How bad guys are made

Chapter 315 Take Your Sister

Chapter 315 Take Your Sister
On September 9st, I turned on the computer, and I have not been able to log into this pure land of the soul for almost half a year.

In the past six months, I have not encountered a good thing. My life is full of darkness. That place is dark, cold, and dirty. ?Those things, I don't want to record in the blog, here is clean.

Tonight, I decided to kill myself...

But he actually came to my room and confessed to me.

The man I once loved deeply...

He said that he has always liked me, he said that he has been attracted to me since the first day I joined the company.He said that he was only working hard and his salary was not high, but he would work hard, and he would always love me, just like the first day. He was very excited, and he asked me if I would be his girlfriend.


But my beloved, why are you here now?My favorite, clean, handsome boy, why come now?
I can't go back anymore, I'm not good enough for you anymore.But thank you, thank you my dear, let me call you my dear once, but really thank you, you finally let me see that my life is not so hopeless, I love you. "

The diary ends here abruptly, which is a bit different from what Wendong expected. Wendong hopes that Bai Yuanjing's diary will find clues about the reasons for her suicide and whether the drug network exists.However, most of the records here are about her unrequited love and unsatisfactory work. As for what happened in the past six months, just like the suicide note, there is no substantive clue.

Sun Xiaojie's lips were tightly pursed, and her bright eyes were poked with tears. Women are sentimental animals, and Sun Xiaojie didn't leave. She looked up at me and fell into deep thought.

Wendong bit the lollipop, frowning and looking at the blog.

Just as Wen Dong was about to speak, he heard Sun Xiaojie beside him say, "It's Su Chen."

Wen Dong raised his eyebrows and looked at her. He knew about it a long time ago, but what surprised him was how could Sun Xiaojie guess right?
Seeing Wendong looking at her suspiciously, Sun Xiaojie wrinkled her lovely nose, and said softly: "The most handsome person in the second part of sales is definitely Yan Ze, and he also likes to wear white shirts. But Bai Yuanjing used clean, stream metaphors That boy must be Su Chen, that's how he looks. As for Yan Ze..." Sun Xiaojie frowned, "The temperament doesn't match."

"Excellent, it seems that our Xiaojie is very skilled, you can tell it at a glance." Wendong gave Xiaojie a thumbs up.

"Of course, we have seen a lot of handsome guys anyway." Sun Xiaojie pushed her bulging chest hard, making the gap of the shirt propped up a little bigger, and besides the alluring whiteness, you can still see A hint of purple lace fringe looms.

"Do you like purple?" Wen Dong asked.

"En? Why do you say that?" Sun Xiaojie was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Wendong, just as she saw someone aiming wildly at him.

"Guess." Wen Dong quickly withdrew his gaze and touched his nose in embarrassment.

Sun Xiaojie blushed pretty, and glared at Wen Dong angrily, and smacked her mouth: "Pervert."

Wen Dong smiled at Sun Xiaojie, threw the lollipop plastic stick into the trash can accurately, sat on the seat, and said: "The stream is clean... The logic of a woman's judgment is really strange, but you guessed it right, it is Su Chen .”

Sun Xiaojie was about to ask Wendong if he knew about it a long time ago, because Wendong asked Su Chen to go out yesterday, but he had already sat down, crossed his legs, and looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Then what would you compare me to?"

Sun Xiaojie crossed her arms and looked at his face. Her skin was fair and her figure was fair, but those eyes looked at her eagerly. She thought for a while and said, "Any metaphor is fine?"

"of course."

Sun Xiaojie looked at her seriously, her sexy little mouth curled into a smile: "A big radish with a flirtatious heart everywhere."

Wen Dong's old face sank, and he pursed his mouth: "I'm really speechless. Your metaphors are far inferior to Bai Yuanjing, how can you say that about your prospective boyfriend."

"Not satisfied? Then change to another one." Sun Xiaojie said with a smile.

"Then you have to talk about it from the perspective of a prospective girlfriend." Wen Dong said.

"Okay...a big rogue with a lot of art?"

Wen Dong's eyes darkened, he lowered his head and ignored her, his speechless appearance made Sun Xiaojie beside him happy for a while.

"Give me a whole glass of water." Wen Dong gritted his teeth.

Sun Xiaojie looked at him with a smile on her face, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and turned around happily to pour water.

Hmph, big hooligan... But the big pervert I like so much.

"I won't say much about other things. In fact, I'm showing you these clues to remind you that you should be more cautious with any male colleagues in the second sales department, and the same is true for female colleagues." Wen Dong took a sip of water , looked at her seriously.

"Ann, I'll be careful." Sun Xiaojie is not a rookie in the workplace. Although Wen Dong didn't say anything, she also knew the seriousness of the situation. Bai Yuanjing was controlled by drugs, and she might become the other party's lover in the past six months. *-Slave, and this person is likely to be selling the second part.

