Chapter 319

"What's wrong? What happened?" Wen Dong was startled and asked quickly.

"I..." Sun Xiaojie's voice trembled, as if she was too frightened to speak, and she didn't seem to want to.

"Where are you now?" Wen Dong broke her hesitation and asked quickly.

"I'm at home, I'm afraid, I..."

"Wait a minute, I'll be there in a while." Wen Dong said quickly, something must have happened to Sun Xiaojie, otherwise her carefree personality would never be like this.

"Well, good, come quickly."


"What's wrong?" Seeing Wen Dong turning his head, Jiang Yanmei asked with a frown.

"There is something to deal with." Wen Dong said helplessly, putting away the phone.

"What is so important? How do you deserve your boyfriend? I left her here the night before yesterday and she disappeared, and I couldn't get through the phone. I didn't see anyone yesterday, so I just went to see her today?" Jiang Yanmei said coldly. said coldly.

"I..." Wen Dong was so trained that he couldn't speak to explain. He glanced at Li Bing'er on the hospital bed and smiled wryly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yanmei was taken aback. She was actually smart and had already discovered the situation of Li Binger and Wendong. Seeing Wendong's appearance, she seemed to guess the reason: "What is the situation between you and Binger?"

Wen Dong shook his head and didn't speak. What else could he do besides smile wryly at this time, he and Li Bing'er don't have that kind of relationship at all, okay?

Although Wen Dong didn't say anything, Jiang Yanmei was so shrewd, she saw it all at once, turned her head to look at Li Bing'er, and said coldly, "Why is this silly girl so persistent? When that bastard comes one day, I will definitely kill him and stop this girl from thinking about it!"

"Then I wish you success soon." Wen Dong spread his hands.

"You still have the face to say it?" ** glared at Wen Dong angrily.

"Wendong, you're still Director Lanyun in vain, and you don't even understand women." Jiang Yanmei glanced at Wendong and said, "I don't know how far you and Binger have developed, but she can talk to you." Sleeping together, not only did not destroy you, but also did not refuse to do things with you, then in her heart, she does not have much resistance to you. Women are emotional animals. No matter how strong a woman is, she still has dependence in her bones. Sexually, as long as you accompany her often and let her get used to your presence, she will be yours."

Wen Dong looked at her in shock, she is indeed a figure of the eldest sister level.

"Been taught a lesson."

"Hmph, in fact, since he left Binger and went abroad, he is no longer worthy of Binger. In my opinion, no man is worthy of a woman's youth or even life. No one is worthy, including you! "Jiang Yanmei snorted coldly.

"I know." Facing the strong aura of **, Wendong was decisively defeated.

"Be careful in the trading company, Lanyun is not as simple as you imagined." Knowing that Wendong was leaving, Jiang Yanmei said suddenly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, seeing Jiang Yanmei's solemn expression, he couldn't help frowning: "How should I say it?"

"Anyway, just be careful." Jiang Yanmei obviously didn't want to say it.

Wen Dong was even more puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions. He nodded and said, "I know."


After leaving the hospital, Wendong drove to Sun Xiaojie's house non-stop. On the way, Wendong called her again, but Xiaojie didn't say what was the reason, and Wendong was afraid that it would irritate her, so he didn't ask.

"I'm here, open the door for me." Wen Dong stood at the door of the room and said to the phone.

At this time, the closed door opened with a 'swipe'. Sun Xiaojie was still dressed in a tube skirt and stockings this afternoon, and the pair of beautiful legs against it were very attractive, pure and lovely, but her eyes Red, looks like she's been crying.

While Wen Dong was in a daze, Sun Xiaojie threw herself into her arms recklessly. Wen Dong didn't ask anything, but noticed that the body in her arms was still trembling, and patted her on the back lightly with one hand: "Okay, Let's go into the house, people will be laughed at if they see it."


Wen Dong was sitting on the edge of the bed, while Sun Xiaojie hugged her lower back with both hands, put her little head in her arms, and did not speak, like a well-behaved kitten.

Wendong hugged her and kept silent. Although his waist was soft, he didn't want to take advantage of the opportunity to make money. He wondered what happened to Xiaojie to make him so scared.

"Are you staying here tonight?" After a long time, Sun Xiaojie's mood stabilized a lot, and she raised her head slightly and asked in a low voice.

Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked down at the pretty face that was close at hand. Sensing Wen Dong's gaze, Sun Xiaojie blushed, and shyly said, "I'm just a little scared."

"Is it because the period is not over yet, that's why you are so bold?" Wen Dong asked with a smile.

Being guessed by Wen Dong, Sun Xiaojie blushed even more, nodded her head and whispered: "Well, there is still a little."

"I knew it."

Seeing Wendong's depressed look, Sun Xiaojie giggled: "Hurry up and take a shower and sleep, it stinks to death."

"It stinks, you still hug her."

"I am willing." Sun Xiaojie said arrogantly.

Wen Dong: "..."

I'm going to live here tonight, so that's fine, anyway, it's okay to go back to Cuiliuyuan, Xiao Baibai's dog food is enough for two days, and it's okay to go back overnight, so Wendong got up to take a shower.

