How bad guys are made

Chapter 306 Another Twist

Chapter 306 Another Twist
Li Binger and Wen Dong watched him intently, noticing the way Wen Dong was looking at him, Li Binger also nodded secretly, only to tell them that Su Chen seemed to have something hidden, if he was really a murderer, he would never be like this It is easy to admit that I went to Bai Yuanjing's place that night.

Suddenly Li Binger blinked at Wen Dong, looking at herself thoughtfully.

What does this look mean?Winking?
She was already pretty, with slender winking eyes, without the cold eyes before, but in this blink, she appeared a little flirtatious and ambiguous that she didn't usually have.

But Wen Dong was a little speechless, which must be hinting to him.But this girl usually does her own way, and she seldom gives herself a good face. Who knows what she means by blinking?
Therefore, Wendong decided to follow the routine he thought of.

Wendong nodded silently: "Officer Li, he can't run away without you here, you should let him go first. If he is a murderer, then I will never let him go, but if not, then as the company The top management will definitely protect you. However, it is obvious that you have concealed important clues from the police, so I have to doubt your sincerity."

Su Chen lowered her head even more, but didn't speak.

Li Bing'er secretly nodded to Wen Dong, and then released Su Chen, and even removed the handcuffs from his hands.

Wendong understands what Li Binger hinted before. It turns out that the old trick is repeated, with one red face and the other bad face, but now the positions of the two have been switched.

Su Chen got up silently, but didn't stand up, and sat on the ground as if she had lost her soul, bowing her head in silence.

Wen Dong glanced at him quietly, turned around and poured a glass of water, and brought it to Su Chen.

Su Chen raised his head and gave Wen Dong a grateful look, then hurriedly staggered to his feet, took the water: "Thank you."

Wen Dong nodded, stood next to Su Chen, and said softly, "Don't be nervous, the guilt of giving a false confession can be big or small, if you have any unspeakable secrets, you might as well say it in front of Officer Li, and we will solve it together."

Su Chen's face turned red suddenly, and she raised her head to look at them, but her eyes were filled with unconcealable sadness.

"I'm sorry, Director Wen. I did look for Yuan Jing that night. But I didn't expect her to commit suicide." He cleared his hoarse throat: "The night before yesterday, I went to Yuan Jing's room to confess to her. But you know Yes, the company system does not allow colleagues to fall in love, and once found out, they will be fired immediately, so I didn't say anything."

"Did you go to confess to Bai Yuanjing that night?" Li Binger looked at him in surprise.

Su Chen nodded grimly.

Li Binger raised her eyebrows and looked at Wen Dong who was also shocked: "Does your company have such a rule?"

Wen Dong was slightly taken aback, and said in an uncertain tone: "There should be."

Hearing this, Li Bing'er rolled her eyes angrily. She has been a senior executive of Lanyun for so long, but she doesn't even know about this system.

Li Bing'er turned to look at Su Chen: "Then tell me what happened that night."

Su Chen's eyes were red, but she didn't answer the question, and looked up at Li Bing'er in a daze: "Was Bai Yuanjing really murdered?"

"It's not certain at the moment, it's just a suspicion." Li Bing'er frowned and shook her head.

Su Chen lowered his head weakly, and muttered to himself: "I knew it."

"Know? What do you know?" Li Binger stared at him closely and asked.

Su Chen was silent for a moment, her speech was also nasal, and she said with a blank face; "Although we went on vacation on Qixi Festival, we all went with work, that is, we worked while traveling. Things, on impulse, I went to the villa where she lived..."

"What time?" Wen Dong interrupted him.

"It should be at 23:45. Because it was very late, I looked at my watch and thought it was God's will. Because that night was the last ten minutes of Qixi Festival, I remembered it very clearly. I went out on impulse and found the door in her room. The lights were on too, so I went to find her."

"And then?" Li Binger followed up.

Su Chen took a deep breath and said slowly: "Then I told him that I like her and want her to be my girlfriend. I have liked her for a long time. She said she would consider it, but my instinct told me that she Very excited, very happy, she is a quiet and weak girl, I think the reason why she said this is her inherent reserve. I went back to sleep until the next morning, because I was too excited, I went to bed early Woke up, so I anxiously asked her if she had thought about it, but there was no answer after knocking on the door a few times, and I found that the door was ajar, so I couldn't help but curiously glanced inside, and found that Yuan Jing was still there. Sleep..." At this point, Su Chen's red eyes were already filled with tears, he took a few deep breaths, and murmured: "So I left, knowing that Yuan Jing hadn't come out when my colleagues gathered for dinner, so I went to Calling her, it turned turned out..." At the end, Su Chen broke down in tears.

Wen Dong didn't seem to be affected by Su Chen's emotions at all: "Then what time did you leave that night?"

Li Bing'er raised her head and stared at Wen Dong. Doesn't this guy know how to calm down and ask?Who is singing the red face?

