How bad guys are made

Chapter 318 Selling Strange Voices

Chapter 318 Selling Strange Voices
The little hand pressed on the tube skirt couldn't help touching the place where the leg was rubbed, it was a little itchy, Sun Xiaojie looked a little embarrassed, but there was a trace of sweetness in her heart, she shook her head with a smile and said: "I'm sorry, I have an appointment gone."

"Oh? Boyfriend?" Yan Ze smiled and asked casually.

Sun Xiaojie didn't say yes or no, just smiled and let Yan Ze go home.


The door of the manager's office opened, and Wen Dong came out in a clean shirt with a faint smile on his face.

All employees stood up, including Sun Xiaojie.

Wen Dong put his hands in his pockets, looking like a boss, and looked around for a week: "I just talked with Manager Zhou about the current situation and achievements of your department this month. I am very satisfied with you. Everyone, do a good job. The second sales department will achieve another good performance this year. At the end of the year, I will apply for a big red envelope for you."

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was very warm.

"Assistant Sun, come with me." Wen Dong nodded and turned to look at Sun Xiaojie's position.

Surprise flashed across Sun Xiaojie's face. Could it be that this guy really has something important to do?
Sun Xiaojie put away the documents in her hand, stood up and said with a smile, "Okay."

Xiaojie followed Wendong into the elevator like a little follower, and didn't say a word during the period. Seeing Wendong's face was serious, but the two of them were alone, Sun Xiaojie didn't feel that restrained anymore. Said: "What's the matter? What did you call me out for?"

"Of course it's dinner." Wen Dong said.

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie smiled 'puchi': "Is it really okay to use power for personal gain?"

"Why are you seeking personal gain? Eating is a serious matter. Besides, you are mine. This is not selfishness." Wen Dong said with a curled lip.

"Hmph..." Sun Xiaojie laughed and said, "What am I yours?"

"You are my woman."

Sun Xiaojie blushed.She said softly: "Ah bah, who said that, what about your woman, it sounds awful."


In a hotel in a nearby building, Sun Xiaojie and Wen Dong sat next to each other.

"What did you ask Manager Zhou for? Don't say it's about work, I don't believe it." Sun Xiaojie looked sideways and asked.

"Well, I want to inquire about the tone, but there is no useful information." Wen Dong said.

"Of course, Manager Zhou is a strong woman. It would be strange if you could ask anything from her." Sun Xiaojie wrinkled her nose and said.


It was already 08:30 after the meal, and I ate a meal for more than two hours, and there was a lot of warmth in it.

"Shall I take you home?" Wen Dong asked after the company had already left work.

"No, I'll go back to work overtime for a while. There are still some documents that have not been processed. Manager Zhou is very picky. I don't want to be scolded. You can do your work." Sun Xiaojie said.



When I came to the company's office area, the lights were bright, but there was no one in the company.

Sun Xiaojie went to the tea room to make a cup of coffee and began to sort out the documents.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the sound of something being knocked down suddenly sounded in Manager Zhou's office. Sun Xiaojie turned her head and looked at the closed office door and frowned. It turned out that Manager Zhou was also working overtime. strong woman.

Sun Xiaojie didn't want to turn her head away, but unexpectedly, at this moment, a soft voice came from Manager Zhou's office, followed by a series of sweet voices. Although the sound was not very loud through the closed office door, Sun Xiaojie But she could hear clearly that although she had never experienced such a thing, she knew very well what was going on in the office, and this familiar voice was the voice of manager Zhou Yixuan.

Sun Xiaojie was so startled that her little hands trembled, and the coffee in her hand fell in response.

"Crack..." The coffee before taking a sip spilled out, and the small bowl shattered in response. The hot coffee splashed onto the little feet wrapped in crystal high-heeled shoes, and it was very hot. Sun Xiaojie let out an 'ah' sound Huh, he stood up with a jerk, and the seat behind him fell to the ground with a 'clam'.

"Damn——" Sun Xiaojie knew that she was in trouble, and quickly leaned over to help the seat up, and trotted to the bathroom to find a mop, but what she didn't notice was that the sound from the office had disappeared.

"Don't come out, don't come out, don't come out..." Sun Xiaojie prayed in her heart, burning with urgency. It's one thing to hear about such things, but it's another thing to see them with her own eyes. Sun Xiaojie has already worked nearly It has been two years, and I am very clear about things in the workplace.

And it is understandable that Manager Zhou has a man, after all, he is an adult, but Sun Xiaojie did not expect that Manager Zhou, a strong woman who is cold and unapproachable, would dare to do such a thing in the office. No one cares if the hotel is so dark.

Really, really bad luck.

Sun Xiaojie cursed secretly in her heart, but she couldn't help but have some doubts and guesses, who was that man?Could it be a colleague from the second department? While cleaning, Sun Xiaojie couldn't help raising her head and glanced at the desks of several male colleagues around her, secretly guessing who it might be.

