How bad guys are made

Chapter 341 Yan Ze's Big Action

Chapter 341 Yan Ze's Big Action
At this time, Su Chen also came over: "It's getting late, I should go back too, I'll go with Lao Qin." Saying that, he smiled and nodded towards Sun Xiaojie, as shy as a boy.

"Okay." Sun Xiaojie smiled and nodded as usual.

To say that among these colleagues, Sun Xiaojie likes to get along with these two people the most.Qin Tai's temperament is the most peaceful and clear, kind-hearted, considerate, and he is the most comfortable to get along with.Secondly, Su Chen, who is like a big boy next door, has a clean demeanor and is always quiet. Sun Xiaojie sometimes asks him for help when he encounters something he doesn't understand, and he will answer you calmly without making fun of him.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a few steps, Su Chen suddenly turned to Sun Xiaojie and said, "It's raining outside, it's dark and it's hard to take a taxi, why don't we go together."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie's mind froze, which surprised Sun Xiaojie a bit. Su Chen, who had always been quiet and indisputable, had never done this before. Sun Xiaojie's mind changed, did he find something?
Just as Sun Xiaojie was about to speak, Yan Ze walked over and said with a smile, "It's raining again at this late hour, it's not safe for you to take a taxi as a girl, I'll drive you back later."

Su Chen smiled, without entanglement, turned around quietly and left with Qin Tai.

Zhao Yutong stepped on the small bag and walked over: "I'm leaving too, my boyfriend came to pick me up, and I'll be downstairs right away." After speaking, he walked out without waiting for others to say anything, stretched out his hand and waved it back, neatly, Quite chic.

Ming Yu leaned on the sofa and ate fruit wine salad. He was not displeased with Zhao Yutong's words. They knew each other well that they were just ordinary sex-partners, a little more advanced than one-night-stands. Besides, he also made a new girlfriend a few days ago.

Sun Xiaojie was beating drums in her heart. Seeing that there was no instruction from Wendong in her ears, she turned around and took the satchel from the sofa: "Then I'll go with them, it's getting late."

Unexpectedly, Yan Ze pulled her bag: "It's raining at night and it's not easy to take a taxi. Wait a minute, I'll drive you."

Sun Xiaojie's heart tightened: "It's okay, no need."

Seeing this, Yan Ze simply hugged her bag in his arms and refused to give it to her: "I said Miss, I beg you to drive you, I'll go get the car keys right away, okay?"

Sun Xiaojie was amused by him and smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

While the two were talking, Ming Yu had already put on his coat and walked to the door, turned around and waved at the two of them: "I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

The room fell silent instantly, only Yan Ze and Sun Xiaojie were left in the living room, and Sun Xiaojie felt a little unwell.

Yan Ze went to the table and arranged the messy pillows, then turned to Sun Xiaojie and said, "You sit down for a while, I washed the dishes, it will stink if I leave it there, I don't want to do it after I send you home alive."

Changed again?Sun Xiaojie's eyes twitched slightly.

Before she could say anything, Yan Ze stood by the table, tidying up the bowls and chopsticks and said with a light smile, "You haven't visited my house yet, have you? You can take a look around, and I'll wash it in a while."

Before Sun Xiaojie could answer, Wen Dong said quickly, "Look at his house."


Sun Xiaojie didn't know what Wendong's idea was, but since he said so, it would definitely help him, so she quickly agreed.Slowly strolling around every corner of Yan Ze's house.

This is a typical, very materialistic rich boy's home.All the home appliances and furniture are very luxurious and tasteful, and the layout is luxurious and trendy. Sun Xiaojie did not dare to go upstairs, but there are four or five rooms on the first floor of the duplex. In addition to the two bedrooms, there is a gymnasium for running. There is also a suite of fitness equipment including machine dumbbells.The other room is a study room. There are all kinds of books from ancient times to the present. There is also a tea table on one side, with several teapots and cups on it, and a small bookcase near the wall on the other side, most of which are fantasy books and fashion magazines.

It is conceivable that you can lie on a wicker chair on a mild afternoon while sipping tea and looking at fashion impurities. Well, you will enjoy it very much.

At this time, Sun Xiaojie heard a slight noise from behind, turned around abruptly, and saw Yan Ze walking over with a bright and friendly smile, and did not approach.

The light behind the curtain was a bit dim, and the window was as dark as ink, and the cramped space made Sun Xiaojie feel quite depressed, although Yan Ze didn't get too close.

Suppressing the discomfort in her heart, Sun Xiaojie said casually, "Do you still like drinking tea?"

Yan Ze took half a step towards her, glanced at the wicker chair pretending to be casual, and replied: "I'm not that patient, I learned from others, and I just play around."

Sun Xiaojie smiled lightly, looked up at Yan Ze: "Did you finish washing?"


Sun Xiaojie said, "Then I should go too."

Under the dim curtain, Yan Ze smiled brightly and handsomely, but unexpectedly he stretched out his hand towards Sun Xiaojie.

