How bad guys are made

Chapter 323 Analysis of the case

Chapter 323 Analysis of the case
After leaving the hospital, Wendong drove straight to a nearby shopping mall, when he suddenly thought of something, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Li Binger again.

Li Binger quickly answered the phone: "What's wrong?"

Wendong touched his nose in embarrassment, and grinned again in pain: "Then... so what, do you want to buy underwear?"

"Of course I have to buy it. I'm not wearing anything underneath right now." Li Binger said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong's nose surged with blood: "Okay, I see." Wen Dong immediately hung up the phone as soon as he agreed.

Heading into the shopping mall, Wendong bought a set of loose and comfortable casual clothes, and stared at his red and swollen nose, he went into the women's underwear area.

Within a few minutes, Wen Dong fled with two small pieces of cloth in his pocket under the strange eyes of the sales girls.

The saleswoman of the underwear store looked at the back of Wendong and murmured: "It's crazy, did you see that handsome guy's nose is swollen, and he stretched out his hands to support his waist, probably her girlfriend's clothes were torn Rotten……"

"Yeah, it's already afternoon, you can't have been tossing around all day, you're so tired, it's crazy, this can't be the legendary Brother Mala Tang..." Another sales MM also sighed.

The legend of Malatang brother: I met a female netizen, treated her to a bowl of Malatang worth [-] yuan, and tossed and tossed it thirteen times in one night...

Wendong staggered and almost fell on the ground, Nima, can you keep your voice down when talking about others! !Your sister, you are the brother of Malatang...


"Does it fit?" Hearing the call from inside, Wendong walked into the ward. At this time, Li Binger had already changed into a black and white striped casual outfit, with a pair of newly bought white canvas shoes on her little feet, and her black hair shawl. , the juicy and delicate set off, very pure and pleasant, only the blood scab on the cheek greatly affected the appearance.

"Well, it fits very well." Li Bing'er moved her body and said, she couldn't help but glance at Wen Dong in doubt: "How do you know my size number?"

After asking this sentence, Li Binger immediately regretted it, because not only the coat fit, but also the size of the underwear, which made her a little shy, after all, a girl asked a man to buy underwear, and she The relationship with this guy is a little tricky.

"Ahem... do you know that there is a skill?" Wen Dong said shyly.

"What skill?" Li Binger looked at him suspiciously.

"That... hand test." Wen Dong said shyly.

Hearing this, Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the baby who was still slightly hurting under the jacket, her small face blushed suddenly: "You are looking for death!"


The two drove straight to the police station. It happened to be the rush hour for get off work. It was only a ten-minute drive, but now it takes at least 20 minutes.

"Who was the attacker that night? Did you get caught?" Li Binger sat comfortably in the passenger seat, frowning and asked.

Wendong shook his head, and didn't intend to tell her about the beautiful landlord. After all, the beautiful landlord is also a killer, and he is also a wanted criminal in Shuishi: "I only know that killer's code name is Qingxue. I had a fight with him, and I was punished." A little injured, he ran away because he was injured, because I took care of you, I didn't chase, he will definitely come again."

"Oh, then can you guess who is trying to kill you?" Li Binger nodded and asked again.

Hearing this, Wen Dong smiled wryly and said: "How can I guess, I offended many people. But there are only two offended to death: one is Liu Jiancheng, and the other is Zeng Hua. Liu Jiancheng's wife is Pan Jinyuan, She does have the ability and financial resources to hire such a killer; Zeng Hua's brother-in-law is Wang Chengfeng of Chenhua Entertainment, who is also rich in financial resources, and he also has such ability. That guy Qi Shaofeng, I haven't settled with him yet."

Qi Shaofeng: A policeman from the criminal police team of the Water City Public Security Bureau. His father is the director of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau. He has coveted Li Binger for a long time and regards Wendong as a rival in love. Last time Wendong fell into his hands and was almost tortured to death with a baton. Wendong, this is a purely innocent disaster.

"Well, Qi Shaofeng is narrow-minded, and I can't help it. Besides, who told you to always use me as a shield." Li Binger smiled calmly, and Wen Dong rolled his eyes in anger.

"Damn, then why is it always me who gets hurt? You are my girlfriend, but He Qing and the others often look at you with supercilious glances."

Li Binger smiled: "Character!"

"Depend on!"

The two put the matter aside for the time being, and Li Binger took out the information collected by Wendong and looked at it.

After a long time, Li Binger frowned and turned to look at Wen Dong beside him. Seeing that he was concentrating on driving without even looking at the documents in his hand, Li Binger looked down at the documents again. What, but not sure, reached out and poked Wen Dong's arm: "Tell me what you think."

"Didn't you see that I was driving? I don't want anything to happen again. In the past two days, I have been training me a lot, scolding me for how my hard-working shield boyfriend took care of you. I want to hurt you again. It's my fault if she doesn't eunuch, then I'll be really wronged, it would be better if you were really my girlfriend."

