How bad guys are made

Chapter 193 Upgrade Skills

Chapter 193 Upgrade Skills

"Oh, his daughter-in-law, don't hesitate. Xiaoxi is now in the limelight. She should respect you two elders. Didn't you cry when you didn't see Xiaoxi?" At this time, Uncle Lin also persuaded .

"Well, well, well, our daughter has grown up, so let's move to the intensive care unit." Mother Lin nodded excitedly and agreed.

"Miss Nurse, help me clean up first. Don't worry about what you said. I have to stay here for at least a few days." Wen Dong smiled and turned to his little fans and said, Father Lin usually has such things like drips and so on. The nurse is in charge, and if he can have a good relationship with her, he will naturally take care of Father Lin. Saying this, Wen Dong quietly winked at the little nurse, meaning that it was about taking pictures.

"Oh, yes, yes." The little nurse agreed excitedly, her fair face couldn't help but blush a little, her idol actually fired at her!Is he interested in me?
"Well, the patient's condition is not optimistic. If there is a better environment to recuperate, that would be the best. I will negotiate and arrange for you an intensive care unit now." The attending doctor nodded and said, turning to the little girl. The nurse said: "Then you can help clean up here."

"Thank you, I'll go with you and pay the money by the way." Wen Dong said hastily that he wanted to ask the doctor something.

"Okay, come with me." The doctor smiled and nodded to Wendong. It is naturally good to have a good relationship with Lanyun's chief vice president. Being able to take the position of vice president at such an old age shows that other Ability, even if you don't need it yourself, maybe your relatives or friends will need it if they go to work in Lanyun.

"I'll go too." At this time, Lin Xiaoxi hurriedly said, Wendong has done so much for herself, she naturally wants to thank her, and she also wants to ask, is the 100 million endorsement fee real? Inviting some big stars, the endorsement fee of 100 million is not much at all, and I am not famous at all.

Wendong helped her, so she was naturally grateful, but she and Wendong were not related, so the money must be paid back, especially the 100 million, she had to ask clearly.

"Xiaoxi, don't go, help here." At this time, Lin's mother suddenly stopped Lin Xiaoxi. Although what happened tonight shocked her, and what this Wendong said was well-founded, but she Still don't worry.

"Oh." Lin Xiaoxi stopped her pace helplessly, thinking to ask again later.

Wendong followed the attending doctor out of the ward, thinking about what to ask, but the doctor didn't take the initiative to say anything. Although Wendong's position is high, and he must make much more money than himself, he also has his own Professional ethics, naturally will not lick Wen Dongshang to drive him.

"Doctor, what do you mean by saying that the situation is not optimistic? Where is Uncle Lin's biggest illness?" Wen Dong asked.

"Oh? You also know medicine?" The doctor turned his head and looked at Wendong curiously.

"Well, I know a little bit, but most of them are Chinese medical skills. As for kidney dialysis, I don't know much about Western treatments." Wen Dong nodded.

"Oh, let me just say it directly. In fact, the biggest symptom of this patient is obvious, that is, the time is too long, the poisoning caused by the accumulation of harmful substances and the anemia and bone disease caused by the decrease of kidney hormones. This is the biggest symptom. And we all know that although dialysis is a good treatment method, dialysis is also a double-edged sword. It takes away harmful substances and the patient's blood. Toxic substances are discharged through dialysis, but because the patient's kidneys have almost lost their ability to regenerate and detoxify, harmful substances will slowly accumulate, and dialysis will be required at that time, so dialysis is a vicious circle at all, and the patient's life expectancy will be reduced. Greatly shortened, until the various tissues of the body lose their vitality and die." The doctor said with a sigh.

"So, kidney transplantation is the best way to cure uremia?"

"Not necessarily. Some patients may also recover through dialysis. After dialysis, the kidney function will automatically detoxify, and the body will gradually recover. However, this patient's uremia was treated too late. Although the various organs and tissues in his body There is also regenerative ability, but there are too many harmful substances accumulated in the body, and it is impossible to make ends meet, so in the patient's current condition, even if he has a kidney source, he would not dare to undergo surgery." The doctor shook his head.

"You mean, if the harmful substances in the patient's body are discharged through means, and then the functions of various tissues and organs in his body can be restored to a certain level, then it is possible to perform a kidney transplant?" Wen Dong asked.

"Well, that's what it means."

Wendong nodded silently, and immediately searched for his D-level mastery skill ability in his mind, and found one. Through acupuncture, he can achieve the effect of detoxification, but the method is not obvious, and it will take a long time. The course of acupuncture and moxibustion, but now that Father Lin is struggling to make ends meet, the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion is useless at all.

"Hiss, by the way, I remember that I still have two C-level skill upgrade crystals that are useless." Wen Dong suddenly remembered, and quickly entered his attribute panel, asking: "Can I, a D-level magic doctor, upgrade my skills?" ?”

