How bad guys are made

Chapter 314 Bai Yuanjing's Blog

Chapter 314 Bai Yuanjing's Blog
The beautiful landlady turned her head to look at him, she was very quiet, her expression was as indifferent as ever.

Wendong looked at her seriously: "In the past, in order to resist the toxins in your body, you would not smile at anyone, you would not approach anyone, and you would firmly put yourself in a cold space. The smile of a normal person However, normal people’s communication has become a luxury for you. No one has the right to deprive you of these things that you should have. You are so powerful, but you are so distressing.”

Long-term resistance to toxins has mutated the beautiful landlady's personality and body. She resists any normal human emotions from the bottom of her heart, crying, laughing, sad, she will never have it, and the most are indifferent and murderous , the only emotion left is anger at most, which is a defect for a normal person.

Li Ningyan looked at Wendong quietly, with a hint of luster in the corner of her eyes...

She knew that Wendong was helping her become a normal person, and she also wanted to become a normal person, but it was difficult for her to have such emotions, she only knew that she felt a little uncomfortable, especially after hearing Wendong's words.

"You are crying..." Wen Dong looked at her excitedly.

"Is there?" The beautiful landlady was taken aback.

"Yes, really." Wen Dong approached her happily, stretched out his hand to wipe the corner of her eyes lightly, and it really appeared between his fingers, and said happily: "Look, you're actually going to cry."

Yes, she would have it yesterday, but she didn't know it.

The beautiful landlady let Wendong lightly touch the corners of his eyes, and looked down at his fingers, but his expression was still indifferent.

"I don't know, I just know that I feel very sad." The beautiful landlady said.

"When you feel sad, you want to cry. This is the emotional expression of a normal person. From today on, you are already a normal person. You will have all these things. You will definitely become a normal person." Wen Dong said seriously.

"But I...can't cry, I don't know how to cry." The beautiful landlady is still indifferent, but what she said made Wendong extremely happy. The beautiful landlady wanted to become a normal person from the bottom of her heart. The next thing is time.

"You wait." Wen Dong said, got up quickly and walked into the bedroom. After a while, he came out with a photo frame in his hand. On it were two girls smiling and taking pictures. One of them was the beautiful landlady in front of him.

"See, it's like the one above, come on, have a smile." Wen Dong pointed the photo frame at her and said encouragingly.

The beautiful landlady looked at herself in the photo frame six years ago, the muscles on her cheeks moved a few times, but she couldn't smile at all.

"I...I can't laugh." After a long time, the beautiful landlady said calmly.

Wen Dong frowned, and grabbed the beautiful landlady Bai Nen-Nen's little hand: "Then do you feel your heart beating faster?"

The beautiful landlady looked down at the hands held together by the two, slowly raised her head to look at Wendong, and shook her head quietly.

"It's okay, we have plenty of time, take your time." Wen Dong encouraged.

"Ding Lingling..." At this moment, Wen Dong's cell phone rang suddenly. Wen Dong frowned and picked up the cell phone. It was Jiang Yanmei's number. Then he remembered that Li Bing'er was seriously injured yesterday.

After finishing the phone call within a few minutes, she learned that Li Bing'er was seriously injured, had a concussion, damaged the skin on her right cheek, and needed skin transplantation. Jiang Yanmei was very angry, and she was also angry that Wen Dong left without a word last night.

The beautiful landlady sat aside and watched quietly.

"I have something to do when I go out later." Wen Dong frowned and said as he put down the phone.


"Let's have dinner together tonight, um...let's go out to eat and celebrate." Wen Dong rolled his eyes and said happily.

"Going out to eat? I don't like it." The beautiful landlady shook her head and said indifferently.

"So you have to get used to contacting people, you can definitely do it."

"Okay, let's go out to eat tonight." The beautiful landlady nodded.

"Okay." Wendong was happy for a while: "Don't wear the previous suit, and change into something fresher."

Wendong wants to make the beautiful landlord a normal person from the inside out.

"I don't have that kind of clothes." The beautiful landlady shook her head and said.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it, um..." Wendong pondered for a while: "Let's take it slowly. The color of the clothes remains the same, it's still black, but the style must be changed. It must be fashionable. Tonight you will wear black stockings to accompany you." I am going out."

"I haven't worn it." The beautiful landlady shook her head and said.

"You have to wear it if you haven't worn it. Women dress like this. You have such a good figure, so you must look good in it." Wen Dong encouraged, his eyes could not help falling on the snow-white legs under the nightdress, slender and white , wearing black silk, her sexiness will never be worse than that girl Zhang Hanhan.

"Then I'll give it a try."

"Well, that's it. I'll call you early in the afternoon. Let's go shopping in the evening. Your room needs to be tidied up carefully. The sheets and quilts should be changed to pink, and a TV and computer should be added in the living room. That girl Xu Zihan is here You can watch TV when you are bored at home." Wen Dong said, it is hard to imagine how a woman who stays at home all day without TV, computer, or any entertainment, how she got here all these years , Thinking about Wendong makes me feel distressed.

"By the way, do you want to take that girl Xu Zihan to dinner tonight?" Wen Dong asked again.

"Let's forget it." The beautiful landlady shook her head.

Obviously, she is still very resistant to her change from the bottom of her heart, and she doesn't want to be seen by others except Wendong.

