How bad guys are made

Chapter 336 Yan Ze's Invitation

Chapter 336 Yan Ze's Invitation

"Murder is a felony. There may be reasons for one person not to report. Why did everyone in the department not report, except for Qin Tai who was not on vacation and Su Chen who was asleep? Zhou Yixuan might also have been taken by the murderer to hide it for the murderer. Where's Zhao Yutong?" Wen Dong asked.

"Yeah, why is this happening?" Li Binger was also taken aback, looking up at Wendong.

Seeing Li Binger's thirst for knowledge like a silly girl, Wen Dong thought it was so cute.

"Just look at this and you'll know." Wendong turned on the phone and pushed it in front of Li Binger, and then emphasized: "This is the result of the hair test of all the people in the second sales department, and the result of the drug test. I asked someone to do it. , very accurate."

Testing for drugs is similar to testing for AIDS, and many hospitals can do it.

Li Bing'er took the phone, looked it up quickly, and was stunned. Except for Su Chen and Qin Tai, everyone else's was positive.

Positive for drug addicts.

"Zhou Yixuan and the others all take drugs? Besides, why does Zhao Yutong have something to do with Mingyu, and how could she be..." Li Binger flipped through the information on the phone, her eyes filled with shock.

"Yes, the latest information. Last night, Zhao Yutong found a girl to spend the night with. She is Glass, oh no, she is bisexual. Moreover, Zhao Yutong has a boyfriend now, but it is not Mingyu, but she has a relationship with Mingyu. Legs, also had a relationship with Yan Ze, uh... really messed up."

Ignoring Li Binger's shock at all, Wen Dong smiled and said: "Zhou Yixuan is the manager, but she said she was working overtime that night, and she was squeezed into a vacation house with Zhao Yutong—haha, without Bai Yuanjing's interruption, taking drugs is so fun. Besides, Zhou Yixuan This old woman has been divorced for many years and has a perverted psychology. She doesn't rule out having sex with Zhao Yutong and making glasses.

As for Su Chen, he said that it is possible that he was so tired that he fell asleep, but he didn't wake up after Bai Yuanjing asked for help like this, which is not reasonable. "

"Yes, I think so too, but why?"

"I don't know when we went to Su Chen last time, he said that he went to Bai Yuanjing and returned to his residence, do you remember?" Wen Dong asked.

"He said he took a shower after going back, drank some water, and fell asleep unconsciously after a while. I think he was lying. How could he fall asleep so quickly after confessing to the girl he likes? What?" Li Binger thought for a while.

"So, water. Could it be that someone put sleeping pills in it in advance? After all, so many people want to take drugs and have a carnival. It's too annoying for Su Chen not to take drugs. Let him take sleeping pills and sleep to death. It's easier. If that's the case, everything can be explained." It worked, that's why Bai Yuanjing couldn't wake him up.

So: Yan Ze and Ming Yu split up, Yan Ze went to Bai Yuanjing, Ming Yu went to Zhao Yutong, oh, it is also possible that Zhao Yutong went to Ming Yu, or Ming Yu went to Zhao Yutong and Zhou Yixuan to double F together. After taking drugs, it’s all kinds of high, messy, you know—"

Li Bing'er gave Wen Dong a blank look, and then asked: "Why is Yan Ze not Ming Yu who is looking for Bai Yuanjing? I think Ming Yu is more appropriate when it comes to murder."

"Well, it depends on the personality. You also think that Mingyu is a bit cold, a little dark-hearted, right? And from Bai Yuanjing's diary, she was tempted by others, so she took a wrong step, so she made a wrong step and a wrong step. Yan Ze is very suitable regardless of age or appearance, and his personality is also cheerful and outgoing. Bai Yuanjing has a little low self-esteem in her heart. Yan Ze is good at communication, very humorous, and his words make people feel like a spring breeze. He is the most suitable person to open Bai Yuanjing's heart. He is a nightclub The little prince is seasoned, and with a little trickery, Bai Yuanjing, who is begging for love, can easily see him as a sustenance, and half pushes and half-pushes him under the confusion, but unfortunately, that is not sustenance, but the abyss of death."

"So, Yan Ze is the main criminal, Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong and Ming Yu are all accessories." Li Binger said.

"Well, according to the clues and reasoning, it looks like this." Wen Dong sat down beside Li Binger, with his hands resting on the back of his head, smiling and looking at her cheek.

"Well, then you said curve saving the country, who did you start with? Zhao Yutong or Zhou Yixuan?"

"Well, you're not stupid after all, you didn't mention Mingyu." Wendong grinned, ignored Li Binger's white eyes, and whistled: "Zhou Yixuan."

"Why not Zhao Yutong?"

"Zhou Yixuan is the manager. She is a strong woman in a high position. She is very picky in life and cares about saving face. If we find evidence of her drug use, do you think she will go crazy?"

"Isn't the evidence here? She took drugs, and we have her test report." Li Binger said.

"Zhou Yixuan is not that simple. She can be said to have become addicted to drugs unintentionally or was forced to take drugs. In this way, at most she will be said a few words. Only when she is caught on the spot or a large number of drugs are found from her home Drugs, so that she can really avoid the mouse."


