How bad guys are made

Chapter 197 Mother Lin's Temptation

Chapter 197 Mother Lin's Temptation

When Wendong came to the intensive care unit after sending text messages with the beautiful landlord, Mother Lin and Lin Xiaoxi, a mother and daughter, were sitting on another empty bed holding hands and whispering something in a low voice, while Uncle Lin was slanting Leaning on the sofa under the TV set on the wall, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Uncle Lin was lying on another hospital bed, still in a coma and receiving an IV.

"Wendong, you're here. You're tired from working all night. There's an empty bed here. You should go to sleep quickly. You're still growing up now, so don't miss out on sleep." Mother Lin hurriedly stood up Come, said gratefully.

"Hehe, my aunt is really good at joking. How old am I? I have reached the age of marriage and I am growing up. I think you haven't had a good rest these days. I'm not tired. You should take a rest for a while. I'll take a look at it." Uncle Lin is fine." Wen Dong smiled helplessly and said in a low voice.

"Hehe, in my opinion, you are all children, but I forgot that you are indeed old enough to get married." Mother Lin smiled, and couldn't help turning her head to look at her daughter.

Sensing that her mother was looking at her, Lin Xiaoxi on the side couldn't help pouting angrily, "Wendong is at the age of marriage, what do you think I'm doing!"
"Go to sleep, I won't be sleepy after talking to Xiaoxi." Mother Lin said with a smile.

"I won't talk to you. I'll look at my father. You should rest." Lin Xiaoxi glanced at her mother angrily, got up and sat beside her father's bed, her little face was slightly red. Just now, her mother kept asking her about Wen Dong's affairs, as if wishing to give himself to Wendong.It was okay just now, now that Wendong is here, what should I do if my mother says something embarrassing again.

"Auntie, please rest quickly. We young people are very powerful, and it is common for us to stay up late. Now Uncle Lin and Xiaoxi will just watch over him. When you wake up, we will take turns taking care of Uncle." Wen Dong quickly Said.

"Oh, okay, okay, you young man is really good at talking, then you can talk to Xiaoxi, my old lady will not get involved, ha ha." Hearing this, Lin's mother suddenly understood, squinting her eyes for a little ambiguity Glancing at Wendong, he slowly leaned back on the bed.

"Enen, go to sleep." Wen Dong nodded quickly, agreeing happily.

Lin Xiaoxi, who was on the opposite side, couldn't help feeling angry when she saw Wen Dong's cheap look, who was talking to you, it was simply too narcissistic, and she gave Wen Dong an angry look.

Sensing Lin Xiaoxi's gaze, Wen Dong raised his head and looked at her, and then winked at Lin Xiaoxi very lewdly.

Lin Xiaoxi was taken aback by Wen Dong's action, and quickly turned to look at her mother behind her, seeing her smiling and looking at her, thinking that this bastard Wen Dong must have been spotted by her mother when she blinked at her, He turned to look at his mother as if he had a guilty conscience, what would his mother think?
Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoxi blushed immediately, and didn't even dare to stare at Wendong. She quickly turned her head and lay down beside her father's bed, cursing Wendong, a shameless bastard, in front of her mother. This bastard in front of him dared to tease him, it was simply too hateful.

Finding that Lin Xiaoxi was looking down and not looking at him, Wen Dong, who was in a happy mood, lost the fun for a while, and his eyes fell on Uncle Lin who was on the bed, and suddenly remembered the matter of being promoted to Master Master just now.

Upgrading this skill requires the consumption of two upgrade crystals. This awesome skill can cure this uremia.

Yes, Uncle Lin must be cured quickly, and I have to rush home to cook for the beautiful landlord.

Wen Dong made up his mind, and quickly checked his newly upgraded skills.

"Huh? The Huangquan Nine Needles seems to be very suitable for Uncle Lin." Wen Dong searched hard for the abilities possessed by Master Shengshou, and immediately found one.

"Nine needles in the Yellow Spring": Stimulate the toxic substances and disease gas in the patient's body, and block the specific area with the needle gas.

"Huh? This "Tianluo Pu" seems to be matched with the Huangquan Nine Needles." After Wen Dong secretly wrote down the "Huangquan Nine", he searched again, and immediately found another one, almost screaming excitedly.

"Tianluopu": Acupuncture is used to promote the detoxification ability of the internal organs of the patient, and then the disease gas and toxic substances in the patient's body are released by acupuncture.

"However..." After checking the effect of "Tianluopu", Wen Dong looked up at the haggard Uncle Lin on the hospital bed, and couldn't help frowning. Given Uncle Lin's current physical condition, this "Tianluopu" is very important to him. He wasn't a good fit.

Because "Tian Luo Pu" said that the potential of the internal organs of the patient is detoxified, but the organs in Uncle Lin's body have already been overwhelmed by the torment of uremia. If it is not good, it will be life-threatening.

