How bad guys are made

Chapter 330 Domineering Jiang Yanmei

Chapter 330 Domineering Jiang Yanmei
At this time, Li Binger's face was pale, her head was resting on Wen Dong's lap, her brows were slightly frowned because of the pain in her body, but she remained unconscious due to excessive blood loss.And the coat on her body was already torn by Wen Dong, because there was a fatal wound on her back, Wen Dong had to do this.

Binger's entire upper body is only covered by the pink ZZ (zhaohzhao) bought for her at the mall today, covering the most secret springtime, a large expanse of snow-white skin is in front of her eyes, but now is not the time to appreciate it, and the blood from the wound on her body is finally covered. Stopping temporarily, Wen Dong raised his head and said, "Brother Zhao, use your cloak."

"it is good."

Wrapping Bing'er's body tightly with the cloak, Wen Dong heaved a sigh of relief, looked up at the passing vehicles outside, frowned and said, "How long is it?"

Zhao Yifei said, "Less than 10 minutes."


"Here, another one." Zhao Yifei lit one himself, and directly threw the cigarette case and lighter to Wen Dongdao.


There was a moment of silence in the car, Zhao Yifei looked up at the shirtless Wendong through the rearview mirror, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and said softly: "Sister Bing'er is finally not blind this time."

"En? Why do you say that?" Wen Dong was taken aback.

"I am very optimistic about you. I wanted to test you at first, but now I don't need it. My sister is with you. I am very relieved." Zhao Yifei smiled slightly, with a serious and serious expression, even though his face was full of blood. His smile was extraordinarily gentle.

Zhao Yifei has been watching Wendong all the time. Although he didn't see the situation at the beginning, he can see with his eyesight that Wendong's force is much stronger than Binger's. It is completely conceivable that Binger has everything. It was all because of Wendong's desperate protection that he was not killed, and the wound on Wendong's body was much more serious than Binger's, but Wendong only cared about helping Binger stop the bleeding, completely ignoring his own injury...

He sees all these, such a person is worthy of friendship, such a person is worthy of entrustment, that's why he said that.

However, he misunderstood Wendong a little bit, because Wendong's physique is different from ordinary people, he is very aware of his injury, although it is serious, it is not life-threatening.

"Thank you." Wen Dong nodded, but couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

And now he also confirmed that Zhao Yifei didn't have that kind of affection for Li Bing'er at all, all of this was just the cripple Zhao's own imagination, and no matter what, Wen Dong felt that Zhao Yifei was very good.


Shuishi No.1 People's Hospital Senior Intensive Care Ward.

Wen Dong leaned against the head of the bed, shirtless, covered with bandages and gauze, and rested with his eyes closed, without drips.

When he was in the hospital before, he had a blood transfusion. Although he didn't need it at all, he was afraid that these doctors would think too much, so he gave a few hundred cc.

On the other single bed next to her, Li Bing'er, who had passed the dangerous period, was pale and lay quietly on it, with a drip in her little hand, and it was expected that she would not wake up tonight.

It really hurts to think about it. It has been half a year since I came to this world, but I can't count the number of times I have been to the hospital. This pig's horn is really sad.

However, the saddest thing is Li Binger, the girl next to her. She had a car accident a few days ago and stayed here for three days. She was just discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Sent it back again.

However, speaking of the number of times I have shared hardships with Binger, the girl, the first time was Chuck's assassination. Thanks to the rescue of the beautiful landlord, I and Li Binger were sent to the hospital. The second time was Qingxue The car accident he caused was even better this time, and he was sent back without knowing who wanted to kill himself and Li Binger.

This shit... it really hurts.

But who will it be this time?The other party named him and Li Bing'er to kill him and Li Bing'er, and shouted out a head of 200 million, which was too purposeful, and the other party was obviously not in the same wave as the killers like Qingxue.

And there are only two places where I really cooperate with Li Bing'er: the first is to secretly investigate Lan Yun's affairs; the second is to investigate the recent suicide of Bai Yuanjing.

What went wrong?Wen Dong never thought who it would be?

Wen Dong shook his heavy head lightly, turned to look at Zhao Yifei who was sitting between the two hospital beds, and found that this guy was sitting bored on the seat with his legs crossed...picking his feet.

Military leather boots were thrown aside, stinking to the sky.

Hey, let me go, is this guy really the grandson of the commander of the Shuishi Military District?
"Boom..." At this time, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and the woman walked in quickly with gloomy eyes. The scene was cold and domineering, Wen Dong straightened up quickly.

And Zhao Yifei saw that the person was **, and moved even more quickly. At some point, that stinky foot had already stepped into the leather boots, and quickly walked up to him: "***."

