How bad guys are made

Chapter 331 Jiang Yanmei's Big Move

Chapter 331 Jiang Yanmei's Big Move

Zhao Yifei glanced at Wen Dong and said, "That's how she is, don't blame her. You'll know after getting along with her for a long time. In fact, ** is a very nice person, and she is very protective. If someone lying here today If it's me or you, she'll be just as furious."

"En, I know." Wen Dong glanced at Binger, nodded with a wry smile, in fact, he didn't blame Jiang Yanmei in his heart, on the contrary, he was a little envious of Li Binger and Zhao Yifei, it's really nice to have such a big sister.

Thinking about it this way, Wendong suddenly missed the cripple at home, and wondered if he died of starvation.

"I kind of want to drink." Wen Dong said suddenly.

"Hey, that's exactly what I mean. We met today, so we naturally have to drink some wine to celebrate, but we can't leave the ice and go out to drink, or the **** will strangle us to death. Let's go here. I'll go out and buy it." , you are here to take care of Dian Binger." Zhao Yifei said with a chuckle.

"Well, don't worry, I'll watch her here." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

Zhao Yifei hurried out, Wen Dong just wanted to sit down for a rest, at this time Zhao Yifei left and returned.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong asked suspiciously.

"Uh... so what, I ordered the wine money, I forgot to bring it today." Zhao Yifei rubbed his hands embarrassedly and said.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was speechless for a while, took out a few hundred yuan from his trouser pocket and handed it to him.

During the period, a nurse MM checked the room and left after a few instructions. If there were no emergencies, they would not have come, and they happened to drink.


Small wine and side dishes were placed on Wendong's hospital bed, and the two drank cross-legged.

The friendship between men is pure and simple. They have fought side by side, shed blood together, drank wine and boasted together, and they immediately call themselves brothers.

But drinking and playing toothpicks chat all over the world, but the most talked about are women, men.

Zhao Yifei's old face was red, and he smelled of alcohol, and stretched out his hand to wrap Wendong's shoulder, seeming to have forgotten the injury on Wendong's body. , did you eat my sister?"

Zhao Yifei looked at Wendong, his eyes were red with drunkenness, his eyes were ambiguous, very lewd.

"No." Wen Dong said honestly, he didn't want to talk about the complicated relationship between him and Bing'er, let alone complain to this guy and ask him to help him.

"Then you poke too much, can you bear such a juicy girl?" Zhao Yifei patted Wendong's shoulder with his big paw, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

"Well, I still miss your love, I hope it will come to fruition." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Well, I quite agree with that." Zhao Yifei nodded his head, and then said with a smile: "Well, aren't you still a virgin?"

Hearing this, Wen Dong couldn't bear it anymore, and glared at the guy angrily: "Do you think I look good?"

You are the one, your whole family is the one!Wen Dong was very angry.

Admittedly, men and women are absolutely opposites when it comes to this.A woman is most afraid of being told that she is not a virgin, but a man is most afraid of being said that he is a virgin, because a virgin is not a real man in the eyes of many people, how can this be tolerated.

"At first glance, you are not the kind of honest guy. We are very right-tempered, hehe." Regarding this point, Zhao Yifei didn't mean to fight for his sister at all.

"I met your grandpa, and I heard he said that he would introduce Bing'er to you." Wen Dong said with a smile, quite jokingly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yifei blushed, snorted and said: "Sister Binger and I grew up together, I think she is treated like my own sister, how could it be possible to fall in love, that old guy is so confused. Besides I don't like the character of a girl like Binger either." Zhao Yifei said bluntly.

"What's Bing'er's personality?" Wen Dong wondered.

"Ice-cold, hard-bodied personality, and also very strong, the personality of a female man. Most of the soldiers in my army have such a personality, I don't like it." Zhao Yifei shook his head and said.

"Then what kind do you like? Gentle and kind?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Yes, Brother Wendong, you've got the point. I like the kind of quiet, docile, and preferably petite, but the buttocks must be raised, MIMI must be big, pure and cute, such a MM That's my thing." Zhao Yifei stretched out his paws in the air and began to describe, with a lewd expression on his face, Wen Dong felt chills when he saw it.

Wen Dong is 1.7 meters 1.8, Zhao Yifei is half a head taller than him, at least [-] meters [-], five big and three thick and strong guys have the nerve to want petite Kaeva?What's wrong with this Nima?
"Hey, by the way, what type do you like best? Tell the truth." Zhao Yifei raised his head and looked at Li Binger who was on the opposite bed. Seeing that she was still in a coma, he approached Wendong and asked mysteriously.

