How bad guys are made

Chapter 335 Final Analysis

Chapter 335 Final Analysis
"You did it on purpose!" Wen Dong's old face turned red, he gritted his teeth and stared at Li Bing'er, who was laughing happily, wishing he could kick this girl away.

"Yes, I did it on purpose." Li Bing'er was honest, looked up at Wen Dong arrogantly, and then suppressed a smile and said speechlessly: "Who knew that your luck was so bad, until—"

"Did it flow into the crotch?" Wen Dong gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Li Binger glanced at Wen Dong, stuck out her tongue cutely, blushed a little, and gave Wen Dong a self-inflicted look.

"Pass me the paper, didn't you see that it flooded the Chinese army's tent?" Wen Dong said in pain.

Hearing this, Li Binger blushed and took a bite. She just wanted to play tricks on Wendong, and she really didn't expect this to happen——

"Hurry up." Handing the tissue to Wendong, Li Binger urged while sitting on the sofa, the forced smile on his face getting stronger.

"The crotch is so wet, what's the point?" Wen Dong said with a mournful face.

"Isn't it all wiped off? There isn't much." Li Bing'er curled her lips, feeling that this guy is really hypocritical.

"Shit, try drying it off—"

Hearing this, Li Binger's face turned red: "Go to hell!"

Wen Dong: "Uh..."


"The police also found Bai Yuanjing's blood and hair in the backyard of the room where Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong lived. After seeing this, do you have any other thoughts?" Wen Dong asked Li Binger, placing the documents in front of him.

The villa area of ​​Jinxiu Villa is built in a new era composite classical design. The four residences form a square to form a courtyard, but each residence has an independent backyard, and each bedroom has a back door. You can go to the backyard to rest. The backyard is very large. , are separated by walls, but the walls are not high, you can see the distant view when you look up, the layout is leisurely and elegant.

"Well, I have thought about this. Zhou and Zhao's room is the outermost, the closest to the road outside. I think the blood in their yard should be dripped when the murderer took the bloody nylon bag to find a hiding place and threw it away, because the murderer I don’t dare to walk in the middle of the courtyard for fear of being seen by others, although each backyard is separated by a wall, but the wall is only 1.7 meters high, and men can easily turn over.” Li Bing’er analyzed.

The courtyard layout: Bai Yuanjing's room is on the east side, Zhou Zhao's room is on the north side near the road outside, Su Chen's room is on the south side, Yan Ze and Ming Yu's room is on the west side, opposite to Bai Yuanjing's room.



"Bai Yuanjing's room is the closest to Zhou and Zhao's. According to what you said, did the murderer get Bai Yuanjing's bloody clothes and enter the backyard through Bai's back door, then climbed over the wall and went to Zhou Zhao's backyard, and then went out to deal with the bloody clothes?" Wen Wen Dong said.

"Right, that is it."

"Then why is there no blood in Bai Yuanjing's backyard?" Wen Dong asked.

"Ah?... This..." Li Bing'er was choked immediately, and said unconvinced: "Then why do you say?"

"Let's reorganize. You switch your perspective to Bai Yuanjing, I ask, and you answer. Do you think that after Bai Yuanjing ran out, did you go to Su Chen or Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong first?"

"It should be Su Chen. Su Chen is the person she trusts and likes the most in the second sales department. When she panics, she will definitely ask Su Chen for help first." Li Binger said.


"Then Su Chen fell asleep and didn't open the door, so she gave up asking for help and ran to Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong for help."

Hearing this, Wen Dong smiled casually, took a sip of Coke, looked up at Li Binger's small face and said, "Do you think this is reasonable?"

"Is it reasonable? Of course it is reasonable." Hearing this, Li Binger frowned, not knowing why Wendong said that.

"NO, you made a logical error."

"How to say?" Li Bing'er asked unconvinced.

"First of all, the door of Su Chen's room is on the south side, and Zhou Yixuan's room is on the north side, right? Bai Yuanjing ran to the south and knocked on Su Chen's door, but then ran to the north to knock on the door after nothing? Isn't this just a coincidence? The murderer? Don't say that Bai Yuanjing bypassed the murderer, she is not a fairy." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Then what do you think is going on?" Li Binger asked angrily. After being told by Wen Dong, she also felt that something was wrong, and her mind was in a mess.

"That only shows that the first person Bai Yuanjing asked for help was not Su Chen, but Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Why didn't Bai Yuanjing look for Su Chen?" Li Binger frowned and asked in confusion.

"Then why did Bai Yuanjing not agree to Su Chen's confession that night? This is the boy she has been secretly in love with for two years." Wen Dong asked back.

Li Binger replied: "Because Bai Yuanjing feels that her body and mind are already dirty, and she is not worthy of Su Chen."

Wen Dong nodded and smiled: "So, how could Bai Yuanjing show her most embarrassing and dirty side in front of Su Chen, and what's more, the devil who has occupied her body for half a year is chasing after her, she is willing to let Su Chen see ?"