Sun Xiaojie obviously didn't expect him to come out like this, and for a moment, Yan Ze's well-articulated Xin's long fingers touched her cheek.

Sun Xiaojie suddenly came back to her senses, her heart tightened, as if it stopped beating in an instant, and she took a step back suddenly: "Why are you making such a fuss?"

Yan Ze took a step back in a timely manner, pulling away to a safe distance for Sun Xiaojie, he spread his hands helplessly and said, "Am I really that hateful? You can't steal something in my room, right? The jam is all over your face." .”

Sun Xiaojie looked at him vigilantly, and did not distract his mind from the jam he said because of his words.

"Okay, you go wash your face and wait for me in the living room. I'll get the car keys." Yan Ze turned around with a smile and left the study first. The moment he walked out of the study, a strange look flashed in Yan Ze's eyes.

Looking at the back of Yan Ze leaving in a hurry, Sun Xiaojie lowered her eyes and frowned vigorously.


At this time, the night was dark, and the lights outside the window were dim. This area was not in the city center, there were not many buildings, and the lights were dark. The raindrops fell on the car windows, leaving little bright traces. It swirls and falls above the windshield wipers, making a subtle 'rustling' sound. It is exquisite, deep and empty. In the silent car, only the computer screen shows bright light, giving people a different kind of depression and oppression. .

Sun Xiaojie went to the bathroom with a satchel bag, looked at the mirror, and couldn't help frowning. Yan Ze didn't lie to her, there was indeed a trace of salad jam on her left cheek, and that was what made her frown, she remembered It is very clear that when eating salad, he never put jam on his face, even if he did, wouldn't Qin Tai remind himself when they left just now?

Sun Xiaojie reached out to turn on the faucet, no matter whether it was Yan Ze's intentional spoof or what, the jam must be washed off, she didn't want Yan Ze to make a fuss about it, let alone let Wen Dong see it, even if he already knew , but you can't stimulate him, because if you stimulate him, you must be the one who suffers.


"Damn! Damn, what does this guy want to do!" In the car, Wen Dong's face was extremely gloomy.

At this time, the always gentle little hand pressed the big hand that was about to open the car door.Seeing Wen Dong's eyes, Li Binger frowned and shook her head at him, apparently she couldn't guess what kind of medicine was sold in Yan Ze's gourd, but it was obvious that this was Yan Ze's usual teasing tricks for Xiao Jie.And now, it's obviously not the time to rush over.

"Attention all units, keep track of the suspect's whereabouts and report at any time," Li Binger let go of Wen Dong's big hand, and quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie and said.

Wen Dong started the car without making a sound, gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and kept his eyes fixed on the screen. He only waited for Xiao Jie and Yan Ze to go downstairs, and followed them up.

Suddenly, Li Binger heard a 'stab' from the intercom.

"Pay attention. Report No. 2: The suspect acted strangely. He entered the cabin opposite the bathroom. He squatted down and his vision was blocked."

Li Binger and Wen Dong were shocked suddenly.

And at this time, the sniper Zhao Yifei, who hadn't spoken from the beginning, finally spoke up, with a loud voice: "No, fuck him, he's going to electrocute the informant..."

Wen Dong's eyes widened in an instant, and he quickly turned his head to look at the screen, only to hear Sun Xiaojie's cry of 'ah' in pain from the communication device, and the entire screen instantly went dark.

"Boom—thrill——" A series of noisy noises sounded from the device.

Wen Dong quickly reached out and grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Xiaojie, Xiaojie, how are you? Answer me quickly."

Wen Dong's voice was like a stone sinking into the sea, and the other party didn't make any sound.

Wen Dong's eyes were red, and he quickly reached out and snatched Li Binger's walkie-talkie: "Yi Fei, Yi Fei, quickly snipe and kill him!"

"Wendong, don't worry. The suspect turned off the switch. The informant was just shocked, and his life is not in danger. The reason why you can't talk to her is because the communication equipment fell out." Zhao Yifei deserves to be called Bloodstab special soldier, not as big as before, quite calm, panting slightly, he said while climbing the roof of the office building: "I'm switching directions, go to the roof, I have an infrared lens, condescending You can see the whole living room clearly, let’s ignore Yan Ze, I’ll find the position of the informant first, and protect her.”

"Yes, yes, that's it, you hurry up." Wen Dong was overjoyed, and nodded excitedly.

Zhao Yifei continued: "In addition, the informant's communication equipment fell out, but the bug is embedded in the clothes, so it is not easy to fall off. The suspect will obviously want to find the informant soon, and pay close attention to their conversation."

Wen Dong quickly replied: "Okay, I know."

Li Binger's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing Wen Dong's anxious and worried appearance for Li Binger, he felt inexplicably tasteful.

Perhaps, this is what Wendong attracts girls the most. As long as it is someone he thinks is important, he will spare no effort to help, even regardless of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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