How bad guys are made

Chapter 343 Immediate Snipe

Chapter 343 Immediate Snipe
at the same time.

Sun Xiaojie was so frightened that her feet were weak, she turned around suddenly but tripped over something, her body suddenly lost her balance and rushed forward, the mobile phone in her hand flew out, and her head hit the floor with a 'boom' , The pain was so painful that I almost fainted.At the same time, a light sound was heard, and something fell to the ground and rolled into the darkness.

Too bad, the electric shock rod in the satchel was thrown out.

Sun Xiaojie shook her painful head, and fell down twice in a row, which made her already painful knees worse. She resisted the pain in her body and took a breath, when she heard Yan Ze's anxious voice.

"Xiaojie, what's wrong with you? Did you fall?" At this moment, Yan Ze didn't know it was intentional, and his pace quickened again. Sun Xiaojie suddenly noticed a gust of cold wind coming from behind, and turned his head suddenly. As soon as the extremely dim eyes suddenly went dark, Sun Xiaojie exclaimed "ah" again, and a warm and heavy male body pressed on her.

Both let out a cry of pain.Yan Ze obviously fell on purpose, so he quickly supported the ground with his arms, so he didn't hurt Sun Xiaojie too much, but their bodies were almost overlapped.

Sun Xiaojie's whole body was tense, she didn't dare to move, her body trembled slightly, she was in pain, she was also frightened, she bit her lips tightly, and ordered in a cold tone: "Get up quickly!"

Yan Ze held her still, not only did not panic, but smiled clearly: "I won't get up. You tripped me up. Give me a kiss and I will get up." Yan Ze almost stuck to Sun Xiaojie's cheek, with a playful tone.

"Hmph!" Yan Ze's outspoken teasing finally angered Sun Xiaojie. Xiaojie gritted her teeth and couldn't bear it any longer. He kicked towards him, hitting Yan Ze in the chest.

Yan Ze felt the pain immediately, but he didn't back down at all. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her calf. Xiao Jie's leg was already injured, and this grab made her even more painful, and couldn't help trembling.She was wearing a skirt, although the fabric was thick and would not be blown up by the wind, but the hem of the skirt slid to the bottom of her thigh when her calf was raised, and she could only feel Yan Ze's powerful palms pressing against her slightly cool and tight body. On the skin, unable to move.

Sun Xiaojie was trembling all over, a little hysterical: "Don't touch me, get out of here!"


At the corner of the lobby of the apartment building, Wen Dong rushed to the elevator and quickly pressed the door button of the elevator. Although Xiao Jie couldn't hear what he said, she could hear the confrontation between Xiao Jie and Yan Ze clearly, although she couldn't see it. Arrived, but these sounds alone can judge the situation there.

His face sank like water, he pressed his fingers hard, his teeth clenched.

"Zhao Yifei, Zhao Yifei, where the hell are you? How's the situation over there!?" Wen Dong yelled into the walkie-talkie.

On the roof of the office building opposite Yan Ze’s apartment building, Zhao Yifei panted slightly and found a good angle to set up the QBU88 sniper rifle. The reason why it took so long was that he didn’t dare to take the elevator to avoid accidents, so he ran up with the sniper rifle all the way The second is that the door on the roof was locked, which took a little time.

Ignoring Wendong's yelling, Zhao Yifei quickly aimed at the living room of Yan Ze's house through the infrared night vision goggles.

found it.

Zhao Yifei wiped the rain off his face, quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and put it under his collar, said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I'll take a look first."

Wen Dong: "Grass!"

Looking through the night vision goggles, Zhao Yifei's face suddenly became serious, with a bit of ferocious anger: "There is a situation: the suspect pressed the informant to the ground with his body; the informant struggled and pushed the suspect away and kicked him; the suspect Grabbed the informant's leg, the informant struggled violently but to no avail, he was already in position, whether to shoot—"

Before the procedure was finished, Wendong's angry voice interrupted: "You little bastard, are you talking about a book!? What are you waiting for, hurry up and shoot, shoot!" Wendong's hysterical angry roar came from the intercom.

Zhao Yifei hastily threw away the walkie-talkie and lowered his body to aim carefully, but he could not stop cursing in his heart: Mahler Gobi, I am a dignified blood thorn, and I was scolded for performing such a simple task. Damn, it is a shame. Fortunately, the one who scolded me was my little brother-in-law, he was a fool, and he had to shoot for Wendong and his sister——


Yan Ze's home was completely dark.

Sun Xiaojie's legs were clamped by Yan Ze, afraid that the other party would become angry, so he dared not move.She gritted her silver teeth and stared at him coldly, with intense vigilance in her panicked eyes, if Yan Ze dared to go any further, she would not let him succeed with all her might.

The two confronted each other in the dark for a while, Yan Ze suddenly smiled: "You woman is too guarded, and I don't want to do anything to you, why are you so afraid?"

She didn't believe Yan Ze's words at all, but fortunately he slowly let go of Xiao Jie's legs, and chuckled softly; "But... your skin is really good, it would be better if it wasn't tight, get up Come on, I'll pull you."

