How bad guys are made

Chapter 322 Nobody Needs to Laugh Chapter Who

Chapter 322 Nobody Needs to Laugh at Anyone

"Can you get out of bed?" Wen Dong asked with a smile.

"Yes, I think I can leave the hospital today." Li Bing'er nodded.

"Well, I have something to show you." Wendong took out a stack of materials from his pocket, on which were the materials for the second sales department.

Li Binger took a look: "This is..."

Wen Dong smiled triumphantly: "I haven't been idle for the past few days since you were injured. This is the background information of the owner of the second sales department that I found through investigation."

Li Binger smiled at Wendong, as if she had found a treasure: "It's great, I never thought you would have such foresight."

Wen Dong curled his lips and glared at the girl, with obvious meaning - that's up to you.


Li Binger sat on the bed, rubbing her numb legs with her small hands, and carefully checked the documents with the other hand.

Wen Dong also leaned on the head of the bed, and the two of them looked at the documents closely together. Li Binger didn't mind, but because of her weak body, she still leaned lightly on Wen Dong's shoulder. As long as she got down to business, Binger never sticks to trifles about this matter.

The gains are huge.

Manager Zhou Yixuan is just like the impression she gives people in the workplace - a professional strong woman.Single and divorced for 4 years, no children, no partner so far, annual salary of one million, nothing but work is work.In life, he has a bad temper and is very picky. He often complains about the security and cleaning of the community.

She was very dissatisfied with Bai Yuanjing. At the end of last year, she proposed to her superiors to dismiss or transfer Bai Yuanjing.However, due to labor law restrictions, employees can only be dismissed if they fail at least two consecutive performance appraisals. Bai Yuanjing only failed once last year, so she had to give up.

Qin Tai, a good old man with a gentle personality, no matter his colleagues or friends, he has a very good opinion of him.It's just that his luck is not very good. His wife has a congenital disease, especially after giving birth to a son for him. She is troubled by the disease and takes medicine at home every day, so she cannot go to work.Just treating his wife almost ruined Qin Tai's family and property. Qin Tai was under a lot of pressure, a workaholic, and devoted all his energy to his children and wife.

Mingyu, a foreigner, is single and unmarried. He often goes to bars and nightclubs, changes several girlfriends a year, and has no fixed partner.

Yan Ze is in the same situation as Ming Yu. His parents are abroad, his family is superior, and his performance is the worst in the second part of sales. He is obviously here to play. The little prince of the nightclub has many girlfriends, and he also has no fixed partner. Typical Playboy.

Zhao Yutong is also a foreigner. She is also a frequent visitor to bars, often hang out with foreigners, and changed boyfriends in almost a few months. She once had a relationship with Yan Ze, which obviously ended without a problem.

Su Chen, a local, has a good family background. His father floated across the sea many years ago and established a good company abroad. He grew up with his grandparents. His grandma died of illness for two years, and his grandfather suffered a stroke and became paralyzed in the past two years. , he did not go abroad to manage the company for his father, but stayed in Shuishi to work and take care of the elderly. Apart from going to work, he also served the elderly at home. A typical filial son, no, a filial grandson.

All of them are well-off, plus they are all good-looking. It is too easy to find a woman, and it is impossible to use drugs to control or even murder, and the only one, Qin Tai, is not enough to kill the motive.

As for the remaining one, Zhou Yixuan, although she didn't see eye to eye with Bai Yuanjing, she couldn't even talk about the motive for the murder.

Li Binger pondered for a moment, put the documents on her lap, and turned her head to look for a pen and paper.

"Here you are." Wen Dong turned around and took out a ballpoint pen from the bedside table: "Just write on the reverse side of the document, you need to use it anyway.

I think so too.

Li Binger took the ballpoint pen, and was a little taken aback. How did he know that I was looking for a ballpoint pen?Wouldn't this be too tacit...

Li Binger held a ballpoint pen in her small hand.List room assignments for the night of the incident.

Room 1: Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong.

Room 2: Ming Yu, Yan Ze.

Room 3: Su Chen.

Room 4: Bai Yuanjing.

Because Qin Tai had to take care of his wife and son at home, he gave up traveling on Qixi Festival.

Originally, according to the position level, Zhao Yutong should live with Bai Yuanjing, but because the Qixi Festival tour is a rest with work, Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan have to work overtime together, so they changed rooms.

Yan Ze originally wanted to share a room with Su Chen, but Ming Yu and Yan Ze were both fans, so they also changed rooms.

There are only four villa-style rooms in the courtyard, and there are other colleagues in the sales department in the surrounding villas, but they don't live in the same courtyard. In addition, it rained heavily that night, and the confessions are consistent, and no one heard strange sounds.

The confessions of all the people in the second sales department were also consistent, they had never been out, and they hadn't heard any strange sounds.

"How is it? Is there... um..." Li Binger frowned for a moment, then suddenly turned to ask Wendong, but at this time, Wendong, who was next to her, was also looking attentively at the information she had written. Li Bing'er didn't pay attention either, as soon as she turned her head, she kissed the corner of Wen Dong's mouth before she finished speaking.

