How bad guys are made

Chapter 320 You are so nice

Chapter 320 You are so nice

"Xiaojie?" Wendong asked tentatively.

"En?" Sun Xiaojie snorted softly, making a small nasal sound, as if shy and scared.

"Are you sleepy?" Wen Dong asked, swallowing.

"Hmph, of course I'm sleepy, I'll fall asleep right away, don't talk." Xiaojie snorted angrily, as if she knew what this guy wanted to do.

"Oh, good."

After a while, Wendong felt the blanket covering his body move, and a small hand tentatively stretched in, touching the back of his hand, so Xiaojie put the little hand in his palm with confidence.

Wen Dong held her cold little hand backhand, neither of them spoke, enjoying the silence of this moment in tacit understanding.

After more than ten minutes, Sun Xiaojie couldn't bear it anymore, and asked softly, "Wendong? Are you asleep?"

Wendong turned his head and found that Xiaojie was facing him sideways, with a pair of watery eyes looking at him, but because of the backlight here, he couldn't see clearly at all, but Wendong could see clearly. Especially at this time, Xiaojie's other small hand was stretched out to press the blanket, her fragrant shoulders were half exposed, and most of the alluring whiteness on her chest could be seen.

"No." Wen Dong said with straight eyes, but Sun Xiaojie couldn't see her own eyes.

"I can't sleep either, you put me to sleep..." Sun Xiaojie said with a blushing face.

"Uh... how to coax?" I asked dreamily.

"I don't care, I want to sleep with you in my arms." Sun Xiaojie said arrogantly to cover up her flustered heart.

"Well, I also want to hug you to sleep..." Wen Dong said with his head bouncing.

"Don't move around, or I'll tell my brother that you've failed me."

Wen Dong: "..."

Just when Wendong's egg was hurting, Sun Xiaojie had already got into her blanket, and put her little head in her arms, and I was a little dizzy, so I naturally reached out to hug her, and it was soft in the end. Trembling, forgot that she was not wearing any clothes on her upper body.

"Hmm..." Sun Xiaojie's body trembled slightly, and she made a nasal sound, but she didn't speak, and remained motionless.

I turned my head, looked at the red and hot little face in front of me, and lowered my head, Xiaojie reacted very enthusiastically, as if her whole body was on fire, Xiaojie was very abnormal, presumably because of fear.

For four or five minutes, Xiaojie took my big hand away with great difficulty, panting, "No, I'll catch fire if I continue like this..."

"When it's on fire, it's on fire, you're my girlfriend now." Wen Dong said with a smile while touching Xiao Jie's hot face.

"Hey, what girlfriend, you are just a prospective boyfriend, and you haven't become a regular yet."

"Damn, everyone is like this, and you haven't become a regular yet? You have to be responsible for me." Wen Dong said aggrieved.

"Bah, no morals..."

Even so, Xiaojie got into my arms and whispered: "I want to hear you say that you love me, but you never said it from the beginning, not even that you like me. "

Wen Dong's hand holding the other's small face trembled. It is true that women are so strange, even if the two of them are tacit, but she still hopes to say it herself.

"I love you." Wen Dong said seriously and affectionately, holding her small face.

Sun Xiaojie's body in her arms visibly trembled, biting her lip: "I love you too."

Hugging the other party into her arms again, after a long time, Sun Xiaojie asked, "Have you said these three words to Sister He?"

"No." Wen Dong smiled bitterly.

Seeing Sun Xiaojie's puzzled face, obviously disbelieving, Wendong sighed and started talking.

"Huh, after all, it's Sister He that you asked for." Sun Xiaojie snorted, and then said quietly: "But Sister He is so pitiful, not only was she abandoned by that bastard Liu Jiancheng, but she was framed by him and almost went to jail, no wonder You admitted at the time that you were her partner, and sister He needed help so much at that time, you couldn't let her down, but...but what should I do..."

Seeing Sun Xiaojie's bitter and tangled look, Wendong smiled wryly again: "Sister He said that she won't be my girlfriend, let alone ask for a title, and I don't know what to do."

"Yes, Sister He is barren, but you must not abandon her, or... I will ignore you." Sun Xiaojie said arrogantly.

Seeing this, Wendong couldn't help but feel happy. Sun Xiaojie is usually careless, but she is a kind girl in her heart. Hearing what happened to He Qing, she stood decisively by her side. This is what Wendong wanted to see the most. .

"Then what do you do?" Wen Dong looked down at her.

"I... I don't know either, or else I'll confess to Sister He." Sun Xiaojie said.

"What's the confession? Our relationship?"

"Well, since Sister He said so, she definitely wants you to associate with me. At worst, it will be cheaper for you. I will be with Sister He..."

Sun Xiaojie had a look of grievance on her face, and before she could finish speaking, Wen Dong lowered her head and kissed the pouting mouth: "Haha, I knew that our little Jiejie was the most reasonable, so it's settled. "

Sun Xiaojie: "..."

