How bad guys are made

Chapter 339 Two-Line Operation

Chapter 339 Two-Line Operation
Then there is the bug, which can be heard by Sun Xiaojie and other colleagues around him. It is placed in the middle of the 'V'-shaped collar, which looks like a decorative button.

After the 'talking' is done, the next step is to 'listen', which is not troublesome, just put it in her ear, one earpiece and one microphone.

Sun Xiaojie carefully pinched and stuffed it into her ears. In fact, she only needed to put it in a little bit.

"It won't fall in, right?" Sun Xiaojie shook her slightly uncomfortable head and said.

"Yes, so don't shake around." Wen Dong quickly reached out to hold her head, and glared at her angrily.

"Okay, I won't shake." Sun Xiaojie nodded with a smile, glanced sideways at Wendong, and said with a smile, "Why do I feel a little strange, as if I'm an agent."

"Come on, give it a try." Ignored this ignorant girl, but didn't say much, reached out and picked up a small communicator: "Hey, can you hear me?"

"Oh, Brother Dong is calling me? I heard it." Sun Xiaojie smiled, looking at Wendong's dignified face, Sun Xiaojie understood Wendong's worry, a little sweetness appeared in his heart, and he actively reached out to hug him Wen Dong's waist, with his small face pressed against his chest, raised his head and said, "Don't worry, aren't you ready?"

"Well, why don't you untie your braids, anyway, it's just an ordinary party, there's no need to be as strict as in a company, it's safer to cover it up." Looking at the raised cute face, Wen Dong slowly relaxed his brows, and stretched out his hand to touch Touching her braided hair.

"Well, help me untie it." Sun Xiaojie nodded and smiled, let go of Wendong, turned her back to him, and said with a sweet smile on her face.

"it is good."

The braids were untied, the soft blue silk fell down the shoulders, the blue striped tunic skirt, the cute girl in front of Yingxian was petite, pure and lovely, and sultry, unconsciously, Wen Dong stretched out his hand to embrace her from behind With a slender waist, his face buried in the black hair, his voice was low and serious: "If there is any abnormality in Yan Ze, just yell, and I will rush in and kill him immediately."

"Want to kiss?" Sun Xiaojie raised her cheeks sideways and looked at Wen Dong behind her. Her small mouth was raised, her cherry mouth was not tinged with red, and she was charming and charming. The two strands of hair on her cheeks gently brushed against her face to add a bit of seductiveness. The human style, the nimbly moving eyes, a little mischievous, a little mischievous, comforted Wendong with a dignified face.

"Are you sure?" Wen Dong looked down at her ruddy mouth and smiled lightly.

"Of course." Sun Xiaojie raised her eyebrows provocatively, stretched out her small hand to gently press Wen Dong's big hand on her waist, and told him that she had let go of her resistance.


"It doesn't matter. I tried it. This kind of canvas won't wrinkle."

Sun Xiaojie: "..."

There was less than an hour before the meeting time. After the two warmed up, Wendong tried all the equipment again, and there were no mistakes. Finally, Wendong gave Sun Xiaojie a small electric shocker. According to Binger MM This electric shock baton is very powerful, and it protects her self-defense.

Wendong drove Sun Xiaojie, who was all ready, to the entrance of the street, and Sun Xiaojie took a taxi, so Wendong couldn't see her off.

Sun Xiaojie, who had been comforting Wendong, finally showed a nervous look, and reached out to grab Wendong's arm: "If Yan Ze bullies me, you must save me."

Wen Dong stretched out his hands to hold the steering wheel, glanced at his tense face, and said with a slight smile, "Don't be nervous, I will always watch you silently behind you."

Sun Xiaojie was speechless for a while, is there such comfort?Are you watching silently for something?

Traffic was passing through the streets of Denghongjiu Road, Sun Xiaojie quickly got out of the taxi, and arrived at the downstairs of a high-end apartment where Yan Ze lived.Sun Xiaojie's small hands were slightly cold, and there was a little sweat in her palms. After all, she was a little nervous. Sun Xiaojie said softly, "I'm already here."

"Well, I know." Wendong's voice came from his ears immediately, and Sun Xiaojie thought he saw it through the camera, but Wendong said again: "I'm right behind you."

Sun Xiaojie turned around immediately, and saw a familiar black car parked on the side of the road.Then the dark car window slowly lowered, and there was a bright dot inside that flickered on and off. A man's hand stretched out from the car window, and with a flick of his finger, the cigarette butt drew a semi-arc trajectory and bounced into the flower bed beside the street. , to signal his existence to Sun Xiaojie.

"It's the director, who told you to litter everywhere." Sun Xiaojie took a bite, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"The lollipops you bought for me have been eaten." Wen Dong's voice came from his ears again.

Sun Xiaojie laughed suddenly, and looked at me silently... clearly followed me every step of the way.

Sun Xiaojie's heart warmed, she looked up at the tall building in front of her, clenched her fists and walked in.

In fact, how dangerous would it be to go to Yan Ze's house for dinner?

