How bad guys are made

Chapter 302 Green Blood and Pan Jinyuan

Chapter 302 Green Blood and Pan Jinyuan
"What are you talking about?" Yan Ze glared at her, then turned to Sun Xiaojie and said, "Don't worry, she's just jealous."

Sun Xiaojie smiled and nodded: "How could that be?"

The atmosphere at the table was very good. Although Wen Dong had reminded her several times, and although Sun Xiaojie was always vigilant, she still couldn't help feeling puzzled. Bai Yuanjing's blood was soaked.


At 10:[-] in the morning, the court opened again. Liu Jiancheng confessed to the crime. Twenty minutes later, Liu Jiancheng was brought back to the prison with his hands in handcuffs and ashen face. His brilliant life almost came to an end.

Since Liu Jiancheng's accident, Pan Jinyuan has never left Shuishi, and has been dealing with the mess left by Liu Jiancheng. Now that the court has ruled, she has no sadness on her face. She stepped into a luxury car with high heels and went straight to Shuishi International The hotel, the blue blood has come.

After inquiring about the room where Qingxue was, Pan Jinyuan returned to her room, dressed up carefully, sprayed some nice perfume on her body, and then went to the penthouse suite.

"Dong dong..." Pan Jinyuan reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened.

Qingxue stood in front of the door and looked at her with an expression on his face. At this time, he was wearing a white bathrobe. He had obviously just taken a shower. His blond hair was wet and exuded a faint fragrance. He was more than 1.8 meters taller than someone wearing high heels Pan Jinyuan was half his head taller, and through the bathrobe, he could clearly see the white and strong muscles on the chest of the other party. This is a strong but not strong young man with excellent body proportions.

It was the first time Pan Jinyuan saw him, but she could tell at a glance that the man in front of him was blue blood.Pan Jinyuan looked at him in a daze. Although she knew very well that a top killer would never be a fat man, Pan Jinyuan couldn't help being stunned when she saw him. Stars are much more handsome.

In particular, the other party's eyes without the slightest emotion were a little cold, but for some reason, Pan Jinyuan didn't seem to feel any fear or even jealousy in her heart, and seemed to have a different feeling.

After all, Qingxue was the top killer I invited, and I didn't go to greet him in person because of Liu Jiancheng's matter, which was a bit of a failure. Pan Jinyuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with an apologetic face and said: "Sorry, I was delayed because of something Yes, I..."

"Hush..." Before Pan Jinyuan could finish speaking, Qingxue opposite suddenly made a silent gesture, telling Pan Jinyuan to shut up.

"Inconvenient?" Pan Jinyuan, who didn't know why, was puzzled, and couldn't help but look up into the room. She remembered that she had been in the room since the manager said that Qingxue had never come out, and no one had entered it. Is there anyone else in his room?
"Convenience. I just don't want these irrelevant topics to disturb the interest." Qingxue finally spoke, his tone was indifferent and lazy. He spoke softly, very masculine, and his tone was blunt, but pleasant to listen to.

"Then can I go in?" Pan Jinyuan smiled and nodded. Killers are a rare group for a population base that is too high. Most of them have quirks that are difficult to understand, especially top killers like Qingxue. Pan Jinyuan didn't think much about it. , asked politely.

"Of course." Qingxue moved away with a slight smile, and the smile on her thin lips was very evil, but very attractive, especially for a woman like Pan Jinyuan.

Pan Jinyuan nodded and smiled before stepping in.

Just as Pan Jinyuan turned her head, suddenly her eyes dimmed, and she realized that her waist was tightly embraced by a pair of powerful hands, and her body was immediately attached to the opponent's strong body.

Pan Jinyuan was startled. Although she had expected such a scene in her heart, she was still taken aback. This hug was too sudden.

"What do you want to do?" Pan Jinyuan raised her head, struggling slightly, with a slightly uncomfortable tone of shock.

"Don't talk." Qingxue said.

Just as Pan Jinyuan opened her mouth, her body froze suddenly. The woman felt very keenly. She was acutely aware of a cold breath covering her body in an instant. She was so depressed that she couldn't breathe, as if she still wanted to speak. , Annoyed this person, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Pan Jinyuan was speechless with her mouth open, her chest was oppressed and uncomfortable, and it was difficult to breathe. Only now did she realize that this handsome and individual man in front of her was a killer, an executioner with blood on his hands. I remember someone said, Even ghosts are afraid of people like him, let alone Pan Jinyuan, who is powerless.

Qingxue didn't seem to realize Pan Jinyuan's panic, narrowed her eyes slightly, approached her face and sniffed lightly, her handsome and charming face showed a look of enjoyment: "Well... I like the scent of blue-gold roses..."

What Pan Jinyuan sprayed on her body was the blue-gold rose perfume with an annual output of only dozens of bottles. She didn't expect Qingxue to know so much about it.