"Dong dong..." Wen Dong was taking a bath when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

Wen Dong reached out and wiped the water on his face: "What? Want to come in and visit?"

"Smelly, I'll give you a bath towel. I'll wrap it in a bath towel when I come out later, hum!" Sun Xiaojie snorted outside the door.

"Come in, the door is open." Wen Dong said with a smile.

Sun Xiaojie: "..."

Wendong took a quick shower, simply rinsed and walked out wrapped in a towel.

Ms. Xiaojie sat on the edge of the bed and watched Wen Dong's face turn red when he came out. The bath towel only covered his lower body, leaving all the strong muscles of his upper body exposed. Although Wen Dong didn't exercise often, his physical strength was different from Because of ordinary people, his skin is fair, his body is healthy and vigorous, and the spots of water on his neck have not been wiped clean, shining under the light.

Wen Dong stood at the door, looking at Xiao Jie, who was blushing and looking like a little girl, the stockings under her body had been taken off, her two snowy legs were resting on the edge of the bed, a pair of petite and exquisite jade feet were in front of her eyes, Looking at Wendong's abdomen, his belly was burning with anger.

"Why are you still standing there, go to bed quickly, there are only a pair of slippers at home." Sensing Wen Dong's undisguised gaze, Sun Xiaojie snorted shyly.

"Okay." Wen Dong agreed, and jumped on the bed.

Sun Xiaoji hurriedly put on Wendong's slippers, turned his head slightly to look at Wendong on the bed, thought of something, blushed hot, and quickly grabbed a pack of tissues on the table and went into the bathroom.

Immediately there was a rustling sound in the bathroom, and Wen Dong was lying on Xiaojie MM's fragrant big bed with fantasies, and after a while, there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

Women are definitely troublesome animals. Even if their skin is white and there is no dust, they will never take a bath for less than half an hour. Xiaojie is like this. Wendong is lying on the bed and waiting drowsy. The anger has long been wiped away by the boring time.

Just when Wendong was about to fall asleep in boredom, the bathroom door finally opened. Wendong looked up, but unexpectedly, Xiaojie MM had been prepared, and turned off the light with a little hand, leaving only behind The dim light in the bathroom, and the fact that the bathroom glass is different from ordinary transparent glass, the whole room suddenly became dark, looking at Xiaojie at the door, only a vague outline could be seen.

But Xiaojie's MM obviously forgot it, because Wendong has night vision ability. When he saw Sun Xiaojie standing there wrapped in a bath towel at the door, Wendong's blood spurted. Sun Xiaojie's body was almost wrapped in the bath towel, only showing The lower half of the snow-greasy calf, but the snow-white fragrant shoulders are exposed outside, and there are no suspenders on it. It can be expected that the inside of this bath towel is definitely vacuum, at least the top is.

Sun Xiaojie raised her slender hand, and took off the wrapped turban, her black hair fell down like a waterfall, and the black silk shawl, against the background of her pretty face, was a little rosy, so beautiful and moving, Wen Dong looked at it with dazed eyes and no sleepiness at all.

"Wendong..." Sun Xiaojie looked up at her side and asked tentatively.

"Why did you turn off the light? I'll go pick you up?" Wen Dong pretended to be sleepy, and said amusedly, he could see things clearly at the door of the bathroom, but it was completely dark beside the bed.

"No, no need, I can go there by myself." Wen Dong's words startled Xiaojie.

Wen Dong didn't say anything, this is a single apartment, the overall size is more than 40 square meters, there are no complicated facilities in the house, Xiaojie can touch the bed with her eyes closed.

Seeing Sun Xiaojie, who was tiptoeing cautiously, from time to time, she looked up at herself on the bed vigilantly, as if she was afraid that she would be attacked by a wild beast. Through the faint moonlight outside the curtains, Xiaojie was cautious, and Wendong smiled even more. Isn't this girl too cute?

"Go over there, let's go on one side, don't cross the line in the middle." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sun Xiaojie brushed the black hair on her forehead and warned.

"Okay." Wendong didn't want to make any money, after all, she was on her period, and even if she didn't come, as long as Xiaojie didn't want to, he wouldn't force her.

"Close your eyes, don't look." Sitting on the bed, Xiaojie pulled the blanket over her lap, turned her head and looked at Wendong vigilantly and said.

"I want to see it, can you see it clearly?" Wen Dong said helplessly, lying flat and looking at the ceiling.

Sun Xiaojie snorted and didn't speak, which was a tacit consent.

After a while, the rustling sound sounded in his ears again. Wen Dong glanced sideways, but couldn't look away. The towel on Xiaojie's body had been taken off, and it was indeed a vacuum.

"Gulu..." Wendong swallowed involuntarily, his eyes staring straight.

It's just that this kind of welfare didn't last long, and she put the towel she took off on the head of the bed, and Xiaojie lay down and got into the blanket.

Sun Xiaojie knew that Wendong was not asleep, but she was afraid of causing trouble, so she didn't dare to provoke herself. She didn't say a word, but wrapped her body tightly in the blanket.

Wen Dong wanted to sleep, but he couldn't help but think of the scene just now, especially when he thought of the state of his body under this thin blanket, so he couldn't fall asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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