Sun Xiaojie didn't know at all that most of the reason why she was nervous was because of Wendong's solemn expression, coupled with the scaring of the camera and bugs.

This is also Wendong's cleverness. He didn't say anything except to tell her to be careful. He was afraid that Sun Xiaojie would be nervous and afraid to show her feet when she found out. Make Sun Xiaojie even more dangerous.

"Crack..." Not long after Sun Xiaojie entered, Wendong's car door was pulled open, and a beautiful figure slipped in fluently.

It's Li Bing'er, her outfit is similar to yesterday's, she still wears a pair of skinny jeans underneath her body, perfectly showing off her sexy legs, but the canvas shoes have been replaced with standard leather boots, clean and neat, the only thing that has changed is the upper body hood Wearing a pure black coat, with a hat on her head covering most of her beautiful face, she looks like a very evil female spy informant at first glance.

"Why are you here?" Wen Dong looked at her in surprise, her injury is still not healed, even if she came, she couldn't help much.

"Is there such a thing as crossing the river and demolishing the bridge? I arranged the surrounding criminal police." Li Bing snorted dissatisfiedly: "You don't have to be nervous, no matter how daring Yan Ze is, he would not dare to commit murder."

Hearing this, Wen Dong glared at her angrily, curled his lips and said, "Do you think I'm nervous?"

"The car smells like smoke. If you don't worry, what are you smoking so much for?" Li Bing'er waved her hand in front of her face and said with a frown.

Wen Dong curled his lips and ignored her, unable to deny it.

"You are very lucky. Lady Luck is on your side today. However, there is a slight deviation. It is going to rain." Li Binger said to herself.

"How?" Wen Dong asked suspiciously.

"You'll see when Xiaojie goes to Yan Ze's house." Li Binger chuckled lightly.

Hearing this, Wendong looked down at the laptop on his lap, and what was playing was the video from the miniature camera. At this time, Sun Xiaojie was still on the stairs.

Before waiting for a minute, Sun Xiaojie entered Yan Ze's house. Yan Ze greeted Sun Xiaojie in enthusiastically, and seemed to reach out to help her. Wen Dong's face was very ugly.

The room is spacious and bright. Sun Xiaojie seemed to be deliberately standing in the living room and walked around slowly. Wendong could see clearly from this side.

Yan Ze is indeed rich. On the 23rd floor, it is a luxurious duplex of more than 180 square meters.

Wendong instantly understood what Li Binger meant by "Goddess of Luck", opening the window 270 degrees, as long as Yan Ze dared to make any changes, Zhao Yifei was 100% sure to kill him.

And Wendong knew very well that before he came, Zhao Yifei had already squatted behind a hidden curtain in the opposite office building with a large sniper on his shoulders, pointing directly at Yan Ze's house.

As for the criminal police arranged by Li Binger, they must also be paying close attention to any situation in Yan Ze's house.

"Dingling." A ringing sound broke the silence in the car. Wendong saw the number and picked up the phone.

A cold and respectful male voice rang out from the phone, saying: "Mr. Wen, No. [-] has successfully sneaked into the target's home and found a small amount of new drug T powder.

No. [-] successfully sneaked into the target's home, and also found a small amount of T-fans, as well as a large number of CDs, which were sex videos between No. [-] target and other people.

There are people in the No. [-] home, and it is temporarily impossible to sneak in. "

Number one is Zhou Yixuan's home. She has been away on business for the past two days and is not at home. She will come back tomorrow.Number two is Zhao Yutong, bisexual. I didn't expect this woman to have a hobby of collecting videos. One can imagine that there are men and women in those videos.

"Very well, thank you for your hard work. First take a photo, and then take away the drugs. Don't erase the fingerprints on them. I don't need to say how to leave evidence." Wen Dong said.

"Mr. Wen, you're welcome, I know what to do." The other party said solemnly.

"Well, No. [-] continues to look for opportunities to sneak in."

"I see."

No. [-] is Mingyu's home.

After hanging up the phone, Wendong realized that Li Binger was staring at him, as if he wanted to see through Wendong.

Seeing Wen Dong, Li Binger snorted: "Don't you want to explain to me? Who is the other party? Is it reliable?"

Obviously, she heard Wendong's conversation, and probably guessed what was going on.

"Hey, hired private detective." Wen Dong put away his phone and smiled.

"You don't want to be sloppy here. Private detectives don't contract burglary." Li Bing'er smiled contemptuously, staring at Wen Dong sharply.

"Women shouldn't be too smart, no one wants a smart woman." Wen Dong smiled irrefutably, without explaining.

Li Binger stared at Wendong coldly and then withdrew his gaze, and didn't intend to ask any more questions. Wendong was meticulous in his work, and it was related to Sun Xiaojie's safety. Naturally, he didn't dare to trust others casually by cronyism, and this annoying guy obviously didn't want to say anything. .

"Don't occupy it by yourself, let go of the equipment and amplify the sound." Li Bing'er said, taking off Wendong's headset.

Wen Dong lit a cigarette and watched it with Li Binger.

(End of this chapter)

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