Chapter 337

After sending Xiaojie home, Wendong left in a hurry.

Sun Xiaojie sat on the edge of the bed, shaking a pair of snowy legs, with a weird little face. When Wen Dong left, she said, 'I'll be back later'.This made Sun Xiaojie very shy. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening. This guy didn't know what to do when he went out, and he didn't know what time he came back.

And these are not the point, the point is whether Wendong can leave after he comes back.

Sun Xiaojie pouted her lips, she was very conflicted, should she drive him away when he comes back or let him sleep here for the night?
Thinking of Wen Dong's solemn expression before leaving, it was obvious that he was going to make trouble for himself, which made Sun Xiaojie feel a little bit sad, but he just finished his period, what if he wants to bully me?

By the way, when does a woman's safe period come?Sun Xiaojie tilted her head and pondered for a while, but when she found nothing, she lay down on the bed, her calves raised high, and she tapped the phone screen with her little hand, and searched thousands of times on Baidu——Women's safe period.

Helplessly, Wendong didn't know what this girl was thinking, otherwise he would have turned around and ran back, took Sun Xiaojie's little hand seriously and said affirmatively: It is absolutely safe to bully you tonight.


Wendong drove into the street, took out his mobile phone and called Li Binger first, but Li Binger was taken aback. I don't know whether it was because of his happiness or what...

"And then? Did you ask Sun Xiaojie to agree to Yan Ze's request?" Li Binger asked anxiously on the phone.

"Of course I agreed, shit." The more Wen Dong thought about it, the more worried he became.

Li Binger leaned against the head of the bed, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up, as if she had already thought of Wendong's runaway and helpless expression: "Hehe, your senseless devotion reminded me of a word."

"What?" Wen Dong knocked out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, curling his lips.

"I can't bear that my wife can't catch a wolf, and she's still a dangerous pervert, haha——"

Hearing this, Wen Dong's old face turned blue, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If you talk sarcastic again, believe it or not, I will ask Xiao Jie to cancel this party immediately!?"

"No, Sun Xiaojie has been under the fangs of a tiger. You are more anxious than me to bring Yan Ze to justice. However, since you sacrificed so much for this matter, tell me, what's the matter?" Need help?" Li Binger smiled lightly.

"Damn, what am I sacrificing, can you speak!" Wen Dong was so angry that his head roared, and he almost got the car into the ditch.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, just tell me quickly, I'm a little tired, I'll go to sleep if you don't tell me."

"I want you to help arrange five special police officers for me. If you want to be an expert, you must have complete equipment, including sniper rifles and grenades. In addition, I need some equipment myself, small monitors, the kind that are put in the ears, and Button monitor, um... I need an electric shock rod, high-voltage, the kind that can make people foam at the mouth when poked." Wen Dong said through gritted teeth.

Hearing this, Li Bing'er was so startled that she almost fell down on the bed: "Five special police officers? Do you need all the equipment? Do you think you're going to catch terrorists? No, you think highly of me too. It's not that I don't want to help, because I don't have Authorization to mobilize special police. Police, I can arrange five very skilled criminal policemen for you, including me."

"Besides, you don't have to worry too much. It's just going to the party. No matter how crazy Yan Ze is, he won't face Sun Xiaojie in front of so many people. As for the monitors and monitors you mentioned, I can help you right now." You got it, you can get it tonight, as for the electric shock baton you want, sorry, there is no such awesome model." Li Binger said speechlessly.

"Then at least it can stun people, right?"

"You can have this." Li Bing'er smiled lightly.

"Can't even a special police officer?" Wen Dong said helplessly, obviously not at ease about this matter. The special police officers have special training for rescue operations, and their skills and qualities are much better than ordinary criminal police officers.

"No. However, I can recommend someone to you, and you can ask him for help." Li Binger said.


Hearing this, Li Binger rolled her eyes for a while: "If you let ** know that you are asking her for help for your little girlfriend Sun Xiaojie, do you think she will agree?"

"Uh... well, who is that? Brother Zhao?"

"Yes, Zhao Yifei, don't look at him carelessly, but he is a special soldier, and he is also the second-ranked blood thorn in Tianxia Kingdom. I dare not say that there are too many. He alone is worth at least three ordinary special policemen, plus you This guy, the two of you can sweep away the underground forces like a water market." Li Binger said.

"Zhao Yifei..." Wendong pondered, and said helplessly, "Brother Zhao regards you as a girl so important, if you tell him that I ask him for help for Sun Xiaojie, will he agree?"

"Eh... I can't help you with this matter anymore. Who told you to use me as a shield back then? This is retribution." Li Bing'er chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, you're ruthless!"

"Are you coming to get the equipment tonight?"

"Well, I'll go to Brother Zhao first, and then I'll go to you later." Wen Dong said.

"Well, then I'll go to the police station to get it for you now."



"Hey, Brother Fei? Where are you? If you have time, come out for a drink, I invite you." When Zhao Yifei called, Wen Dong instantly had a smile on his face, which was very kind.

