How bad guys are made

Chapter 309 Dr. Z·The Blue Blood's Revenge

Chapter 309 Dr. Z·The Blue Blood's Revenge

Qingxue's eyes were cold, and bloodshot eyes shot out from his feminine pupils. His eyes were full of murderous intent, and Ling Ran punched him fearlessly.

"Bang..." The fists and palms faced each other, and the moves were not fancy. A muffled sound resounded from between the fists and palms. Huge force came, as if being hit head-on by a rushing prehistoric monster.

Qingxue felt that his body was being trampled by a group of giant beasts, every part of his body was in pain like being torn apart, his body flew upside down in an instant, and hit a truck in the distance heavily before he could barely stop shape.

His blue and white face was flushed, his throat rolled, and a mouthful of blood spewed out with a 'poof'.

Compared with Qingxue, Wendong is not much better, the power is mutual, and just now Qingxue was obviously injected with drugs to increase attack power.Wen Dong's body flew upside down, hitting a huge tree behind him and shaking violently a few times, as if his internal organs had been knocked out of place, he opened his mouth to spurt a mouthful of blood, and his body slipped limply from the tree trunk.

System: "Ding: The host has been severely injured, and his health has dropped to 30 points."

"Ding: The host is using healing potions, and his health is slowly recovering."

"Ding: The host uses healing potions..."

The chilling atmosphere lasted for less than half a minute, and Wen Dong was shocked to find that Qing Xue, who had suffered three tons of real damage from him, was not dead. He staggered up from the ground and looked towards him.

"You are very strong..." Qingxue said, licking the blood from the corner of his mouth with his tongue, bright red and ferocious.

"However, that's it..." Qingxue smiled strangely, and there was another brocade box in his hand. When he opened the brocade box, a red pill was squeezed in his hand, and he opened his mouth to swallow it.

After taking the pill, the green blood suddenly seemed to be revived with full blood, and the pale and sickly cheeks suddenly turned rosy, as if nothing happened.

He must have taken medicine to temporarily suppress the physical injury.

"Ding: The host consumes 20 hatred points and replenishes 10 energy points."

Oops, the hate value is not enough, and the antipathy point was used up in the lottery draw last night.

"Ding: The host uses Murloc's Tears, and the health status is full."

Damn, what is full blood resurrection, this is the real full blood resurrection.

"Then do it again." Wen Dong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up alive again. There is medicine for green blood, and he has it too, and it has no side effects.

"You also know Dr. Z?" Seeing this, Qingxue was startled, and looked at Wendong who had nothing wrong with him in surprise.

He didn't believe that Wendong would be so powerful at all. Just now, Wendong's palm definitely hit the limit of the ordinary human body. If he hadn't taken medicine, this would never be possible, and the only medicine that can break the shackles of the human body and gain superpowers in a short time Only Dr. Z can make it.

"Dr. Z? I don't know Dr. Z. Either die or get out!" Wen Dong looked at him coldly. Li Binger was still in the car. There is not much certainty.

From the time Qingxue said his name, Wendong had already guessed that this Qingxue was definitely a killer from the same organization as the beautiful landlord. The beautiful landlord had reminded himself before that the other party would definitely come again, but it was only Qixi Festival After less than a week, I didn't expect the other party to come so quickly, and it was still a big boss.I remember that the beautiful landlord said that her name is Qingyan, and the man in front of him is Qingxue. Although Wendong doesn't know how the killer organization of the beautiful landlord is divided, he can still feel that this young man is on the same level as the beautiful landlord. The presence.

Most importantly, the energy value is not enough!
"Get lost? Are you worthy too?" Qingxue sneered, rushed over with a stride, and swept towards Wendong's head with his legs raised.

Sensing the opponent's sharp kick, Wendong knew that his experience in battle was absolutely inferior to the opponent's, but his only advantage became dispensable because of the lack of antipathy.

"The first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms." Wen Dong growled, without dodging or dodging, he raised his palm and slapped the green blood flying kick.

First Palm: Requires 5 points of energy and deals 1 point of damage.

The two hit each other, Qingxue didn't expect Wendong to be able to unleash such a powerful attack, his body flew out in an instant, and rolled a long way on the ground before stopping.

Wen Dong's body also hit the tree trunk all of a sudden, hit his head on it, and his world was spinning.

"Come again!" Wen Dong vomited blood and roared angrily. He didn't take a rest at all, and made an attack with a lunge. Qingxue seemed to be uninjured, and stood up with a bounce.

Last resort.

"The first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms - armor-piercing damage!"

"Ding: The energy consumption of the host is zero."

"Looking for death!" Qing Xue's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he also raised a fist and slapped Wen Dong's waving palm.

"Bang!" The two exchanged a bang again, the clothes behind Qingxue's body fluttered without wind, and he clearly heard a 'click' breaking sound, and his body flew out in an instant.