Now that the criminal suspect has been confirmed, the only thing now is to find direct evidence. He often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet. It is only a matter of time before Yan Ze is brought to justice, and it is still short. time.

After sending Li Binger home, Wendong received a call from Sun Xiaojie, OK, this girl is here to take advantage of her again.

Sun Xiaojie likes to eat seafood. Although the water market is close to the sea, seafood is not cheap at all. Looking at the table full of seafood, big lobster, caviar, etc., more than 5000 yuan are gone, and Wendong’s body is shaking in pain. .

"Director Wenda, as your prospective girlfriend, I think there is something I need to remind you." Sun Xiaojie gracefully raised her legs and looked at Wendong with a half-smile after taking a beautiful mouthful of caviar.

"What's the matter?" Wen Dong was feeling sorry for the caviar money, so he asked casually.

"I said, you can't be angry."

"Tell me, what did you do to apologize to me again." Wen Dong pouted.

"No way." Sun Xiaojie pouted angrily, "That's why I greeted you in advance, hehe."

Sun Xiaojie’s attire is as fashionable and cool as ever, with a purple plaid shirt on her upper body, a pair of bulging and well-developed peaks that seem to be stretched out, a pair of black hot pants on her lower body, and a pair of beautiful legs that are not covered by any stockings. , white and flawless, very attractive.

At this time, Sun Xiaojie held her cheeks in her little hand and smiled at Wen Dong. There was a charming dimple beside her pair of white canine teeth, and the pair of black and smart eyes above her were also half-closed because of the smile on her face. , there is a bit of laziness in the blur.

"Say it, I promise I won't kill you." Wen Dong stuffed a lobster head into his mouth, chewing it 'crunch', to replenish calcium!

Sun Xiaojie smiled, not afraid of Wendong's threat at all: "Well, I just feel it, these days Yan Ze often circles around me, obviously he is interested in me, but I haven't started chasing him yet, I'm a bit conspiring It means to move later, so I came here to tell you today, so that you can be mentally prepared, and eating is only secondary." Saying this, Sun Xiaojie took a hard bite of the lobster meat that Wendong peeled for her.

The expected anger didn't happen, Wen Dong was very silent, and Sun Xiaojie didn't even feel jealous.

Looking at Wen Dong's frown, Sun Xiaojie stretched out her greasy little hand in doubt and shook Wen Dong's eyes: "What's wrong? You won't be really hit, right?"

"Xiaojie, why don't you transfer your job, and I'll help you find a more relaxed working environment, okay?" Wen Dong looked up at her with a serious tone.

"You repented?" Sun Xiaojie looked at Wendong angrily.

"No, you don't know at all. This Yan Ze is very dangerous. I don't worry about you working with him. I really don't worry. You promise me." Wen Dong's tone was almost pleading.

"But I said I would help you, and you agreed, how can you go back on it?" Sun Xiaojie reached out and grabbed Wendong's big hand, comforting: "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be fine, and, isn't there still Do you? No matter how dangerous Yan Ze is, he can't mess around in public, so don't worry."

I was really afraid that something would come. Before Wendong could speak, Sun Xiaojie's cell phone on the table rang. The caller: Yan Ze.

"Director Wenda, should I answer it or not?" Sun Xiaojie reached out to pick up the phone, shook it in front of Wendong's eyes, and tried hard to adjust the atmosphere.

"Go, let's see what he wants to do." Wen Dong's frowning brows slowly relaxed, and he said in a low voice.

"Hello, Yan Ze?" Sun Xiaojie answered the phone with a casual tone.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Ze's voice rang on the other end of the phone, and he said with a smile: "Xiaojie, do you have any plans for Friday tomorrow? Everyone will go to my house to play and cook for themselves. Lao Qin will also bring his son. You Don't push it."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie was startled. Obviously, this girl has a smart mouth. If something happened to her, she was still very scared. Her little hand trembled and almost dropped the phone into the plate. She quickly reached out to cover the microphone and looked up at Wen Wen. East.

Wen Dong clenched his fists tightly, and lowered his voice so low that only his mouth could be seen: "Go."

Looking at Wendong's gloomy old face, Sun Xiaojie cried and mourned, and looked at Wendong with a low voice, and said pitifully: "Brother Dong, are you testing others? Don't get me wrong, I really love Yan Ze. It's not interesting, although Yan Ze is more than ten times more handsome than you, but people like you."

Hearing this, Wen Dong almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"You have to protect me in secret, or I'll be afraid." Sun Xiaojie stopped teasing Wendong and whispered.

"Well, you can go at ease." Wen Dong nodded seriously.

Just then Sun Xiaojie picked up the phone, and suddenly there was a moment of silence, what do you mean by 'you can go at ease', can this guy talk!

Sun Xiaojie gave Wendong a white look, let go of the hand on the microphone, and her small face instantly turned into a smile: "Well, I don't have any plans, so I'll go too. What time? The specific address?"

(End of this chapter)

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