How bad guys are made

Chapter 307 Qingyan VS Qingxue

Chapter 307 Qingyan VS Qingxue
"Why couldn't it be Zhou Yixuan or Zhao Yutong? According to Bai Yuanjing's suicide note, she was made things difficult and scolded, and only the department manager Zhou Yixuan has this ability." Li Binger was puzzled.

"Pregnant. Can Zhou Yixuan make Bai Yuanjing pregnant?" Wen Dong stared at Li Binger with a funny tone, which was a rare sarcasm for her.

Hearing this, Li Binger froze, stared at him coldly, thought for a while and analyzed: "Then, let's proceed in two steps, one: investigate the daily life and family background of Yan Ze, Ming Yu and Qin Tai. Two: Go to Bai Yuanjing's hometown, maybe you can find clues, the deceased Bai Yuanjing called her mother on the night of her murder, we asked, but her mother didn't give any useful information, I think we It is necessary to go and see for yourself, and even though Zhou Yixuan cannot impregnate Bai Yuanjing, it cannot be ruled out that she is an accomplice."

"It seems that we are getting more and more tacit understanding and want to be together, but I would like to add something." Wen Dong said.

"What?" Li Binger looked at him suspiciously.

"Blood fluorescence test." Wen Dong said.

"This has already been done, and the test is not satisfactory. There is no trace of blood in Bai Yuanjing's room, even a slight splash." Li Binger said.

"You have to understand that this was a random test when you thought Bai Yuanjing committed suicide. Now, she was murdered."

"Oh, you mean other people's rooms." Li Binger's eyes lit up.

"Yes, not only these, but also cut a layer of soil in the small courtyard in the middle and test it. Although it rained that night, the blood intruded into the soil can still be detected. There are also bloody clothes on the car to see if there are other people's blood. Blood components." Wen Dong said.

Li Binger nodded earnestly and secretly wrote it down, and couldn't help but look up at Wendong in surprise: "How do you know so much?"

"You must read more TV and novels about criminal investigation and reasoning. Although many novels are unrealistic, some exaggeration is added because of the plot, but the novels come from life, and they will not be full of nonsense. Read too much , Naturally understand, and I am obviously better, not only self-taught, but also draw inferences from one example, more importantly, I can be a teacher now, learn more." Wen Dong said stinky , blinked at Li Binger.

Li Binger glared at Wen Dong, got up and walked out with the files: "Let's go."


The top presidential suite of Water City International Hotel——

"Miss Pan is really a phoenix among women." Qingxue squinted and said to Pan Jinyuan who was covered with a thin blanket on the bed.

Pan Jinyuan's pretty face was blushing, and her rosy cheeks were still flushed. Seeing Qingxue sitting on the edge of the bed in full clothes, she asked curiously, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, Miss Pan is so sincere, so naturally I can't slack off." Qingxue leaned over to look at Pan Jinyuan, his white palms were rubbing the other's face, and his tone was light.

"Then you go and come back quickly, I will host a banquet for you tonight." Pan Jinyuan said with a blushing face.

"You can sleep here tonight." Qingxue got up, turned to look at her and said.

"En." Pan Jinyuan blushed like a little girl and turned her head away. For more than two hours, the young man in front of her gave her great satisfaction. No man had ever been so strong, which made Pan Jinyuan deeply As deep as the law to extricate oneself.

There was a sudden silence in the room, and Pan Jinyuan raised her head suspiciously, only to find that the person was no longer in the room.

Qingxue was dressed in a clean suit as before, and slowly walked out of the hotel building. Suddenly, his smiling expression was taken aback, and then it was quickly covered up. walk down the street.

Until Qingxue was far away, a beautiful figure stepped out from a few luxury cars next to the hotel. She was dressed in black leather and leather pants, making her already slender figure even more sexy, with an alluring face and cold eyes Staring at the direction where Qingxue left, his already cold eyes became even colder.

Passing through the bustling streets, Qingxue walked slowly into an empty alley, stopped slowly, leaned against the unclean wall, but did not stick it, pressed one foot behind her, stretched out her hand Gracefully took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, knocked out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, the smoke filled with the taste of a good young man who is not familiar with the world.

After taking a few sips, a beautiful figure walked out from the entrance of the alley, looking at Qingxue expressionlessly.

Qingxue seemed to have expected it, and slowly turned to look at her, with a smile on his face and smoke puffing from his nostrils: "Here we come." The tone was gentle, and the simple two words were like greetings from friends.

"How do you want to die?" The killer landlord ignored him and stared at him coldly.

"You know, although I can't beat you, you can't kill me either." Qingxue showed a helpless expression on his face.

"Then I'll see you and kill you once." Li Ningyan said coldly, a icy glow appeared from the short sleeves of the leather jacket.

Qingxue smiled wryly: "I have already explained to you before, I did not do what you poisoned, I really..."

Qing Xue had just finished speaking halfway, but couldn't continue anymore, his helpless expression suddenly became extremely serious, and he stretched out his arm suddenly to block his neck.

