How bad guys are made

Chapter 340 Yan Ze's Teaser

Chapter 340 Yan Ze's Teaser

Sun Xiaojie dressed up as an innocent girl, and she also sat on the sofa like a good baby, holding a glass of homemade orange juice in both hands, drinking slowly, watching these colleagues laugh and chat.Wendong on the other side has been silent, even though they are talking about him, the chief director of Wendong, at the moment.

Occasionally, the sound of a lighter lighting a cigarette came from his ears, letting Sun Xiaojie know of his existence.

Zhao Yutong was sitting opposite Sun Xiaojie, with exquisite eyebrows and rosy cheeks. He had obviously dressed up carefully before coming here, but his smile was rather cold: "So... Director Wen doesn't have a girlfriend yet?"

Sun Xiaojie was a little shy, and replied, "I don't know about that either."

Zhao Yutong curled his lips and smiled coldly: "Some time ago he made a lot of noise in the new clothing company. There were some rumors that almost all Lanyun employees knew. The rumors about him and the president must be false, but he saw that it was not true. A worry-free guy, a typical smiling tiger, who has come to our department a few times, and looks friendly, but in fact, he looks at Xiaojie's legs from time to time, which is typical of no good intentions."

Sun Xiaojie blushed, and said, "Where is it? Why didn't I notice it."

Ming Yu leaned on the sofa, looked up at Sun Xiaojie and said with a smile: "Wendong is your old boss. Why did you leave after being his assistant before? Could it be that he wanted to plot against you and scare you away?" Bar?"

Ming Yu wore a slim black shirt today, he looked handsome and upright, and he was a little more active than when he was at work, he was not so serious and cold, and once he played in a relaxed atmosphere, he was more open, which was very suitable for him The results of the background investigation - the little prince of the nightclub.

Zhao Yutong glanced at Ming Yu, lightly brushed her hair up, leaned comfortably on the sofa, and said with a cold look of laziness, "Since he never asked Xiaojie to order flowers for his girlfriend, gifts... then He must be single. But according to his conditions and personality, it should be quite easy to find a girlfriend."

Sun Xiaojie smiled but did not answer, she was silently sweet in her heart, Ming Yu and Zhou Tai who were sitting next to each other laughed, even Su Chen who had been quiet all this time showed a smile.Yan Zete in the kitchen heard it, poked his head out and raised his voice: "Yutong, are you interested in him? I think it's okay."

Zhao Yutong sneered, ignored his joke, turned her beautiful eyes around a few times, continued to look at Sun Xiaojie, and said surprisingly: "He has good conditions, but he doesn't have a girlfriend, and there are many rumors. In summary, it can be summarized as follows: Two points: Either you want to be dissatisfied, or you just can't, Xiaojie, which point do you think he prefers?"

Sun Xiaojie was drinking a drink and almost spit it out.

"I... I don't know." Sun Xiaojie blushed and said embarrassedly.

Seeing Sun Xiaojie's cute appearance, the men all laughed out loud, and Yan Zeyuan echoed: "Yutong summed it up brilliantly."

Then, Sun Xiaojie heard Wendong's extremely dissatisfied swearing in the ears that had been silent for a long time: "Damn it! Damn!"

Is it dissatisfaction with desire or not?No, I have to ask him later, so Sun Xiaojie suddenly smiled too.

Zhao Yutong picked up the drink, bit the straw and looked up at Sun Xiaojie: "Xiaojie, you have to be careful. Actually, you can also find a boyfriend in our department, Su Chen is good, you two are the kind of quiet and not good at talking That kind of thing, two boring gourds put together."

Everyone laughed lightly, and Sun Xiaojie also laughed, obviously not paying attention to this kind of joke, Su Chen has been as quiet as Xu, but he suddenly thought of Yuan Jing, and a trace of inexplicable sadness flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Yan Ze came over with a plate of salad in his hand: "Yutong, don't mess with the mandarin ducks." As he spoke, he glanced at Su Chen, everyone obviously knew that Su Chen liked the dead Bai Yuanjing.

Su Chen shook her head with a smile, saying it was okay.

"Come on, try the fruit wine salad I made. I learned it from my classmates when I was studying abroad. It tastes very good." Yan Ze put the salad on the table and looked at Sun Xiaojie with a bright smile.

"Thank you." Sun Xiaojie nodded with a smile, picked up a small plate and filled some.

Zhao Yutong on the opposite side glanced at Yan Ze with a half-smile, then turned to Sun Xiaojie and said, "This fruit wine salad contains alcohol, don't get drunk."

Sun Xiaojie's thoughts moved slightly, and she heard Yan Ze who was standing at the side chuckled and said: "Don't think I don't know your little thoughts, it's because I'm afraid that others will eat too much and you won't have enough to eat."

Sun Xiaojie smiled as usual, and heard Wendong's admonition in his ears: "Try to eat as little as possible. If you want to eat, I will make you better ones when I go home. Grandma's——"

Sun Xiaojie smiled even more.


It was already nine o'clock in the evening when the meal was ready, and it would probably be at least ten o'clock after dinner, but no one had to worry about going to work tomorrow morning.

The main course is lobster and hairy crab. Several large plates are placed in the middle, and there are some stir-fries on the side. The combination of meat and vegetables makes it very appetizing.Just as Sun Xiaojie sat down next to Su Chen at the round table, Yan Ze came out of the kitchen and sat directly beside her.