Another point is that since the drainage is not clean, it must be stimulated many times. First, the timing is wrong, and the Huangquan Jiuzheng is to accumulate toxic substances. Once life is endangered, then Wendong will be a sinner through the ages.

Thinking of this, Wen Dong's face became bitter again, and he searched again, but he couldn't find a suitable method to treat Uncle Lin.

"Did it, this thing is really fucked up." Wen Dong was thinking so hard that he couldn't think of a good solution, and finally had no choice but to give up. Suddenly, he remembered another thing: Didn't I still have two D-level skills? ?

D-level skill is invulnerable to all poisons: body strengthening skill.Increase the host's ability to detoxify, and general toxins will not cause harm to the host's body.

Alas, it can only be useful to the host, not to the patient.

D-level skill Universe Teleportation: special skill.The host can use special energy to remove the toxic substances in the patient's body out of the patient's body. (Note: The method of acupuncture and moxibustion can be used).

"Huh? Damn, this is good! This is the skill that goes with the "Nine Needles in the Underworld"." Wen Dong was immediately happy when he saw the effect of the great teleportation of the universe.

Originally, I thought that the Great Teleportation of the Universe was a fighting skill, but I didn't expect it to be a life-saving skill.That's right, the Great Teleportation of the Universe is an additional skill after the upgrade of the master doctor. How could it be a fighting skill?

Although he was not pretending enough to this great shift in the universe and was a little disappointed, Wendong was still very happy when he thought that Uncle Lin's illness had been resolved.

Wendong thought happily, no wonder when he first came to this world, the system told him that the host had the necessary skills to pick up girls, but until now Wendong didn't have the ability to make girls fall in love with him instantly.Thinking about it now, I was actually thinking wrong. Aren't these fighting skills and life-saving skills just different skills for picking up girls?

If she saved Uncle Lin, it would be no wonder that Lin Xiaoxi threw herself into her arms unhappily, maybe she would even promise her body.

Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't help but look up at Lin Xiaoxi's sexy and familiar body lying on the other side of the bed, with his mouth open, drooling greedily, and his heart had already begun to flirt. If Lin Xiaoxi was in his arms, where should his hands be placed?


Oops, think about why you are so excited...

Wen Dong stared at Lin Xiaoxi's body with red eyes, but at this time, Lin's mother was already asleep. If she found that Wen Dong was looking at her precious girl with such lustful eyes, it would mean that Maybe angrily picked up the sole of the shoe and fanned it out——

However, Wen Dong was excited. After calming down, Wen Dong never thought about treating Uncle Lin immediately.First of all, he is not familiar with these two newly acquired skills. If one fails, his life will be in danger. After all, Uncle Lin's body is too fragile. If it can be cured by normal medical methods, it will be the best. .Secondly: These abilities of mine are really weird. He didn’t understand what the special energy in the annotation of that skill is, even he couldn’t understand it, so it’s needless to say use science to explain it. If someone knows it If he has these abilities, he will cause unnecessary trouble if he is not good at it.

"Crack." At this time, the door of the ward suddenly rang, the door opened, and a senior nurse in pale pink uniform came in. Uncle Lin's drip was almost finished, and Wen Dong called just now, this senior nurse The nurse is here to change the medicine bottle.

The senior nurse was not the little fan of Wendong before. She expected to be off work so late. After the nurse walked in and nodded to Wendong, she reached for a glucose drop bottle on the table and looked at the drug ingredients on it. The finished drip was replaced.

"Thank you." Wen Dong said softly.

"You're welcome." The senior nurse smiled kindly at Wendong, and walked out gently with a small plate.

"Have you changed your medicine?" At this time, Mother Lin seemed to be awakened, and slowly got up and said to Wendong.

In fact, when the dressing was changed just now, the sound was not loud. It is expected that Lin's mother was worried about Lin's father and couldn't sleep well, so she woke up.

"Well, there is only one bottle left, so you can go to sleep later." Wen Dong said softly.

"Well, thank you so much this time." Mother Lin looked at Wen Dong gratefully.

"Auntie, if you want to thank me again, I won't be ashamed to stay here. Don't be so polite." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Hehe, good, good." Lin's mother glanced at Wen Dong with satisfaction in her eyes. The more she looked, the more pleasing she was, capable and young, and she didn't have the arrogance of those young people at all, and she was so sincere in helping her family. My daughter, it would be great if my daughter could talk to him about someone, but I don't know if what her daughter said is true, are they really ordinary friends?
Thinking of this, Mother Lin turned her attention to her daughter beside the bed. Maybe she was too tired. Lin Xiaoxi fell asleep lying on the bed unconsciously at some point. She probably didn't sleep because she was worried about her father in the past few days. A sense of security.

"Xiaoxi is asleep." Mother Lin seemed to remind Wendong on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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