How bad guys are made

Chapter 316 Would you like to

Chapter 316 Would you like to
"May I help you?" At this time, a beautiful girl in fashion came over and asked with a smile.

"Wrap this dress up for me, thank you." Wen Dong nodded, and handed the plaid shirt to MM.

"Hey, are you... are you the designer of Wendong?" The beautiful girl nodded with a smile, she couldn't help being puzzled, and then turned her head to look at Wendong.

"Wow, you are really the designer of Wendong, why are you here?" Immediately, the beautiful girl's eyes became brighter and brighter, her doubts turned into screams in an instant, and she grabbed Wendong's arm excitedly.


"I'm shopping for clothes." Wen Dong said awkwardly.

"Designer Wendong? Wow, it's really Wendong. Take a look, everyone, it's Wendong, the designer of the Queen series! Designer Wendong, can I take a photo with you?" At this time, there was a beautiful girl who was shopping for clothes. The salesman said excitedly, a pair of bright eyes looked at him expectantly.

"Yes." Wen Dong readily agreed. He was at a loss and had never enjoyed this kind of treatment. Wen Dong agreed decisively.

"People want, people want..."

Wen Dong: "..."

So, for more than ten minutes, Wen Dong spent in the "click click" photoshoot, and even the MM salesperson from the Queen series counter on the other side rushed over after hearing the sound. The MM sales were too enthusiastic, and Wen Dong was too thick-skinned to resist. , and finally blushed from being molested. At this time, the girls became more excited and began to ask for Wendong's number. The noisy Wendong handed over the check shirt money and ran away.

It's not that our perverts are not shameless enough, it's because the MMs are too enthusiastic, and the softness rubbing on the arms is higher than the other. Wendong really dare not wait longer, if he accidentally sprays nosebleeds, then this life The fame is ruined once.

An hour later, Wendong drove back to Tianlan Community.

Wendong returned to the beautiful landlord's house with a few clothes boxes in his hand, and opened the door. The beautiful landlord was sitting quietly on the sofa, with an indifferent expression, not knowing what he was thinking, and when he saw Wendong came back, he didn't say anything. Then he looked away, very quiet.

Wendong closed the door and looked up at her. Could it be that she just spent the day sitting on the sofa?Wen Dong frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Here, here you are." Wen Dong put down the clothes box, put a box of fried chicken tenders on the table and said, just now I saw a fried shop on the road, I thought the beautiful landlord probably didn't eat, so I bought some.

"What is it?" The beautiful landlady sniffed her nose, looked up at Wendong, bent over to open the small box, and an appetizing aroma came out: "Chicken tenderloin?"

"Well, you didn't have lunch at noon, so eat something to fill your stomach first." Wen Dong sat down and said.

"Okay." The beautiful landlady did not refuse, reached out and took out one and ate it.

Wendong is very self-conscious as a male nanny. He took some clothes that were slightly close-fitting and went to the bathroom to wash them again. The clothes are thin, and they can be dried quickly after being shaken. common sense.

When Wendong came out with the shaken clothes, the beautiful landlady swept away the chicken tenders worth more than ten yuan. This thing is not enough to fill the stomach, even if you eat 100 yuan, you won’t be full.

"It's almost there." Wen Dong smiled and put his clothes on.

"I'm even more hungry." The beautiful landlady said with an indifferent expression as she reached out and pulled a tissue to wipe her greasy mouth.

Wen Dong looked at the beautiful landlady's calm eyes with a little weird eyes, which made people unable to help but hug her into his arms.

"It's okay, let's go out to eat later, and let you have enough." Wen Dong said with a smile: "Go change clothes, let's go."

The beautiful landlady set her eyes on the clothes, especially when she saw the messy stockings on top, and frowned: "I don't want to wear them."

"You have to wear it if you don't want to. This is the first step." Wen Dong said domineeringly in front of the beautiful landlord for a rare time.

The beautiful landlady was silent for a moment, then reached for the clothes and walked into the bedroom.

Wen Dong leaned on the sofa, looking at the beautiful landlady's hot figure, with a smile on his lips. When the beautiful landlady puts on this suit, his temperament will definitely change a lot.

The beautiful landlord is a neat and tidy person, but this time he dawdled for more than ten minutes. The bedroom door opened, and Wen Dong quickly looked up. He chose this suit. Live for a while.

At the door of the bedroom, the beautiful landlady stood tall, wearing a white plaid shirt with a black skirt. Considering that the beautiful landlady couldn't adapt, Wendong bought a longer skirt, but because the beautiful landlady's legs were too long, she couldn't fit under the short skirt. The thighs including half stockings are exposed, and a pair of small boots are on the feet. There is a youthful flamboyance in the sex appeal. The hair is combed into a neat braid, the face is white and flawless, and the snow neck is delicate and delicate. Smooth, the overall look has changed drastically, like a college student who has just stepped out of school.

