How bad guys are made

Chapter 342 Sun Xiaojie VS Yan Ze

Chapter 342 Sun Xiaojie VS Yan Ze
This reminded Li Binger of what Wen Dong said to him before. They were the same kind of people, and Wen Dong was also an orphan.Li Binger, who is also an orphan, deeply knows that Dugu among them may be this kind of loneliness, which makes people like them extremely need to rely on and need the affirmation of others.Even if Wen Dong is giggling and smiling, even if she is glamorous and aloof, Li Binger can't deny that this is just a cover-up for her loneliness, and he will change his heart, whether it is friendship or love. so important.

Just like three nights ago, Wen Dong was covered in blood dripping from the sharp blade, but Wen Dong still hugged her tightly and used his life to protect her.

Li Bing'er stared at him blankly, her bright eyes were sparkling, and her nose suddenly felt sore.

This is his true personality charm.Of course, he is not a great kind person, he is just doing this to his friends, but to his enemies?Only cold and ruthless, like Liu Jiancheng, who was killed miserably by him——


Sun Xiaojie was indeed electrified, and it was definitely not an ordinary voltage. She sat on the ground with some soreness all over her body, quite embarrassed.She didn't know why, just now she turned on the faucet and dipped her hands in the water to wash off the jam on her face. It was fine at first, but unexpectedly when she reached out to dip her hands in the water for the second time, it was electrified, and her little hands hurt from the electricity. numb.

The pain in her knees made her frown tightly, and she raised her head suddenly. After waking up, she realized that it was pitch black, the sky outside was overcast, and the whole bathroom could not be seen. The space is particularly eerie.

power cut?
Sun Xiaojie was so frightened that she trembled all over, she didn't dare to get up, and hurriedly hummed, which was the secret signal discussed with Wendong, but after the "hum", she didn't hear Wendong's voice, and Sun Xiaojie frowned slightly He raised his head and quickly reached out to touch his ear temples.

It's broken, the communication equipment must have fallen out when he first fell, and Sun Xiaojie's heart suddenly tightened.

Sun Xiaojie quickly reached out to touch the ground, but she couldn't see anything in front of her. The thing was so small that she didn't know where it fell.

"Dingling..." A text message came, because it was very small in the bag, but Sun Xiaojie could hear it.

It must be Wendong. Sun Xiaojie hastily followed the direction of the sound a few times before reaching her satchel. She took out her mobile phone, and the screen lit up, which made Sun Xiaojie less afraid.

The text message was sent by Wendong, it was very simple.

"I can hear your voice, Yan Ze turned off the switch, you play by ear." The sender - Wen Dong.

Sun Xiaojie thought it was an electric shock and leakage that caused the trip, but Yan Ze did it on purpose, and she immediately thought of a possibility, these were all designed by Yan Ze, Yan Ze smeared jam on her face, and then She will definitely wash it off and get electrocuted...

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaojie's mood became more tense.

"Dingling..." A text message came from Wendong.

"If you can still move as far as possible to the open area of ​​the living room, it will be safe there." The sender - Wen Dong.

Although she didn't know why she was safe in the living room, Sun Xiaojie chose to believe without hesitation. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her sore knee. With the light of her phone, Sun Xiaojie stood up slowly and touched Wendong's hand in her bag. With the electric shock baton she prepared, Sun Xiaojie's flustered heart calmed down a bit.

Sun Xiaojie raised her voice, "Yan Ze, is there a power outage?"

The empty room was silent, no one answered, and even a little echo could be heard in the small bathroom, adding to the terrifying atmosphere.

Sun Xiaojie's little hand holding the electric shock rod tightly, thinking of what Wendong said to herself, quickly moved her numb legs and opened the door of the bathroom with the faint light of the mobile phone.

"Well, it might be because of the rain. I don't know where the electricity leaked, and the power went out." Yan Ze's voice came suddenly, with a little smile, and said relaxedly: "I haven't found the car key yet."

With a little bit of light, Sun Xiaojie could see a blurry tall black figure coming from the darkness, her heart was tense, and she suppressed the rushing breath, as if the air sucked into her chest had a shivering coolness.

Sun Xiaojie forced herself to be calm and tried to keep her voice calm: "Oh, then I'll take a taxi back."

After saying a word, Sun Xiaojie raised her mobile phone to look in the direction of the door, and walked over slowly with a slight limp, her other small hand was in her satchel, clutching the electric shock baton tightly, her palm was sweating, and her heart was full of sweat. Praying: don’t come, don’t follow——

But Yan Ze has been designing for so long, how can he make Sun Xiaojie fulfill his wish.

"Wait, Xiaojie, I have something to tell you." Yan Ze's voice got closer, and the empty and quiet living room seemed to be behind her.

This made Sun Xiaojie's hair stand on end, and her delicate body trembled.Xu was bold, Sun Xiaojie turned around abruptly, but Yan Ze was not found in the darkness.

Sun Xiaojie bit her lip: "Say it."

"Hehe——" Yan Ze suddenly let out a low laugh. This time, Sun Xiaojie could see clearly through the dim light of his mobile phone. His voice came from the room, which seemed to be from the direction of a storage room in the corner. He looked for it from the storage room. car key?Sun Xiaojie was so nervous.

