How bad guys are made

Chapter 301 Sales

Chapter 301 Sales

Hearing this, Li Bing'er turned over, lay on the bed, kicked off the blanket on her body, revealing a seductive body under the blanket, lying on the pillow with her head slanted: "Well... when did you answer this matter?" Are you so concerned?"

"Well... for the first time, I found out that you don't seem to be so cold and hard." Wen Dong said with a smile.


"Your voice just woke up is so sweet, although the voice is a bit distorted, but I like it, can you just talk to me like this from now on?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Wendong, it's none of my business whether you like it or not!" Li Binger suddenly sat up and said loudly into the phone.

"Are you awake?" Wen Dong asked.

"Get up, what's the matter?" Li Binger asked suspiciously.

"It's your door, open the door for me." Wen Dong said.

"No, come in by yourself if you have the ability." Li Binger said angrily, obviously she still had a grudge against Wendong's smile just now. Still hurriedly got up and took the clothes around his legs, took off his nightgown and prepared to change and get up, it was rare for Wen Dong to be so concerned about this matter.

"Okay, then I really went in." Wen Dong said, but Li Bing'er didn't hear it.

"Crack..." Li Binger had just taken off her nightgown when she heard the sound of the door opening and hurriedly looked up.

The room Li Binger rented was a single apartment. Although the room had complete basic facilities, the only thing was that there was no bedroom. That is to say, the bedroom was in the living room and it was integrated.

Li Binger looked up, and found that Wen Dong was standing at the door and looking towards him, his eyes staring straight at the body on the bed that didn't even have a fig leaf.

"Ah! Get out!" A scream came out, and then a pillow "whoosh" flew towards Wen Dong at the door.

"Uh, I'll wait for you downstairs." Wen Dong was also embarrassed, and quickly and carefully placed the pillow in his hand by the door and walked out, feeling helpless, didn't he say he had already woken up?It's not my fault.

More than ten minutes later, Li Binger, dressed in a capable police uniform, walked out of the unit door with a cold face, her pretty face was cold, as if the sound of leather boots stepping on the stairs had a sense of coldness.

Seeing Li Binger staring at him unkindly, Wendong smiled wryly, then reached out and handed a plastic bag to Li Binger: "Your breakfast."

Li Binger stared coldly at the things in Wendong's hands, which should have been bought at a nearby fast food restaurant. After seeing the old lady's body, he used these two steamed buns, a cup of soy milk and a broken steamed bun to coax me?Li Bing'er looked at him coldly and didn't answer, apparently still not relieved.

As if he knew this would happen, Wendong took the breakfast back without embarrassment. I haven't had enough this morning.

Unexpectedly, just after receiving half of it, a small hand quickly grabbed the breakfast: "Did I say I don't want to eat it?" After finishing speaking, he missed Wendong and walked to the parking area of ​​the community.

Looking at Li Binger's cold back, Wen Dong touched his nose helplessly, but followed quickly.

"Next." Walking to the police car, Li Binger suddenly threw the key at Wendong.

"Why?" Wen Dong quickly reached out to catch it, wondering.

"Didn't you see that I was eating?" Li Binger glared at him, opened the passenger car door and got in.

Wen Dong rolled his eyes, but didn't refute, knowing that this girl vented her inner grievances for various reasons, because she couldn't tell because she was suffering. I remembered that it was Li Bing'er who said, "Come in if you have the ability".

"Little girl..." Wen Dong mumbled and opened the car door.

"Any new discoveries?" Wen Dong drove the car out of the community and asked casually.

Li Binger held the plastic bag in both hands and took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun. She thought for a while and said, "I'm still waiting for the result. The only thing I found is that the piece of paper I found at Bai Yuanjing's house yesterday should be the payment receipt for her abortion. It is too fragmented to make up a complete word, only one word."

"What word?" Wen Dong asked.

"'Hai', it's just that I checked the hospitals with the word 'Hai' in our water city. There are at least dozens of them. I think at least the results will be released this afternoon, and if it wasn't that person who accompanied Bai Yuanjing , then even if it is found out, it will be useless." Li Binger frowned.

"En." Wen Dong nodded and didn't ask again.

"Why are you so active on this matter? Could it be Zhang Hanhan's request?" Li Binger raised her head and said.

"No, I just want to please her." Wen Dong said shaking his head.

"Cut." Li Bing'er cast a contemptuous look, lowered her head and continued to eat the buns.

"You seem to be very hungry." Li Binger eats like a man, eating big mouthfuls, and finished her breakfast in a short while, Wen Dong asked casually.

"Well, last night I just spelled words until past twelve o'clock, and went home to sleep without eating after finishing." Li Bing'er wiped her mouth with a tissue.

"Are the buns delicious?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?" Li Binger asked strangely.

"Well, I'll buy you some more steamed buns tonight, and you can take them home. You can eat them if you're hungry," Wen Dong said.

