How bad guys are made

Chapter 325 The Weird Yan Ze

Chapter 325 The Weird Yan Ze

Wen Dong stared at Li Binger dumbfounded, the people in the criminal police team are really black-bellied bastards, how can such Yin be a criminal policeman?
"Okay, please tell me something!"

Wendong gritted his teeth resentfully, and quickly put on an expression filled with righteous indignation: "Okay, what's okay can't be done anymore, who the hell said no, quickly give me my mobile phone, I'll call Xiaojie right now, whoever If you want to stop me, I'll beat you to death." Wen Dong said while spitting, as for the principle, he had completely forgotten it.

"Okay." Li Bing'er cast a contemptuous glance at this guy, then smiled triumphantly, tapped the screen of Wendong's phone a few times with her little hand, then handed the phone to him and asked, "I dialed for you..."

This girl was obviously afraid that Wendong wouldn't call Sun Xiaojie after taking over the phone.

"Forget you..." Wen Dong gritted his teeth and snatched the phone.

Sun Xiaojie was processing documents in the office when she suddenly received a call from Wendong. She felt sweetly happy. Girls in love are always very attached to each other. In fact, she wanted to call Wendong a long time ago, but because of the girl's reserve , has been enduring.

So, he quickly picked up the phone, got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Hello? Wendong?"

Hearing the voice on the phone, Wen Dong immediately put on a smiling face, which was definitely faster than a woman turning over a book, and said with a smile: "Hey, dear Xiao Jiejie, do you miss your brother Dong... "

"Ugh..." Li Binger on the side heard Wen Dong's nasty words, a thick layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on her body, she quickly reached out her hand to cover her small mouth, and Wen Dong vomited in disgust.

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie blushed, and secretly glanced at her colleagues in the office area. Seeing that they hadn't noticed, she hurried into the bathroom: "What do you want to do, don't be so nasty, okay?" Sun Xiaojie snorted With a sound, the small mouth is lightly raised, but the heart is actually very sweet.

"Hey, I miss you." Wen Dong's thick skin directly ignored Li Binger's contempt, and continued to start the nasty strategy.

"Well, I miss you too." Sun Xiaojie said.

"I can feel it, um, then..." Wen Dong was about to say a few words to hang up the phone, when suddenly there was a pain in the soft flesh in his waist, and Li Binger looked at him with a pair of almond eyes warningly.

Wen Dong gasped in pain, and angrily stretched out his hand to slap Li Binger's devil claws away.

"En? What's wrong with you? Where are you?" The sensitive Sun Xiaojie asked strangely.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, did you find out who the man with Zhou Yixuan was last night? If it was between Yan Ze and Ming Yu, who do you guess it would be?" Wen Dong asked casually road.

"En..." Sun Xiaojie pondered for a while, and couldn't help frowning, and suddenly remembered the cell phone of Yan Ze that she saw when she left last night: "It should be Yan Ze."

"En? Why do you say that?" Wen Dong frowned and asked casually.

"Firstly, girls like him very much for a rambunctious boy." Then, Sun Xiaojie lowered her voice: "Secondly, when I left last night, I found Yan Ze still had his cell phone."

"You mean, Yan Ze's mobile phone was left on the desk at that time, but he was not in the office, right?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

"Well, that's it, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just don't trust you, I'm afraid you will be cheated by that playboy." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Cut, am I that easy to deceive?" Sun Xiaojie snorted, she was very happy to hear that Wendong was worried about herself.

"Well, then what, can I stay at your place tonight?" Wen Dong chatted nonsense in order to avoid this girl thinking too much.

"not good."

"Then we can't be like you women. The time we spend together is only a few days a month..." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Hee hee, you're right. Don't even think about it at other times. Women should be reserved. You men won't cherish it when you get it. Besides, I don't want to become a woman so early."

"Grandma, who said that, I will get rid of him." Wen Dong was angry.

"My brother said it!" Sun Xiaojie said angrily.

"Damn!" Wen Dong rolled his eyes for a while: "Your brother is really not a joke, he has already eaten your sister Xiaoyan to the point where there is no scum left, grandma's, he still has the face to say this? Can he eat Xiaoyan? Yan, why can't I eat his sister?"

"Go to hell!" Sun Xiaojie suddenly blushed with anger, what the hell is going on with his sister, it's so ugly.

"Okay, okay, I have to work. Manager Zhou has arranged a lot of tasks for me today, and I will finish them soon. I don't want to work overtime." Sun Xiaojie said.

"Well, then you are busy, call me if you want me, and promise to be on call, especially when you are thinking about it."

"Roll rough……"

Putting away the mobile phone, Wendong glanced lewdly at Li Binger, who was looking very unattractive, leaned comfortably on the car seat, and sighed: "Oh - the taste of love is so good. "

"Inhumane, you just abandoned He Qing?"

"Who said, they are all mine." Wen Dong glared, and said domineeringly: "Envy and hate? But you can also join in, but after your injury is healed."