"You're really courageous." Yan Ze said with a low smile, "Xiaojie, do you know? You have a similar temperament to your predecessor Bai Yuanjing, but they have different personalities. Your calm reaction is beyond my expectation."

Sun Xiaojie's heart suddenly tightened.

Colleagues in this department, they all kept Bai Yuanjing secret. She had never heard a colleague mention Bai Yuanjing these days in the department.But Sun Xiaojie knew why Bai Yuanjing committed suicide. Although she didn't know much, Wendong guessed that Bai Yuanjing was controlled by drugs and was even killed in the end. Moreover, she also read Bai Yuanjing's blog.

Moreover, Wendong also told her that this person is likely to be the person who sold the second part, which is why Wendong tried his best to stop it.

However, at this time, Yan Ze mentioned Bai Yuanjing.

With a clear mind, she suddenly thought of a possibility, which is what Yan Ze said, "Your calm reaction is beyond my expectation." Maybe Yan Ze is the murderer, and Bai Yuanjing was "shocked" by him to "turn off the switch". This method is tempting to get started.

If it wasn't for Wen Dong, she might have been so frightened that she would go limp all over. What about Bai Yuanjing, who has a weak personality?If this happens, I'm afraid that as soon as Yan Ze appears, she will be so scared that she will crawl into his arms.

So spicy means.

Sun Xiaojie was silent for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Why did you mention her suddenly?" Sun Xiaojie clenched her fists tightly and said in a calm voice, "Could it be that she was your girlfriend before?"

Yan Ze chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "No, I just think you are very similar, just stand still and don't move around, I'll come over right away."

There was a sound in the darkness, and under the dim light, only a tall, pitch-black silhouette approached her, but Sun Xiaojie not only didn't feel safe, but her heart became more and more frightened, the approaching black shadow seemed to be a black mountain pressing down , depressing and suffocating.

Sun Xiaojie's heart tightened for a while, and a chill came straight to her heart from the soles of her feet.

"No need, I'll take a taxi back." Sun Xiaojie's voice was a little dry, her feet moved back slowly, her heart was terribly nervous, but she didn't dare to turn her head away, her eyes stared at the black shadow vigilantly, she was afraid that Yan Ze pounced.

"Hehe, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Could it be that I still eat you? Actually, what you usually see is not the real me..." The black shadow approached again, his voice seemed to be bewitched, but he could hear the real me in his ears. It made her hair stand on end.

"Really? But I'm not interested in knowing which one is the real you. I feel a little uncomfortable and I have to go." The long-term tension and suffocation made Sun Xiaojie's heart beat faster. She was really scared and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Well... your words are really sad, I'm angry, how should I punish you..." The voice approached again, and the blurry black shadow gradually became clearer, bringing the cold air towards my face.

Yan Ze accelerated, Sun Xiaojie's small face was tense, as if suffocating, but her internal organs were jumping non-stop, as if they were about to pop out.

Yan Ze spoke again, with a light smile, and the corners of his mouth curled up in the dark, jokingly: "Didn't you find out? All of this was arranged by me. The purpose is to keep you. Are you going to leave like this?" ?”

The sound got closer, and Yan Ze had already quickly walked in front of her in the darkness, and in the blur, Yan Ze suddenly reached out to her, apparently trying to grab her.

Sun Xiaojie's head buzzed, and in the darkness, that magical hand pinched her neck like a devil's claw, causing her rapid breathing to stop suddenly, and her reaction was also a beat slower, the soles of her feet felt cold, and Xiaojie staggered He took a few steps back, turned around and ran towards the door, screaming, "Don't come here, don't come here...ah!"


"Xiaojie, how is Xiaojie—" In the car, Wendong finally lost his composure and yelled into the intercom.

"Her equipment has fallen out, and she can't hear it at all." Li Binger's small face was also full of dignity, and she pressed Wendong's arm, her beautiful brows were deeply frowned, and the plan is worse than changing. Quick, she never thought that Yan Ze would be so bold.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill him!" Wen Dong swung Li Binger's little hand, put the headset on his ear, reached out and grabbed the communicator with Zhao Yifei, opened the car door and rushed out, his eyes were red and crazy Full of hostility.

"Wait, I'll be with you." Li Bing'er didn't know how to comfort Wen Dong. Knowing that it was useless here, she quickly picked up the walkie-talkie, opened the car door and went out.

Wen Dong turned his head and glanced at her, without refusing.

Li Binger's pretty face was solemn and extremely cold, but fortunately she didn't lose her mind like Wen Dong did. She picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "All units pay attention, all units pay attention, report the situation."

"Report No. 1: Obstructed line of sight, can't see."

"Report No. 2: In special circumstances, the suspect and the informant fell to the ground, and the sofa in the living room blocked the line of sight, so they couldn't see it at all."

"Report No. 3: In special circumstances, the suspect and the informant fell to the ground, and the sofa in the living room blocked the line of sight, so they couldn't see it at all."

"Report No. 4: In special circumstances, the suspect and the informant fell to the ground, and the sofa in the living room blocked the line of sight, so they couldn't see it at all."

The words on the walkie-talkie hit Wendong's heart like a heavy hammer. Wendong's face was extremely gloomy, and he was burning with anxiety. Before Li Bing'er waited, he flew towards the apartment building.

(End of this chapter)

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