Jiang Yanmei is wearing a bright red windbreaker, which sets off her already snow-white skin to become more dewy and tender. It is hard to imagine that this is a woman over 35 years old. Inside the windbreaker is a snow-white plush sweater with high peaks and mountains. Standing up, lingering around a beautiful arc, the lower body is a black leather skirt, slender and sexy legs wrapped in black stockings, stepping on a pair of black high boots, coupled with that beautiful oval face, noble and elegant An elegant intellectual woman.

However, she was not elegant at all at this time, especially after seeing Zhao Yifei in front of her without any injuries, she looked at Zhao Yifei with cold eyes, and grabbed Zhao Yifei's neckline with her small hand: "What the hell is going on with you? Why are both of them injured but you are fine? Ah? Didn’t you find Bing’er? How did you make her suffer such a serious injury? How did you become an older brother? Ah?”

Zhao Yifei's old face trembled with grievances when he received the scolding, but he didn't dare to talk back. In front of the domineering aura of **, he was like a chicken with no strength to restrain him.

Wen Dong glanced at the two in surprise, seeing Zhao Yifei's pitiful appearance was a bit funny, but he also knew that it was not Zhao Yifei's fault at all, if he hadn't arrived in time, Li Bing'er might have been in danger.

"Brother Zhao is not to blame for this. We ran into this incident because we felt bored after eating and went out for a walk. If Brother Zhao hadn't rushed to the rescue in time, I'm afraid we would have been in trouble." Dong Wen Quickly got up and explained.

Zhao Yifei glanced at Wendong slightly, his eyes were full of gratitude, this is the brother...

"Hmph, do you have the guts to say it? Why is Bing'er injured and unconscious, and you are still alive and kicking? Huh?" As soon as Wen Dong spoke, Jiang Yanmei immediately pointed the finger at Wen Dong again, showing no face at all. Another reprimand.

At this time, Jiang Yanmei was really angry because of Li Binger's two deaths, and she turned into a furious lioness in an instant, biting anyone she saw.

"This..." Wen Dong was choked and speechless. Now he felt the grievance in Zhao Yifei's heart just now, but he was as smart as Zhao Yifei and did not dare to talk back. This is to protect the calf. In fact, she It's not really scolding myself, it's just that I am very angry and want to vent.

Talking back, only more spitting scolding was ushered in, and Wen Dong confessed.

Zhao Yifei grumbled: "Actually, Brother Wen's injury was worse than that of Sister Bing'er, if he hadn't risked his life to save him..."

"Shut up! Did I tell you to talk?" Jiang Yanmei reprimanded, turning her head and staring at Zhao Yifei coldly.

Seeing this, Zhao Yifei hurriedly shut up and dared not speak again.

Jiang Yanmei scolded the two of them as if she had vented a lot, she let go of Zhao Yifei with a cold snort, and turned her head to look at Li Binger who was unconscious on the hospital bed, frowning her pretty brows.

"***, did you find anything?" Zhao Yifei asked cautiously.

Jiang Yanmei glared at him, then turned to look at Wen Dong and asked seriously: "Aside from you and Bing'er investigating the matter of Lanyun trade, who have you committed recently?"

Hearing this, Wen Dong looked at Jiang Yanmei in surprise, how did he know about investigating Lan Yun?Could it be that she is also a member of the police department?That's right, even Zhao Yifei is so afraid of him, the identity of the mother is definitely not simple, and I heard from Bing'er that they all grew up in the same yard, and it is conceivable that this yard belongs to the national military department people or the national system.

Wen Dong frowned and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I can't guess who it is, the other party directly called out the names of me and Bing'er, and it was obviously aimed at us. Except for Lanyun, Bing'er and I My son recently investigated the murder of a trade sales employee."

"Murder by sales staff?" Jiang Yanmei frowned: "It's Lanyun again!"

"***, did you find anything?" Zhao Yifei couldn't help asking again, obviously very angry in his heart.

"Yes, the principals of the three criminal police teams of the Water City Public Security Bureau are on a social occasion tonight, and they were invited out in various ways, which delayed the dispatch of the police for a long time. This incident is not so coincidental."

"You mean someone is covering for this assassination?" Zhao Yifei said.

"Well, no matter who they are, they are all dead. I'll investigate right away! The murderer must have something to do with Lan Yun." Jiang Yanmei was so angry that her eyes were full of killing intent.

"I'll go with you." Zhao Yifei gritted his teeth.

"Fuck you, you don't need to meddle in this matter, you are here to protect Bing'er honestly for me, and Wendong, you too! If Binger makes any mistakes again, I will kill you both Useless things."

"Okay, okay, **, I'll see you off." Zhao Yifei didn't dare to say no, and hurriedly sent ** to leave in a compliment.

Jiang Yanmei slammed the door angrily and left. Zhao Yifei turned to look at Wendong. Brother, both of them saw the meaning of sympathy from each other's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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