How bad guys are made

Chapter 321 Another Scroll

Chapter 321 Another Scroll

"Thank you, Dr. Z, my life is yours." Qing Xue's eyes showed gratitude, and he looked sincere, but he didn't think so in his heart. It is obviously impossible to make him work hard.

"Well, tomorrow I will order someone to send you back to Tianxia Country. I will go to my assistant Lina, and she will tell you what to do." Dr. Z nodded casually.

"Is it about Lanyun's underground secret base?" Qingxue asked.


"Okay, I will live up to my trust."

Dr. Z nodded, turned and left.

Not far from the room, a middle-aged man in a white coat came over, nodded slightly to Dr. Z, and quickly said: "The Z-type submarine is basically ready for inspection. After the budget, it will be completed in two months. Then a tsunami occurred, and the tsunami lasted for twelve hours, forming an undersea vortex." After speaking, the man looked at the doctor worriedly: "Doctor, do you really want to go?"

"Very good." Dr. Z nodded with a smile: "You know, the time left for me is running out, and only the mermaid's blood can last my life. This is the opportunity God gave me, and I must seize it. "


"Don't worry, I have it. I didn't have anything to do last time. I've made such adequate preparations this time, and I'm sure I'll be fine." Dr. Z took out a quaint scroll from his pocket and rubbed it with his fingertips.

And if Wendong was here, he would be shocked to find that this scroll is exactly the same as the Pacific teleportation scroll in his hand.

This scroll was accidentally discovered by Dr. Z, but he never knew how to use it. However, this scroll is very unusual. No matter what he did, he could not analyze the material used to make the scroll. More than ten years ago, the 80-year-old Dr. Z has reached the end of his life. He decomposed a substance on the seabed that can continue his life. However, there is nothing in the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep that can resist the pressure, and he can dive in like this. Only when a tsunami occurs and a vortex forms under the sea The things that grow on the bottom of the sea will be rolled up only when it is time, so he took a submarine to search in the center of the sea.

Unexpectedly, the submarine was dragged into the bottom of the sea by the vortex in the sea, and the strong pressure on the bottom of the sea made the submarine unbearable. Dr. Z tried his best to escape from the submarine with life-saving equipment, but he was still swept away by the vortex. At that time, the scroll on his body Suddenly the light shines brightly, and a flash of light brings him to a strange space, where he meets a girl named Xiaoyu.

At that time, Dr. Z was seriously injured and dying, but the girl named Xiaoyu only used a drop of blood to restore him. Not only that, but his life span was also greatly improved.

Dr. Z coveted and wanted to take Xiaoyu away, but Xiaoyu refused. Later, Dr. Z wanted to borrow Xiaoyu's blood, but Xiaoyu also refused.So when Xiaoyu was resisting the invading sea beasts, Dr. Z attacked her brazenly, but unexpectedly he was knocked out, but the kind-hearted Xiaoyu didn't kill him.

When he woke up, the tsunami had receded, but he was on a beach outside. A few years later, he tried again, and he really entered that strange space again, but Although Xiaoyu looks weak and kind, Dr. Z can't do anything to her, and after entering that strange space twice, Dr. Z also gained an experience.

That is, he can only enter that space with the broken scroll in his hand when a tsunami occurs and forms an undersea vortex, which is not usually possible, so it can be guessed that the scroll in his hand is broken and has no energy at all, but this scroll But it can be connected with that space, and only when a tsunami is formed and the enchantment of that space is weak, can it enter, and only the person holding this scroll.

But this time, he has developed some useful medicines, and he must catch that girl named Xiaoyu.


The past two days have been calm, and Zhang Hanhan has never come back at home. Wendong doesn't want to live here at all except to go home to get some dog food for Xiao Baibai, because the villa is too big and spacious. Thinking that Cheng Yanan might still be living in his house, Wen Dong didn't want to provoke her, so there are not many places to go, Sun Xiaojie's house?Hmm, not a bad idea.

But since that night, Sun Xiaojie disagreed with Wendong living with her.

Wen Dong asked: "Why?"

Sun Xiaojie replied: "Because my period is over, I am very worried about you staying at my house."

"Depend on……"

One sentence directly wiped out Wendong's small thoughts. There is no way, it is more reliable to be an old lover. Wendong went to He Qing's house to stay warm for two nights, and fed He Qing to his full until the end He Qing was very strong. There is no other reason for asking the two to sleep in separate rooms.

He Qing said: "I was fed to death by you, and I felt like vomiting when I saw you."

Wen Dong: "Is this the rhythm of pregnancy?"

He Qing was immediately made to cry by Wen Dong's words, and she was stabbed in pain. In two years, He Qing will really be a woman who is going to be four. The children of her former classmates and colleagues will be soy sauce, but she is barren. As a traditional woman, this kind of defect is undoubtedly very unacceptable.