"Ding: Yes. The D-level skill of the magic doctor can be upgraded to the A-level skill of the heavenly doctor. The host has two C-level skill upgrades, which can be upgraded to the C-level skill master. Do you want to upgrade? (Note: To upgrade this skill, you need to consume two C-level upgrade crystals)”

"Two? What do you mean? Why do you need two?"


"Then after I upgrade this skill to C-level, can I treat uremia?" Seeing that the system didn't answer, Wen Dongyou hurriedly asked.

"System: The host can only see the effect of the skill after upgrading the skill."

"Damn, cheating!" Wen Dong cursed, thinking: Although this system is a bit cheating, but if you need more things to exchange, they are good things.

Could it be that upgrading this skill to Master Master has other effects?Thinking of this, Wen Dong looked forward to it like a cat scratching.

He stomped his feet and gritted his teeth angrily: "Upgrade."

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for upgrading the D-level skill Master Doctor to the C-level skill Master Master. The host consumes two C-level skill upgrade crystals."

Wendong felt dizzy for a while, and a magical energy got into Wendong's body.

"Ding: The host has a C-level skill master level, and the system comes with two D-level skills."

"Two D-level skills? What kind of horse skills? If you calculate it this way, it's not a loss for one C-level upgrade crystal to exchange for two D-level skills."

"Ding: The host has acquired its own physical strengthening skills: invulnerable to all poisons. System evaluation: D grade."

"Ding: The host has obtained the Great Teleportation skill, system rating: D-level."

"Hundreds of poisons do not invade? Damn it! The great shift of the universe?" Hearing this, Wen Dong's eyes lit up immediately. This great shift of the universe was taken from the "Nine Suns Manual". Brother Zhang Wuji is amazing with this skill. Coax no one can stop wow.

I remember that this Great Teleportation of the Universe still has the effect of Tai Chi, which is to use strength to strike, not only can remove the opponent's strength attack, but also use this strength to counterattack the opponent. This is a good skill, is there any!

"Mr. Wendong, Mr. Wendong? What's the matter with you?" Just as Wendong was doing all kinds of pornography, the doctor had already brought Wendong to the place where the money was paid, and Wendong stood there in a daze. There, the doctor couldn't help calling twice more.

"Ah? It's all right, are you at the place yet?" Wen Dong woke up suddenly. Anyway, he already had the skills, so he just went back and studied slowly, and asked quickly.

"En." The doctor looked at Wendong suspiciously, without thinking too much, thinking that he was distracted just now.

In the ward...

"Xiaoxi, tell mom the truth, this Mr. Wendong is really Lanyun's vice president? Is that Lanyun company very powerful? Is it a regular company?" Mother Lin took Lin Xiaoxi's little hand and asked solemnly .

"Yeah, Wendong was promoted to vice president. That's what Lanyun's president said, so it's still a lie. Of course Lanyun is a regular company, and it's very powerful." Lin Xiaoxi knew that her mother was worried that she would be cheated. Hastily said seriously.

"Aunt Lin, you have filtered it. Lanyun International is a Fortune [-] company with at least several tens of billions of capital. It is definitely a regular company." At this time, the little nurse said.

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi glanced at her gratefully. Sometimes, she might not believe what her relatives said, but she believed what others said. Now, Mother Lin believed it.

"This man named Wendong became the vice president at a young age, he must be very powerful, does he have a girlfriend?" Mother Lin asked.

"Ah? Why are you asking this?" Lin Xiaoxi panicked and asked embarrassingly.

"Of course I'm doing it for you, just tell mom if you have any." Mother Lin looked at her daughter seriously and said.

"No, I haven't heard that he has a girlfriend." Lin Xiaoxi thought for a while, thinking: Since Wendong can let himself live in his house, then he should not have a girlfriend, or else his girlfriend wouldn't either willing.

"Oh, that's good." Mother Lin said with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, whatever is fine, what do you mean?"

"I'm afraid that you will become someone's mistress. Although our family is a little poor, it's not enough to destroy people's feelings for money." Mother Lin said seriously.

"Oh, mom! What are you talking about, Wendong is not that kind of person." Lin Xiaoxi blushed pretty when she was told by her mother's straightforward words, and shook her mother's arm angrily.

"Well, then I don't worry. I think Wendong is not bad. If you two get married, my mother will support her, but I don't know how the Wendong family is doing." Mother Lin said to herself.

"Yes, yes, I think this young man Wendong is really nice, kind-hearted, and diligent. Although the position of the vice president is a bit high, our daughter of the old Lin family is not bad. Besides, Xiaoxi is very tall. She is so beautiful, and Wen Dong is considered a good-looking man, as long as Wen Dong treats Xiaoxi well, Xiaoxi will be fine with him." At this time, Xiaoxi's uncle also said.

(End of this chapter)

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