"Alright then, I'll go out first and come back in the afternoon."

"Well, you can drive out, here are the keys." The beautiful landlady nodded, opened the drawer with her small hands, and no less than twenty keys appeared in the drawer with a clatter, and took out one casually and threw it to Wen Dongdao.

"Okay." Wen Dong took the key, feeling speechless for a while, a man without a car can't afford to be hurt.

I took the key and went to the garage to find the car. It was not bad. It was a white horse sedan worth more than 40 yuan, which was very suitable for my position as a director.

He drove directly to Shuishi No. [-] Hospital, and called Zhang Hanhan and Lin Xiaoxi on the way, with completely different attitudes.

Zhang Hanhan didn't say anything, his tone was cold and hostile. He was very angry with Wendong for not going home without saying anything last night. There was no other reason. There were three missed calls from Zhang Hanhan on Wendong's mobile phone, which made Zhang Xiaoniu worried. One night, but Zhang Hanhan didn't show it, and even said angrily that he wouldn't go home without saying anything, and don't go in the future.

Afterwards, Wendong said that Zhang Hanhan should be careful. He was assassinated last night, which shocked Zhang Hanhan. He quickly asked Wendong if he was injured, and strongly asked Wendong to go home tonight. This made Wendong happy and excited. Congratulations, Zhang Hanhan is definitely a knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

Lin Xiaoxi has been busy filming for the past few days. She came home yesterday. She hasn't been home since her father's operation. She stayed at home for two more days, and then there was silence. The two hesitated to speak, and their The relationship was complicated, and Lin Xiaoxi obviously couldn't pass that hurdle, so the two hung up the phone in embarrassment.

Li Binger was seriously injured. When Wendong came to the hospital, Jiang Yanmei scolded him severely first, saying how his boyfriend did it. Wendong could only smile wryly. He and Li Binger were not like that at all. .

Li Bin'er's head was wrapped with a bandage, covering almost her entire face. It would take at least a week before she was discharged from the hospital, and the investigation had to be put on hold temporarily.

But Wendong is not idle, after all, Sun Xiaojie is still selling the second part.

After coming out of the hospital, he returned to the company immediately and found Bai Yuanjing's blog within an hour.

It was already noon when Wendong came to the sales department from the hospital. Sun Xiaojie greeted Wendong like everyone else, but his fair and pretty face couldn't hide his joy and excitement, so Wendong calmly announced that Sun Xiaojie would report for him Regarding this matter, Yan Ze and others do not doubt him.

Sun Xiaojie and Wendong were sitting in the office, and the outside was still busy and calm. In order to let Sun Xiaojie and the carefree girl know the seriousness of the matter, Wendong let Li Binger read Bai Yuanjing's blog without obtaining Li Binger's approval.

Sun Xiaojie stared at the screen, flipping through Bai Yuanjing's private blog page by page.And Wendong watched while eating with a lollipop in his mouth, his legs crossed, and he didn't look like a director at all.

There is no way, the little girlfriend does not allow smoking, and personally unwraps a lollipop and stuffs it into Wendong's mouth.

Sun Xiaojie looked at the blog quietly.

"On February 2th, he was wearing a black windbreaker and a white scarf. The shirt inside was also white, which was very handsome. I found that he liked doing white very much, and I also like this color. From now on, I will also lucky color."

On February 2th, God is so annoying. I fell and hurt him. He came to see me that day and made me oatmeal. I like it very much. I eat this every morning after that.

On February 2th, he and his colleagues from the company came to see me again. He dared to say that he just found out about my injury. His colleagues had no doubts, but he blinked at me, and I secretly gave him an angry look. , he left in embarrassment, my heart was beating wildly, my heart was so sweet.

March 3th, he wore a new shirt today, white, very handsome.I ran into him in the tea room, and he said that I was very happy with my minutes of yesterday's meeting.

On March 3th, I had my period, my stomach hurt and I didn't want to go downstairs to eat.Colleagues didn't pay attention, but when he went upstairs, he brought me a snack and milk. The snack was so sweet, even the pure milk was sweet.

March 3, what should I do, I seem to like him more and more, I like his serious look sitting on the desk, I follow his example, like any dish he eats, I like whatever he likes What.He is a clear stream, flowing gently into my heart, bit by bit, occupying and filling my heart.


On March 3, I had too much work recently, and I forgot to pass some documents to the director's office. The manager severely criticized this matter, and I felt very uncomfortable.

On April 4st, why do things always go wrong?There are always mistakes. Manager Zhou said that this year's evaluation is still C.What to do, I was a C last year, and I am still a C this year. If I am a C next year, I will be resigned.I think that although everyone didn't say anything, they were actually unwilling to get close to me. They seemed to realize that I offended the manager.What about him?Still smile and talk to me, but I feel so uncomfortable, am I stupid?If I leave the company, will he miss me?I feel so sad.

Sun Xiaojie dragged the mouse down again, but it was already the last blog. When I saw the date of publication, I was completely stunned.

September 9st, nearly half a year after the last blog post.

The time is 00:37, which is midnight on the night after the Qixi Festival.According to forensic analysis, the time of Bai Yuanjing's death was between 2:3 am and 2:[-] am that day, which was about [-] hours before her death.

(End of this chapter)

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