How bad guys are made

Chapter 344 Another wave?

Chapter 344 Another wave?

"Well, luckily I didn't kill anyone." Sun Xiaojie stood aside pretty, looked up at Li Binger, wiped it off, and said with a sigh of relief.Sun Xiaojie might still be very excited if he was beaten half to death, but if she wanted to kill him like Wen Dong said, she would be afraid.

Wen Dong raised his head and glared at her, obviously dissatisfied with the result, his face was gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "You know he didn't have any other thoughts just now?"

Hearing this, Sun Xiaojie stuck out her little tongue in embarrassment, and stopped talking.Thinking about it, she confronted Yan Ze a few times in the dark just now, it seemed that the atmosphere was very delicate, and he even took advantage of her, but she dared not tell Wen Dong.

"Damn, it's cheap for him!" Wen Dong stood up coldly, raised his foot and kicked Yan Ze fiercely a few times, Yan Ze didn't move, he let out a painful moan from his throat, and his body reacted naturally.

Li Bing'er glanced at Wen Dong, but didn't say anything, this guy really never took revenge overnight.

"Officer Li, I know you. Thank you very much this time." Sun Xiaojie suddenly turned her head to look at Li Binger and said gratefully. It's really a realm where men and women can kill each other.

Sun Xiaojie is not stupid, but she knows that this guy Wendong has a subtle relationship with this beautiful policeman in front of him.As Wendong's real girlfriend, she is naturally generous and thanked her first.Of course, there is also a little bit of contention.

Li Bing'er smiled, shook her head and said, "I should be the one to say thank you. If it weren't for you, Yan Ze wouldn't have shown his feet so quickly, and I should even apologize to you. You don't even know, this guy Wendong But the person who strongly opposed you to sell the second movie, he didn't miss me because of this."

Wen Dong: "..."

"Officer Li is serious. I did this voluntarily. I can help you the best." Sun Xiaojie said with a smile, her small face was extremely pure, showing two cute little canine teeth, and she was so cute.

Sure enough, Li Binger also fell in love with Sun Xiaojie's cuteness offensive: "You are very brave. I am friends with Wendong, so don't call me Police Officer Li. I am a few years older than you. You can call me sister if you want." "

"En, er, okay, Sister Li." Sun Xiaojie grinned, and patted the bulging peaks of 34C in fear: "How dare you be brave, I was frightened just now."

Wen Dong stared dumbfounded at the two women who were holding hands together, and couldn't help but swear in his heart: Damn, women are really incomprehensible animals.

Seeing the intimacy between the two, Sun Xiaojie, an ungrateful girl, was even more grateful, and Wen Dong finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Ahem... so what, I was more anxious than you, Sister Li, just now Don't thank me?"

"You?" Sun Xiaojie glanced at Wendong, pouted and said, "You should come to save me."

Wen Dong pissed all over his face: "Damn..."


Li Bing'er frowned and looked at Yan Ze, who was lying on the ground like a corpse, and raised his head, "Then what should we do next? We didn't think about it, and this adventure seems to be fruitless, and..."

Obviously, when Yan Ze wakes up, he will naturally become suspicious, and their identities will basically be exposed.

"Well, it's not that there is no gain. At least we can be sure that the murderer of Bai Yuanjing is Yan Ze. As for what to do... Just like other people, search his house, and you will definitely find it. When I go to work tomorrow, I will put the sales All the people from the second department gathered and arrested them together." Wen Dong said after a moment of thought.

"Unified arrest? What do you mean? Yan Ze still has accomplices in the second sales department?" Sun Xiaojie on the side asked in surprise.

"Well, don't worry about this." Wen Dong nodded.


"Then how should he deal with it?" Li Binger pointed at Yan Ze.

Wen Dong smiled, kicked his legs and walked to the sofa, picked up the electric shock baton that Sun Xiaojie had dropped earlier, and said, "Use this."

"En." Li Bing'er immediately understood what Wen Dong meant, only Sun Xiaojie, who was standing by the side, showed doubts and didn't know what it meant.

Wendong weighed the electric shock baton in his hand, squatted beside Yan Ze, switched on the electric shock baton, and poked it hard on his chest!Yan Ze, who was already in a coma, immediately lay on the ground like a corpse and convulsed unconsciously, making a piercing 'ho ho' sound from his mouth, which made Sun Xiaojie shrink back in fright, and instantly understood what Wen Dong meant.

After Wen Dong took it, he poked it again, which meant revenge and hatred.

Well, we are the local ruffians and hooligans, a villain.

At this time, Li Binger also arranged for people to search Yan Ze's home, and as expected, a large number of new drug T-fans were found.

Sun Xiaojie was not idle either, she hurried to the bathroom and found the dropped communication equipment in the corner.