Li Binger looked up at him and frowned: "Nervous."

Wen Dong rolled his eyes for a while, grandma, what kind of world is this, you have to be scolded for giving big steamed buns to others.

From [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am is the time when the traffic jam is the worst. Wen Dong just drove the car to the viaduct and the traffic jam did not go far. Looking at the crowded traffic around him, he would have to be stuck here for at least ten minutes.

"This is Bai Yuanjing's information, please take a look." The two were bored in the car for a while, Li Binger found a packet of file information from the locker in front of the car and handed it to Wen Dongdao. deputy.

Wen Dong took the portfolio and looked at it.

Bai Yuanjing, from Fengming County, Province J, went to university in City H, single and unmarried.The resume is very ordinary, and the only thing to pay special attention to is that her father died nine years ago. She also has a younger brother who is 13 years old and is a junior high school student in a middle school in the town. After her father died, her mother did not remarry. Bringing up their siblings alone.My mother opened a pan noodle restaurant in the town, and the family's financial situation has always been difficult.

During Qixi Festival, most of Lanyun's employees had a holiday to arrange travel. Bai Yuanjing committed suicide by injecting an overdose of drugs at the residence of Jinxiu Villa. The body was found by colleagues early the next morning.The police also found traces of previous drug injections on Bai Yuanjing's body, as well as a suicide note, so it was determined to be a suicide.

There are also on-site photos in the information bag, the villa she lived in at the time, the appearance of her body lying quietly on the bed, her personal belongings are all taken from various angles, and the environment outside the house at that time, several villas clustered together At the same time, according to the police statement, most of the people living around were other colleagues from the 4th sales department and some other tourists. According to the investigation, they did not hear any strange sounds that night.

"If it was murder, Bai Yuanjing must have called for help that night. Are you sure the accuracy of the investigation statement?" Wen Dong repacked the documents, turned to look at Li Binger and said.

"I'm not sure. The confessions and investigations here should be made by colleagues from Sales Department 2. As for the suspicious points, I thought of them the next night after Bai Yuanjing's suicide was confirmed, that is, yesterday." Li Binger shook his head and said.

"Well, if Bai Yuanjing was really murdered, then the biggest suspects are among her colleagues." Wen Dong nodded.

"I think so too." Li Binger nodded.

After running for an hour on the road, the two arrived at Jinxiu Villa late, and revisited their old place. Wendong couldn't help but sigh, this place is really a fairyland on earth.

It was only after eight o'clock in the morning, and many tourists had already come to the entire Bund. From time to time, a few beauties in bikinis swayed past, attracting attention.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Wen Dong stop, Li Bing'er couldn't help asking curiously.

"I was wondering how much money the boss here makes a day." Wen Dong said with emotion.

Li Binger cast a sideways glance at Wen Dong, snorted and ignored him, turned around and walked towards the villas.

"Aren't you curious?" Wen Dong muttered, but still followed.


The morning light was clear, and Sun Xiaojie was wearing a black professional dress, standing in the tea room, looking at her well-dressed colleagues through the glass door.

Wendong reminded himself emphatically last night that Bai Yuanjing did not commit suicide but was murdered, and the suspect was probably among these colleagues, so Sun Xiaojie was extremely careful.

Sun Xiaojie has the self-knowledge of a new assistant. Holding a teacup, she puts a cup of milk tea to the colleagues present with a smile, and greets everyone politely.

The daily morning meeting is nothing more than a routine. It is like this in other departments, but it is also so casual in the second sales department where the elites gather. Omelet Burger.

Manager Zhou was already waiting for them in the conference room, sitting upright, his unsmiling appearance made it hard to approach, what he was talking about was nothing more than some sales plans, his tone was flat and serious, even if he sometimes encouraged him to talk about a light topic, he laughed it off and did not He will not have too many off-topic conversations with anyone, and maintain a sense of distance from the leader.

Director Wen Dong has not seen anyone, Zhou Yixuan left after speaking.

There was nothing to do in the morning, and the lazy people simply gathered around the conference table and did not leave.On Sun Xiaojie's left was Yan Ze, and on the right was Zhao Yutong. She was still indifferent and lazy, she was picking her fingernails with her head down, and she didn't look directly at anyone on the table.Lao Qin is still a gentle and kind person, Su Chen and Ming Yu did not come to the meeting this morning.

From this point, it can be seen that this morning is really dispensable for sales elites like them.

"Yutong will only show her soft and tender side when facing clients." Yan Ze on the side whispered to Sun Xiaojie: "We are not clients, so don't expect her to look at you more, you have to Get used to this gradually, so you don't need to curry favor with her, you don't have to give her the milk tea you made in the morning, you can give it to me."

Everyone laughed, Zhao Yutong laughed too, glanced at Yan Ze's arm resting on the back of Sun Xiaojie's chair, and said, "Little white rabbit, be careful not to be eaten by the big bad wolf."

(End of this chapter)

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