How bad guys are made

Chapter 333 Revisiting Su Chen

Chapter 333 Revisiting Su Chen
Although she didn't believe it, Li Bing'er got up obediently and sat on the bed for a whole day. It was a torment for a criminal policeman like her who couldn't relax. Moreover, at worst, she would just go out to eat with Wendong.

Linglong's jade feet were wrapped in slippers. When passing by the door of the kitchen, Li Bing'er still couldn't help but glanced at the kitchen curiously, and found that Wendong was cutting potato shreds. The cutting was very fast and rhythmic, and the technique was good, um... Looks like this guy can really cook.


When Wendong came out after washing his face, it happened that shredded potatoes were being put into the pot, and a strong smell of vegetables came from the kitchen. Li Binger shook his nose, and couldn't help but walk to the door of the kitchen curiously, feeling a little weak Leaning against the door frame, her beautiful eyes looked at Wendong who was cooking without blinking.

The aroma is strong, and the stomach growls more happily.

"Clean up the table and it will be ready soon." Wen Dong turned to Li Bing'er and said.

"Okay... okay." Li Binger felt a little confused, turned around to clear the table, put bananas and other melons and fruits on the cabinet, and couldn't help but look up at the kitchen. Li Binger stared blankly at the busy kitchen. Standing quietly watching Wendong bring two plates of steaming and fragrant dishes to the table, her heart was suddenly touched.

There are very few men in this house, and this kitchen is even more so. Li Binger never thought that there would be a man cooking for herself in her own kitchen, even if he was far away from abroad...

"It's time to eat. You haven't eaten all day, and you are weak. I only cooked noodles. If it's not enough, you can eat some steamed buns." Sitting at the table, Wen Dong leaned over to pick up a bowl of egg noodles from the pot and put them on the table. on the table.

Wen Dong turned around and sat down, but found that Li Binger's mind was lost, and she was standing beside the cabinet in a daze, motionless.

Wen Dong didn't bother to guess, he looked up at her, frowned and said, "Hey, find a coat to put on, aren't you cold?"

Hearing Wen Dong's urging voice, Li Bing'er came back to her senses, looked at Wen Dong at the table with strange eyes, and walked to the closet with a small step to find clothes.

Putting on her coat, Li Binger sat at the dining table and found that Wendong had already started eating a 'homemade' steamed bun. Li Binger pursed her mouth tightly, wondering what she was thinking.

"Still thinking about the case? Don't worry about it. You can think about it slowly after eating." Wen Dong said.

"En." Li Bing'er nodded, temporarily suppressing the strangeness in her heart, picked up the chopsticks with her little hands, but didn't pick up any food.

"What? No taste you like?" Wen Dong gnawed a mouthful of steamed buns, frowning.

Li Binger pursed her lips with her chopsticks, looked down at the bowl of noodles in front of her, and then at the two dishes on the table, then looked up at Wen Dong: " it edible?"

Depend on!
"You think I've been poisoned?" Wen Dong said speechlessly.

"No, I just didn't expect you to be able to cook." Li Binger moved the chopsticks in her hand and said honestly.

"There are too many things you can't think of. You have to believe that being handsome is only one of my few dozens of advantages. Cooking is also a big advantage. Don't worry, it is definitely better than **'s cooking." Wen Dongsao The way of the package.

"Cut—" Li Binger curled her lips and ignored him. She looked down at the two plates of good-looking dishes, filled with fragrance, especially seeing that Wen Dong on the opposite side was still eating so deliciously, Li Binger finally couldn't help but stretched out her chopsticks to take a bite potato floss.

The next result can be imagined, MM Bing'er ate at least half of the two dishes, and she drank half of the pot of noodles into her stomach, it seemed that she was really hungry.

Wendong gnawed a mouthful of steamed buns, took a small bite of vegetables, and didn't dare to take more. He ate a few more bites just now, and was almost stared to death by Binger.

"I think the biggest suspects are Ming Yu and Yan Ze, but the blood at the door of Su Chen's room confuses me so much, I can't figure it out." Bing'er gradually slowed down while eating, and raised her head.

"If you can't figure it out, don't think too much about it. If you have to rule out Su Chen, there is still a way. Moreover, Su Chen may be an accomplice and refuse to report if he knows it. It is also possible that he is the real murderer, because after the death of Bai Yuanjing The next day, he went to the place where Bai Yuanjing died, possibly to find the bloody coat, but I always feel that Su Chen is not the real murderer." Wen Dong frowned and muttered, even he was confused.

"What method?" Li Binger asked.

"In order to avoid alarming others, I didn't show Bai Yuanjing's blog to Su Chen." Wen Dong said.

"En? You mean..." Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Wen Dong meant. Although Bai Yuanjing's blog didn't mention the people and things that controlled her, it mentioned Su Chen in many places. Those blogs Li Binger who watched could not help crying and sighing, if Su Chen really liked Bai Yuanjing, maybe he could get some secret things from Su Chen.

"We haven't got off work yet, so let's go find Su Chen." Li Bing'er acted vigorously, wiped her lips casually, and got up and said.

"Can you do it now?" Wen Dong asked.

