How bad guys are made

Chapter 304 Arrest?

Chapter 304 Arrest?

"No, there's only this bloody coat inside. I didn't find anything. When I thought that someone died in the resort yesterday, I was so scared that I quickly pretended to hide it and left." Wang Miliang shook his head vigorously and explained.

Li Binger glared at Wang Miliang, turned her head slightly to look at Wendong, saw him nodding secretly, and gave up her doubts about Wang Miliang. In her opinion, this Wang Miliang was obviously not lying.

"Is there anyone living in the resort you are responsible for these days?" Li Binger asked.

"Yes, but there are not many, because the manager is afraid that the police will investigate again and other tourists will see that it will not be good, so even if there are tourists staying, they are far away from the dead man's residence." Wang Miliang said quickly, and then wrinkled again Frowning: "But..."

"But what? Say it quickly?" Li Binger stared at him coldly, and hurriedly asked.

"However, there is still a person living there. It seems that he still asked to live there. I heard the manager say that this person is really strange." Wang Miliang said uncertainly.

"Who is that person? What does he look like? What's his name?" Li Binger asked excitedly.

Wang Miliang was taken aback by Li Binger's excitement, and said submissively: "I... I don't know his name, I don't know him, but he is very young, tall and handsome."

"Go back and check the check-in records." Wen Dong said.

"En." Li Bing'er nodded, quickly took off her gloves and took out her camera to take a few photos of the bloody coat before carefully putting it away.

Afterwards, Li Binger seriously asked Wang Miliang if he heard any strange noises that night, but to their disappointment, Wang Miliang and other employees did not rest there at night, and their dormitory was far away from there.

"During this period, don't leave the water city, and make sure you will be summoned at any time. If you dare to escape, you will be arrested as a major suspect. In addition, don't mention this clue to anyone." Wang Miliang was driving a garbage truck Carrying the two back again, Li Binger stared at Wang Miliang with a serious tone and said.

"I...I know, I won't leave, and I dare not tell others." Wang Miliang trembled with fright.

"Su Chen?" The two hurried to the lobby manager to inquire about the check-in records, but they were somewhat surprised by the results.

Lan Yun's breath holiday tour had ended yesterday, but Su Chen was still paying for his own room to live in, and his room was next to the room of the deceased Bai Yuanjing.

"Okay, I understand, thank you for your cooperation. I hope you don't tell others about this." Li Binger nodded solemnly, and said to the beautiful lobby manager.

"I understand." The lobby manager nodded quickly.

"How could it be him?" In the car, Wen Dong frowned and muttered while sitting in the co-pilot.

"Bai Yuanjing's hair in the courtyard was probably taken away by Su Chen, and Su Chen's behavior was very strange. He was sloppy yesterday morning, and he was lying on the table to catch up on sleep. It was obvious that he slept very late the night before. At that time, Yan Ze said that Su Chen was too tired to talk about clients, which was probably an excuse for him. These few days they went on vacation together, and they had no business at all. Moreover, on the night of Bai Yuanjing's suicide, only Su Chen lived alone. The other colleagues live together, so he is the most suspect." Li Binger said in a serious tone while driving, her small face was full of excitement.

"En." Wen Dong frowned and nodded, only to feel that there was something wrong with telling him. If Su Chen is really a suspect, then he must be a thoughtful person who has controlled Bai Yuanjing for so long without showing any traces. Although Bai Yuanjing He might have been frightened the night he was killed, so he hurriedly found a place to throw Bai Yuanjing's bloody clothes away, but why did he come back to live here?Find the bloody clothes and destroy the evidence?Although he has such a motive, he can find another place to live. Why does he still want to live in the original place?Psychopath?
Wen Dong frowned and shook his head. This is also what he was most confused about. As the three hands, Wen Dong's greatest skill is plagiarism, and his second greatest skill is to look at Su Chen. His behavior is weird, but his clear eyes can't deceive anyone at all. If he is really a murderer, then this guy's acting skills are definitely at their peak.

"Dinglingling..." At this moment, Li Binger's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hello? Did you find anything?" Li Binger quickly picked up the phone and asked directly.

"Boss, I have made a major discovery." The person on the phone said excitedly.

"Say it quickly." Li Bing'er urged.

"I found the hospital where the deceased Bai Yuanjing had an abortion. It was in Haitian Lanxin Hospital not far from Lanyun Group. I also found the surveillance camera that accompanied Bai Yuanjing at the time, but that person never got out of the car and only captured The other party's license plate number and model."

"Su Chen's car?" Li Binger said.

"Ah? Boss, how do you know?" The other party was surprised.

"Are there any other discoveries besides this?" Li Binger said seriously, holding the phone tightly with her little hand.