"I live in Cuiliuyuan, it's fine, but I'm short on money recently, where can I eat?" Zhao Yifei said happily, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, holding a big brick mobile phone like a dog.

"Cuiliuyuan Residence? Damn, you live there and still say you have no money?" Wen Dong grinned angrily. It's a villa area, and you can't afford 3000 million yuan for a single one. Then, Wendong was stunned for a moment. Is it exactly where Zhang Hanhan lives?
Whatever you want.As a result, Zhao Yifei curled his lips angrily: "Did I tell you that I live here? I'm here to deliver Lanyun BOSS. I'm a ghost, I never thought that with my blood thorns, I will be someone else's driver one day, but ...Hey, guess who it is?"

"Grass, can't it be Zhang Hanhan?" Wendong opened his mouth in shock, Lanyun boss, still lives in Cuiliuyuan...

"That's right, hehe, it is said that Lanyun Zhang Hanhan is the goddess of the water city, and it is indeed so when I saw it today, with that face and beautiful legs, just looking at it makes people feel, quack."

Hearing Zhao Yifei's confession, Wendong felt his head go blank for a moment.

Zhang Hanhan, Zhao Yifei actually became Zhang Hanhan's driver?Zhang Hanhan may not know it, but Wendong knows Zhao Yifei's background. It must not be easy for Zhao Yifei to go to Lanyun suddenly, but how can he be Zhang Hanhan's driver?Wendong has always been worried that Zhang Hanhan should not be involved in the affairs of Lanyun Trading, but now...

"Wendong... Wendong? What's wrong with you? Why aren't you talking?" Zhao Yifei shouted on the phone.

"Oh, it's nothing, are you driving Mr. Zhang's car now?" Wen Dong asked casually, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"No, the girl Zhang Hanhan said that I'm not used to being her driver. She has a project to discuss tomorrow night, and she has something to do the day after tomorrow. She will drive there by herself."

"Yanyun Pavilion, take a taxi to go there, I will be there in a while." Wen Dong said.



Because there were only two of them, Wen Dong and Zhao Yifei just wanted a relatively small private room, with the cloudy yellow wallpaper, reflecting the quiet and soft lighting. It made Wendong feel a little depressed, with a sense of depression that was about to come.

"Here's a cigarette, hehe." Zhao Yifei hooked his hand at Wendong without any embarrassment.

"Bada..." Both of them lit their cigarettes, Wen Dong took a deep puff, then picked up a glass filled with white wine and said with a smile: "Come, have a drink."

"it is good."

'Gulu' took a sip, Zhao Yifei wiped his mouth casually, but didn't move his chopsticks, took a breath of cigarettes, looked up at Wen Dong with a smile and said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"En?" Wendong looked up at Zhao Yifei in surprise, guessing that his concerns had not escaped his eyes, he pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know if you have time tomorrow night? I want to ask you for a favor."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Wen Dong nodded and spoke.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yifei nodded and said, "Sister Bing'er told you, right?"

"Well, he said that you alone are as safe as three special police officers. With you here, nothing will happen." Wen Dong flattered, licking his face.

"Haha, Sister Bing'er knows me too well, I can help. But I don't have sniper rifles and other equipment here. Tonight, you will drive me back to the water city military base. It's not far away. I just go back to see the old man. When the time comes You can bring me back again." Zhao Yifei was indeed a straightforward person, and agreed directly, of course, Binger's face was quite big.

"Brother, we've already been drinking, this is drunk driving." Wen Dong said speechlessly.

"This... It's not a big problem. It's okay. There are people above me. If they catch you, they will stay for a few days at most. I can guarantee your driver's license." Zhao Yifei waved his hands.

"No, that's too troublesome. Besides, I have something to do tonight, why don't you drive my car?" Wen Dong frowned and shook his head.

"Uh... forget it then, I don't want to be caught, it's so embarrassing." Zhao Yifei said with an old face.

"Damn, you are really a good brother from my third generation." Wen Dong looked at this shameless bastard without anger, you are afraid of shame, I am not afraid of shame?

Zhao Yifei smiled cheekily, not feeling embarrassed at all: "Okay, I'll take a taxi back tonight, it seems that I have to stay at the old man's place for a night, and I will inevitably be nagged, sister..."

Hearing this, Wen Dong rolled his eyes for a while.


"Well, Brother Zhao, let me ask you something again." After drinking for three rounds, Wen Dong saw that Zhao Yifei was almost drunk, and said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, if you have something to say, I'll help you as long as it's not against the law." Zhao Yifei stretched out his hand to wrap Wendong's shoulder, patted his chest as a guarantee, and said "brother-in-law" one by one, it seemed that he was really drunk.

"Using your ability to be a small driver in Lanyun, it's not easy, it can't be a matter of Lanyun Trading, remember ** reminded me, let me be careful in Lanyun Trading." Wen Wen Dong leaned over and asked curiously.

"Oh, this matter is indeed not simple." Zhao Yifei shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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