When He Qing cried, Wen Dong was at a loss. It seemed that he had to find some time to show He Qing's body. He was at the level of a master master anyway. Although He Qing was congenital, it was not 100% incurable.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the beautiful landlord. Although the beautiful landlord is still indifferent like a cold machine, it can be seen that she is trying to adapt to a normal life, and she seems to be a little attached to Wendong.

In fact, this is mainly Wendong's imagination. The beautiful landlady is not attached to Wendong, but to Wendong's cooking skills, which makes Wendong cry in his heart that the chef with a big head and thick neck has not learned his skills in vain.

Wendong was sitting in the office bored when a phone rang and saw an unfamiliar number. Wendong knew who it was. Before that, he asked Zhang Sanbai to help investigate the information of Zhou Yixuan, Yan Ze and others. Zhang Sanbai readily agreed. Sanbai called and said that all the information had been collected and put in the hands of one of his reliable assistants, who would contact Wendong soon.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Hello? Is this Mr. Wen?" Wen Dong answered the phone, and a middle-aged man's thick voice rang out.

"I am, are you Zeng Wei?" Wen Dong asked.

Zeng Wei said: "Yes, the third master asked me to find you, is it convenient for you to come out?"

Wen Dong: "It's convenient, where are you, I'll find you."

"I'm at Bingxin Cafe across the street from Lanyun Building."

Wen Dong: "I'll go right away."


After getting the U-disk of the data of the second sales department, Wen Dong went back to the company and printed it out with a printer.

On this day, Wendong received a call from Jiang Yanmei, asking him to take care of Binger, and his wife had to go out for something, anyway, Wendong left the company and went to the hospital because he was bored.

Not long after Wendong left, a figure appeared at the corner of the corridor. Looking at the back of Wendong's departure, a strange look flashed in his eyes. The person who came was none other than Ye Liangchen. In fact, he went to Bingxin Coffee in Wendong Hall was targeted when he met Zeng Wei.

Yan Ze has always been protected by experts secretly. Zhang Sanbai found someone to investigate Yan Ze's matter and it was discovered, so this scene happened.

Yan Ze's cousin is Lina, the vice president of Lanyun Trading and Dr. Z's assistant.

Dr. Z asked Qingxue to cooperate with Lina, so Ye Liangchen brought by Qingxue would naturally have to mix with Lina.

After waiting for half a minute, Ye Liangchen went into the office and found the printer after seeing that Wendong hadn't left.

There is always a secret in a hundred secrets, and Wen Dong never expected that he would be targeted when he investigated the second sales department.

In an empty office of a trading company.

Ye Liangchen crossed his legs and looked up at the ceiling. No one noticed him. If it wasn't for the order of the boss of Qingxue, he wouldn't be bored to help Yan Ze.

Yan Zeyi cocked his legs like that playboy, holding a stack of printed materials in his hand, all of which were background materials of everyone who sold the second part, with a faint smile on his face, but that smile was very weird .

"Dingling——you have a text message, please check it carefully."

Yan Ze casually threw the information on the table and clicked on the phone. On it was Li Binger's information, which was very detailed. There was even a neat photo of Li Binger in police uniform below.

"Li Bing'er? The vice-captain of the criminal police? It's good to let this matter go like this. Why do you have to investigate me..."

After Yan Ze finished speaking slowly, he found out the number of his cousin Lina and dialed it——


Wen Dong drove to the hospital, but what he didn't expect was that Li Binger had already woken up.

Li Binger leaned on the bedside to drink water, while Wen Dong sat on the edge of the bed and watched her.

"Isn't it ugly?" Li Bing'er looked up at Wen Dong and asked.

Li Bing'er was disfigured, the gauze on her right cheek had been removed, but she didn't have Wendong's recovery ability, and there was a big blood scab on her face, which made her look a lot ugly.

"It's okay. When the blood scab fades away, it will definitely leave a scar. You should go to a beauty parlor to repair it, and it shouldn't be visible." Wen Dong nodded and said.

Hearing this, Li Binger was a little taken aback, at first she thought this guy was going to make some sarcastic remarks or even make fun of her, but she didn't expect Wen Dong to be so serious.

"When did you become so serious?" Li Bing'er looked at Wen Dong with a funny face, as if she didn't care much about the scar on her face.

"I'm sorry, that killer wanted to kill me, and I got you in trouble." Wen Dong spread his hands and smiled wryly.

"Then just say I'm sorry?" Li Binger suddenly became angry.

Wendong was helpless: "Then what should I do? If you really can't get married, then marry me. In fact, it's the same when you cover yourself with a quilt at night. Besides, your figure is so sexy and hot." I couldn't help but glance at Li Binger, who was wearing a patient's clothes. Although she was a little loose, she still couldn't hide her proud figure.

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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