Chapter 317

The beautiful landlady glanced at Wendong quietly, bowed her head and said nothing. After a long time, she said indifferently: "You are not their opponent."

Wen Dong clenched his fist and did not speak.

They didn't drive home until [-] o'clock in the evening. Wendong stayed with her for a while longer, and Wendong discovered another big problem. Although the toxins in the beautiful landlord's body were gone, because of the perennial indifference and the body's response to the This kind of confrontation of desires, it seems... She no longer has the emotions and desires of ordinary people, she has no emotions, can't laugh, can't cry, it makes people feel distressed...

As for love, there is no more. She said that she has no such feelings for herself, including any opposite sex, which makes Wendong very shocked and helpless.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when we returned to Cuiliu Yuanju, Zhang Hanhan had already fallen asleep, and Wen Dong didn't bother.

Wendong woke up very early, at six o'clock, first went to the kitchen to make breakfast, half an hour later, seeing that Zhang Hanhan hadn't come out yet, Wendong knocked on the door, but no one answered, after waiting for a few minutes, Wendong Finding that Zhang Hanhan didn't seem to be at home, he opened the lock and saw that there was no one in the bedroom.

This surprised Wendong. It turned out that Zhang Hanhan was not at home at all. Where did she sleep?Are you looking for Chairman Zhang?Wendong has not forgotten that Zhang Hanhan is Zhang Wending's mistress on the surface.

For some reason, standing in the empty living room, looking at the steaming breakfast, Wen Dong felt a little uncomfortable.

After holding back for a while, I finally couldn't bear to call Zhang Hanhan.

"Hello? What's the matter?" The call was connected after a while, with a lazy tone, it was obvious that Zhang Hanhan hadn't gotten up yet.

"You didn't sleep at home last night?" Wen Dong asked directly.

Zhang Hanhan slowly straightened up, leaned his body against the head of the bed, kicked off the blanket, revealing a pair of slippery and white legs underneath, slightly tilted up, with a hint of cunning in the corner of his mouth: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Uh, it's nothing, I'm just asking, why don't you make a phone call when you're not at home?"

"Call you? Why? You have the face to say it? Did you call me and tell me if you didn't go home last night?" Zhang Hanhan snorted.

"This..." Wen Dong was so choked that he couldn't speak, this girl really didn't suffer.

Zhang Hanhan was proudly raising one of his big white legs, when the bedroom door suddenly opened, and Zhang Hanhan's mother, Qin Yuewan, walked over with a smile on her face. Zhang Hanhan was startled, and quickly put down her raised Erlang leg, and quickly covered the microphone with her little hand, with a surprised expression on her face Looking at my mother: "Mom, what are you doing here?"

Qin Yuewan is wearing a plain nightdress, she is clean and generous. As Zhang Hanhan's mother, she is 45 years old, but the years have not left many marks on her face. She has a sexy figure, a fat waist and hips, very mature woman At first glance, she is about 30 years old at most, and she looks somewhat similar to Zhang Xiaoniu who is sitting on the bed and talking on the phone with someone.

"Hey, is that kid Wendong?" Qin Yuewan walked over in her slippers, sat on the edge of the bed and asked her daughter with an ambiguous expression.

"No, don't talk nonsense." Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan panicked inexplicably, and quickly shook his head in denial.

"You were raised by your mother, and you haven't shown this look for a long time." Qin Yuewan smiled.

"What expression?" Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but reached out and touched his cheek. He felt a little hot, so he shouldn't be able to see anything, right?

"It's the expression of joy. I remember the time when you and Wenlong were in love. You often showed this expression on the phone. Don't tell me it's about work. Mom's old eyes are not blind."

"It's all over, don't mention him, okay?" Zhang Hanhan glared at his mother.

"Yes, yes, it's all over. There are plenty of men in the world. Besides, my daughter is so sexy and beautiful. These two legs alone are enough to instantly kill ninety-nine out of ten men. Finding a boyfriend is not easy." Qin Yuewan laughed.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan rolled his eyes, what kind of mother is this, does anyone describe his daughter like that?

"Is that kid Wen Dong?" Qin Yuewan asked again.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Zhang Hanhan hummed while covering the microphone.

"Hey, are you anxious if you don't see that kid all night? What are you talking about?"

Looking at the gossip-looking mother, Zhang Hanhan was immediately defeated, knowing that if he didn't tell the truth, his mother would definitely not leave, besides, there was nothing shameful about it.

Zhang Hanhan: "He asked me why I didn't sleep at home."

"Then what did you say?" Qin Yuewan hurriedly asked.

"I haven't said that yet, you're here."

Hearing this, Qin Yuewan smiled even more: "Then you tell him that you are at Chairman Zhang's house."

"Ah!? Why do you say that?" Zhang Hanhan asked in surprise.

"Stupid, of course it's to see what this kid Wen Dong said, to see whether he cares about you, he can risk his life to save you, he must have you in his heart, mom knows you are thin-skinned, but you can't be so procrastinating, tempting Touch him." Qin Yuewan began to advise her daughter.

"What a mess, I have nothing to do with Wendong, please don't talk nonsense, okay?" Zhang Hanhan groaned in shame, feeling his face burning hot, and glared at his mother angrily.

