How bad guys are made

Chapter 327 Intense Fighting

Chapter 327 Intense Fighting
Wen Dong was trembling with pain, and it was difficult to stand still. Seeing the seven Jinbei vans stop, the doors were pulled open, and a large group of people rushed towards them with shining blades in their hands. To say the least, there must be more than 30 people in the family. This is the case when the first car didn't get off. That car crashed into a plane tree, and no one would get off. This battle is really a bit big.

Wendong's heart is shaking too, Nima, this is too much for us.

There are more than 30 people in the dark, and there are three or 40 people in a class, and a long queue can be formed. On this quiet and not so wide street, it is full of momentum and makes people feel scared. Especially the shining blades in their hands, this is no joke, it's a piece of meat when you chop it.

System: "Ding: The host uses the healing potion, the host recovers 15 points of body function, 5 points of function every second, lasts for three seconds, and the host's body function reaches 50 points."

System: "Ding: The host has used the healing potion and cannot continue to use it. It can be used after 30 seconds."

"MBD (Mabi's)!"

"Who are you guys?" Li Bing'er forced herself to calm down, and asked coldly at the rushing crowd.

The one who rushed to the front was obviously the leader. He was tall and tall with a crew cut, and there was an obvious scar on his cheek, which made him look more ferocious.

The scarred man ignored Li Binger's words, took out a photo from his pocket and glanced at it, then looked up at Li Binger and Wendong under the headlights to confirm the target.

Throwing the photo on the ground and stepping on it casually, a smile appeared on his face, his muscles trembled, and the long scar on his face squirmed a few times along with his face, hideous and terrifying, his thick lips parted, eyes in his eyes It was full of bloodthirsty killing intent, and without explaining to us, he shook the blade in his hand: "Kill your people!"

"Come on! According to the death plan, whoever kills Wen Dong and Li Bing'er will be rewarded with 200 million yuan. If something goes wrong, someone will take care of it, so don't be afraid."

Hearing what the boss said, a group of people suddenly became excited. Their eyes were full of greed and they looked at me and Li Binger, as if they were picking up one hundred yuan bills one person tall and thick, swinging the blade in their hands, and rushed towards us. come over.

Seeing the shining blades in their hands, Wen Dong's heart suddenly turned cold. They really came to kill people, because the blades in their hands were obviously sharpened, and they were definitely not the kind that those small gangsters in the water market took. The razor blades, apart from breaking some skin, would hurt the muscles and bones at most, and these razor blades looked on the body, it is estimated that even a piece of the belt bone would be chopped off.

But the only fortunate thing is that these people are actually not much better than those gangsters. They are not from the army, and they are not well-trained. The only thing is their hard work.But people don't want to die, and the world is invincible. Although these people don't know kung fu, they are at least one against ten against those gangsters who only bully the weak.

"Fight, don't try to be merciful, these people are desperadoes, death is not a pity, kill if you can!" Wen Dong shouted, his eyes were full of murderous intent, people will always explode when their lives are threatened With all his strength, he endured the pain all over his body and rushed forward first.

"Kill!" The desperado at the head yelled, and the large bag in his hand struck his head, without any scruples, he rushed to the front of the crowd.

Unexpectedly, Wen Dong made a wrong step, as if he violated the natural phenomenon, not only quickly restrained his figure, but also took a step back abruptly, this is a trick skill in the game.

Everyone cut it down with one knife, and immediately chopped it down.

In fact, Wendong did not violate the natural imagination, but left a third of his strength. This is what the old cripple taught him, whether it is a person, doing things or fighting, it is very applicable.

Now that Wendong's body is obviously different from ordinary people, it is not difficult to do this.

Wen Dong had sharp eyes and quick hands, and just when the few people who rushed to the front were stunned, he kicked his foot hard on the opponent's wrist. The man screamed, his wrist hurt, and the blade in his hand was unstable. It flew out immediately, and unexpectedly stabbed into the chest of a companion beside him.

"Ah——" the man let out a scream in horror, and the blood along the wound instantly dyed the blade red, and his body trembled and fell down slowly.

Taking advantage of the short-term distraction of the people in front, Wen Dong moved half a step to the left in a single step, found an angle, his eyes were fierce, and he slapped the other person's chest all at once.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!" A move is a killer move!
"Boom!" A dull voice sounded, the man's eyes were about to protrude, and a huge force suddenly burst out from his chest, as if it shattered his internal organs, as if he could hear the broken ribs on his chest The sound, the body flew out of the ground immediately, knocked over six or seven people along the way and rolled to the concrete floor in the distance, rolling several times on the ground until it stopped, the body shook a few times with difficulty, and there was no support When he got up, he opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, his body lay slumped on the ground, his eyes were full of lifeless anger, and a large piece of his chest was obviously sunken, obviously he couldn't survive.

