filled with moisture, and she was about to shed tears.

Wen Dong unconsciously reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaoxi's little hand, took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at the attending doctor with a slight smile and asked, "Doctor, can't Uncle Lin live in the intensive care unit?"

Hearing this, the doctor wearing glasses was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Wen Dong meant, sighed helplessly and said: "Yes, the patient's condition is completely qualified to be admitted to the special infirmary ward, but this is the request of the patient and his family." We can't do anything about living here."

Hearing this, Wendong clearly noticed that Lin Xiaoxi's little hand tightened, and the crystal tears could no longer hold back and flowed down. Wendong's nose was also sore for a while. As for why Lin's father and Lin's mother asked for it, then the reason Already obvious, save money.

"Mom—" Lin Xiaoxi threw herself into Mother Lin's arms, her mouth choked with sobs, and tears flowed out.

"Why are you doing this? Your friend is still here, making people laugh at you." Lin's mother seemed to guess why her daughter was crying, she stretched out her hand and patted Xiaoxi's back lovingly, and glanced at the text beside her. Dong, a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

Mother Lin knows that it is not easy for her daughter to be alone outside. The money for the hospitalization and the kidney dialysis is all borrowed by her daughter. They are both rural people, and they have never suffered. , Sleeping on the ground, so what.

"Shall we change the ward?" Lin Xiaoxi asked with a choked voice.

"What to change, isn't it good? It's more comfortable for me to sleep on the ground than on the bed in this summer." Mother Lin said, she asked that the intensive care unit costs at least 200 yuan a day, but here, there is only 50 yuan a day. [-] yuan, which is already enough, if Lin's mother didn't agree, I am afraid that Lin's father would have to move back home.

"Auntie, let's stay in the intensive care unit." Having said that, Wen Dong turned to look at the doctor beside him and said, "Can you arrange the intensive care unit for us now?"

"Yes." The doctor glanced at Mother Lin, hesitated and nodded.

"Then trouble you to arrange it now, and I will pay with you later." Wen Dong nodded gratefully.

"No, no, why are you paying the money? It is absolutely not acceptable. If Lao Lin finds out, he will move out whatever he says." Mother Lin said anxiously upon hearing this.

"Auntie, you misunderstood. The money is not mine, nor Xiaoxi's, but from the company. Xiaoxi is now our company's image spokesperson. One of the benefits is that if her parents suffer from serious diseases, The company helps to pay 90.00% of the cost, and you only pay [-]%." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"We only pay [-]%? Why are the company's benefits so good? Xiaoxi, is this true?" Mother Lin was taken aback, looking up at her daughter in doubt.

Sensing that Wendong was winking at her, Lin Xiaoxi immediately understood that this was what Wendong said on purpose, otherwise, her mother would never spend so much money to live in such a good place, she felt grateful to Wendong, and hurriedly Said: "Yeah, I forgot if Mr. Wen didn't say it, the company does have such a benefit, we only spend [-]% of it, it's actually much cheaper than living here, it's not worth it ah."

"Mr. Wen? Are you?" Mother Lin looked up at Wendong, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Oh, I am Xiaoxi's boss. I am the clearest about this matter, and the expenses that Uncle Lin spent before can also enjoy the benefits in this regard. When I have time, I will negotiate with the hospital and calculate the results. We will return 90.00% of the money Uncle Lin spent during this time." Wen Dong nodded and said hastily.

The attending doctor on the side couldn't help but looked at Wendong curiously, and immediately guessed that Wendong was lying. You know, even if he has been in the hospital for so many years and is the attending doctor, he has not enjoyed such high benefits. , and Lin Xiaoxi is so young, it is absolutely impossible to get 90.00% treatment.

"What company? Why is the treatment so good? Xiaoxi, don't lie to me. Our family has no money, but we can save money if we can. We can't let your friend spend money." Mother Lin couldn't believe it. Looking at Lin Xiaoxi seriously, he said.

"Lanyun International, I am the project director of Lanyun New Clothing Company. I will never lie to you about this matter. If you don't believe me, I will give you our company's information later." Wen Dong said with a smile .

"Lanyun International? Ah?! are Wen Dong, the designer of Lanyun New Clothing Company? You have just been promoted to be the vice president of Lanyun International tonight." Turning his head to look at Wendong, he recognized him immediately, let out a low cry, and looked at Wendong in shock, his eyes were full of little stars of admiration.

"Huh? You know me?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking curiously at the good-looking little nurse.

"Of course I know you. I've watched all the fashion shows you Lanyun released tonight, and those seven beautiful outfits are so beautiful. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I would see a real person today." The little nurse With an excited face, he became incoherent and looked at Wendong with eyes full of admiration.

Wen Dong was taken aback, and couldn't help smiling wryly. He didn't expect that he and Lin Xiaoxi would gain a small fan after coming here. In order to dispel Lin's mother's doubts, he turned to look at Lin Xiaoxi with a smile and said, "Since you watched that scene Fashion show, then you also know this one."

Hearing this, the little nurse was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Lin Xiaoxi curiously, her eyes lit up immediately, and because of excitement, she pointed at Lin Xiaoxi with trembling fingers and said excitedly: "You, you are the first female model to come on stage? You I like the dress I'm wearing very much, ah, can I take a photo for you? Don't worry, I will definitely not spread it." The little nurse looked at Lin Xiaoxi in amazement, and said excitedly, obviously, this young man The little nurse wanted to take a photo of them to show off in front of her colleagues.

"Xiao Wang, don't make a fuss, there are still patients here." The attending doctor gave the little nurse a look, but even he couldn't help but look at Wen Dong more, although he didn't look at it. What kind of fashion show, but he has heard of Lanyun International, and Wen Dong is actually the vice president of Lanyun, no wonder the export has to guarantee 90.00% of the medical expenses for this patient.

Hearing a scolding, the little nurse stuck out her tender tongue in embarrassment, but she still couldn't hide her shock and envy. She looked at Wen Dong and Lin Xiaoxi, especially Wen Dong, who was young and promising. I don’t know how many single girls are the best prince charming in their hearts.

"Auntie, do you believe it now? Your daughter is so good, it's not as difficult as you think, and just tonight, Lin Xiaoxi also became the image spokesperson of Lanyun's clothing series, and the endorsement fee is 100 million. Xiaoxi is so filial, if you don't let her help you and Uncle Lin at this time, then Xiaoxi will never be happy." Wendong smiled and turned to the shocked mother Lin.

"100 million!? Xiaoxi, it's true. Tell mom the truth, don't lie to me." Lin's mother was shocked. She had never seen how much 100 million was before at such an old age. She looked at her daughter in surprise and concern.

"This nurse has already said, how could I lie to you, mom, don't hesitate, just let me honor you and dad, you have paid too much for me over the years, it should be my daughter's repayment It's time." Lin Xiaoxi said with tears in her eyes, looking at her mother begging and expecting.

(End of this chapter)

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