"No problem, but if Su Chen wants to show his feet and resist, then you will be asked to come." Li Bing'er nodded.

Hearing this, Wen Dong grinned: "Then you change your clothes, I'll wait for you outside."

"Actually, you don't need to go outside?" Li Binger said suddenly.

"Huh?" Wen Dong turned his head and looked at her in a daze, wondering what the hell was going on?Confession?Is there any?
"You can go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and I can change my clothes soon." Li Binger looked down at the leftovers on the table and said with a smile on her face.

"Go shit!" Wen Dong pouted and walked out, this girl is really cheeky, I don't know which bastard she learned from, her skin is getting thicker and thicker——

Binger did things quickly enough, Wendong didn't wait at the door for a few minutes, the door opened, but after seeing Li Binger's attire, Wendong immediately dropped his mouth in shock.

Li Binger's attire can definitely be regarded as a pure girl.

Wearing a nice pink jacket, well, the style is fashionable and familiar. It was a certain style called Caiwei in Lanyun's new clothing fashion show last time. Wendong still remembered Caiwei's slogan: pure, quiet, hopeful. You come to pick——Pick Wei.

Caiwei's style is fashionable, and a gap about half a finger long is deliberately exposed on the shoulders, so that people can see the white and delicate skin inside, which adds to the beauty. Inside is a white T-shirt, and the chain of the coat is pulled halfway, revealing half of the bulge Her lower body is a pair of black skinny jeans, which perfectly set off her sexy and long legs. A pair of small feet are wearing a pair of white canvas shoes. What surprised Wendong the most is that Binger also had a pair of shoes on her head. Black and white hat, this outfit looks like an innocent little girl who just walked out of campus.

"What? Does it look good?" Li Bing'er turned around and closed the door, turning around in front of Wen Dong and smiling.

Wen Dong swallowed his saliva, and said bluntly: "There is a saying in the ad that honesty does not deceive me. People rely on clothes, and beauty depends on beautiful clothes. A female man is actually dressed up as a cute little girl like this."

"A dog can't spit out ivory." Li Bing'er's face turned cold, she pulled Wen Dong away, and walked out first.

Wendong was admiring Binger MM's upturned butt from behind, and murmured: "Well... this dress is really good. As you can imagine, the person who designed this dress is definitely a fairy."

Hearing this, Bing'er staggered and nearly rolled downstairs.

Don't even face it!


Taking Li Bing'er to the new clothing department floor, he checked the time, and it was just the time to get off work. He prayed that Su Chen didn't leave. Wen Dong quickly took out his mobile phone and called Su Chen.

"Hello, Director Wen." The phone was quickly picked up, and Su Chen's voice rang.

"Well, are you still in the company?" Wen Dong asked.

"Well, I'm just about to get off work, what's the matter with Mr. Wen?"

"Yes, come here, I'll wait for you in the new clothing office." Wen Dong said.

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Not long after, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." The old god Wendong was sitting on the boss's chair, with his legs crossed, as if I was a big boss and I was very fond of it.

Su Chen closed the door and walked in. When she looked up, she found Li Binger sitting on the sofa not far from Wendong. She seemed to have guessed our purpose, and her expression was a little disturbed.

Wen Dong stretched out his hand and pointed at the table: "Sit."

Su Chen sat down opposite him according to his words, took a deep breath, and looked up at Wen Dong: "Mr. Wen, what do you want from me?"

"The technical department just told me that they recovered part of the data in Bai Yuanjing's computer, which is Bai Yuanjing's diary." Wen Dong said in a leisurely manner, staring at him without trace.

Su Chen's expression froze for an instant, and he didn't speak.

"Should you say something? En?" Wen Dong Erlang slapped his legs on the ground, stood up abruptly, put his hands on the table, and leaned over to look at him with a fierce and compelling aura. Well, at least Wen Dong Dong felt that this momentum was very strong.

Su Chen's face was red and white, and suddenly raised his head to look at Wen Dong: "You mean, there was another reason for Yuan Jing's death?"

Wen Dong was watching him intently, rolled his eyes a few times, nodded and said: "Yes, the result has come out, she didn't commit suicide, but was murdered!"

Hearing this, the big boy like sunshine suddenly stood up, grabbed Wen Dong's shoulder with a lot of force, but he didn't notice it, and said loudly: "Who? Who killed Yuan Jing? You tell me!"

Wen Dong's shoulder had been injured and hadn't healed yet, this grabbing made Wen Dong shiver in pain, he stretched out his hand suddenly and pushed Su Chen away, and said sharply, "Don't tell me that Bai Yuanjing's death has nothing to do with you!"

Su Chen was staggered by the push, but after hearing Wen Dong's words, her face was blank: "I...I don't know."

Wendong stared at him coldly and did not speak. Li Binger on the side really played the role of a weak little girl. From then on, she sat quietly on the sofa and did not speak, but the beautiful eyes under the cap were always Su Chen didn't leave.

"Officer Li, I will sort out the diary for you later." Wen Dong said suddenly.

Li Binger nodded: "Okay."

This made Li Bing'er a little stunned, why did Wendong say this.

At this time, Su Chen suddenly raised his head: "I...can I read her diary?"

(End of this chapter)

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