Chapter 305
"Tired and crooked?" Seeing Wen Dong stepping out of the car, Li Bing'er said coldly, her tone a bit hostile.

"Hey, there's nothing to be jealous of. If you want, I can get close to you every day. In other words, we are also destined." Wen Dong said with a smile.

Li Binger frowned and stared at Wen Dong, then turned and walked towards the elevator: "Boring."

The two of them came to Lanyun to arrest Su Chen secretly, so in order to avoid being noticed by people from other trading companies, they simply came directly to the office of the new clothing company on the [-]th floor.

Li Binger sat on the sofa, holding various clues and files in his hand, frowning and thinking.

Wen Dong sat on the boss's chair, drank a sip of Coke, smoked a puff of cigarettes, swayed his legs and admired the attention of Police Li in front of him, quite comfortable.

"Give me one." Li Binger raised her head and asked.

"You smoke too?" Wen Dong was puzzled, but still handed the cigarette case to Li Bing'er.

Li Binger looked down at the information in her hand, and said casually: "Well, I occasionally smoke when I stay up late at night." Taking the cigarette case, holding the information in one hand, he simply put the cigarette case close to his small mouth and took out a cigarette, and took it from his coat He took out a lighter from his short-sleeved pocket and tilted his head to light it up. A puff of smoke spewed out from Li Binger's sexy mouth. Wen Dong was stunned by this flowing movement.

Not to mention, Li Xiaoniu looks like a man when she lights a cigarette!
"You seem very excited?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm a rookie?" Li Bing'er raised her head coldly, and stared at Wen Dong with a very unfriendly look.

Wen Dong grinned and didn't say anything. Li Binger was indeed very excited. Bai Yuanjing was [-]% sure that it was a murder case this time. Since she became a criminal police officer, she had participated in many murder cases, but few of them were actually solved by her hands. The murder case also involved drugs. The most important thing is that she discovered the suspicious points of this case, and she also found the clues of the whole case by herself. The suspect will be arrested soon. How can she not be excited.

This is a good opportunity for those elders in the police station who look down on her woman to slap their faces severely!

"Dingling..." After waiting for more than ten minutes, a text message was sent to Wendong's mobile phone.

Wen Dong picked up the phone and looked at it, then shook it to Li Binger: "Here we come."

Li Binger's small hands visibly trembled, and she looked up at Wendong: "I'll wait here."

"Relax, that guy can subdue with one hand." Wen Dong smiled, got up and walked out.

Li Binger stared at Wen Dong's back coldly, and muttered with a small mouth: "Am I very excited? Are you blind!"

The meal at noon had a good atmosphere, and Sun Xiaojie was very happy, but after Wendong's reminder, Sun Xiaojie couldn't help but sneak a glance at Su Chen who was at the side. Su Chen was silent most of the time, giving off a delicate and quiet feeling.

Is he the murderer?Sun Xiaojie frowned and shook her head secretly, not like it!

Most of the people who are good at sales are not bad in appearance.The group of people in front of her is the best example.Among them, Yan Ze is the best-looking one, tall and handsome, with a very magnetic voice, but with a baby face, cheerful and enthusiastic, with a sense of humor, and a little bit of playboy style, which makes people can't help approaching.

Su Chen also looks good.In all fairness, he made Sun Xiaojie feel more cordial and comfortable, with clear eyes and a clean demeanor, like a boy next door, it was hard to imagine that he would be a murderer.

Just as she was wondering, a familiar figure suddenly appeared at the door of the office area. Sun Xiaojie looked up, her pretty eyes showing a little shame.

Yan Ze was the first to discover Wendong, and he quickly got up and walked over with a smile, saying hello: "Director Wen."

Hearing Yan Ze's voice, after dinner, Zhao Yutong and others also got up and asked with a smile.

"En." Wendong nodded with a smile, full of style, seeing Sun Xiaojie who also smiled and said hello, her expression was obviously a little unnatural, especially the red cheeks, but others obviously didn't notice, Wendong looked at Sun Xiaojie With a glance, the eyes didn't stay at all, and they just passed by.

Obviously last night, he was still hugging himself, and his paws were even more dishonest. He was talking on the phone just now, and he changed into a different person in the blink of an eye. Although he knew in his heart that this guy was pretending, Sun Xiaojie was still uncomfortable. pouted.

Wen Dong's eyes fell on Su Chen who happened to be standing next to Sun Xiaojie, but today's Su Chen was much better than yesterday, her eyes were clear without bloodshot eyes, and her white shirt was brand new, as if she had never been in the world. As a boy who hadn't left the campus yet, Wen Dong was also stunned for a short time.

What he saw with his own eyes may not be the truth. Wen Dong was stunned for a moment and then recovered his indifferent and serious expression. He is not a good man and a believer, and said to Su Chen lightly: "Su Chen, come out with me, I have something to see you."

"En." Su Chen nodded in agreement with a smile, smiled the same smile at the doubtful colleagues around him, and hurriedly followed Wen Dong who left with his hands behind his back.