Li Binger's small face turned red in an instant, and the lips of the two of them were about to leave, and her little hands hurriedly pressed on her buttocks and moved a little to the side: "Bah,"

Wendong was also taken aback, but he didn't show it. He looked at Binger with a small face and said innocently: "What's wrong with me? You kissed me, okay?" He stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, as if deliberately annoyed her.

"Bullshit! Who let you get so close? You just want to take advantage of me on purpose!" Seeing Wen Dong's wretched look and his proud figure, Li Binger trembled with anger, staring at a pair of beautiful almond eyes and gnashing her teeth Said.

The biggest reason was Li Binger's kissing Wen Dong, which made her extremely aggrieved, even if she didn't reason, she still had to find a reason to reprimand him severely.

Wen Dong stretched out his hand to twist a strand of Li Binger's black hair, and pulled it on her cheek.

"What are you doing?" Li Binger opened Wendong's paw angrily.

"You are so ugly that you have the nerve to say that I take advantage of you? Hurry up and cover it up." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Wendong, you are looking for death, I will fight with you! Ahhhhhhh—" Li Binger was about to go crazy when she was poked in pain. Although she has a carefree personality, she is still a beautiful woman. He didn't mind the scar on his face, and as he spoke, he punched Wendong's face with his teeth and claws.


Wendong thought this girl was joking with him, but he didn't expect to come here. The powder fist was really lethal, and it hit Wendong's face all of a sudden, and there was a tearing pain in his nose, which almost killed him. Wen Dong's nose was crooked, and two streams of blood sprayed out from the nostrils in an instant.

"Ping ping pong pong..."

Wen Dong shivered in pain, Li Binger's single bed was not big at all, she tilted her body, and quickly stretched out her hands to support her, but unexpectedly she caught nothing, her body became even more unbalanced, she screamed in surprise, and her hands fluttered in the air with fangs and claws. Grabbing one breath, he suddenly caught a soft object. Wendong, who was out of balance, instinctively grasped hard, and with a delicate body, he rolled off the bed with two exclamations.

"Damn!" Looking at the body pressing on him in front of him, especially the snow-white scenery in front of the gap, the blood in Wen Dong's nose flowed even more happily...

"What's going on?" Unexpectedly, when the two rolled under the hospital bed and stared at each other, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and a nurse came in quickly, and immediately found the girl hugging the bed under the bed. The two people who were together suddenly opened their mouths wide in shock, especially when they saw the blood spurting from Wen Dong's nostrils, their eyes instantly widened like bull's eyes...

"I rely on..."


Wen Dong was sitting on the hospital bed with bruises at the base of his nose and swollen nostrils. He stuffed two paper sticks rolled up from toilet paper. How ridiculous could it be? Li Binger, who also had an unattractive face, was so angry that her chest heaved.

Sitting on the side, Li Binger stared at Wen Dong without showing any sign of weakness, as if she was more angry than Wen Dong, her face was ashen, but her snow-white jade neck was slightly blushing, because some bastard caught her baby just now , and didn't know that Lianxiang Xiyu's scratching was very painful, probably leaving claw marks, but Li Bing'er was too embarrassed to unbutton it to check, and the nurse saw that scene just now, she was so ashamed to death.

"Fuck you! I'm a good man and I don't fight with women!" Wen Dong gritted his teeth in hatred, and Ci Ya stretched out his hand to pinch the paper stick and twirled it around.

Seeing Wen Dong's funny look, Li Bing'er suddenly burst out laughing.

"Laughing fart, you." Wen Dong rolled his eyes in anger. I still rely on this face to eat. I guess if I go back like this, I will be laughed at by He Qing if I go back like this. , Too Nima has affected my image as the director of Wenda.

"Okay, you don't have to be angry anymore, I'm disfigured too, come on..." Wen Dong said with a face full of pain.

Li Binger laughed triumphantly: "Haha, yes, let you laugh at me again!"

"Let's go and go through the discharge procedures. I'm so happy. I'll treat you tonight to celebrate." Li Bing'er stood up and said relaxedly.

"Then just eat, you shouldn't drink after you've just been discharged from the hospital," Wen Dong said.



"Go, give me a whole set of clothes." Li Binger said to Wendong after the two returned to the ward after completing the discharge procedures.

It is true that Li Binger's clothes were covered in blood and could no longer be worn, and Jiang Yanmei didn't prepare any clothes for her after staying here for two days, so I don't know if it was on purpose.

"Isn't it okay if I drive you home directly? If it doesn't work, I'll drive you directly to the mall." Wen Dong said.

"Of course not. Where can I change clothes when I go to the mall? In the car?" Li Binger glared at Wendong with beautiful eyes: "Besides, I am the captain of the criminal police team. Wandering outside. I’m not going home anymore, I have to go to the police station to do something, I asked just now, there are some clues in Jinxiu Villa, after we go to the police station, let’s find a place to eat directly. "

"Damn, you really don't have a back pain when you stand and talk. I'm the one who runs the errands. Besides, I'm a man to buy women's clothes. It's not good." Wen Dong said reluctantly, stretching out his hand and rubbing it. The old waist that still hurts a bit from the fall.

"Cut, don't come here, don't think about it, you will definitely say that you bought it for your girlfriend, if you don't get a bargain there, you will act like a good boy, besides, you have made me so troubled, what's the matter with buying me a set of clothes?" Li Binger arrogant road.

(End of this chapter)

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