How bad guys are made

Chapter 334 Give Me the Whole Bottle of Coke

Chapter 334 Give Me the Whole Bottle of Coke

This time, Li Bing'er really admired Wen Dong. Just now, she thought that Wen Dong was going to intimidate him to the end, so as to overwhelm Su Chen's psychological defense. Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good.

At this moment, Su Chen looked at Bai Yuanjing's diary page by page, all of which were Bai Yuanjing's secret love for Su Chen. At this moment, he was already in tears, extremely emotional.

Su Chen burst into tears when he saw the end, especially Bai Yuanjing's last blog, his body trembled violently due to his excessive excitement, and he slumped on the seat. In the huge office, there was only this young boy Uncontrollable sobbing.

Su Chen muttered, not knowing what to say, suddenly, he stood up abruptly, ran to Li Binger and said, "Officer Li, there must be another reason for Yuan Jing's death, it must be, she must have been given Control it!" Su Chen's voice was hoarse, quite hysterical.

Li Bing'er raised her head and looked at Wen Dong, the corner of her mouth twitched.

"I guessed the same way, but why did you say that, did you find anything?" Li Binger nodded and asked.

Su Chen's expression froze, and he said dumbly, "This... I don't know either."

Hearing this, Li Binger frowned and looked up at Wen Dong.

Wendong seemed to know what Li Binger was going to ask, so he nodded after thinking about it.

Li Bing'er turned her head to look at Su Chen, and said seriously, "If the person who controls her is included among the colleagues in the second sales department, who do you think it will be?"

"En?" Su Chen was startled, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Li Bing'er with a surprised face: "Officer Li thinks so too? Have you found the murderer yet?"

"I already have eyebrows, but I'm not sure. I want to hear your opinion." Li Bing'er said neither admitting nor denying it.

Su Chen frowned, and said in a low voice, "This... I dare not say, but if you pinpoint the murderer among the colleagues in the second sales department, then the most likely one should be Yan Ze, but... "

"Oh? How do you say it?" Li Binger's eyes lit up, and she asked hastily.

"I don't know, I feel it. I feel that Yuan Jing is very afraid of Yan Ze, and even a little disgusted. Yuan Jing is a kind and weak girl, she will not hate someone for nothing, and..."

"And how?" Seeing Su Chen hesitate, Li Bing'er hurriedly asked while the iron was hot.

"And I feel that Bai Yuanjing is still a little afraid of Mingyu. This is just my feeling, and I can't say it. I remember I asked Yuanjing at that time, and she said nothing, so I didn't think much about it." Su Chen said.

"Heh - Su Chen, speaking of it, you really know how to act." Suddenly, Li Bing'er's expression changed, her beautiful eyes were cold and ironic, and she looked at him with a sneer.

"Huh? What's the matter? How did I act? I'm not sure. As I said, it's just my feeling." Hearing this, Su Chen quickly explained.

"Hmph, then why did you return to that villa the next day after Bai Yuanjing's death? Go destroy the evidence? En?" Li Binger looked at him disdainfully, full of momentum.

"I just wanted to commemorate it, and wanted to spend one more day with her."

"You still want to quibble, don't you see that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin. We have detected a lot of blood splatter in the room where Bai Yuanjing lives, and there is also a lot of blood at the door of the room where you live. The blood is Bai Yuanjing Yes, what else do you want to say!" Li Binger snorted coldly, slapped the sofa with her little hand, domineering.

Su Chen's body trembled, and he raised his head abruptly, and found that at some point, Wen Dong had already stood beside Li Bing'er, staring at him closely with an ugly expression.

Obviously, Wen Dong was afraid that Su Chen would suddenly get violent, so he naturally wanted to protect Li Bing'er.

"The door of my room? How... how is this possible..." Su Chen was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Hmph, I've got nothing to say." Li Bing'er sneered, reached out and took out a diamond bracelet from her waist, and slapped it in front of Su Chen.

"I didn't kill Yuanjing, really, please believe me, I really didn't kill her, I like her so much, how could I kill her..." Su Chen slumped on the ground, as if she had lost her soul. murmuring.

Having said that, Su Chen hugged her head with both hands, fingers deep into the broken hair, her face was full of pain: "I hurt her, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, why didn't I stay with her that night, maybe she won't will die..."

Wen Dong looked at him coldly, and when he heard Su Chen's words, he suddenly froze for a moment, and quietly reached out to touch Bing'er's back.

Li Bing'er looked up at Wen Dong in doubt, and seeing Wen Dong's chin pointing towards the door, Li Bing'er immediately understood what Wen Dong meant.

Let Su Chen go.

why is that?That's it?Li Binger couldn't figure it out for a while, but she still followed Wen Dong's idea. She felt that Wen Dong must have figured out something, and now many things are not clear, so it's not good for Su Chen to know too much.