Basically nothing happened to Wendong and Sun Xiaojie, they were comforting Sun Xiaojie in the living room, in fact, it was just profiteering, fortunately the people brought by Li Binger did not notice in the room where the drugs were hidden, but this little profiteering It was still a different kind of stimulation, Sun Xiaojie hugged Wendong's arm with her face flushed, she was so ashamed.

"Wendong, come here." At this moment, Li Binger's voice sounded from one of the bedrooms on the second floor, with a solemn tone.

Wen Dong hurriedly pulled Sun Xiaojie over and nodded to several criminal policemen: "What's wrong?"

"You go out first, too many people here is not good, you understand this secret operation." Li Bing'er turned her head and said to several criminal policemen.

"Yes, Captain Li, we are waiting downstairs, call us if there is any situation." One of the criminal policemen nodded and said, unexpectedly, Li Xiaoniu's prestige in the police force is quite high.


"Then I'll wait for you outside the door." Sun Xiaojie said very reasonablely.

"Well, go." Wen Dong patted her little hand and said.

"This new type of drug is a bit unusual." Seeing Wen Dong approaching curiously, Li Binger said with a little gloved hand and a little bit of drug on her fingers, frowning.

"Why is it unusual?" Wen Dong asked, he didn't have much research on this stuff.

"I used to be in the anti-narcotics team for a while, and I know a lot about this new type of drug. Although this chemically synthesized drug has matured, I have never heard of anyone seeing such a high-purity drug." Li Binger was serious road.

"How tall?" Wen Dong asked in confusion.

Li Binger's small face was full of seriousness, and she frowned deeply: "The purity is at least 90.00%. According to the current technology, almost no one can extract such a high purity, and the higher the purity of this chemical synthetic drug, the easier it is It is detected that the highest purity of this new type of T powder flowing into the water market is about 70.00% five, unless..."

"Unless what?" Wen Dong also seemed to smell something unusual.

"Unless there is a drug purification base in Shui City, and it is a base of considerable scale and technology..."

"I don't understand this, you can figure it out." Wen Dong waved his hand, but he was secretly worried that Lanyun Trading not only smuggled, but also sold drugs, right?

As a Fortune [-] company, Lanyun has already entered the international market.And Lanyun Trade is the most mature international trade. It has trade relations with many countries in the world. It has opened up commercial routes a few years ago. If you use this to sell drugs, it will be really convenient.

Does Lanyun Trading have its own drug manufacturing factory?Wen Dong frowned deeply.

Seeing that Wen Dong's business was nothing to do with her, Li Bing'er didn't say anything, but suddenly remembered something, and looked up at Wen Dong.

"What's the matter?" Wen Dong couldn't help asking because she was frightened by her look.

"Guess, is it Yan Ze who was in Zhou Yixuan's office that night?" Li Binger asked.

"Well... Zhou Yixuan is indifferent and picky about things, but judging from her background, she doesn't have many friends, and she hasn't found any men who have that kind of relationship with her, which also corresponds to this. Sales The only people who can take her down in the second part are Yan Ze or Ming Yu, whether it is appearance or means. But Ming Yu, he is more gloomy and cold in the company, he is not suitable. If you have the guts, you will produce, Yan Zelai is the most suitable to open this perverted old woman's outlet." Wen Dong thought for a while and analyzed.

Hearing this, Li Binger gave this guy a blank look, what theory is this.

However, she was in favor of it.

"Then, can Yan Ze radiate these people?" Li Bing'er nodded, using an abstract metaphor.

"Oh?" Wen Dong was taken aback: "You mean that Zhou Yixuan, Zhao Yutong, and Ming Yu all have an inexplicable relationship with Yan Ze, so guess that the T fans in their hands were provided by Yan Ze?"

"Yes, that's right." Li Bing'er nodded: "Because Yan Ze has the most T fans here, enough for him to be shot several times, and his family is the richest. If this is the case, maybe we can find T fans from Yan Ze. clues, so..."

Li Bing'er looked up at Wen Dong, and the two looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Wendong immediately understood that Li Binger wanted to see if the purity of the T fans found in Zhou Yixuan's and Zhao Yutong's homes was the same.

Wen Dong nodded and said, "I'll ask the private detective to send the T-fans found at Zhou Yixuan and Zhao Yutong's home."

Li Binger snorted: "Private detective..."

Wen Dong: "..."

"However, let me remind you first, I don't care about this drug case." Wen Dong hurriedly vaccinated.

"I know, I'll hand it over to the Drug Enforcement Bureau." Li Binger snorted, and she also knew that if Bai Yuanjing's murder had not been related to Sun Xiaojie, this lazy guy would not be so concerned. He is not a helper righteous man.


After taking pictures and getting the evidence, the three of them threw Yan Ze there and left.

Opening the door of the unit hall, a cool and damp air came oncoming, refreshed, and the sound of the rain continued, it seemed that it was going to be the next night.

They didn't bring umbrellas.

(End of this chapter)

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