"Ding..." There was a crisp sound of metal collisions, and the sleeves of Qingxue's white suit were cut open, revealing the dark golden armguards inside.

Qingxue's eyes turned cold, and he threw his fist towards the side. Li Ningyan quickly took a step back. Before she could rush up, Qingxue kicked hard with one foot on the wall, his body suddenly jumped up, and then kicked There was a backflip on the wall at a height of two meters, and after the left and right back and forth, the green blood rushed into a courtyard in the alley.

The beautiful landlady's eyes were cold, and within a few seconds he also jumped up to the high wall. The beautiful landlady stood on the wall and scanned the courtyard, and there was no one inside...


Dragon City Nightclub is one of the largest nightclubs in Shuishi.

On the sofa in the private room, Qingxue stretched out his hand and rubbed his arms and sat gracefully on the front seat, with He Wenlong sitting next to him.

"This is from Dr. Z." He Wenlong took out a brocade box and put it on the table.

"Did I give it to you with my own hands?" Qingxue reached out and took the brocade box, picked it up with her fair and slender fingertips, a small bottle in the brocade box lay quietly on it, played with it for a while, looked up at He Wenlong and asked road.

"No, it's his deputy. You just need to touch the opponent's skin with this thing. Of course, the best way is to drink it directly." He Wenlong shook his head and said.

"Well, I know." Qingxue nodded.

Ten minutes later, Qingxue left the nightclub and stood in the bustling street with his sleeves inserted. His handsome face showed a wicked aura, and he pinched the vial with his white fingers. He admired it wickedly in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Xiao Yan, why didn't you agree to me? Can you escape?" Qingxue held the vial tightly in his hand, and the evil spirit on his face became even stronger, and he walked away lightly.

Bai Yuanjing's hometown J Province is far away from Shui City, and the two of them took the plane directly, so Li Binger put the police car back at the police station, and Wen Dong drove his Zhanyi 8 series given by his beautiful landlord to the airport.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the two got off the plane and took another hour's bus ride to Bai Yuanjing's hometown.

Bai Yuanjing's home is in an old house in the county seat, because today is the weekend, her younger brother is at home on vacation, and Li Binger has a certificate from the Ministry of Public Security, so Bai's mother put down her business and went home.

Bai Yuanjing's house is very ordinary, the white snake is old, and it looks like a bare house.

Bai Mu received them carefully.She took them to her daughter's room, made tea, and exited the room a little awkwardly.

Li Binger looked at the back of Bai's mother leaving: "Bai Yuanjing's personality is a bit similar to her mother's."

"Well, weak, a daughter brought up by a poor single mother, her personality will be more or less affected." Wen Dong nodded.

Bai Yuanjing's relics are placed in the house, including her items from childhood to adulthood, dolls, dolls, etc...

Li Bing'er walked around the room, raised her hand to take a stack of books from the bookshelf, flipped through them, and raised her eyebrows: "This is Bai Yuanjing's diary."

So, the two found a chair and sat down, and began to read Bai Yuanjing's diary.

The diary started in 2005, when Bai Yuanjing was only 15 years old, then in 2006, 2007...but in the end it was only in 2011, when Bai Yuanjing was 21 and in her third year of college, and then it disappeared.

The two paid special attention to Bai Yuanjing's diary.She realized that Bai Yuanjing was a meticulous and sensitive person, and most of what she wrote down were trivial things in life. Even the teacher's encouraging eyes made her excited for a long time.All in all, the girl has always been active and cautious, and in her diary, life is unremarkable, and no clues can be found about it.

The two asked Bai Yuanjing's mother again, but they still found nothing, which was really helpless.

But there is no unparalleled road, and Bai Yuanjing's younger brother gave them a big reminder.

My sister didn't go home during the summer vacation of her sophomore year. She worked outside and saved money to buy a laptop.

A word to awaken the dreamer.

"This kind of mildly anxious girl will not easily get rid of her perennial habits. She must have kept a diary in recent years. Why didn't I think of it." Wen Dong and Li Binger went to the bus station to catch the last bus. Patted his head and said.

"Yes, the diary is in her computer, an electronic version of the diary." Both of them thought that Bai Yuanjing would keep a diary, but they did not find her diary at Bai Yuanjing's residence in Shui City, so after being reminded, the two immediately thought of it. computer.

Yes, Bai Yuanjing bought a computer by herself in her junior year and switched to using electronic forms to record her heart, but according to her mother, she sold the computer in college after graduation, and Bai Yuanjing bought it second-hand.

"Bai Yuanjing's company has a dedicated computer for her, but I can't imagine that the notebook that Bai Yuanjing used in the company has already been recycled and emptied." Wen Dong said, seeing Li Binger frowning, Wen Dong smiled again and said: "Don't worry about this, Bai Yuanjing With careful thought, I will definitely not record the diary in WPS and other files that are easy to be emptied."

(End of this chapter)

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