How bad guys are made

Chapter 324 Li Binger's Threat

Chapter 324 Li Binger's Threat
"Then can I talk about your thoughts now?" Li Bing'er turned her head and looked at him with a chuckle, her eyes were bright and her teeth were shining brightly. Light, very charming.

Only a large blood scab on the white cheek affected the appearance and made Wendong's heart soften.

"What are you looking at, tell me quickly." Li Binger urged.

Wen Dong turned his head away, and while driving, his tone was indifferent: "Preliminary conclusion, Yan Ze and Ming Yu, Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong, there is a couple among them, who are the main culprit and accomplice who killed Bai Yuanjing."

"There are accomplices? Well, I also have this kind of speculation, but your sentence is too general, saying it is tantamount to not saying it." Li Bing'er nodded.

Wen Dong said:

"First of all, Bai Yuanjing mentioned in her blog that one wrong step, one wrong step, she did many wrong things, nothing more than being tricked or impulsive, taking drugs or having sex. She was waiting for Su Chen's love, but I haven't waited for a long time, a girl like her with a little inferiority complex wants to have love even more, and a girl like her, for a handsome girl like Yan Ze or Ming Yu who often goes to nightclubs In other words, it doesn't take much trouble to take her down. It also mentioned that 'you can't resist fate'. Therefore, she has a handle in the hands of the other party, and the fatal injury to Bai Yuanjing is on Su Chen. The result is obvious and very likely. The other party took sex-love photos or videos with her.

Second: The person who controls her can only be Zhao Yutong, Yan Ze and Ming Yu.

Zhou Yixuan tried every means to transfer or dismiss her, which is not logical.

It's not Qin Tai either. He puts all his energy and time on his wife and children, and it can be seen that he loves his wife very much. I don't think he can spare a lot of time to teach a forbidden man.

The people who sell the second part are not short of money, so controlling her is just to satisfy the desire and the so-called sense of accomplishment. This can be seen from Bai Yuanjing's abortion. The other party obviously imposed sexual demands on her, and she has been successful .

You also said just now that the murderer obviously has no experience in killing people, but from Bai Yuanjing's blog, it can be seen that this murderer is quite experienced in adjusting-teaching-teaching-handling. What kind of person would be proficient in this way? ?Promiscuous sex, often going to nightclubs and other places, very familiar with drugs, rich family, somewhat courageous, and inhumane.So Zhao Yutong, Yan Ze and Ming Yu all met these conditions.

Another point, I think of a bold guess. "

Li Binger was stunned, and looked at him without blinking, obviously waiting for him to say something.

"Except for one murderer, everyone else is an accomplice. Of course, Su Chen is excluded, so I will continue.

Three: For people in the workplace, staying up late at night and working overtime is commonplace. Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan said that there is a project that requires overtime work. It's also impossible not to hear any sound, and looking at the layout of the room, Bai Yuanjing's room is next to the two of them's room, and a piece of Bai Yuanjing's scalp was ripped off, how could it be so painful?This won't go unheard, so there's a good chance they're lying.

Four: Yesterday I checked the ball game on the night of Qixi Festival. The live broadcast started at 00:30. The standard for a football game is 90 minutes, with a 15-minute intermission. If there are injured substitutes, it will take at least two hours. Bai Yuanjing died The time was from two to three in the morning, but they all said that they didn't hear any sound. I don't need to teach you if the time difference is counted. They are obviously lying, and they are even the mastermind and accomplices.

Five: Although Zhou Yixuan has nothing to do with controlling Bai Yuanjing, she is also making trouble, and it is very likely that she has known about it for a long time. "

"Where did you guess this?" Li Binger asked curiously.

"It's not guessing, it's analysis." Wen Dong shook his head.

Li Binger snorted: "Then tell me!"

"You should know that Sun Xiaojie took over as the assistant of the second sales department?" Wen Dong asked.

"Well, I know."

"Just last night, Sun Xiaojie encountered an incident. After eating out with me, she returned to the company to prepare for overtime work, and found that Zhou Yixuan was having sex with a certain man in the office."

"Who is that man?" Li Bing'er was startled, and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, Xiaojie didn't see it, because they were in Zhou Yixuan's manager's office, so I will go on to the fifth point:

Bai Yuanjing mentioned in her diary that things suddenly started to go wrong, and she made mistakes when cooperating with anyone. This could only be due to someone secretly tampering with her. The only person who has this ability to instruct or imply people to target her is Zhou Yixuan, the department manager. .