"Really? No matter how I see it, your face is blushing?" Qin Yuewan teased as she looked at her daughter's shyness.

"How come, you go out quickly, you, hurry up and make breakfast, I have to go to work." Zhang Hanhan quickly turned off his phone, got up and pushed his mother out directly, stepping on the wooden floor with smooth jade feet, anxiously No slippers.

"Dinglingling..." After closing the door, the phone rang again.

Qin Yuewan stood at the door and looked at her daughter, her expression became more and more ambiguous: "Hurry up and answer the phone, don't let the young man wait in a hurry."

"Boom!" An annoyed sound of closing the door greeted us.

Seeing that the caller ID turned out to be Wendong, Zhang Hanhan's heart flashed sweetly, he picked up the phone and picked up the call and hummed angrily: "What are you doing?"

Wen Dong: "Er... why did you hang up the phone?"

"Oh, I accidentally hung up my clothes when I got up to get them, what's wrong?" Zhang Hanhan asked.

"Where did you sleep? Are you coming back tonight?" Wen Dong asked.

Hearing this, the corners of Zhang Hanhan's mouth curled up, and he leaned comfortably on the head of the bed, but he couldn't help but obey his mother's words, and said, "Chairman Zhang's house, I don't think I'll be going back tonight, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just asking, if you have nothing to do, just hang up." Wen Dong said, his tone was indescribably complicated, and he hesitated to speak.

"En, good." Zhang Hanhan's small face became more smug, and then he hurriedly said: "Little Baibai, you have to take care of me, check if there is any dog ​​food in the bowl, and if not, add it, you This dad needs to take care of it."

Hearing this, the gloomy Wen Dong's eyes brightened instantly.

"Well, come back quickly if you have nothing to do, otherwise I won't be able to find another mother for Xiao Baibai." Wen Dong said.

"Boom!" The phone was immediately turned off.

Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Wen Dong crossed Erlang's legs and gnawed a mouthful of steamed buns, grandma's, which depressed me to death, and I couldn't help thinking about the cute look of Zhang Hanhan, who was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth.

Oh, what a sinful fate...

"This soul is light!" Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth and threw the phone on the bed, out of control.

"Good girl, are you done with the phone call? Don't you want to learn how to cook with me? Get dressed and come to the kitchen." Qin Yuewan's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Stop studying!"

Qin Yuewan: "..."

After calling Zhang Hanhan, the depression in Wendong's heart was swept away. He knew Zhang Hanhan very well, even if she lived in Chairman Zhang's house, it would be all right, she is not that kind of woman.


After eating, Wendong drove to the company and had nothing to do all day.

In the afternoon, when he was about to get off work, Wen Dong went to the second sales department.

"Is Manager Zhou there?" Came to the office area, saw Yan Ze greeted him with a smile, Wen Dong asked.

"In the office, Assistant Sun is helping her sort out the documents." Yan Ze replied.

"Thank you."

"Dong dong..."

"Please come in." Zhou Yixuan's voice came from inside.

Wen Dong walked in with a calm expression. Sun Xiaojie was standing by the desk with a stack of documents and talking, when he saw that it was Wen Dong who walked in, his face showed a hint of surprise.

"Mr. Wen." Zhou Yixuan stood up and asked with a smile, and Sun Xiaojie also quickly said hello. Wen Dong's eyes stayed on Sun Xiaojie's face for half a second, then turned to look at Zhou Yixuan and said with a smile, "Do you have time? It's the end of the month, I want to see us Let's learn about the sales situation of the sales department." The tone was casual and approachable.

"President Wen is serious." Zhou Yixuan nodded with a smile, then turned to Sun Xiaojie and said, "Xiaojie, you go out first."

Sun Xiaojie: "Okay."

When Sun Xiaojie passed by Wendong, Wendong's hand rubbed against her leg suddenly, which was obviously intentional. Sun Xiaojie didn't look back, and walked out with the document in her arms.


Sun Xiaoji walked out of Manager Zhou's office and gently closed the door. Everyone looked up.Zhou Tai and Yan Ze were sitting in the tea room for a rest. They didn't know what to talk about. Looking at her, Yan Ze came out, raised his head and smiled and joked, "What's the matter with your old club?"

Of course, colleagues all know that Sun Xiaojie used to be Wendong's assistant.

"It's okay." Sun Xiaojie said, "Boss Wen has something to tell Manager Zhou, let me come out first."

Everyone nodded and stopped asking.

Sun Xiaojie returned to the desk, put the documents in her arms on the desk and slowly sorted out the records, and everyone continued to work on their own.

After a while, Yan Ze's chair slid over: "How long will you be busy today?"

Sun Xiaojie raised her head and smiled, spread her hands helplessly and said, "I don't know, I was kicked out before I finished my work report."

Yan Ze stared at her, showing his white teeth: "There is a good Hunan restaurant nearby. I have some vouchers that I haven't used up. Do you want to try it?"

Hearing Yan Ze's invitation, he suddenly thought of the moment when Wen Dong rubbed against him just now, and it was tacitly understood that a certain bully was going to treat him this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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