How bad guys are made

Chapter 326 Yan Ze's Revenge

Chapter 326 Yan Ze's Revenge

"Go away, what a short and ugly bastard! His name is Zhao Yifei, we grew up together, if you want to slander him again, believe it or not, I will kick you!" Li Binger said with her eyebrows raised.

"My childhood sweetheart? Oh, I'll go, it's over, there is no hope." Wen Dong wailed.

"Get out of here, brother Xiaofei and I have a very pure relationship, we won't do it." Li Binger snorted.

"So, I still have hope?" Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and he looked at her expectantly.

"NO, you have no hope, my heart is not with you, you can give up." Li Bing'er laughed.

"Where is that?"

"You know." Li Binger hooked his eyes, and looked down at the heart-shaped pendant hanging around his neck.

Wen Dong's face was mournful: "Damn, there is no hope at all? What if that guy dies abroad?"

"Get out! Don't curse him! Even if he dies, it won't be your turn. You are too hardworking. Although you are cute sometimes, your character is too bad." Li Binger hit the nail on the head and didn't give a damn. Wendong face.

"Wow, are you praising me or hurting me?"

Li Binger smiled and said: "You guess?"

"Don't guess, you let me cry quietly for a while, because you don't want to disturb me..."

Li Binger: "..."


The two drove to Qianting Wine House. Shuang'er and others were shocked when they saw the scar on Li Binger's face, and hurried up to express their condolences. The girl Shuang'er was also very bold because of her familiarity, and she complained about how Dao Wendong protected her. girlfriend.

Wendong laughed and said that it was his fault, and even said boldly that he would protect Bing's daughter-in-law in the future, and Shuang'er and others let Wendong go, but Li Binger, who was on the side, gave him a cold look.

Wendong was secretly refreshed, BLGBD, that bastard abroad makes me so aggrieved, I'll just take advantage of Binger, and you'll be so mad at me.

Brother is just so bad, such a rascal, what are you doing——

Because Li Bing'er was injured, there was no wine this time, and it obviously didn't take much time to just eat, and the two of them were not masters of eating slowly, so they were full after three times, two times and two divisions, because they had to wait for that guy Zhao Yifei, So Li Bing'er didn't leave either, so the two of them planned to go for a walk, which wasn't too far anyway.

Qianting Wine House was brought by Li Binger before. Many people didn't know there was such a good place. The biggest reason was that it was far away from the busy city.

Most of the old houses on both sides of the street were built a long time ago, which has a rural and pro-earth style.The street was very quiet, only three or two people passed by under the dim street lights, some street lights were broken, and it was dark below, with few cars passing by along the way.The sycamore trees on the roadside shed a few yellowed leaves, expressing the coolness of autumn.

The autumn is crisp and the cool evening breeze blows on the face, which makes people feel refreshed and happy. It's really nice to take a walk here, especially if you are with a beautiful woman. The only thing that makes you helpless is that you can't hold hands, you can't...

"I want to pee..." Wen Dong said as he passed a few broken street lights and the roadside was completely dark.

"There are so many things, there is no toilet nearby, hold back!" Li Binger said angrily, very dissatisfied with Wendong's vulgarity.

"This living person can't be suffocated by urine, or..."

"No, you can't defecate anywhere, be careful and I'll catch you in the jail." Li Bing'er snorted angrily.

"Hey, what a big deal, I'm going to be arrested for this?" Wen Dong cried and said, "It doesn't matter, just get caught, for the happiness of my future wife, I can't hold back." Said Just untie your pants.

Li Binger felt helpless, and quickly turned her head away: "Hurry up and get out!"

"Decree." Wen Dong smiled triumphantly, but he would not play hooligans in front of Li Binger, let go of his hands and walked towards the dark street.

Suddenly, a glaring light from a distance shone directly here, making the place where Wendong was going to take a rest suddenly bright as day. Wendong cursed in a low voice, turned his head slightly to look at the source of the light, and couldn't help being taken aback.

Seeing seven or eight vans galloping towards them, the high and low beams alternated rapidly. Even Wendong, who had excellent eyesight, was almost blinded, his eyes tightly squinted. Usually, even a motorcycle on this street takes several minutes. It won't happen once, why are there so many cars here, the lights here are dim, they drive so fast, are they going to die?

Wendong quickly glanced at Li Binger not far away, because he wanted to relieve himself, so Li Binger turned his body to one side, facing the speeding vehicles, because the far and low beams alternated, and the broken street lights reflected Long and short backs.

Although Li Bing'er would not be blinded by the lights because her back was facing, she also couldn't see the speeding car.

Wen Dong turned his head abruptly, looking at the cars coming straight at him. From this angle, Li Binger would definitely be hit.

Suddenly, a bad premonition hit my heart.