"Okay, you can go, don't leave the water market during this time." Li Bing'er said seriously to Su Chen.

"Well, I know. But if it's useful, I will spare no effort." Su Chen nodded silently, wiped away her tears, and stood up with her arms stretched out.

"Director Wen, I'm leaving first."

"Well, I believe you. But in order to make Bai Yuan quiet, I hope you don't let other people know about it." Wen Dong nodded.

"Well, I know."


After Su Chen left, Li Binger played with the handcuffs and looked up at Wendong with obvious meaning.

At this time, Wendong was playing with his mobile phone. He received a text message just now and made a great discovery.

"What do you think about this matter?" Wen Dong put down his phone, looked up at Li Bing'er and asked.

"You..." Li Bing'er said angrily, "What do I think? You made Su Chen leave out of nowhere, why don't you ask me now?"

Seeing Li Binger's ups and downs in anger, Wen Dong said dumbly: "I just want to hear your opinion."

"Then tell your opinion first." Li Binger said.

Wen Dong nodded and said: "I think Su Chen is innocent. The reason why this happens in the blood fluorescence test is very simple. We entered into a misunderstanding before."

"Go on."

"If it is speculated that the real murderer is Yan Ze or Ming Yu, this is why there is no blood at the door of their room. The murderer is the two of them or one of them. How could there be blood at their door?"

"Ah? What... what does this mean?" Li Binger was taken aback, unable to turn her head.

"Help! The blood in the yard was left when Bai Yuanjing asked for help in the early morning of that day." Wen Dong laughed.

"Ask for help?" Li Bing'er was puzzled for a moment, then her eyes lit up suddenly, she clapped her little hands and said, "Yes, in this case, everything will be sorted out. Bai Yuanjing asked for help from Su Chen in the early morning of the crime, but Su Chen was asleep Taishen didn't hear it, and then she struggled and ran to Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong's room to ask for help, but was eventually murdered. The reason why the murderer made Bai Yuanjing run so far may be that they didn't intend to kill her at first , but in the end Bai Yuanjing made a fuss too fiercely, that's when he really took the initiative to kill."

"Well, so the most difficult thing to deal with now is whether the main criminal is one person or two people." Wen Dong nodded.

"Well, I think so too. If the mastermind had two men, it wouldn't be possible for Bai Yuanjing to run so far." Li Binger nodded.

"Then what should we do next? Should we directly arrest Yan Ze and Ming Yu for interrogation and confession?" Li Binger asked anxiously.

"Then what do you think is the chance of success for this method?" Wen Dong asked speechlessly.

Hearing this, Li Binger's expression froze: "The chance of success is not high. Yan Ze and Ming Yu are both little princes of nightclubs and sales elites. They are not rookies."

"So, looking for them directly is the worst policy." Wen Dong calmly said.

"Then what should we do? Find an opportunity to enter their home and find clues?" Li Binger asked tentatively.

"This is also possible, but I think there may be a better way-curve to save the country."

"What do you mean? Looking for other colleagues?"

"Bingo, the answer is correct. Find Zhou Yixuan or Zhao Yutong." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

"Why? Why? How do you know that they might have clues?" Li Binger felt that her head couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"It's not possible, but definitely. Not only did they know about it, but they also witnessed it with their own eyes." Wen Dong said with certainty.

"Huh? I'm all ears." Li Bing'er smiled slightly.

"I'm thirsty, give me a whole glass of Coke, it's in the refrigerator." Wen Dong raised Erlang's legs and pointed.

"You!" Li Binger's small face turned cold in an instant, and she stared at Wen Dong coldly, feeling that this guy was becoming more and more annoying, but Wen Dong looked at herself with a cheap smile, as if she was sure that she would give in.Indeed, Li Binger felt as uncomfortable as a cat's paw itching in her heart.

So, Li Bing'er snorted coldly, got up and dragged her cold figure, walked quickly to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Coca-Cola 'Boom' and smashed it in front of Wendong's table, and said through gritted teeth: "Now we can say Alright."

Wendong grinned, as if he was not in a hurry to say, he took the bottle of Coke slowly, trying to sharpen the girl's temper, but what Wendong didn't see was that Li Binger's eyes under the cap were shining. A hint of a tricky smile.


"Pfft——" Wendong just opened the Coke, and suddenly a burst of froth gushed out from the mouth of the bottle. There were a lot of them, flowing out along the bottle, and dripping accurately into Wendong's crotch——

"Damn!" Wen Dong only had time to utter such a swear word, he hurriedly put the Coke on the table, and quickly stretched out his hand to pat the crotch of his pants.

Li Binger saw it, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, that's right, when Li Binger helped Wendong get the Coke just now, she put her little hand behind her and shook it vigorously for more than a dozen times, and then even put the Coke bottle If it hit the table, it would be strange if it didn't foam.

(End of this chapter)

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