"Pfft!" Even though he was supported by medicine, it seemed that the loss of pain could temporarily suppress the injury, but Wendong's subsequent punch still dealt him a fatal blow. Qingxue knew that if he continued to hit, He must die.

The astonishment in my heart can no longer be added, who is this Wendong?You know, he has medicine to support him, even Li Ningyan can't beat him.

"Damn it, come again!" Seeing that Qingxue vomited blood and did not die, Wen Dong cursed, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, dripping blood like a demon crawling out of hell.

Qingxue was really afraid of this kind of desperate confrontation.He was so hard that he was afraid of being stunned, and he was so scared that he would die. He didn't want to die.

Wendong is like a mad bull rushing up to the blue blood that has fallen to the ground. In fact, he is pretending. Now he can't wield the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but now because of taking various potions, his strength and speed It's not difficult to kill Qingxue after almost breaking through [-] points.

"Let him go." Suddenly, a familiar and cold voice sounded, and Wen Dong was stunned to find a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The beautiful landlady came, and she let herself let go of Qingxue, let go of a person who almost killed her just now, Wendong's heart suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Looking up at the beautiful landlady with a pretty and stern face, the unchanging black leather jacket and leather pants outline her already sexy figure very gracefully.

The beautiful landlord and Wendong looked at each other and then looked away, as if they were just ordinary strangers, and didn't even explain to Wendong.

Wen Dong glanced at her, fell silent for a while, turned around and walked towards the car without saying anything.

Qingxue looked up at Wen Dong and Li Ningyan, with a look of resentment in his eyes. He squeezed the white palm in his sleeve, and the jade porcelain bottle in his hand broke instantly, and the potion inside immediately soaked his palm.

Rather Stick to your guns!

A strange flash flashed in Qingxue's eyes, his broken body jumped up suddenly, and he stretched out a palm to slap Li Ningyan whose back was facing him.


The force of Qingxue's palm wasn't very strong, and the beauty killer staggered forward due to the force, without looking back at Qingxue, he strode towards the car.

Cleared up.Li Ningyan thought to herself.

Qingxue had saved her before, and this palm was cleared. Undoubtedly, with the ability of the beautiful landlady, she couldn't avoid Qingxue's sneak attack, but what she never expected was that Qingxue's hands were quenched with drugs, and the beautiful woman The killer didn't notice.

This medicine was formulated for him by Dr. Z, including the pills that Li Ningyan had been taking before, and even the strong emotion aphrodisiac, and these three medicines were obviously a set.

Li Ningyan is bound to die, and soon the medicine will take effect, and Li Ningyan will become a slut, asking for unlimited, knowing that she will die.

"I'll drive, you follow her to the back." Just as Wen Dong opened the car door to check Li Binger's injuries, the indifferent voice of the beautiful landlady sounded behind him.

Wen Dong nodded, and carried Li Binger, who was unconscious with blood on his face, to the back seat of the car.

All the way without words, Wen Dong hurriedly stopped Li Binger's bleeding, but he was very worried, because one side of Li Binger's face had been deformed by the impact, at least it was a concussion.

The beautiful landlady drove the car directly to the No. 1 People's Hospital in Shuishi, and Li Binger was directly pushed into the operating room.

"Dinglingling..." At this time, Li Binger's cell phone rang suddenly, and Wen Dong took it out to have a look.

Jiang Yanmei, the proprietress of Qianting Wine House, Li Binger's eldest sister, Wendong has always suspected that this woman's identity is not simple.

Seeing that the phone kept ringing, the beautiful landlady next to him didn't say anything, so Wen Dong quickly picked up the phone.


The person on the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Wendong?" The voice was a little ambiguous.

"It's me." Wen Dong smiled wryly.

"Bing'er, the little girl, still said that you are okay..." Jiang Yanmei's tone was teasing, and laughter like silver bells sounded.

She obviously misunderstood.

"Bing'er was seriously injured and is now in the operating room." Wen Dong reluctantly told the truth.

So, Jiang Yanmei didn't ask how she was injured, she just asked Wendong's hospital and hung up the phone, expecting this woman to come right away.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Dong looked up at the beautiful landlady, a complicated look flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to ask.

"He saved me once, this time it's clear, I won't bother next time, if I meet him again, I will kill him." Li Ningyan suddenly said in a low tone, this is the first time Wendong saw the beautiful landlord and said With so many words, this woman always talks word by word when she talks to herself.

Wen Dong was obviously taken aback, staring blankly at the expressionless beautiful landlady who was close at hand, suddenly felt happy for no reason, she actually took the initiative to explain to me?
"En." Wen Dong nodded and looked at her, and suddenly found that the face of the beautiful landlady was flushed. He was too familiar with this flush. Every time He Qing begged for mercy, her face always looked like this.

Sure enough, the beautiful landlady also discovered the difference in herself, her body trembled, and an unparalleled impulse rushed straight to her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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