How bad guys are made

Chapter 195 Pan Jinyuan's Revenge

Chapter 195 Pan Jinyuan's Revenge
At this time, Zhang's mother on the side of the phone picked up the conversation: "Yes, yes, your father and I are very supportive, even if for some reason, he can't be your husband on the surface, but at least we can let him be your fiance Ah, this fiancé and husband are nothing more than a matter of status, it doesn't matter, and it won't delay your birth of a big fat boy. It's not a problem to have ten or eight children. If you can't take care of it, I'll tell you Dad can be brought to Australia to raise, and you just have to give birth.” Zhang’s mother said again, and when it came to ten or eight big fat boys, she herself said that she was happy, and she was overjoyed.

"Mom!" Zhang Hanhan yelled helplessly, with a speechless face, patted his forehead with his little hand, and leaned back on the sofa with his whole body, is this still his real mother?

When her mother interrupted her like this, Zhang Hanhan forgot about Wendong. He and Wendong had nothing to do with each other. How could this be so complicated that it was time to have a baby——

"Okay, don't listen to your mother's nonsense, she's just entertaining herself. I heard that this Wendong's private life is a little rough, and he seems to have an affair with his boss, He Qing. We will return to China tomorrow, and you can arrange for me Meet Wen Dong." Zhang Wending said.

"How did you know?"

"No one is helping to watch, do you think I will trust you to take care of such a big company? I also know that you are interested in that Wendong, otherwise I would not go back to China with your mother in such a hurry. Let's see how attractive this Wendong is, and it has actually moved my daughter's heart." Zhang Wending said.

"Who is tempted by Wendong? Who told you that!?" Zhang Hanhan was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately exploded, with a small face flushed with shame and anger.

"Don't worry about it, we'll talk about it tomorrow when we meet, hang up first." After speaking, before Zhang Hanhan could say anything, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Hanhan stared blankly at the phone that had been hung up, his sexy little mouth pouted hard, and he couldn't tell what kind of complicated expression he had on his face: Oh my god, which goddamn bastard told Dad that I was interested in that bastard Wendong ?Are your eyeballs growing on your butt? !
Zhang Hanhan was angry for a while and couldn't help thinking that his parents would return to China tomorrow. When he thought of his father's meeting with that foolish guy Wendong, what kind of war would it be?Thinking about it, Zhang Hanhan felt pain in his heart, wishing he could bite his tongue and kill himself.

At the same time, just after Wen Dong arranged Father Lin to the intensive care unit, he also received a call. He quickly picked up the phone and looked at it. He was slightly taken aback. It was Pan Jinyuan.

Wen Dong looked at the time, it was already a quarter past twelve in the evening, why is this woman still thinking about this.

Afraid of disturbing Lin's father who had just finished the operation, Wen Dong cast an apologetic look at Lin's mother, picked up the phone, and hurried out.

"It's so late, why are you still calling." Wen Dong walked out of the ward, sat down on the rest chair next to him and said casually.

"You didn't come tonight." Pan Jinyuan said.

"I don't seem to have promised to go." Wen Dong crossed Erlang's legs and picked his nostrils. This woman is really self-righteous. She thinks she is rich and powerful, so she has to go to her?
Hearing this, Pan Jinyuan was silent for a while, her tone was serious, and she even said with a hint of pleading: "Can you let Liu Jiancheng go? As long as you can let him go, you can put forward any conditions, including getting me!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect Mr. Pan to be a person who values ​​love and righteousness." Wen Dong grinned, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Although I don't have much relationship with Liu Jiancheng, we are husband and wife after all. Even if he can no longer be the president of the Yingsa branch after this incident, or even my husband, I will try my best to protect him. "Pan Jinyuan didn't seem to understand the irony in Wendong's words, and said in a serious tone.


Pan Jinyuan sighed and said, "Don't look at me as a CEO of the world's top [-] companies. In fact, most of Yingsa's shares are not in my hands. This is a matter of my family, and it is inconvenient for me to share with you. In detail, since Liu Jiancheng made this happen, he has already been sentenced to death in Yingsa, which is the greatest punishment for him. I think Mr. Wen can forgive and forgive others. In this way, We are not only friends, but you may also get me, when you come to our Yingsha side, you will definitely be treated much better than Lanyun..."

"Mr. Pan, please pay attention to your identity. Your identity is indeed noble, but not every man wants to have something to do with you and get some benefits. I have no interest in you. Moreover, Liu Jiancheng's criminal facts have been convicted , I have no right to change it, he deserves what he deserves, and not every wrong thing can be forgiven and redeemed." Wen Dong said seriously.

Pan Jinyuan was silent for a long time: "You can withdraw the lawsuit. As long as you withdraw the lawsuit, I have a way to get Liu Jiancheng out."