As soon as Qing Xue's words came out, Pan Jinyuan suddenly felt that the icy aura covering her was gone for a moment, but because the two were almost close together, and she was really frightened, she opened her mouth and looked at the white cheeks in front of her. speechless.

"A charming face, a charming smell." Just when Pan Jinyuan was in a daze, he held her face with a palm of his eye and rubbed it lightly, and the other party's magnetic and enjoying voice sounded again.

Fortunately, Pan Jinyuan is also the president of Ysa Yingsa. After a brief shock, she immediately regained consciousness. Although she was very clear about how the next thing would develop, Pan Jinyuan not only did not feel disgusted, but she still had a glimmer of expectation in her heart.

Especially after being enveloped by the other party's icy breath, it seems that Pan Jinyuan suddenly developed a seemingly perverted masochistic tendency. Not only is she not afraid, but she is even more obsessed with it. In the fiery handover, she didn't speak, but just looked at him, as if she was no longer the aloof CEO Yingsha, but a little woman who dared not speak, for fear of disturbing the so-called 'interest' of the other party.

Qingxue admired Pan Jinyuan's face with great interest, and gently slid Pan Jinyuan's cheeks with her fairer and slender fingers than women. After a long time, her thin lips parted slightly, and a magnetic voice whispered: "Please close your eyes."

Pan Jinyuan obediently and slowly closed her eyes, expecting the man to approach again in her heart, but unexpectedly, Pan Jinyuan suddenly felt the strong arms around her waist tightened, and her body suddenly left the ground lightly. "Pan Jinyuan ah" let out a low cry, and unconsciously wrapped his hands around the thick waist of the other party, and his body flew through the clouds, not knowing what to do.When she opened her eyes, she found that they had arrived in the bedroom, and what shocked her even more was that her body had been laid flat and quietly lying on the bed for some reason. face.

Perhaps it was because the opponent's arm was too strong to lift his body, and the speed was too fast, so he didn't even notice it when he was laid flat on the bed.

"Is Boss Pan ready?" The other party's magnetic voice sounded again, and the palm that was stroking her cheek had already rubbed against her shoulder.

The magnetic voice, the evil smile and the evil breath, and such a direct question made Pan Jinyuan's cheeks feel slightly warm, and she was lost in an instant. She slightly closed her confused eyes, and there was a gratifying sound in her throat: "En .”

Qingxue lowered his head and kissed her mouth, and the other palm full of passion touched Pan Jinyuan's sexy legs wrapped in stockings under her skirt...


Jinxiu Villa is a group of villas at the foot of the mountain outside the beach.

The villas here are obviously different from the place Wendong visited last time. Wendong lived more like a star hotel suite, but now this is the real villa, and if you want to live here, the price is definitely It was much higher than the place where I lived that time.

Damn, I was tricked by Fatty Zhu...

The group of villas obviously imitated the design of the ancient courtyard house, and the villas are built in a classical style, but without losing the modern style. It's really romantic and exciting to have a little show with the salty sea breeze.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Wen Dong standing in the middle of the courtyard looking around, Li Bing'er couldn't help frowning and asked again with a lewd smile on his face.

Hearing this, Wendong woke up suddenly: "Well... I was thinking that Zhang Hanhan, a capitalist, is really rich as his grandma. With so many Lanyun employees living in such a high-end place, how much will she spend on this Qixi Festival holiday travel plan? Money." Wen Dong raised his chin, thinking.

Li Binger stared at him coldly, really wanted to kick this bastard out, turned around and walked to the room where Bai Yuanjing lived before, she swore in her heart that she would never ask this bastard what he was thinking again, it was really not annoying enough .

After Li Bing'er showed up to the Securities Regulatory Commission, the lobby manager did not refuse at all. Instead, he cooperatively gave them the key to this room and asked an employee to bring them over.

However, the only regret is that some tourists have lived here again during this period. It must have been cleaned many times. It is almost impossible to find evidence, but there is no way. The police have determined that this is an ordinary suicide. Blocking the scene, we can't stop people from doing business.

Fortunately, there are no tourists checking in now. Li Binger took the key to open the room. The room was very clean, a mess, not even a hair, let alone a clue.

"Look." Wen Dong stood in the room and looked at the fashion furnishings in the room. At this moment, Li Binger, who was standing at the door, made a sound. Wen Dong raised his head and walked over curiously.

Li Binger moved her eyes closer to the door frame, watching carefully.Wen Dong leaned over, as expected, although there was no hair of Bai Yuanjing mixed with it, but after a closer look, you can still find traces of the door and the closing part of the door panel slightly concave inwards, there are on both sides, and they overlap, And the height distance is the same as Bai Yuanjing's height, it is almost certain that Bai Yuanjing's hair was caught from here at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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