"Boom!" Li Binger got out of the car and slammed the door coldly, obviously she had heard what Wen Dong told Sun Xiaojie about Yan Ze just now.


Sun Xiaojie's face was full of happiness, and she held the mini mobile phone in her small hands. She was smart and didn't ask too many questions, but she knew very well in her heart that Wendong must still be investigating this matter.Thinking of what happened last night, Sun Xiaojie still couldn't help feeling lingering in her heart. Looking at the dim light in the bathroom, her body shivered for no reason, and she quickly stretched out her hand to open the bathroom door.

But at this time, the bathroom door suddenly opened, and seeing the figure walking in, Sun Xiaojie was startled, slipped on her feet, leaned back immediately, and let out a coquettish cry, fortunately, she was sitting next to her. It was the sink, and the little hand pressed on the sink to stabilize his figure, but the mobile phone in his hand fell to the floor with a 'crack'.

The person who came was Yan Ze. Seeing this, he had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and quickly reached out to help Sun Xiaojie's slender waist. Sun Xiaojie stabilized her body, but in fact it was just a slight touch. Although there was an electric slippery on the ground, Sun Xiaojie would not be like this , completely frightened by Yan Ze, after stabilizing her figure, Sun Xiaojie turned to the side without leaving any trace, and glanced at Yan Ze with lingering fear: "Thank you."

This is a public toilet. Behind the toilet door is the sink, and then there are separate toilets for men and women.

Yan Ze shook his head and laughed, leaned over to pick up the phone for her, wiped it and handed it to Sun Xiaojie, "Why are you so careless, what are you thinking? Are you happy to call a certain lover?"

Sun Xiaojie took the mobile phone without looking at it, put it in her pocket, raised her head and gave him a thankful smile: "What's the matter, it's my old boss, Director Wen."

Sun Xiaojie didn't lie, but this little girl made full use of the fact that the truth is false, and the false is true.

Yan Ze smiled brightly: "Oh? To be honest, you are not the little spy sent by Director Wen to our second sales department, are you?"

Sun Xiaojie smiled lightly and shook her head: "You think highly of me, what do you think my little assistant can do? Director Wen's phone call just now made me very uneasy."

Yan Ze looked at Sun Xiaojie's delicate and peaceful face, and his smile deepened: "Relax, you really look like a rookie."

"What you said is easy, let Director Wen call you personally? Don't look at him as if he is amiable, but he is actually a powerful and black-bellied BOSS-level figure." Sun Xiaojie said, then smiled, grabbed The mobile phone in his pocket twitched: "Thank you, Yan Ze."

"You're welcome." Yan Ze nodded and smiled.

Sun Xiaojie nodded with a smile and walked out.

Yan Ze turned his head slightly, looking at her sexy calves wrapped in a pair of flesh-colored stockings under a tube skirt, the playful look in his eyes flashed...

"Boss-level character? Hehe..."


Wen Dong didn't get out of the car at all, this is a police station, and he is not a police officer, so people will inevitably make irresponsible remarks when they see him.And it's not good to be noticed by someone with a heart. After all, it's one thing to get close to the criminal policeman Li Binger, but it's another thing to sneak into the police station for nothing.

"Let's go" Fortunately, Li Bing'er didn't go in for long, she walked out of the door in about ten minutes, opened the door and got into the car smoothly and said.

"old place?"

"What do you think?" Li Binger chuckled lightly: "I called ** just now, but she was not at Qianting Wine House and asked us to have dinner to celebrate my discharge from the hospital. There's no reason not to go."

"Well, I think so too." Wen Dong nodded, and drove straight to Qianting Wine House.

"An old friend is coming later, and you want me to welcome you. This meal is not for nothing." Li Binger leaned lazily on the car seat, yawned, and stretched out her hands to support her body, making the two The baby is propped up high, becoming more and more charming.

"Who?" Wen Dong asked with a frown.

"Brother Fei." Li Binger said, with a helpless look on her face.

Hearing this, Wen Dong frowned even deeper: "Brother Fei? What the hell is that? Hearing the name, it seems very tricky."

Li Binger glared angrily: "It's Grandpa Zhao's grandson, the same Grandpa Zhao I met in Shuishi Prison when I went to mention Yuechen last time."

"Oh, let me go, just the grandson of the old cripple? That short and ugly one?" No wonder it sounded familiar, Wen Dong suddenly remembered, remembering that the old cripple wanted to introduce Li Binger to his brother Fei Grandson, Wendong doesn't like this old guy who digs the wall.

In fact, Wen Dong also knew that Li Binger's heart would not be on him, but because he was eating from the bowl and looking at the man in the pot, he actually didn't want Li Binger to be with that brother Fei, even if we couldn't eat it. Come on, don't even think about eating it.This is the nature of a man to protect food, especially a beautiful policewoman like Li Binger.

Well, this excuse is very powerful. In short, even if Li Binger is with anyone, he doesn't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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