Yan Ze looked at the back of Su Chen leaving, and watched for a while before returning to his seat.

He looked up and found that everyone was undoubtedly busy with his own affairs, but Sun Xiaojie who just arrived yesterday still glanced at the direction Wen Dong and Su Chen left from time to time.

Pushing his legs, Yan Ze gently slid the seat beside Sun Xiaojie, looked at Sun Xiaojie with a smile on his side, and said in a low voice, "Director Wen seems to know you?"

Sun Xiaojie was taken aback, then turned her head to look at Yan Ze's smiling face in surprise: "How do you know?"

"It can be seen that although he looks very indifferent when looking at you, he can still see subtle differences. Did you offend him?" Yan Ze pointed to his eyes and asked with a smile.

"I don't know. When I was in the new clothing company, I was his assistant." Sun Xiaojie explained with a wry smile. This matter is not a secret at all, and lying is even worse.

"Oh, I see, leaders are like this, afraid of being gossiped." Yan Ze smiled and comforted.

"Well, thank you." Sun Xiaojie nodded with a smile, her expression slightly indifferent.

Seeing that Sun Xiaojie didn't want to say anything more, Yan Ze smiled indifferently, slid the chair and returned to his seat.

Not far away, Ming Yu quietly looked at Yan Ze, then at Sun Xiaojie's back, and slowly withdrew his eyes...

Su Chen was very calm, and followed Wen Dong quietly all the way. Wen Dong didn't speak and he didn't ask quietly. When Wen Dong walked into the elevator, Su Chen also walked in quietly, and even asked where he was going. He didn't even ask, which made Wen Dong, who had been observing him secretly, frown again.

Have you met a master?
It was very quiet in the elevator, only the two of them, Wen Dong turned his head and looked at Su Chen with a flat face: "I saw something wrong with you yesterday, I want to know, is it too much work pressure?"

"Thank you Director for your concern. No, I didn't adjust it properly." Hearing this, Su Chen's eyes flashed an inexplicable bitterness.

"Then what do you think of your sales atmosphere?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"Work atmosphere?" Su Chen was taken aback and asked.

"Is there another style?" Wen Dong gave Su Chen a funny look.

"No, it's good. Everyone is very active in their work and the relationship with each other is very harmonious. Generally speaking, they are positive." Su Chen shook his head and said.

Wen Dong stared closely at his eyes, and after only a second, he withdrew his gaze, agreed and did not speak again.

"Come in." The two took the elevator to the new clothing company on the [-]th floor. Wen Dong opened the office door and said with a very natural expression.

A little doubt appeared in Su Chen's eyes, did Director Wen see something?This is unlikely, he shook his head secretly, nodded and walked in.

Just as Su Chen closed the door, she was shocked to find a beautiful woman in a police uniform behind the door. She was taken aback because she saw it yesterday. Isn't this the assistant of Director Wen?What shocked him a little was why this assistant was wearing a police uniform today?
Just when Su Chen was in a daze, Li Binger's pretty face was cold, without saying a word, she reached out and grabbed Su Chen's arm, and with a catch, she pushed him to the ground with her backhand.

"What are you doing?" Su Chen was shocked, and looked at Li Bing'er in amazement from the side, struggling with his body. Although he was tall and burly, Li Bing'er was from an armed police force. move.

"Don't move around!" Li Bing'er stared at him coldly, her tone was cold and serious, she touched her waist with her small hand, and a pair of diamond bracelets were put on Su Chen's wrist behind her back.

"The relationship between the deceased Bai Yuanjing and you is very complicated. He died of a drug overdose, so he was judged to have committed suicide. According to our knowledge, the deceased Bai Yuanjing was pregnant four months ago. I found your hair in the house where I live, and there are a lot of them. In addition, 20 days ago, Bai Yuanjing went to Haitian Lanxin Hospital to have an abortion, and you were the one who accompanied her. And you have been living in Jinxiu Villa for the past two days after Bai Yuanjing committed suicide. In the resort." Wen Dong turned around and looked coldly at Su Chen who had been subdued, and said unhurriedly: "On the night she committed suicide, you went to her room."

Li Bing'er looked up at Wen Dong, knowing that this guy was cheating on Su Chen again, but she didn't say anything, her eyes were fixed on Su Chen.

And something happened that shocked the two of them.

Su Chen's expression froze for an instant, the pain in his sluggish eyes couldn't be concealed, his lips trembled, he opened his mouth but didn't speak.

Li Bing'er looked at Wen Dong in shock, can you guess this?
"I'm the deputy captain of the Second Criminal Police Team of the Water City Public Security Bureau. I've been secretly investigating this case for the past few days. The result of the investigation is that Bai Yuanjing probably didn't commit suicide, but was murdered. Regardless of the point, the biggest suspect People are pointing to you." Li Binger's voice was cold and slack, and her indifferent eyes brought invisible deterrence to people.

Su Chen's expression fell into a sluggish moment, his face turned red and white, his head was lowered, and he lay motionless on the ground, his face was indescribably complicated, but it was hard to hide the great pain.

There was silence in the office.

(End of this chapter)

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