Suddenly, Sun Xiaojie's eyes froze. There was still a mobile phone on Yan Ze's desk. Sun Xiaojie had seen his mobile phone before. It was Aipaoer 6S, the latest rose gold model, more than 1 yuan. Did he forget to take it?Sun Xiaojie frowned, and suddenly looked at Manager Zhou's closed office.

Could it be him...

Sun Xiaojie shook her disorganized little head vigorously, stopped thinking, and finally cleaned up the broken cups and the coffee on the floor. Sun Xiaojie didn't dare to wait any longer, and walked out in a panic.

After a long time, Manager Zhou's office door opened quietly.

Zhou Yixuan stood at the door with a sinking face and looked at the empty office area, her expression was cold and she was obviously very angry, but there were still bright red spots on her earlobes.

Not long after, a tall and handsome figure appeared behind Zhou Yixuan, yes, it was Yan Ze.

Yan Ze was not as angry as he showed, with the unruly playboy expression on his face, he leaned lazily on the door frame and looked at the empty office area, after a while, Yan Ze casually turned his head to look at the stern-looking Zhou Yixuan: "It's Sun Xiaojie?"

"It's her voice." Zhou Yixuan nodded and said with a serious tone.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Yan Zefeng smiled lightly.

"No, this matter is over like this, you can't touch her! I don't want what happened before to happen again! Sun Xiaojie is not a weak girl like Bai Yuanjing, don't pull me if you want to die." Zhou Yixuan raised her head and looked at Yan coldly Ze, with a warning tone.

Yan Ze shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face, and nodded, but he didn't take it to heart, even if something happened, it didn't matter, his backstage was not ordinary, he came here to work purely out of boredom.

Zhou Yixuan stared at Yan Ze coldly, then turned and walked into the office.

"You want to leave?" Yan Ze asked seeing Zhou Yixuan stepping up her LOL bag.

"Why don't you leave?" Zhou Yixuan snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, Sun Xiaojie will definitely not dare to come back." Yan Ze laughed.

"No, you can't be in the office anymore." Zhou Yixuan said decisively.

"Didn't you realize that working in the office is very exciting?" Yan Ze leaned against the door and smiled.

Hearing this, Zhou Yixuan's delicate body trembled. She is single and divorced, both mentally and physically empty. She had this kind of relationship with Yan Ze a long time ago. After all, a man with Yan Ze's appearance is not good. Looking for, year-round depression coupled with work depression, stimulation with Yan Ze can be a good release.

"But I don't want to die, let's spend as little time as possible in the future." Zhou Yixuan is worthy of being a strong woman, her mind is quite calm, she pushed Yan Ze away, and walked out with LOL on her shoulders.

Yan Ze looked at Zhou Yixuan who was leaving straight away, and touched his nose helplessly...


After eating, Wendong didn't go home, but went directly to the hospital. It's too much not to visit Li Binger after working with Li Binger for so long. Besides, Li Binger's serious injury this time is completely ruining his innocent disaster. , Qingxue will definitely not give up, but he suffered such a serious injury yesterday, and he will definitely not appear again in a short time.

"You still know how to come back?" Jiang Yanmei was dressed in OL professional attire, and the already sexy figure set off by her was even more eye-catching. She was mature and graceful with a trace of innocence, just like a woman who brought disaster to the country and the people, but at this time her expression was not very good Well, there is still a little bloodshot in the eyes, it is estimated that she did not sleep well with Li Binger last night.

Wendong rubbed his nose apologetically, he really wanted to come to bed with him last night, but his relationship with Li Binger was not what she thought, and Li Binger also said that Wendong didn't want to get too close to Binger.

"How is she?" Wen Dong asked, looking up at the hospital bed.

"Woke up for a while, but fell asleep again." Jiang Yanmei stepped aside and said.

Wen Dong walked in, looked at Li Binger whose head was almost wrapped in gauze, and fell silent for a while.

"Do you know who it is?" Jiang Yanmei's voice came to mind from the side, very serious and cold, hurting Li Binger like this, this elder sister must be angry.

"I only know that the killer's code name is Qingxue. He came to kill me. Li Binger was injured entirely because of me." Wen Dong's tone was more apologetic.

Jiang Yanmei snorted coldly: "I don't care who it is, if I make Bing'er like this, I will definitely make him pay the price."

"Well, what did the doctor say?" Wen Dong looked at the sleeping Li Bing'er and asked.

"The conservative will recover in about three days, and you will be discharged from the hospital in about a week." Jiang Yanmei said with a gloomy face.

Wen Dong nodded without speaking.

"Jingle Bell……"

A ringtone broke the silence of the room. Wendong took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Sun Xiaojie. Wendong was a little puzzled, didn't he just have dinner?Didn't she say that she would go to the company to work overtime?Is there something wrong?
Wendong gave Jiang Yanmei an apologetic look, Jiang Yanmei snorted and said nothing, Wendong walked aside to answer the phone.

"Wendong..." Sun Xiaojie's voice rang out from the phone, trembling and frightened.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Wen Dong frowned and asked quickly.

"I... I'm afraid, can you come to me, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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