"What kind do I like?" Wen Dong couldn't help frowning and thinking, he knew that he was not a single-minded person, there were really many MMs around him, but they had different personalities, the most prominent of the beautiful landlady was cold; What stands out is the arrogant domineering, sometimes very small woman; He Qing is the absolute gentle and virtuous type; Lin Xiaoxi is the kind of girl who looks strong but is weak in heart, but is very stubborn and has a bottom line; , a little evil, sometimes very gentle, very attached to herself, she belongs to the ever-changing beauty; Li Binger is cold and arrogant, but she has recently discovered that this girl has the potential of a little devil.

Wen Dong scratched his head and scratched his head for a while, but in the end he summed up a few common characteristics of them, so he said seriously: "I like women with big MMs, upturned buttocks, and very beautiful women."

Zhao Yifei's eyes lit up, and he patted Wendong's shoulder with his big paw; "Damn, brilliant, come on, cheers——"

Wen Dong: "—"

"By the way, do you know any of you Lanyun, I like the type of MM, introduce me?" Zhao Yifei said with a raised eyebrow, holding Wendong's shoulder.

Okay, I see, I understand why this guy keeps flattering me, so it is.

Yes, there must be. The new clothing company alone, especially the underwear department, has been recognized as the MM Kingdom by the outside world. There is no shortage of women, and there are also many beautiful ones.

But according to Zhao Yifei's description, Wendong immediately thought of a girl, almost 100% overlapping with what he said.

He Qing's personal assistant, Zhang Xinlan, is also Wendong's younger sister.Although he seldom talks to her, in Wendong's heart, he already regards this delicate girl as his younger sister.

In the middle, because of Yue Chen's dog basket, Xiaolan was in pain for a long time. I don't know if she got rid of the broken relationship. If Xiaolan could be with Zhao Yifei, it would not be a good place for her.

But Wen Dong didn't say anything, after all, he had just met Zhao Yifei for a few hours, and he still had to take care of his sister.

"Yes, but that's my younger sister, so I can't introduce it to you easily. Besides, you are still a soldier, and even if you recover, you have to go to work in the military department. I think your old man has already paved the way for you, and you can't accompany her. I don't want to make her sad." Wen Dong said honestly.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about this, I will go to Lanyun to work in a few days, haha..." Zhao Yifei smiled proudly.

"Huh? You go to Lanyun to work? What will you do? Security?" Wen Dong said in surprise.

"Hey, secret, I can't tell you this, I'll tell you later. In short, we can meet in Lanyun within three days." Zhao Yifei smiled mysteriously.

"Okay." Zhao Yifei didn't say anything, and Wendong didn't ask any more questions, but he was secretly surprised.

Because from the sentence "wait for the police to tell you", we can see some clues. The identity of the police is the most mysterious, but the background is undoubtedly the biggest. Zhao Yifei directly belongs to the military department.Wendong also remembered that ** had said a foolish thing to himself before, telling himself to be more careful in Lanyun's trade department. Through these, it can be imagined that there must be a big secret in Lanyun.

And some time ago, Zhang Wending's sudden arrival seemed to be because of his and Zhang Hanhan's affairs, but now it seems that it is not that simple, and Zhang Wending has never left...

There was a moment of silence in the room, and Wendong suddenly felt that the quiet atmosphere was dull and depressing, which meant that the building was full of wind and rain...

Thinking about it this way, Wendong suddenly worried about Zhang Hanhan, the workaholic president. She probably doesn't know anything now, but no matter what it is, don't get her involved...


Nothing happened in the past two days, the company was fine, Wendong stayed in the hospital, Binger woke up in the afternoon of the second day after the accident, but because of excessive blood loss and serious injuries, the hospital required her to at least Hospitalized for a week.

Zhao Yifei just ate and drank in the hospital when he had nothing to do, in the name of protecting his sister.During the period, it was mentioned many times that Bing'er was Wen Dong's wife, which made Wen Dong quite embarrassed, but Li Bing'er surprisingly did not clarify, and sometimes she was ashamed by Zhao Yifei's blunt remarks.

Wen Dong also noticed that this time with Bing'er, the complicated relationship between the two became a bit more complex, and they were very tacit without breaking their relationship.

The relationship between Wendong and Zhao Yifei's buddies is progressing quite quickly, but Wendong keeps telling himself that this guy must still be thinking about his sister Zhang Xinlan, he must have a bottom line in life, and he must not be fooled, even if Zhao Yifei tried his best to match him and Li Binger It doesn't work either.

Hmm... At the end of the day, it's because the matchmaking has not been successful, otherwise it is impossible for Wendong to sell his sister for Bing's daughter-in-law.

In fact, it is said that it is calm or that he and Li Binger have not been assassinated again.

It is said that the entire Shui City is now in a state of chaos, especially Lanyun and the Shui City Public Security Bureau.Even in the hospital, the alarm bells on the street outside can be heard from time to time.It is said that on the second day after Bing'er's accident, the National Security Supervision Department came to the Water City Public Security Bureau to overturn the case and check the financial accounts. It is estimated that the police system will undergo a major change this time.

(End of this chapter)

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