How bad guys are made

Chapter 308 Car Accident·Great Gift of Green Blood

Chapter 308 Car Accident·Great Gift of Green Blood

"Blog or Penguin Space." Li Binger had an epiphany: "Yes, she must have a private space, which can be logged in with a number, so that even if the computer breaks down, it will not be lost." Li Binger thought for a while, and said: "Although the notebook It was cleared, but as long as she has been online at her original IP address, the company data will be recorded, as long as she screens out the URLs she frequently logs in, she can find her blog address, and then decipher the password..."

Wen Dong looked down at her with a cigarette in his mouth, and he did not hide his pride in his eyes: "I have learned to draw inferences from one instance..."

Li Binger stared at him: "I'm just not as flexible as you in my brain, and I can think of it if I think about it slowly."

"Well... you're very honest."

"Go to hell!"


In a sparsely populated suburb of Shui City, no car passed by all night. At this time, a large truck was parked by the side of the road, and it was shrouded in darkness. From the small silhouette of the truck, it looks like a monster crawling in the dark.

Just like the pitch-black interior of the car, there is only a little light on the display screen, and a red dot is flashing, which is the location of Shuishi International Airport, and more precisely, it is the car of the beautiful landlord, Zhanyi 8 Series,

"Little Yan, why do you have so many of this kind of garbage..." A slightly blunt voice murmured, hoarse and cold, making people shudder...

Suddenly, the red dot on the display screen began to move. At this time, the headlights of the car were suddenly turned on, and he drove away in line with the red dot.

"It's time to end, Xiaoyan, you will come, right..." A hoarse murmur sounded, and the smoke that was cut by the swift evening wind dissipated and disappeared into the dark night sky...


The two rushed to the water market non-stop, and when they returned to the water market, it was already past 23:[-] in the middle of the night.

Li Binger was sitting in the co-pilot, looking at the nighttime city, and when she turned her head, she saw Wen Dong with his hands on the steering wheel, his fair face was filled with indescribable determination, and his complexion was flat.

Li Binger looked at him: "I think it is necessary to know your real situation."

"What's going on?" Wen Dong wondered.

"Excellent skills. This car is at least 2000 million. The case is more thoughtful than I thought. You are a thief? I don't believe it." Li Binger stared at him with a serious tone.

"I borrowed this car. I don't even have a bicycle now. I learned my skills from an old man when I was young. As for the reasoning ability of handling cases, one depends on the flexibility of the brain, and the other depends on seeing more and thinking more." Wen Dong didn't turn his head. Said.

Li Binger took a quiet look at Wen Dong, and stopped asking any more questions. Now it is important to handle the case: "Go to Lanyun."

"En? Didn't I take you home? Besides, restoring the data requires the help of the technical department. What's the use of us going there?" Wen Dong looked at her suspiciously.

"I don't need the technical department, I think you can do it." Li Binger looked at him, Wendong is a computer expert, and Li Binger discovered it when she was teasing Yue Chen. Li Binger will definitely not let it go.

Wendong was speechless for a while: "I'm very tired, I'm helping, okay, don't you think you won't feel guilty about this?"

"Come on, don't think I don't know why you came to help." Li Binger said arrogantly.

"Okay." Wen Dong was helpless.

"I'll treat you to supper after finishing these." After a moment of silence, Li Bing'er said suddenly.

"The old place?" Wen Dong turned his head.

Li Binger's heart skipped a beat suddenly, although the two of them often talked back, unconsciously, they had quite a tacit understanding.

"Yes, that's right there." Li Bing'er nodded.

Wen Dong stopped talking, and the car drove quietly on the viaduct...

The Zhanyi 8 series had just got off the viaduct and passed a fork in the road, when suddenly a dazzling light came on, which hurt people's eyes and made them blind for a moment.

Li Binger exclaimed "Ah", and quickly stretched out his hands to cover his eyes and turned his head away. Wen Dong was also taken aback. His eyesight was very good, and he soon discovered that the big Yiliang truck was speeding diagonally across the road. .

"Damn it, why are you turning on high beams? Are you looking for death?" Wen Dong cursed, squinting his eyes, trying to avoid the glare of the light.

Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred at this time. Just as the two cars passed each other, the truck suddenly slammed the steering wheel, and there was a harsh sound of overwhelmed wheels. The car hits head-on.

"Not good!" Wen Dong turned pale with shock, and slammed the steering wheel, but let him drive superbly, with such a fast speed and such a short distance, and the opponent is still a huge monster, almost completely covered.

The side of the truck's head directly hit the side of the car, that is, the side of Wendong's driver's seat, with a bang, the car shook violently, and Wendong felt his world spinning, followed by the sound of Li Bing'er on the co-pilot The last coquettish cry before being stunned.

