How bad guys are made

Chapter 303 New Clues

Chapter 303 New Clues

"If the story repeats itself, it should be that Bai Yuanjing shook off the murderer in a panic, opened the door and fled in panic, but was caught up by the other party, because Bai Yuanjing ran too fast, but the other party reached out and only grabbed a strand of Bai Yuanjing's hair. I didn't find out that the door was closed in a panic, but the hair was pinched by the door. Otherwise, I didn't meet the conditions at all. When a person runs at a speed of 120 mph, his hair will float up, especially Bai Yuanjing's hair is long and thick. This is obviously not because of running too fast and the hair is floating up and caught." Li Binger analyzed.

"You're right." Wen Dong nodded, but he opened the door and walked out, walked to the middle courtyard, looked up and looked around.

"What's the matter?" Li Binger asked curiously, but she regretted it after asking, she had sworn it.

"The murderer is lucky, there is no monitoring here." Wen Dong frowned.

"Well, this villa complex was built just two months ago. It was mainly for the large number of tourists on Qixi Festival in the past few days. The facilities are not perfect. The murderer obviously grasped this point." Li Bing'er nodded and explained.

"This should be Bai Yuanjing's hair." Wen Dong squatted on the steps, frowned and looked at the long hair in the corner and said.

"En? Why do you say that?" Li Bing'er came over and asked, squatting beside him.

"Same length, same hair quality." Wen Dong said.

Li Binger frowned and glanced at him, quickly took out the information bag to find a strand of Bai Yuanjing's hair, put on gloves and picked up the hair in the corner.

"You're right." Li Bing'er imitated his tone, but there was a little shock in her eyes, so you can tell without comparison?

"Why is the hair here?" Li Binger frowned and wondered, this location was almost at the door of the room where another colleague lived at that time, she remembered that it seemed to be Su Chen's room.

"Don't ignore the weather at that time. It rained that night, and it was not small. The raindrops came in and hit the hair in the corner." Wendong said.

Li Bing'er couldn't help but glance at him again.

"It seems that someone has moved here." Wen Dong said suddenly, his eyes fixed on the other side of the steps.

Li Bing'er had just carefully put the collected hair into a plastic bag, and when she heard Wen Dong's voice, she hurried over, her eyes fixed, and she noticed the difference.Because there is no sand and cement in the middle of the yard, the steps were splashed with mud after the rain. Li Binger saw that there were obviously circles of hair traces here, but the hair sticking to it was gone, and there was an obvious finger next to it. The wiped marks, and the fresh fingerprints, should have been left not long ago, otherwise the fingerprints would inevitably be covered with a layer of dust, and they were taken away, and not long ago! !
Li Binger raised her head abruptly, at this time Wen Dong was looking at her, his eyes met, and they got up suddenly.

Find someone!

The two hurried out of the villas, and suddenly saw an employee who was picking up garbage not far away. It was the cleaning employee who was in charge of the sanitation of this area, and he was the one who brought them here just now.

Li Binger quickly took the lead and ran over.

Maybe it was Li Binger's face that was serious and unkind, maybe it was Li Binger who was wearing a police uniform, and the cleaning staff didn't know what was wrong with them. run.

"Heh..." Wen Dong smiled immediately, and gave Li Binger a thumbs up. This police uniform is really not in vain, and you can find clues here.Undoubtedly, this employee must have a ghost in his heart. They didn't pay attention at first, but now they suddenly remembered that after this person brought them there just now, he left in a hurry without saying a word.

"Stop!" Li Binger shouted while chasing after him, but the employee ran even more happily, Wen Dong gave Li Binger a look of contempt, it was a waste of effort.

After a while, Wendong chased after him with full horsepower, raised his leg and kicked the guy's ass fiercely, the man rolled to the ground with a ghostly scream, Wendong rushed up with a stride, leaned over and grabbed him The other party's arm was twisted behind him, and he pressed his knee against his lower back, panting heavily and cursing: "I scolded the neighbor next door, what a fart you are."

The man was also panting heavily, obviously he was very tired from running: "You guys are chasing me, can I not run?"

At this time, Li Binger also caught up.

"Heh..." After hearing this person's words, Wen Dong was immediately laughed angrily, and said in a cold and serious tone: "Youdao is well said, Skynet is not leaking, you can't escape legal sanctions if you kill someone Come with me to the police station." After finishing speaking, Wen Dong straightened up, stretched out his hand to wipe Li Binger's waist, and a pair of shining diamond bracelets 'clicked' on the man's wrist.

Li Binger looked at Wendong in surprise, this guy must have been kicked by a donkey, how could he be the murderer?Just when he was about to speak, Wen Dong glared at her and gave her a look to stop talking nonsense.

Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Wen Dong was thinking.

"I'm Li Binger, deputy captain of the criminal police team of Shuicheng Public Security Bureau. You have serious suspicions. Come with us." Li Binger said seriously.

"No, I didn't kill people, I didn't kill people." The middle-aged man was pressed to the ground, and his voice was serious and frightened, and his body also struggled vigorously.

"Be honest with me. It's not up to you whether you kill or not. No matter what, you are very suspicious. Come with us first. You can quit your job here, because the time for interrogation will not be too long. Short, at least a few months." Wen Dong threatened him, this man is not a murderer at first glance, but he must know some clues, if you don't try to scare him hard, it will be difficult to get useful things from his mouth. And I'll talk nonsense with you.

This middle-aged man looked like a legal novice at first glance, he didn't understand these things at all.


"No, you can't do this. I didn't kill people, I really didn't kill people." The middle-aged man was about to be scared to cry by Wen Dong, and he explained in a horrified voice.

"Then you must know something. Why didn't you tell the police when they came? If you don't report what you know, you're guilty of the same crime as a murderer. Take him away." Wen Dong seized the opponent's weakness and continued his shamelessness.

"I said, I'll say it now, isn't it too late?" The middle-aged man said fearfully.

"Whether it's too late or not depends on whether you're talking nonsense with us. If you dare to deceive us, you'll spend your life in jail." Wen Dong snorted coldly, threatening in a serious tone, not letting up at all. .

"I said, I said everything."

Wen Dong raised his head and looked at Li Binger proudly, and Li Binger gave him a thumbs up without hesitation.

"I don't think he seems to be a murderer. There should be something hidden in it. Let him go first and see what he says." Li Bing'er said seriously.

"Yes, yes, I didn't kill anyone, so I'll tell you right now." The man nodded quickly, and turned his head to look at Li Bing'er gratefully.

Hearing this, Wen Dong let him go, one with a red face and the other with a pale face, and the two cooperated quite tacitly.

"What's your name?" Li Binger asked.

"Wang Miliang."

A very earthy and very real name.

Under the coercion and lure of Wendong and Li Binger, Wang Miliang drove the two of them to the clue location in a garbage truck.It was noon at this time, under the sun, the mountains were covered with green grass, the mountains were undulating, and the scenery was beautiful.

Soon to reach the destination.

This is a slightly gentle mountain stream. The mountains on the left and right sides are cut vertically like knives and axes, but there are obvious traces of artificial mining. The mountain streams here are all dug out abruptly. It is a large garbage collection site.

"The garbage here is cleaned up every three days, starting at three o'clock this afternoon." Wang Miliang jumped out of the car and said, looking at the two of them in fear.

"Then hurry up and look for it." Li Bing'er rejoiced secretly, and hurriedly urged.

Wendong and Li Binger stared closely at Wang Miliang who was standing in the garbage heap rummaging through. Ten minutes later, Wang Miliang walked over with a black nylon bag covered in dirt, garbage and water. There was still light red water oozing out, Wang Miliang was frightened and dared not look at the things in his hand, he hurried out and said in an unnatural tone: "I found it."

"Put it on the ground." Li Binger looked happy, quickly took out a pair of gloves, put them on and threw them to Wendong, leaned over and slowly opened the nylon bag.

Although time passed not long ago, because Wang Miliang was afraid of being discovered by others, he put the thing under some garbage bags. The entire nylon bag had been polluted by the filth seeping out of other garbage, giving off an unpleasant smell.But that's nothing to them.

After a while, Li Binger carefully took out the contents of the nylon bag, her little face was full of seriousness.

This is a fashionable and conservative white dress, but it is broken in many places with obvious signs of being torn by someone, and there are many bloodstains on it.

"This is most likely the clothes Bai Yuanjing wore that night." Wen Dong frowned and squatted down, carefully pulling out a strand of hair from the clothes and looking at it.

"Where did you find this out?" Li Bing'er turned her head to look at Wang Miliang who stood aside and dared not speak with a serious face.

"I found it around the newly developed resort, because I was responsible for the sanitation there, but I forgot where exactly." Wang Miliang scratched his hair and said embarrassedly.

"Then how did you find out?" Li Binger stared at him tightly.

"I found it yesterday when I came to deliver the garbage. I found blood oozing from this bag of garbage, so I couldn't help opening it curiously. I really didn't kill the person." Wang Miliang said with a frightened face.

Hearing this, Li Binger immediately understood what Wang Miliang was thinking. He was looking for valuables, and there were bloodstains protruding from them. These should be belongings of the dead or injured. Wallet and so on together in it.

"Did you take what's inside?" Li Binger stared at her coldly, with a serious tone that made people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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