"Well, there is indeed a possibility, but how do you explain the blood in front of Su Chen's room?"

"Don't worry about this, let's push slowly."

"Okay, then you can ask."

"Zhou Zhao's room is also the closest to Bai Yuanjing's door, so she must have knocked on the door first. Do you think Zhou Zhao let her in?"

Li Binger thought for a while and said: "They definitely didn't enter the house, they didn't save her, and they confessed that they were already asleep at the time, if Bai Yuanjing was saved, she wouldn't have died."

"Well, if it was you, it was raining heavily in the middle of the night, you were very scared, and there were people chasing you behind, and the other party didn't open the door, and they were probably already asleep. What would you do? Keep knocking on the door or ask someone else for help?"

Li Binger said without even thinking about it: "Of course, if you ask others for help, you won't be able to wake up. It's better to give up and find another chance to survive."

"Then why was Bai Yuanjing's hair and blood found in Zhou Zhao's backyard? Since the blood was not left by the murderer when he was dealing with the bloody clothes, it can only mean that Bai Yuanjing entered the backyard."

"Then?" Li Binger asked, but it was just a question.

"There are only two possibilities. 1: She entered the backyard by herself; 2: The murderer took her in. But why did the murderer let her enter Zhou Zhao's backyard? Talk about life? Obviously the murderer would not be such an idiot."

"So Bai Yuanjing went in by herself?" Li Binger nodded, but she was obviously more confused.

Wen Dong nodded: "Bai Yuanjing appeared in the backyard, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility: entering the backyard from the outside; the second possibility: entering the backyard through the front door of Zhou Zhao's room. But Bai Yuanjing is not Idiot, every courtyard has walls, she is petite and afraid, and the walls are still slippery when it rains, she can't climb over the walls, so she ran into a relatively closed space, wouldn't she be courting death? So the first Might not be true."

Hearing this, Li Binger's tender body trembled: "So...she went out through the back door of Zhou Zhao's room? That means Zhou Zhao lied, they didn't sleep that night, and they let Bai Yuanjing in?"

"There is only one explanation. So in summary, after connecting them together, she ran out and knocked on Zhou Zhao's door, and then Zhou Zhao, who didn't know why, let her in, and the murderer immediately chased after her. After Zhou Zhao saw who the murderer was, he gave up helping Bai Yuanjing and decided to stand by. Bai Yuanjing might have heard the noise while hiding in the house, and fled from the backyard, but was caught up by the murderer, and a fight broke out. Bai Yuanjing's real injury came first The scene should be in Zhou Zhao's backyard." Wen Dong said.

Seeing doubts in Li Binger's eyes, Wen Dong explained: "Su Chen confessed and left, Bai Yuanjing wrote a blog in the house, and then wanted to call her mother to hear her voice, but unexpectedly the murderer came and interrupted her." The phone call she hadn't answered yet, the murderer asked to have sex with Bai Yuanjing, but Bai Yuanjing refused and wanted to leave him and return to her own life. Although these can make the murderer angry, they will never make him want to kill. "

Hearing this, Li Binger's eyes lit up: "Yes. So it was Bai Yuanjing who asked Zhou Yixuan for help, and Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong saw it with their own eyes, so it made the murderer angry, and they are the ones who can make Zhou Zhao stand by. People I know and are familiar with, so it was right for us to identify the murderer as the second sales department from the very beginning."

"See what you're proud of." Wen Dong showed a genuine smile.

Li Bing'er snorted, her little face turned red, and she was really excited and happy in her heart.

Wen Dong went on to say: "So, Bai Yuanjing was slightly injured and was taken back by the murderer, but because in front of Zhou Zhao, the murderer didn't dare to attack Bai Yuanjing and beat Bai Yuanjing to death, so Zhou Zhao stood by and looked at him coldly. The cruelty of the murderer and the fear of death made Bai Yuanjing think of Su Chen. She got rid of the murderer and went to Su Chen for help, but it was still in vain. And Bai Yuanjing escaped to find Su Chen for the second time. Su Chen fell asleep and couldn't open the door at all. Only then did the murderer launch a real murderous plan, and Bai Yuanjing was brought to a dead end."

Li Binger bit her lip. On that rainy night, Bai Yuanjing, a little girl who was in deep fear, was controlled and possessed by the murderer for half a year. She asked other colleagues for help, but she was rejected again and again, and finally died——

"Why?" Li Bing'er suppressed her hoarse voice: "Why didn't Su Chen open the door? No matter how tired he was, Bai Yuanjing would definitely call for help when he ran away, especially when there was a lot of blood left in front of Su Chen's door. The murderer must be fighting She, can't this idiot not hear you!? Su Chen must have concealed the truth from us, you bastard!" Li Binger clenched her fists.

"Don't get excited, don't tell me that you don't know that the first condition for handling a case is to be calm." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"This makes me calm down, Bai Yuanjing likes him so much!" Li Binger stared at him coldly, gritted her silver teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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