"Withdraw the lawsuit? Mr. Pan, are you joking? Why should I withdraw the lawsuit? It is absolutely impossible to withdraw the lawsuit. Mr. Pan, if you have nothing to do, just hang up. I still have things to do." Wen Dong said firmly.

"Wendong, you will regret what you said today!" Pan Jinyuan's tone was icy cold, and after finishing speaking, she hung up the phone.

"Boring woman." Wen Dong put the phone in his pocket, pouted, he enjoyed this kind of threat too much, Wen Dong didn't care.

But what Wendong didn't know was that what Pan Jinyuan said was not a lie.

Pan Jinyuan was sitting cross-legged in the bedroom of a presidential suite of the Water City International Hotel. She was wearing silk pajamas that set off her sexy, plump and sultry body, but her complexion was not good-looking. With a gloomy face, when she thought of what Wen Dong said to herself just now, a killing intent flashed through her eyes.

Wendong, if I can't get it, no one can get it, even if I destroy you with my own hands!
The Pan family is very famous in the Bangzi Kingdom, and the rise of the Pan family is somewhat similar to that of Lan Yun, because the Pan family also started from the underworld, and even in terms of background, it is much higher than Lan Yun. After all, Lan Yun The rise of Zhang Wending started from Zhang Wending.

Pan Jinyuan remembered that her father once told her about a well-known killer organization, which originated from the kingdom of heaven, but because the kingdom of heaven had too strict control over this aspect, the killer organization was almost wiped out by the army of the kingdom of heaven decades ago. The organization moved to Europe.

And although this killer organization was hit hard, not only did it not decline after the relocation, but in just 20 years, it flourished. Every famous country has their bases, and the name of this killer organization is - Seven Kills!

It is said that there are not many killers in the Seven Kills organization, but all of them are elite killers, and the name Seven Kills ranks among the top ten killer organizations in the entire world, which shows its strength.

There must be members of the Seven Killers in Water City, right?
Pan Jinyuan murmured, and quickly took a laptop computer and put it on her lap. After turning on the computer, she entered a certain secret IP, and a page popped up, and Pan Jinyuan entered a string of more than ten digits of passwords. After the page, after Pan Jinyuan entered the words Tianguo Water City on the computer, a white screen popped up on the computer page.

Only two lines of words popped up on the computer screen: 18777777XXX, code name: Qingyan.

A mobile phone number, and a code name that should be the killer.

Pan Jinyuan quickly took out a special mobile phone in her bag, and called the number on it. This mobile phone was given by his father. After special encryption and anti-detection methods, ordinary people would not be able to find out Pan Jinyuan's location.

Got through!

Pan Jinyuan thought right, this number can be connected 24 hours a day.

After the phone rang for two seconds, it was picked up. A cold female voice rang out from the phone, speaking even more concisely: "Speak."

"Help me kill two people, and I'll give you 2500 million." Pan Jinyuan said directly.

"Name, information." The woman codenamed Qingyan said.

"One is Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun International. The other is Wendong, the project director of Lanyun International. He was just promoted to the vice president of Lanyun tonight. I will give you 2000 million for killing Zhang Hanhan, and 500 million for Wendong." Pan Jinyuan Said.

"Wendong?" On the other side of the phone, Qing Yan murmured, her pretty brows furrowed tightly.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Pan Jinyuan didn't hear what Qingyan said clearly, and asked in doubt when she saw that she didn't answer.

"I don't accept this task." Qing Yan said directly.

"En? Why?" Pan Jinyuan couldn't help being surprised. Could it be that the killer codenamed Qingyan knew Wendong or Zhang Hanhan?Or, do you think the money given is too little?
No one answered Pan Jinyuan's words, a blind tone sounded on the phone, and the killer codenamed Qingyan had already hung up the phone.

At a certain window on the third floor of a certain building in Lantian Community, a gust of evening wind blew in, and the curtains shook slightly. In the darkness, a graceful figure slowly appeared in front of the window sill.

The beautiful face of the country and the city was icy cold, and the pretty face was stern, without any emotion.The slightly cool evening wind messed up her waterfall-like hair, and the evening wind blew the silk pajamas on her body tightly against her body, reflecting a hot and sexy figure with bumps and bumps.

She is the landlord of the killer, the killer of the Seven Killing Group, a young generation, codenamed Qingyan.

The killer landlord gently poked his head out of the window, and at night, his bright eyes swept towards the next door. The next door was pitch black. Feel it carefully, and there is no trace of anger. Wen Dong is not at home.

Gently raised her white and tender little hand, flicked her fingertips lightly, and the phone immediately lit up. Because she didn't go out often, Qingyan's skin was very snow-white. Against the background of the phone screen, that beautiful white face The face looked very frightening, especially the cold killing intent that occasionally flashed across those indifferent eyes, which made people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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