Wen Dong cursed, rushed up to Li Binger, and shouted at the same time: "Dangerous, come here!!"

"Ah?" Li Bing'er turned her head in doubt, the dazzling lights made Li Bing'er couldn't help stretching out her hands to cover her eyes, and then let out an exclamation from her mouth.

"You idiot!" Looking at Li Bing'er who was standing motionless by the side of the road and just covering up, Wen Dong was so angry that he cursed and tried his best to catch him at the very moment. At a loss, Li Binger's arm suddenly pulled towards her.

But because of the inertia of sprinting, Wen Dong didn't stop his figure, and crashed into the speeding car with inertia. Wen Dong gritted his teeth, and kicked forward with one foot vigorously based on his feeling.

On the front line of life and death, if the speed of the car is a little slower and Wen Dong kicks empty, then Wen Dong's whole body will stagger to the front of the oncoming car, no matter how powerful Wen Dong is, he will be knocked into the air.

"Boom!" sounded, Wen Dong kicked the front of the car accurately, because the foot was close to the door, Wen Dong's body was staggered in an instant, and at this time, the driver slammed towards Wen. The large steering wheel on Dong's side is about to kill Wen Dong. According to this angle, Wen Dong will be seriously injured if he is not killed.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a unparalleled road, and even the driver did not count, Wen Dong's shoulder hit the left-view mirror next to the car with a 'bang', and the left-view mirror was smashed into pieces immediately, The tearing pain hit, and Wen Dong seemed to hear the sound of his shoulder bone being cracked.

The speed was too fast, it took less than a second from Wendong rescued Li Binger to being hit.

After being hit twice in a row, Wendong also rolled towards the side of the road with Li Binger, who hadn't recovered from his arms, and rolled directly behind the plane tree before stopping. Wendong was forced to be a meat again. Dun, Li Binger in his arms was hardly injured, but Wendong was miserable. This is a concrete floor, and the bones all over his body were in unbearable pain as if they had been forcibly dismantled. Ma, you don't need to look to know it's blood.

Wen Dong's body broke out in a layer of cold sweat all of a sudden, and he was so frightened that he was so scared that he could urinate incontinently, and his life was almost hanging here.

These guys who drove were obviously intentional, and they were not kind.



Several violent brakes sounded, and the tires rubbed violently against the rough concrete floor. The harsh sound was like broken glass rubbing vigorously against each other.

And the car in the front that slammed the steering wheel also plunged into the flower bed not far in front. The speed of the car was only barely stopped after hitting a big sycamore tree. Almost killed.

"What's going on?" Li Bing'er hurriedly stood up and asked.

"The visitor is not kind, you run away, find a chance to call the police for rescue, don't worry about me, I can't die." Wen Dong trembling with pain, pushed Li Binger away and said quickly.

"No, this place is too remote. Even the police will take a quarter of an hour to arrive at the fastest, and the police will be dispatched immediately. This is obviously impossible. It is too dangerous for you to stay here. Let's go together." Li Binger is indeed a criminal policeman. , although she panicked just now, she immediately regained her composure after a brief absence. She knew that if Wendong hadn't saved her just now, she might have died. At this time, she would never leave Wendong alone. The injury was serious, and the corners of her mouth were overflowing with blood. She heard a loud bang just now, and Wen Dong was obviously hit by a car. At this time, leaving him alone and leaving alone, Li Binger couldn't do it.

"Grass, you silly girl!" Wen Dong was about to go mad with anger.

If he is here by himself, it doesn't matter if the opponent's number is half as large. Wendong has at least two ways to save his life.The safest way is to use the only two drops of 'you can't see me' to enter the invisible state, and ghosts can't see him; the second is to use the same only two drops of Mermaid's Tears to restore the full state of the body He really doesn't see these guys in his eyes. Of course, he is running away, not fighting them.

There were originally three drops of Mermaid's Tears, but one was used when fighting Qingxue before.

"You don't need to persuade me, I won't leave, I'm going to die together." Li Bing'er supported Wen Dong with her small hands, letting Wen Dong lean on her, with a determined face.

Wendong knew that Li Binger couldn't be persuaded, so he had to give up. It was not that simple to kill him. The only thing he worried about was to explain to Li Binger.

"Did you bring a gun?" Wen Dong asked hastily.

"No. I was injured and hospitalized for two days. My gun was taken away by the captain. I went to the police station today and forgot to ask for it."

"Depend on!"

"Don't worry, there's such a commotion here, someone will come here soon." Li Bing'er leaned over and helped Wen Dong up, and turned her head to look at the seven or eight cars that had stopped not far away, eyes full of Be vigilant.

Even though they said so, they all knew very well that even if they didn't die this time, they were not far away. It would take at least half an hour for the police to arrive. Could they hold on?

(End of this chapter)

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