"Around ten past twelve." Su Chen said lonely.

Li Binger took out a tissue and handed it to Su Chen.

With a hoarse voice, Su Chen reached out to take it: "Thank you."

Li Binger and Wen Dong looked at each other and nodded secretly, as if all the previous doubts were understandable, yesterday Su Chen's slovenly image, Su Chen continued to live next door to Bai Yuanjing in the resort, Su Chen took Bai Yuanjing's hair away...

Even so, they did not let down their vigilance.

After his mood gradually stabilized, Li Binger asked: "Did you notice any abnormality in her mood at that time?"

A bitter smile appeared on Su Chen's face: "I was so nervous at the time that I didn't pay attention at all."

Li Binger asked: "According to what you said, you stayed in Bai Yuanjing's room for at least 20 minutes. What did you say that night?"

Su Chen was silent for a moment, then said, "That's what you said, nothing else."

Li Binger stared at his somewhat stiff side face, did he not want to mention it or did he have other secrets?Is this just not wanting to bring up the sad thing again?Li Binger was silent.

But Wendong didn't seem to consider this: "Is that child yours?"

Hearing this, Su Chen's expression froze, and his eyes were even more miserable: "How is it possible? At that time, I didn't know that Yuan Jing was going to have an abortion. She only said that she was feeling sick to get some medicine. I just thought it was inconvenient for her to say, I I didn't follow."

Li Bing'er and Wen Dong nodded silently, Su Chen did not lie, he did not get out of the car on the surveillance.

"Can you talk about Bai Yuanjing?" Li Binger said.

Su Chen was silent for a while: "She is a good girl. She is quiet and weak, but she is very strong. She often works overtime and works late. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. Sometimes I work overtime with her. She never complains. Complain, I like her very much, but I didn't expect her to... take drugs."

"You probably didn't expect that she was pregnant with someone else's child, right?" Wen Dong said.

Su Chen's body trembled, the bitterness on his face intensified, and he bowed his head in silence.

Li Binger glanced at Wendong, then turned to look at Su Chen: "Can you tell me more about what happened that night? Bai Yuanjing's suicide is very suspicious. If you really like her, you shouldn't hide it from us. This is very important to investigate the truth about her suicide." Li Binger's tone was serious.


"She was wearing a white dress that day. It turns out that she often wears white dresses. She said that she likes white, and I like this color too... I remember that she had no makeup at that time, and she wore her hair like a beautiful and elegant princess. Her eyes were a little red at the time, and she said it was blown by the wind, so I didn't think much about it.

After I confessed to her, I could clearly feel her excitement, she was very happy, she said she would consider it, and I said I will come to you tomorrow morning.So I went back, and after I went back, because I was in a happy mood and because I was too tired that day, I fell asleep after a while. As for the next day, I have already told you..."

White dress?Wen Dong and Li Binger looked at each other again, Su Chen's suspicion was almost ruled out.

Wen Dong thought for a while and asked again: "Who in the department knows about what you confessed to her?"

"Everyone knows." Su Chen whispered, "When I found her body that morning, I lost control of my emotions. Everyone saw it, but they kept it from me. The manager didn't say anything."

"I apologize to you for what happened before. But I hope you don't mention what we talked about today. We suspect that Bai Yuanjing's death is not simple. We are secretly investigating this matter. If you find anything, please contact me as soon as possible." Tell us, this is all respect for the deceased, the deceased is gone, but if we can restore her innocence, we will spare no effort, right?" Li Binger said about Bai Yuanjing's drug use.

"I know, I understand." Su Chen nodded repeatedly.

He walked out of Wendong's office and stayed in the elevator for a long time before returning to the second trade and sales department. He returned to his seat and sat down. Lao Qin, who was closest to him, patted him on the shoulder; "What? Are you okay?"

Although his emotions have been controlled, anyone can see the red circles under his eyes.

Su Chen smiled embarrassingly: "It's okay, Director Wen saw that I was sloppy yesterday, and thought it was affecting the company's image, so he gave me a hard reprimand." After speaking, Su Chen immediately got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Yan Ze, who was diagonally opposite, looked at Su Chen's back, twitched the corner of his mouth, and silently withdrew his gaze.

Li Binger sat on the sofa silently, the office was quiet for a while, and suddenly looked up at Wendong: "Su Chen's suspicion can almost be ruled out, but this way the clues are broken, so what do you think is the next step?"

"Will you listen to me?" Wen Dong turned to look at her.

Hearing this, Li Binger snorted angrily, "I want to hear your opinion."

"Actually, there is nothing to do. Bai Yuanjing was murdered, so there is no need to think about it. The suspect is likely to be selling the second part. The real mastermind is between Yan Ze, Ming Yu and Qin Tai. Now that it is locked With such a small scope, it is easy to check." Wen Dong said.

(End of this chapter)

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