Li Bing'er was about to speak when she was taken aback suddenly, her small face was hot instantly.

Li Binger snorted, pretending not to care.

Driving to an intersection, waiting for a red light, Wen Dong said: "Tell me what you think first, and I'll add something later."

Li Binger was about to say something, but was taken aback for a moment, what kind of tone is he talking about?Why is it like... I am his little assistant?This guy really thought he was a teacher?

Li Binger put aside the troubled thoughts in her heart, thought for a while and said: "First of all, Su Chen went to find Bai Yuanjing at 23:45 in the evening, and left around 00:15. I remember that Su Chen said that when he saw Bai Yuanjing, she found that her eye circles were dizzy. Hong, I think this should be Bai Yuanjing writing the suicide note before. The time of her death was from 2:3 am to [-]:[-] am, so the murderer was with her during this period. We need to further search for proof of the absence of these people.

Second: She was wearing a white dress at the time, and she was wearing a black dress when she died, and we have found the white dress with blood on it. The blood test results are all Bai Yuanjing's blood, and the skirt is torn trace.Coupled with the fact that a strand of her hair was forcibly torn off, it can be imagined that there was a dispute and a fight, and the skirt was torn.The murderer was terrified, changed her into a black dress, took away her bloody dress and threw it away in a random place. Judging from the method, this should be a novice, otherwise it would not be so easy for us to find the bloody dress.

In addition, among these few people, I think the most suspect is Mingyu. Although he is not much different from Yan Ze, who is also the little prince of the nightclub, he gives people an even worse impression. I think he looks like someone who can kill.

As for Su Chen, the suspicion can be completely ruled out. Whether it's from his information or the way we talked to him that day, he doesn't look like a murderer, but the suspicion can't be ruled out, and love may cause hatred. "

After finishing speaking, Li Binger put down the documents in her hand and looked up at Wendong.

"Well, Su Chen can rule out the suspicion." Wen Dong nodded.

"En? Why do you say that?" Li Binger was taken aback.

Wen Dong took out his mobile phone from his pocket, logged on to a blog page, and threw it on Li Binger's lap: "You can see it when you look at it."

Li Binger put down the files and picked up the phone: "This is..."

"I've found Bai Yuanjing's blog, how can I reward me?" Wen Dong said with a smile, looking at her eagerly.

"Oh?" Li Binger was taken aback, and quickly looked at Bai Yuanjing's blog, causing Wen Dong, who was waiting for the reward, to roll his eyes.

"Huh..." After a long time, Li Binger let out a breath and murmured: "Bai Yuanjing is so pitiful, so is Su Chen, oh..."

"You feel sorry for them?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"A little bit. The missed love is the most regrettable thing in life." Li Bing'er sighed.

Wen Dong pouted, with a look of disdain: "You don't need to sigh. On the contrary, you should be condemned. It is because of Su Chen's cowardice and guilt that the truth of Bai Yuanjing's death was covered up. If he had said this earlier, we wouldn't have to do it." It usually takes a lot of trouble.

Moreover, Bai Yuanjing's murder had a lot to do with him. "

"En? How to say?" Li Binger's expression changed.

Wen Dong said: "Bai Yuanjing must have been controlled by the murderer with drugs for a long time, and Su Chen's confession to her that night also contributed to the first time that the weak Bai Yuanjing became strong and resisted to death. She didn't want to let herself be so dirty again. I killed her only after I got angry, although it is a bit far-fetched to put such a responsibility on Su Chen, but there must be a reason for it."

"Well, I think it's also possible." Li Binger nodded after pondering for a while: "Perhaps there is another guess. Originally, Bai Yuanjing wanted to commit suicide, but Su Chen's confession to her made her hesitate the choice of suicide. Her It was also said on the blog that Su Chen's confession was like a stream of warm water pouring into her withered body, which gave her hope for life again, and there is a little clue that I didn't tell you, we start from Bai Yuanjing's A call record was found on the phone, it was a call to her mother, but she hung up before getting through, the time was around one in the morning, maybe she really regretted not wanting to commit suicide, and wanted to hear her mother's voice, so she hung up There is also a conjecture for the reason, that is, the murderer happened to find her and made sexual demands on her, at this time Bai Yuanjing must have refused to obey, and even wanted to escape from the murderer's control, so a fight broke out, and the murderer killed Bai Yuanjing."

" seems to be more realistic than my guess." After Wen Dong listened quietly, his brows eased immediately, and he glanced sideways at Li Binger: "I really didn't notice that your thoughts are still there." It's very delicate."

Hearing this, Li Binger smiled triumphantly, showing her pride, pouted her pink and sexy mouth and said: "Of course, you don't even look at who I am, at least I have been in the criminal police team for two years .”

"Very good, keep working hard." Wen Dong grinned.

Li Binger snorted triumphantly and ignored him, suddenly felt something was wrong, how could his praise make me so happy?I'm the policeman, okay? !
(End of this chapter)

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