The only downside is that the beautiful landlady's expression is still indifferent, a little more glamorous, there is no way, take your time.

"Is it okay?" the beautiful landlady asked, her tone and expression were very calm, without anxiety or shyness on her face, even though Wen Dong kept staring at her.

"It's beautiful, let's go, let's go eat." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"it is good."

The two walked out of the unit side by side. Wen Dong secretly glanced at the beautiful landlady beside him, and saw that she was not looking sideways, with an expression of eternal indifference on her face. He stood beside her like a little follower.

"Can you keep your expression calm, you don't need to smile, just keep calm, you are too cold like this." Wen Dong said from the side.

The beautiful landlady turned her head and glanced at Wendong silently, her pretty brows slightly frowned: "I don't know."

Well, tell yourself to take your time...

The two first went to the nearby snack street and ate a lot. The beautiful landlord ate a lot. It seemed that she seldom ate these delicious snacks.

Afterwards, the two went to a well-decorated hotel. This time, the Latin beauty landlord met people for dinner, and the main thing was to celebrate, so naturally they should pay more attention to it.

The food was served, and the two sat opposite each other. Wen Dong glanced at her, but hesitated to speak.

The beautiful landlady took a mouthful of food, slowly put down the chopsticks, looked up at Wen Dong opposite, and frowned.

"Ask." The beautiful landlady said calmly.

"You know what I want to ask." Wen Dong said.

The beautiful landlady was silent, and after a long time, she slowly spoke up: "I am an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage. When I was 6 years old, I was trafficked by human traffickers on the way to school. When I cried, they beat me. Give me food. One night, I sneaked out. After jumping out of the wall, I ran, but was hit by a passing motorcycle. The perpetrator escaped. I dragged my injured body and hid in a hidden place Enduring hunger and starvation, finally one day, I was rescued.

I was taken to a hidden place by a middle-aged man, and then he took me abroad. A year later, I joined a training organization called Seven Kills. I was only seven years old at the time. They trained me very hard. , I cried, no one of them pity me, every time I cry, they don't give me food that day.Xiaoxin is the same age as me, but she was trafficked here. She told me that it is useless to cry here. If we want to live and live better, we have to listen to them. The two of us The relationship between people is intimate, knowing that year. "

There was a hint of pain in the eyes of the beautiful landlady.

"Leave a teacher. Xiaoxin and I were arranged to fight in a group. Only one of us can survive. Xiaoxin is my best friend. How can I bear to make a move, but her moves are all killer moves, killing me. Seriously injured, even sarcasm, I became furious and my moves became fiercer, she was killed by me, she could dodge my attack, but she didn't dodge, when my dagger pierced her heart, Xiaoxin looked at me and smiled. She said, I was her best friend in this life, and she was very happy to die at my hands, and let me live well. If possible, go back to the motherland and help her take care of her parents .She deliberately provoked me." The beautiful landlady clenched her fists tightly.

"Is that the girl in the photo?" Wen Dong asked after taking a deep breath.

"Well, Xu Kexin."

"Is Xu Zihan her own sister?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood why the beautiful landlady spoiled that annoying girl so much.

"Yes." The beautiful landlady nodded silently, and then said: "I killed many people, and once I cooperated with Qingxue to kill a big boss, but was ambushed, I was poisoned, Qingxue covered me, We both ran away wounded, but when I got out I shook him off and ran off alone."

"Is it the poison on your body?" Wen Dong asked in surprise.


"Then who gave you the pills you took before?" Wen Dong asked.

"Blue blood." said the beautiful landlady.

"You suspect that Qingxue gave you this poison?" Wen Dong said in shock.

"From the very beginning, I suspected that Qing Xue was responsible for the ambush a few years ago. I rescued him yesterday, but he slapped me instead. His palm was poisonous. Cui released the toxin in my body, so I couldn't control it. Live by yourself."

"Can you leave this organization?" Wen Dong said seriously.

The beautiful landlord looked up at Wendong, frowned, and shook his head without hesitation: "No."

"Don't you still want to be their killing machine?"

The beautiful landlady looked at him, took a bite of food with chopsticks, and didn't answer.

"Are you afraid of their revenge? Are you afraid of revenge on Zihan's family?" Wen Dong suddenly remembered.

"The killers of the Seven Kills Organization are divided into seven levels: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Each level is divided into seven levels, that is, 49 levels. I am the blue generation, and there are blue and purple Two grades." The beautiful landlady didn't answer Wendong, but this explanation can be regarded as an explanation.

Wendong was shocked, but he couldn't answer the conversation. Qingxue was on the same level as the beautiful landlord. He was almost killed by him yesterday, and there were two levels of killers above Qingxue, that is, there were fourteen levels above him. Who can I beat?
"If one day, when my ability is strong enough, are you willing to leave this organization and become an ordinary person?" Wen Dong raised his head and asked, staring at him closely, with a serious and serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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