The car was knocked into the air with a bang, and its four wheels were off the ground, almost moving out. It can be seen how powerful the impact was. The car smashed a few big trees on the roadside slope with a "bang" before it barely stopped.

The violent impact seemed to throw Wen Dong's internal organs out, and his head hit the glass next to him with a 'bang'. …

And the situation of that big truck was not much better than that of the car. After the truck hit the car, the two wheels on the right side were off the ground, and it slanted its body and "boomed" straight into the slope not far in front of the car. I don't know how many thick and big trees were broken, and even the soil layer on the slope was arched up a lot before it could barely stop.

At this time, the entire truck body was completely tilted to one side, and the four wheels that were still turning turned to one side. The door on the side that was facing the sky was kicked open with a huge force. Kneading - I moved my numb arm, turned my head and neck, and made a "cracking" bone sound like fried beans.

Xie Mei's eyes looked at the motionless car not far away, and his cold eyes were full of inexplicable coldness: "Wendong, it's our first meeting, this gift is quite a sensation..."

"Fucking..." Wen Dong shook his painfully cracked head vigorously, and cursed angrily. He thought the truck driver was drunk and had a car accident. Naturally, he didn't know that it was someone's deliberate murder, so he cursed In a word, he quickly looked at Li Binger who was on the co-pilot, and found that she had passed out, her eyes were closed tightly, and she didn't know how many injuries she had suffered.

What shocked Wendong was that the car didn't seem to be a big deal when he sat down in the car. Except that the door on the side of the car he was driving was slightly sunken inward, there was no big deformation. If an ordinary car was hit and flew, I'm afraid it has already become scum.

He glanced at the glass in front of the car, which was as dense as a mess of hair, was the glass not broken after such a collision?Wen Dong suddenly understood that this car is a bulletproof car, and it is not an ordinary bulletproof car. The whole body is definitely not made of ordinary steel alloy. Fate must be over.

Rejoicing inwardly, she took a rest and took a breath. Wen Dong called out 'Li Bing'er', but got no response. He moved his extremely painful body to her side with difficulty, and stretched out his hand to pull Li Binger who had passed out. , Suddenly a burst of damp heat came from the palm.

Wen Dong was shocked, and quickly turned off the airbag, his eyes suddenly became horrified, Li Binger's face near the car glass was completely covered in blood, bloody and bloody, it was extremely frightening, even her face was deformed by the impact .

"Bing'er, Bing'er..." Wen Dong supported her cheek with trembling hands, blood instantly soaked his fingers, Wen Dong yelled a few times but got no response.

Hastily opened the car door, just as Wen Dong was about to reach out to pick up Li Binger who was in a coma, when he suddenly noticed a cold and mocking gaze looking towards him, Wen Dong suddenly turned his head, and found that he was standing on the head of the truck looking at him The blue blood from this side.

Wen Dong woke up suddenly, this was not an ordinary car accident at all, but a deliberate murder.

Although the lights in this place are extremely dim now, Wendong has night vision ability, and he can see the appearance of Qingxue at a glance. Wendong has never seen him, but his intuition tells him that this person is very dangerous, and his skills are definitely better than those two people before. The twins are much more hands-on.

Killer, a powerful killer, Wen Dong gave this person an accurate positioning.

Wen Dong's eyes were stern, and he closed the door quietly. Now he can only hope that Li Bing'er will not lose too much blood and die.

"Get off—" Afraid that there would be more than one person in front of him, Wen Dong didn't dare to leave the car too far, and stood beside the car and shouted at Qingxue.

Qing Xue looked at Wen Dong who was furious, and smiled slightly, as if he was not angry at all, but the corners of his feminine eyebrows were raised a little, making him look more and more evil.

"We met for the first time, do you like this great gift? Wendong." Qingxue walked towards Wendong slowly, and said with a wicked smile on his face.

"Are you with the two killers before? Who are you?" Wen Dong stared at him coldly.

System: "Ding: The host uses strength potion to increase strength by 30 points and last for 10 minutes."

System: "Ding: The host uses the speed potion, which increases the speed by 30 points and lasts for 10 minutes."

"Yes, I'm here to kill you. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Qingxue, you can call me Mr. Xue." Qingxue said.

"In order to show respect for you, I will use my strongest method - to kill you in seconds!" Qingxue is not a person who is good at words, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense with Wendong. A needle of red liquid appeared in his hand and pierced into his own arm.

"Drug catalysis?" Wen Dong was taken aback, how could there be such a thing in this world?

"Come on!" Wen Dong didn't dare to delay the time, his feet slammed on the ground, his body was off the string and the arrow suddenly rushed out, and he waved his palms and used the strongest means, growling in his throat: "Subduing Dragon Eighteen!" The third palm!"

The third palm of "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon": requires 20 energy points, and causes 3 points of damage.True damage requires 30 energy points and deals 3 true damage to the target.

One point of damage equals one ton of damage.

(End of this chapter)

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