Wen Dong looked up at her, his black eyes were slightly wrinkled, and his beauty level was raised. Sun Xiaojie was even higher than Bai Yuanjing. At a young, lively, fashionable and flamboyant age, it was easy for others to spy on her, which made people very worried, especially The bloody killer has already come to Shuishi, and Wendong may not take care of her.

"Okay, don't worry, as your prospective girlfriend, I am very principled, and I will never let other people take advantage of it." Sun Xiaojie comforted Wendong, and said, leaning over to kiss Wendong's cheek. for a moment.

Sun Xiaojie leaned over, and the snowy white flashed by at that moment, Wen Dong's eyes were straightened: "I just kiss, I still don't feel relieved."

"Then what do you want to do?" Seeing Wendong's eyes, Sun Xiaojie blushed with anger. The ghost knew what this guy was thinking. He was so proud that he snorted decisively when he got his way that night. Said: "No."

"Well, I'm just thinking about it."

"I can't even think about it!"

Wen Dong: "..."

"It's getting late, let's go have lunch." Wen Dong said.

"Okay, high-end restaurant, big lobster, here I come." Sun Xiaojie looked excited.

"Hey, did I say I went to a high-end restaurant? Who told you to treat you to a big lobster?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes for a while, but Wen Dong never forgot the experience of being slaughtered by this girl.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'll ask my brother to treat you to dinner another day, and you can treat me to this meal." Sun Xiaojie patted my shoulder with a small hand to comfort me.

"Tell me in advance that I won't go to the food stall."

"Huh? How did you know that brother would treat you to a food stall?"

Wen Dong: "..."

"Hee hee, let's go, I'm starving to death."

The result was obvious. Wendong spent more than 3000 yuan on the treat, and was brutally slaughtered by the girl Sun Xiaojie. Afterwards, Wendong was packaged and sent to Sun Zhenggang, and because the two came out late, After eating, Sun Xiaojie hurried back to work in the sales department.

Wendong went to the monitoring room with a bitter face to deliver big lobsters to the uncle-to-be. Seeing Sun Zhenggang's swaying expression, Wendong, who was almost angry, couldn't help but buckle the lunch box on the guy's head. I bought it with your sister's money.

I spent most of the afternoon in the monitoring room, and I didn't waste time, because I have been watching the monitoring of the office area of ​​the second sales department. Even if I find a little clue, it will be very useful for the subsequent narrow-scale investigation. Sun Xiaojie is also among them. Wen Dong didn't take a look, and there was an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Let's talk? Did you take Xiaojie away?" Sun Zhenggang said while staring at me.

"Go away, take your sister away." Wen Dong pouted and said after staring at it for a while but found no clues.

"Yes, it's my sister." Sun Zhenggang said seriously.

Wen Dong: "..."

Sensing Sun Zhenggang's unfriendly eyes, Wendong smiled mischievously: "It seems that Xiaojie really doesn't love you brother, don't worry. But Xiaojie and I have reconciled, she is my prospective girlfriend now, don't worry , with our ability, we will take down your sister soon, haha..." Wen Dongyue said more and more smugly.

"How did you win the law?" Sun Zhenggang immediately became uncomfortable.

"Uh, of course I've become a full-time member and become my real girlfriend. Don't worry, I'm a very principled person. I will never touch a single hair of your sister before I really confirm the relationship." Wen Dong swore righteously.

Sun Zhenggang stared at Wendong with disbelief.

"Well, I'm leaving first. I have something to do in the afternoon. I'm just running errands for the lobster Xiaojie bought for you. Take your time, your sister is really sensible."

Sun Zhenggang: "..."

Looking at the back of Wendong waving his hands away, Sun Zhenggang muttered, how could this sound like a curse...

After leaving the company, Wendong drove to a large shopping mall to help the beautiful landlord choose clothes.

Lanyun New Clothing Company has been gaining momentum recently. When entering the clothing section, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge poster. On the poster, Lin Xiaoxi is very beautiful in a fashionable and beautiful dress, especially the pair who almost wrapped the dress There is a heart-shaped pendant hanging on the bust, elegant and noble, the snow-white face is a little cool, very queen-like, and there are four large characters on the top - the queen series.

The entire front end is a special counter for the Queen series of Lanyun clothing, and its price can be called luxury. Of course, there are also cheaper ones, but they are not less than 5000.

Next to the Queen's series is the Lanyun series of clothing, which were designed by some fashion designers such as Cheng Liyuan. Of course, the price is also cheaper. There are many customers in it, and the sales are good.

Wendong did not choose the queen series counters, because the clothes he designed were too individual. The beautiful landlord is just taking the first step, so he must not rush and take his time. Therefore, Wendong chose the Lanyun series, just to see Did Cheng Liyuan's designers have any new ideas after Master Zhanyun came to the company?

Wendong immediately took a fancy to a white plaid shirt, which is very suitable for women in their 20s and 28s. It is clean and elegant, and it will definitely look good on a beautiful landlady.

(End of this chapter)

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