Zhou Yixuan has been single and divorced for 4 years. Although she is lonely and perverted in her heart, she is shrewd and capable at work and is an absolute strong woman. She will not do this for no reason and for no reason to target Bai Yuanjing, a soft-spoken little assistant.So it is very possible that Bai Yuanjing offended her because of something, so she couldn't wait to drive her away.This kind of thing is nothing more than Zhou Yixuan being found out for tampering with the accounts, or being caught in a disorderly life, and after Sun Xiaojie's reminder, I think the latter is more serious.But according to Bai Yuanjing's blog, this simple silly girl didn't realize this. "

"So you guess, the man who had an affair with Zhou Yixuan is probably the one who controlled and controlled Bai Yuanjing?" Li Binger said.

"Well, it's just a guess, so I've asked someone to continue investigating Zhou Yixuan's private life."

"Well, you did a good job." Li Binger nodded in appreciation.

Wendong: "Damn..."

Li Bing'er smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to rub the snowy forehead, and murmured: "Hearing what you said, it seems to be much clearer, but it seems to be more chaotic."

"Well, I'm thinking of where to say, these analyzes need to be sorted out slowly." Wen Dong nodded.

Li Binger quickly took out a pen and paper: "Then say it again, I will write it down."

Wen Dong pursed his mouth, shook his head and said: "I'm tired, I don't want to talk about it, and you can't always be under my wings, it will hinder your growth, I have seen your growth, keep working hard, always One day you will surpass being a teacher."

Li Binger held the ballpoint pen firmly in her little hand, wishing to smash it on the head of this guy, her gaze was cold: "Put your nose on your face, I don't need you, I can do it myself!"

Wendong concentrated on driving, looked up in the rearview mirror, and found that Li Binger beside him was holding a signature pen and writing something with his small face puffed up, with a smug smile on his face.

After analyzing the case for Li Binger, he immediately drove the car to the police station. Wen Dong was about to get out of the car, but was stopped by Li Binger. He grabbed the doorknob on Wen Dong's side with his small hand, and looked sideways with a smile on his face. With Wendong.

Wen Dong felt vigilant, moved his body towards the car door, looked at the charming face who was close at hand, swallowed and said, "What do you want to do? You don't think you want to be a teacher, do you? Tell you Ang, this is absolutely not possible, even if you get my person, you will not get my heart. If it is really impossible, at least you have to remove the scars on your face..."

Hearing this, Li Binger tilted her body and almost fell on the steering wheel beside her.

"Call Sun Xiaojie." Li Binger reached out and grabbed Wendong's cell phone, shaking it in front of his eyes.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was startled, and immediately guessed what Li Binger was thinking, shook his head resolutely and said: "No, Xiaojie is already in danger in the second part of sales, we must not let her know too much, once she shows her feet, then It's even more dangerous, the meeting with Zhou Yixuan yesterday made her cry, what else do you want, this matter is absolutely not allowed, there is no need to discuss it."

"Hee hee, how do you know that this is what I want you to call Xiaojie? It seems that you have thought of this too." Li Binger giggled, but he was so nervous about protecting Sun Xiaojie , I feel a little tasteless for no reason.

Wendong looked at the little face so close, he never expected that the cold and awesome policeman Li would turn into a charming little fairy in the blink of an eye, with red lips and white teeth, which is coveted, especially the two of them. The distance between the faces is less than a few centimeters, and you can smell the orchid fragrance exhaled by the other party...

However, who is Wen Dong, let alone the girl with a big scar on her face, even if Zhang Hanhan comes, he can't break his bottom line, this is a matter of principle.The sky is big and the earth is big, and the girlfriend is the biggest. It is impossible for Wendong to put the girlfriend who has finally caught up but has not really gotten it in danger.

Just as Wen Dong was about to speak, Li Binger continued: "You said you like shortcuts in handling cases, so Sun Xiaojie's side is the fastest shortcut, isn't it, master..."

Li Binger's voice became more and more whiny, especially the last "Master", which made Wendong feel hot all over...

"No, don't even think about it. Besides, Sun Xiaojie has already said that she didn't see anyone, so she just ran away in fright." Wen Dong gritted his teeth and pushed the girl away with a firm tone.

"Then you ask what's the matter? Don't let Xiaojie hear it, just pretend to ask casually, about the methods of coaxing women, I don't need to teach you, you don't want to keep Xiaojie in danger, don't you? Find out as soon as possible The murderer is the right way." Li Binger glanced at Wen Dongdao.

"No, I won't do it if I say no."

Li Bing'er gritted her teeth, and snorted, "Okay, believe it or not, I'm jumping on you right now and shouting for help, someone raped you? Uh... Lan Yun Director Wen Dong raped the deputy of the criminal police team at the gate of the police station. Captain? How about this Chutou? I believe that the flower guards at the police station will definitely send you tied up and sent to prison, and then use electric batons to burn your place. After that, I will take your mobile phone and personally Sun Xiaojie called to inquire, and it seems that the result is not much different."


(End of this chapter)

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