Everyone chatted while eating, Ming Yu and Qin Tai were chatting about work, Su Chen had been eating quietly and listening to others chatting, Zhao Yutong was teasing Qin Tai's son.Sun Xiaojie was eating quietly, when Yan Ze who was at the side asked in a low voice: "How is my cooking?"

Sun Xiaojie smiled at him: "Very good."

The round table in the living room was not big, and with Qin Tai's seven sons sitting close together, Yan Ze leaned towards Sun Xiaojie again, and whispered in her ear: "I heard that you like seafood, so I went to the aquatic product market to buy high-end products."

Sun Xiaojie looked up, only to realize that the reason why Yan Ze took lobster and other seafood as the main course was for her.

"Thank you." Sun Xiaojie smiled slightly, and stepped back a little.Yan Ze didn't get any closer, staring at Sun Xiaojie, and suddenly smiled: "Why are you blushing? It's so easy to blush?"

Sun Xiaojie's personality is so careless, in fact, she doesn't really dislike such provocative jokes in her heart, but it depends on who, although Yan Ze is only better than Wendong in terms of appearance, but she is a traditional girl, She is now Wendong's girlfriend, so she has an instinctive aversion to Yan Ze's probing, provocative and skillful stalking.

But considering the overall situation, Sun Xiaojie reached out and touched her cheek, and replied calmly: "Is there? Maybe it's a little hot."

After a few seconds, I suddenly heard Yan Ze at the side say, "Xiaojie, look up."

Sun Xiaojie raised her head subconsciously, and saw a flash of white light, Yan Ze took back the phone with a smile, and winked at Sun Xiaojie.

Sun Xiaojie: "Why are you filming me? Delete it."

Yan Ze picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the crab meat, then turned his head and smiled at her: "It's rare for girls to blush nowadays, it's a pity not to take pictures as souvenirs."


"Smoking a cigarette?" In the street car, Li Bing'er didn't seem to see the anger on Wen Dong's face, and said with a smile, she also took out one and put it in her mouth.

"Stop smoking, it's bad for your health." Wen Dong said in a low voice, reached out and took the cigarette she just lit, and took a puff from her mouth.

"I just found out that your little girlfriend is quite likable, no wonder you are so worried about her." Li Bing'er pursed her lips and smiled indifferently.

"Cut." Wen Dong glanced at her, the meaning was obvious, what do you need to say?
"What? Seeing my little girlfriend being molested by others is very angry? Jealous?" Li Binger leaned on the car seat with her hands folded on her chest. A very happy thing.

"Well, this bastard dared to pick up my girl in front of me. I really want to beat him up."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance. Judging from the situation, Yan Ze is obviously going to take further action against Sun Xiaojie, and the battle will be resolved quickly. Well, I like this style. It's best to make some trouble tonight, just to hold him tight go inside."

Wen Dong lowered his eyes and flicked the cigarette butt out of the window with a flick of his fingers. Wen Dong hummed extremely dissatisfied in the car: "You really shouldn't come tonight."

Binger: "I am willing."


After eating, Sun Xiaojie went to the bathroom.

"En..." Sun Xiaojie coughed in a low voice, which was a secret signal.

Wen Dong glanced at Li Binger, warned her not to speak, and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: "Huh? I'm here."

Sun Xiaojie secretly glanced at the closed door behind her, thinking that Yan Ze's molestation at the dinner table was watched by her prospective boyfriend, Sun Xiaojie felt very uncomfortable, it was really weird, this is why she blushed just now reason.

Seeing that Sun Xiaojie was silent, Wendong looked up at the computer screen, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sun Xiaojie said in a low voice: "After this matter is over, I will ask to get the photos in his phone. I don't want my photos to be in other people's phones."

Wendong turned his head and frowned proudly at Li Binger, who was listening quietly, and then said: "Of course. I will smash his mobile phone to pieces, and your photos can only be stored on my mobile phone." Wendong was instantly shocked. It's on.

Sun Xiaojie said, "Your cell phone doesn't work either."

"Uh...cough, others are watching here, can you show me some face?" Wen Dong blushed.

"Other people, are there other people around you?" Sun Xiaojie was surprised, according to what he said, the scene just now was seen by other people at the same time?
"Oh, there is someone who helps me, a boy who runs errands, it doesn't matter." Wen Dong nodded.

Li Binger's displeased snort suddenly sounded beside her.

"En." Sun Xiaojie responded in a low voice, and Sun Xiaojie understood that he had brought a helper, and suddenly there was a hint of joyful sweetness in his heart, and he went back to the living room to continue lurking.


As soon as she walked out of the door, Xiaojie saw Qin Tai holding her son with one hand and his back with the other hand, passing by the door of the bathroom, turned her head and smiled at her: "Xiaojie, I'll go back first, the little guy is sleepy , he has been going to bed early."

"Well, okay, goodbye." Sun Xiaojie bowed and said goodbye to the little guy with a smile. It was indeed getting late, and Qin Tai still had a sick wife at home, so he should go back early.

"Come on, say goodbye to Miss Sister, hehe." Qin Tai grabbed his son's little hand and waved it towards Xiaojie, looking into his son's eyes, full of pampering.

(End of this chapter)

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