"Wendong, no matter what happens in the future, you have to love me. I don't want to experience that feeling of loss anymore. If you dare to leave me, I will show you to death." Sun Xiaojie raised her head and said seriously, with white teeth Bite tightly and speak firmly.

"Well, I promise."

Embracing the girl I love, how could Wendong leave her? She is my first love. It is definitely a big concession for her to say such a thing. Sun Xiaojie is a smart girl. She seems to have guessed that I am out of He Qing There are other women besides, but they don't want to point it out, and Wen Dong doesn't say anything, he wants them to accept it slowly, and they have a tacit understanding with each other.

At some point, Sun Xiaojie in her arms let out a slight breathing sound, and finally fell asleep.

As soon as I opened my hands on her back, I slowly lowered her body to a healthy position, and lay down comfortably by myself. After a few minutes, I felt tired and fell asleep together with Sun Xiaojie.

When I woke up, the sun was already shining outside, and Sun Xiaojie beside me was gone, and a tangy smell of rice penetrated into my nostrils...

"It's time to eat, big slob." Sun Xiaojie changed into clean pajamas, stood beside the bed and said with a smile.

Wen Dong turned over and glanced sideways at the steaming pot not far away: "You made it?"

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie made a small face: "No, I went down to buy it. Seeing that you are always awake, I warmed it up again."

"Okay, I'll get up." Wen Dong said slowly.

"Then hurry up, why are you so slippery..." Sun Xiaojie urged.

"Okay, you forced me." Wen Dong lifted the blanket all at once.

In Sun Xiaojie's eyes, her white and tender face turned crimson in an instant, and she quickly covered her eyes with her hands: "You rascal!!"

It is true that Wen Dong took off his clothes in the bathroom yesterday after taking a shower.

"I didn't let you see it, did you see it, how high will your happiness index be in the future..."

Sun Xiaojie quickly closed the gap between her fingers covering her eyes, her little face turned redder, and she hurriedly turned her head: "Go shit..."

"Haha..." Wen Dong laughed loudly, and swayed into the bathroom.

On the small dining table, the two sat close to each other. Wen Dong was holding a bun in his mouth, and turned his head to look at Sun Xiaojie who was hesitant to speak with a smile, without urging him.

Seeming to know what I was thinking, Sun Xiaojie lowered her head and took a sip of milk tea, then raised her head and said, "When I returned to the company last night, I found that Manager Zhou was...doing that kind of thing in the office."

Hearing this, Wen Dong was startled. Although Sun Xiaojie didn't say anything, he still understood immediately what "that kind of thing" was. No wonder Sun Xiaojie was so frightened. After all, Zhou Yixuan was her direct boss, and Sun Xiaojie found out about this kind of thing , will definitely be uncomfortable, and will inevitably wear small shoes to Sun Xiaojie, and even find a reason to drive Sun Xiaojie out of the second sales department.

The workplace is so dark.

"In the office? Did she see it was you?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

"No, I was startled when I heard that sound, so I broke the coffee. She must have heard it. I tidied up and left quickly, but she must know it was me." Sun Xiaojie's face revealed. worried way.

"Oh, that's okay, just don't pierce the window paper, after all, this is something that has been talked about, and Zhou Yixuan doesn't want others to know." Wen Dong nodded and said: "But you have to be careful, really. No, you can continue to be my assistant, and you don't have to work, how nice."

"No, don't think I don't know what your plan is, although...but I'm not ready yet." Sun Xiaojie said arrogantly.

Wen Dong: "..."

After eating, Sun Xiaojie found some clothes from the closet and threw them on the bed, then turned to look at Wendong who was looking at her side.

"I change clothes."

"Change it, I didn't stop you." Wen Dong pouted.

"Then you carry it on your back."

"I've seen it all..."

"That's not okay, carry it on your back." Sun Xiaojie insisted.

"All right……"


On a secluded island in the Pacific Ocean, there are many strange mountains and strange rocks, lush and green, and the environment is very beautiful. Many beauties in bikinis are on the beach, some of them are men wearing beach shorts, some are playing beach volleyball, and some are on the beach. Basking in the sun on the laid blanket, the sea breeze blows, bringing a little dampness, which makes people feel refreshed.

This small island does not belong to any country and belongs to neutrality. It is rumored that it was bought by a European nobleman to develop tourism. The scenery is beautiful. Many married couples like to come here for their honeymoon. It is also famous among all tourist attractions in the world. .

And on an inconspicuous mountain in the mountains, the center of the mountain has been hollowed out, and it is all supported by heavy steel bars. It is like a large base with complete facilities and hidden caves. built here.

Qingxue was lying in a certain room of the base covered in gauze, and beside him sat a strange middle-aged man. The strange thing was that his hair was already gray, but his face was firm and wrinkle-free. He only looks about 30 years old, but Qingxue knows very well that the person in front of him is at least over 100 years old.

The man was dressed in a Chinese tunic suit, which was mature and stable, and his voice was old, with a feeling of vicissitudes: "You have injected the T-shaped recovery potion, and you will be cured tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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