Sun Xiaojie's heart relaxed, but her vigilance remained undiminished. In a blur, she saw Yan Ze leaning over and reaching for the hand in front of her. Xiaojie didn't dare to stretch out his hand to let him pull it: "No, I can get up by myself."

"Okay." Yan Ze shrugged for fun.

She was just about to get up on the ground when she suddenly heard a slight 'poof' sound, as if something extremely fast was coming out of thin air and then Yan Ze, who had just straightened up in front of her, suddenly froze and was caught The body-fixing method is generally applied.

"What's wrong?" Sun Xiaojie frowned, thinking that Yan Ze was going to play some tricks again, but Yan Ze fell to the floor with a 'bang'.

Sun Xiaojie was so frightened that she let out an exclamation of "Ah", pressed her small hand on the ground and quickly moved her buttocks back a few minutes, her eyes were changing as she looked at Yan Ze who was lying on the ground, cloudy or sunny?

Pretending to be dizzy?Looking at the motionless Yan Ze, Sun Xiaojie thought so.

Regardless of whether the dizziness is real or fake, Sun Xiaojie will not be fooled. Enduring the pain from the fall, she staggered up and stretched out her hands to feel the darkness and leaned against the wall. Yan Ze remained motionless in the blur.

"Jingle Bell……"

All of a sudden, the mobile phone that fell into an unknown corner rang, and the ringing broke the eerie silence in the living room, startling her, and when the mobile phone turned on, there was finally some glimmer of light in the oppressively dark living room.

Sun Xiaojie hurriedly moved her body to get the phone, and when she saw the display on the phone, tears finally flowed out: "Woo...Wendong, where are you? Where are you..."

"Xiao Jie, don't be afraid, I'll be at the door soon, you go and open the door." Wen Dong's voice immediately rang over the phone, panting quickly.

"Oh, oh, I'll go right away." Sun Xiaojie couldn't care less about the motionless Yan Ze, and hurriedly staggered to the direction of the door by the brightness of the phone.

Opening the door, Xiaojie squinted her eyes uncomfortably due to the dim light in the corridor, and looked around in a daze. There was no sign of Wendong. Just as Sun Xiaojie was about to talk to her mobile phone, the elevator not far away made a crisp sound of 'ding'. The elevator door opened, and a familiar voice appeared in front of him.

"Wendong, why did you come here..." Sun Xiaojie whispered, but the watery tears flowed more joyfully. Regardless of the injury on her leg, she ran towards Wendong. In the arms of Wen Dong who rushed here.

The small face was pressed against the thick chest, and the familiar man had a strong smell of tobacco, but it made Xiaojie feel at ease, her mouth was choked with a sob, and tears flowed non-stop In the blink of an eye, Wen Dong's front was wet from crying, and his body was trembling with fear and palpitations.

Wen Dong stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaojie's soft waist, his gloomy face finally showed a rare softness, he scolded himself hundreds of times in his heart, quietly hugged the trembling body in his arms , pursed his lips and did not speak.

Not far behind Wendong, Li Binger opened her mouth lightly, panted slightly, looked at the two hugging each other from a distance, a complicated look flashed in her eyes, her nose was slightly sour, and her body was leaning limply on the bed. On the tiled wall, I kept my head down and didn't disturb.

Firstly, her injury has not healed yet, she is a little weak, and she was very tired after running all the way up Wendong; What happened to Jiezhen, she can't escape the responsibility, and how will she face Wendong in the future?

After crying for five or six minutes, Xiaojie finally calmed down after venting. She raised her head to look at Wendong, who looked at her quietly with self-blame, bit her lips and sobbed, "Yan Ze... Moved."

Wen Dong gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks, nodded, and said in a low voice, "Well, there are snipers outside."

Sun Xiaojie looked at him in surprise. She didn't expect Wendong to find a sniper to protect herself. She had seen this kind of thing on TV. Although it happened right in front of her eyes, she was still shocked.

"Come on, go in and take a look." Wen Dong turned his head and glanced into the dark room, a lunar calendar flashed in his eyes.

"Oh." Although Sun Xiaojie was a little scared, with Wen Dong leading her, she gained a bit of confidence, and she was not so scared anymore. She was as cute as a kitten, and Wen Dong walked in with her little hand.

After entering the room, turn on the switch, and the room is bright.

"I'll go see if he's dead." Seeing that Sun Xiaojie was really scared and didn't dare to look at Yan Ze, who was motionless in the living room, Wen Dong walked over, looking aggressive, as if Yan Ze was not dead, He doesn't mind making up for it.

"En?" Walking up to Yan Ze, Wen Dong stretched out his hand and pushed him, and immediately frowned, not only did he not die, it seemed...

At this time, Li Binger also came over, lowered her head and stared at Yan Ze on the ground: "The shot is an anesthetic, not a sniper bullet, and you will wake up in about an hour or so."

Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked up at Li Binger. Although he was a little angry, it was understandable.

(End of this chapter)

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