How bad guys are made

Chapter 196 Killer Blood Son

Chapter 196 Killer Blood Son
With a swipe of jade-like fingers, Wendong's number appeared on the phone, and a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the beautiful landlady.She really wanted to kill the man who had violated her body, but every time she saw this man, she always hesitated again, a state she had never experienced before.

Just now, she wanted to call Wendong to remind him that someone was going to kill him, but she hesitated again.

The complex emotions in her heart made her cold and indifferent eyes full of life again, revealing the emotional state of a normal person.

After a long time, the night wind blew in gusts, and while the curtains were shaking, the beautiful figure was no longer in front of the window.

Wen Dong, who was far away in Songhai City, had just gone to the toilet to go back to the ward. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang, it was the sound of a text message.

Wendong is very tired today, and he knows that there are often some messy text message reminders at night, but for some reason, Wendong took out his mobile phone and clicked on the text message.

Seeing the text message, Wen Dong's hand holding the phone trembled, it was from the beautiful landlady.

I want to eat.

Although there are only four words, even when Wendong thinks of the cold killer landlord, Wendong feels that these four words are somewhat commanding, but Wendong is still ecstatic.

"I'm out of town, and I'll be home in two days. When I get home, I'll make you whatever you want to eat." Wen Dong grinned like a jerk, and typed a line back to the beautiful landlady.

In a room with an extremely simple layout, the mobile phone next to the bed lit up, and the beautiful landlady, who is sensitive to bright lights, opened her eyes immediately, slowly turned sideways, picked up the mobile phone with her small hand, and clicked on Wendong's message .

Because of her sideways body, the bright screen of her mobile phone made the touch of her chest more white and deep. For some reason, when the beautiful landlady saw the text message from Wendong, her heart was agitated, as if Because Wen Dong's timely response reflected that he was not in danger now, he was relieved a lot.

And when she saw the words on the message, she felt a little happier in her heart, and even that cold face evoked a slight smile.


The beautiful landlord sent messages as concisely as she spoke, but just this one word almost made Wendong yell in the hospital with joy, picked up his mobile phone and kissed hard on the screen, overjoyed, his cheap nature It can be seen.

Pan Jinyuan sat on the bed with a face full of anger. For the first time in a long time, she was hung up by two people in one day. Usually, those people, whether they are her male partner or business customers, would like to Talk to yourself a little more.

"Hmph, if you don't take this task, someone will take it!" Pan Jinyuan snorted angrily, and clicked the mouse to return to the page just now. This time she entered a word "Shouer" on the address, which is their Bangzi Country. In the capital, there are also members of the Seven Killing Group, and the level should be higher than that of the code-named Qingyan. It is nothing more than spending more money. She is not short of money!
After entering a series of passwords, a screen popped up on the computer again, the same as before: 13477777XXX code name: Qingxue.

Pan Jinyuan hurriedly called.

"Hello, Qisha, I'm glad to serve you." At this time, a man's voice rang from the other side of the phone. The surrounding of the man seemed to be quite noisy, accompanied by the woman's panting. It was obvious that the killer was doing something big.

"Help me kill two people. One is Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun Group in Tianguo Water City, and the other is a senior executive of Lanyun Group, named Wendong. The commission is 3000 million." Pan Jinyuan said directly.

"Heavenly Water City? Dear lady, that place is not within the scope of our mission. Since you know how to find us, we won't be the ones who will perform the mission." The person on the phone said.

"Hmph, indeed we found it, but the person codenamed Qingyan did not agree to accept this task." Pan Jinyuan said.

But at this time, the chatter on the phone became more noisy, and the woman's coquettish panting sound became more and more heroic. Pan Jinyuan couldn't help but feel itchy, but she was a little angry in her heart. Is Seven Kills such an organization?Why does father still admire them so much?
After the woman yelled passionately, she had obviously reached the peak. At this time, the phone was picked up by another man. It seemed that because of the important event that had just been done, the voice was very cheerful, but it also gave off a feminine feeling. : "Hey, I'm Master Xue, code name: Green Blood."

Pan Jinyuan was taken aback for a moment, and became even more angry. It turned out that the person who answered the phone just now was not the right person at all.

However, what Qingxue said made all the anger in Pan Jinyuan's heart dissipate immediately: "I can continue your mission, please send me a copy of the specific information and photos of the mission target. "

Saying so, a cold murderous intent flashed in Qingxue's eyes, he chased Qingyan for so long but failed to win her heart, even if he put medicine on Qingyan, he didn't succeed, I heard that Qingyan knew each other a few days ago A man named Wendong.