Moreover, at least three or four of the seven people knocked over by that person either bumped into or injured their companions because of the blades in their hands.

This is what Wendong wants. This palm has a force of 3 tons, 6000 kilograms. In addition to the area of ​​his palm, the burst of power is definitely not as simple as fatal. One desperado was hit by a coincidence. If it flies out, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured and lose its combat effectiveness.

Wen Dong felt ruthless, what he wanted was deterrence.

Wen Dong succeeded, this palm really shocked several people, and they were too scared to approach him, but Li Binger was different, although she was born in an armed police force with good skills, but the other party was holding a deadly blade, Even slashing a horse indiscriminately will inevitably hurt her.

"Ah!" Sure enough, as soon as Wen Dong turned his head, he saw Li Bing'er kicked one person down, but was cut by another person and injured her arm. The blood instantly stained a large area of ​​her casual coat red.


Li Binger swayed and quickly dodged other people's attacks. A donkey rolled in embarrassment and escaped the range of everyone's slashing. Blood was streaming from her arms. Her delicate body trembled from the pain. She hurriedly got up and staggered weakly. .

"Damn it!" Seeing that the seven or eight people rushed up to Li Binger again with their knives, Wen Dong cursed angrily, rushed up, kicked the two of them away, and then smashed the other person's head with his fist. On the surface, his movements are smooth and flowing, and his strength is not comparable to these people, even though his physical function is only more than 70 points now.

The man whimpered suddenly, staggered and fell to the ground.

"Hey!" But the hero couldn't hold back the crowd, Wen Dong was slashed in the back immediately, Wen Dong staggered forward, but he didn't care, his feet slammed, no matter how fast he was, he punched It smashed on the neck of a desperado in front of him.

The machete that was slashing at Li Binger in the desperate man's hand suddenly slashed sideways, and the sharp blade cut off a strand of Li Binger's black hair. He rolled and fell to the ground, and the blade in his hand fell out. Lie's neck screamed incessantly.

At this time, Wen Dong's arm was newly injured again. Wen Dong kicked the man away, grabbed the swaying Li Binger's waist, and at the same time reached out and grabbed the body of a desperado who was slashing. Wrist, twist hard.

"Ah!" The man let out a scream immediately, with a crisp 'click', his wrist was twisted off, Wen Dong grabbed his wrist and turned it over, the blade wiped the man's neck in an instant, and a trace of blood flowed from the man The man opened his mouth wide in horror. Disgusting blood froth gushed out of his mouth, the blood line between his neck widened suddenly, and the blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

Wen Dong seemed to be red-eyed, his eyes seemed to be dyed with a touch of red, and the machete in his hand slashed and wounded the few people who were close to him, and everyone dared not move for a while.

System: "Ding: The host is traumatized, the physical skill is only 30 points, the host is bleeding continuously, and the body function is reduced by 3 points per second."

"Damn it, if this goes on like this, it looks like I'm going to die here if I don't show my true skills!"

System "Ding: The host uses the healing potion, the host recovers 15 points of body function, 5 points of function every second, lasts for three seconds, and the host's body function reaches 42 points."

The excruciating pain all over his body made Wendong gasp a few times. Wendong turned his head and looked at Li Binger, who seemed to be frightened by the blood, and yelled: "Are you so stupid? They are killing you. Do you want to die if you don't fight back?"

It is true that Li Binger, who is a special police officer, must have been baptized in blood, but because she has been comfortable in the police station for the past few years, she has hardly encountered such battles, and it is difficult to adapt for a while.

Li Binger looked up at Wen Dong in a daze, her lips were tightly pressed, her lips trembling slightly, and she looked at Wen Dong's shoulder: "You are hurt."

Wen Dong quickly glanced sideways at the wound on his arm, it was white, and the bone was deeply visible, and the blood was flowing continuously, and a sense of weakness hit his body, Wen Dong's body shook, and at this bleeding speed, I'm afraid he couldn't hold on how long.

It is true that the healing potion is indeed very useful, recovering 5 points of function per second, but the CD can be used for 30 seconds, but the injury on his body loses 3 points of function per second, and as the injury increases, the loss of body function will increase. Faster, simply doesn't make ends meet.

"Don't worry about me, I'll help you, you go first, I'm sure I'm fine, you trust me." Wen Dong gritted his teeth.

"It's not that we didn't suffer together, I won't leave, you don't need to worry about me!" Li Binger let Wendong hold her waist, and the other small hand firmly grasped Wendong's shoulder. The face is full of determination.

Depend on!Wen Dong didn't have the strength to scold her anymore, and he didn't have time at all. After the other party was shocked for a short time, he aroused blood because of the scar man's joining, because the scar man didn't join the battle at all just now, and Wen Dong Dong Neng could tell that the man with the scar was a kung fu man, he was very smart, and he would wait until he and Li Bing'er were injured.

(End of this chapter)

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