"Yes, the hair you collected has also produced results, but it's not ideal. Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong, Qin Tai, Ming Yu, Yan Ze, Su Chen, Bai Yuanjing, these seven people have hair." The other party said embarrassedly.

"Seven people? How could this happen?" Li Binger frowned suddenly.

"According to our investigation, Bai Yuanjing suffered a fall six months ago, that is, in the early spring of this year. We speculate that it was left when their company colleagues went to visit her."

"I see."

Li Binger put down her phone, her face was cold and serious, and she slapped the steering wheel with her palm: "Damn it, I finally found you!"

"It's Su Chen?" Wen Dong asked beside him.

"Yes, it was Su Chen who accompanied Bai Yuanjing to have an abortion at that time, and now all clues point to him!" Li Binger said coldly.

"Then why did you hang up the phone without saying a word, let the police arrest Su Chen." Wen Dong said anxiously.

Li Binger frowned and shook her head and said: "There are too many doubts in this. Bai Yuanjing was murdered. Judging by the degree of tearing her clothes, they must have had a fierce dispute and fight that night. I don't believe that other people didn't hear it. It is suspected that the murderer has accomplices, and there are more than one, so arrest him now, and rely on these evidences alone to convict him.”

"It doesn't matter if there are any accomplices, first arrest the main culprit and torture him severely, then he will recruit everything! There is also evidence." Wen Dong said anxiously.

Li Binger quietly turned to look at Wendong, frowned, and stopped the police car on the side of the road with a 'swipe'. Li Binger stared at Wendong coldly: "You have a problem!"

"Why stop? What the hell are you doing? What's wrong with me? Do you suspect that I killed Bai Yuanjing?" Wen Dong asked anxiously, rolling his eyes.

"No, feelings have affected your ability to judge now, I think you can get out of the car, and you don't need to help with this case." Li Binger said coldly.

"What kind of relationship? Are you sick?" Wen Dong said angrily.

"Don't tell me? Get out of the car!" Li Bing'er snorted coldly.

"Well, Sun Xiaojie has now taken your place, that is, Bai Yuanjing's position, and is now a department assistant in the second sales department." Wen Dong knocked out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and said helplessly, he admitted that it was indeed Excited.

"Huh? How could this be?" Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, obviously she didn't know about the wrong position.

"It's like this..." Wen Dong puffed out his cigarette and started talking.

After listening to it, Li Binger looked at Wen Dong quietly: "Should I praise you for your love and righteousness, or say you are a prodigal son? Eh?"

"This is not the crux of the problem. Su Chen has serious suspicions. Maybe he used drugs to control a certain female employee in other departments. It is best to get rid of this kind of person as soon as possible." Wen Dong explained with a embarrassed face.

Li Binger snorted coldly and turned the car into the driveway: "This Su Chen must be arrested and interrogated, but it must be done in secret."

"Okay, I'll catch it!" Wen Dong said coldly.

Li Binger stared at him coldly, but did not speak.

The two drove to the underground garage of Lanyun, Wen Dong took out his mobile phone and called Sun Xiaojie.

"What's the matter? Is there anything the director of Wenda wants to do with the younger one?" Sun Xiaojie has been in a state of sweetness since Wendong's meal last night. She received a call from Wendong just after eating at noon. Sun Xiaojie was still very happy, and joked with a smile.

"Don't talk about treating me to dinner, because a handsome guy has already invited me to a big meal. I'm so full. I still want to be invited to dinner." Fan Hou looked more and more beautiful, wearing a small black suit with a jacket style, and a snow-white shirt inside, elegant and chic, Sun Xiaojie said with a smile, and stretched out her little hand to touch her bulging belly.

"Which handsome guy? Just tell me his name, I'm going to kill him right now, my sister, you dare to invite our Xiaojie to a big meal without the permission of Wenda Director, what to do if you get fat, and grow fat What should I do if I don’t feel like it!” Wen Dong said angrily.

"Get out, what are you talking about!" Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie's face turned red, but a sweet smile appeared on her face, she cursed and walked out of the bathroom stepping on her high heels.

"Hey." Wendong smiled cheaply, feeling very comfortable, and then thought of what he wanted to tell Sun Xiaojie, his tone suddenly became serious: "Is there Su Chen who is eating with you?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Sun Xiaojie asked casually.

"It's nothing, just stay away from him." Wen Dong instructed.

"Oh, I see." Sun Xiaojie nodded half understanding.

"By the way, when did he arrive at the company today?" Wen Dong asked suddenly.

"Well... I don't remember the specifics. It should be after 09:30. He didn't come to the regular morning meeting today, but we are now at the cafeteria in a building next to us, and we will be back soon." Sun Xiaojie said , and then asked in doubt: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. When you arrive at the company, send me a text message. I'll go over there. Let's just pretend to be ordinary upper and lower levels." Wen Dong said.

"Well, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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