That bastard named Wendong still often went to Qingyan's house, which greatly offended him. If it weren't for the mission here, he would have killed Wendong in Shuishi long ago, and now he heard Seeing that Qingyan violated the big taboo of the Seven Killing Group and refused to accept the task of assassinating Wendong, then it can be imagined that the relationship between Wendong and Qingyan must be unusual.

In Young Master Xue's opinion, Qingyan is already his woman, whoever gets close to her will die! !

Therefore, after hearing that Qingyan refused to accept this task, Mr. Xue agreed to take this task without thinking.

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you right away. If that's the case, I'll give you a deposit of 500 million yuan first." Pan Jinyuan said hastily.

"Hehe, I really want to know who offended our honorable Miss Pan." Qingxue said with a sudden smile.

"Huh? Do you know who I am?" Pan Jinyuan asked in shock.

"Of course, your father is my distinguished guest here. How could I not know Miss Pan? I saw you once, but I was in the dark at that time, and Miss Pan didn't notice me. Although I only met Miss Pan Just for a moment, but I was overwhelmed by your sexy charm, just now I heard Miss Pan’s voice, so I agreed without even thinking about it.” Young Master Xue said with a smile, but the voice was too feminine, giving people A dark and uncomfortable feeling.

"Young Master Blood is overwhelmed. Since you know me, it's easy to say. In order to show my sincerity, I will add an additional 500 million to the commission." Being praised by a killer, Pan Jinyuan suddenly felt a different kind of excitement, and said with a smile.

"No, for this task, Ms. Pan only needs to give us a deposit of 500 million yuan, and it will be used as an errand fee." Young Master Xue said with a smile.

"Ah? Just a deposit? No commission?" Pan Jinyuan was taken aback. There is such a good thing in the world?
"Yes, but this commission has to be changed to something else, otherwise it doesn't conform to our rules." Young Master Blood licked the corner of his mouth with his scarlet tongue.

"Another thing? What do you want?" Pan Jinyuan was taken aback and asked curiously.



"Yes, I want you. Although 500 million won't hurt Ms. Pan's worth, Ms. Pan is so charming. I fantasize about having Ms. Pan's body every day." Mr. Blood said bluntly, not hiding it in his words. Live the excitement and fascination.

"Hehe, Mr. Blood, you are too good at joking. I am an old woman, so please stop praising me." Pan Jinyuan's delicate body trembled, and her whole body became hot. He had had so many men, but he had never had one before. How does it feel to be a murderer who doesn't see blood? Although she was annoyed by this bloody man's naked and blunt words, she didn't directly agree. A chicken that can split legs.

"No, Miss Pan, I'm not joking, I just want to get you." Young Master Blood denied.

"Young Master Xue, you are wrong. I am not a woman who can get whatever she wants. Of course, if we can hit it off, then I won't mind letting you have my body." Pan Jinyuan said, giving a slightly Reserved without concealing the feeling of debauchery.

"Haha, what a match, don't worry, no matter what aspect I have here, I will definitely meet Miss Pan's wishes." Mr. Xue said with a lustful face.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation. I will transfer the deposit to Mr. Blood's card in a while. I hope Mr. Blood will not disappoint me." Pan Jinyuan said.


"Wendong!" Xue Gongzi threw away the phone with a relaxed face, but just mentioned the name 'Wendong', his soft and fair face was filled with murderous intent, and a palm whiter than a woman grabbed it. On the breasts of the beautiful woman with naked body and legs stretched out, she rubbed vigorously a few times, her face was full of pleasure.

The beautiful woman's chest was in pain from being scratched by Mr. Xue, and there were red marks left behind where he grabbed it, which shows how strong the force is. The woman frowned in pain, but she didn't dare to show it. Looking at Mr. Xue with a wave of satisfaction on his face, he let out a charming hum.

"Second brother, this woman is given to you, you have to serve her well." Said Mr. Blood, looking at the burly man who answered the phone just now.

"Yes, thank you boss." The burly man greedily glanced at the woman's seductive and sexy body, and said gratefully.

Hearing that Mr. Xue was going to give herself to his younger brother, the beautiful woman let out a moan, as if she was very dissatisfied.

Young Master Xue smiled triumphantly, ignored the woman's complaints, stood up, folded his bathrobe with both hands and said, "Book three tickets to heaven." After speaking, he walked out without looking back.



Intensive Care Ward of No.1 People's Hospital of Songhai City...

The condition of the intensive care unit is undoubtedly much better than that of the previous one. There are not only two beds in the room, but also complete equipment. More importantly, the intensive care unit also has specialized senior nurses.

(End of this chapter)

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