How bad guys are made

Chapter 345 Military Order

Chapter 345 Military Order

Wen Dong looked up at the extremely dark sky, quickly took off his coat to brace himself, and directly pulled Sun Xiaojie into his arms.

Xiaojie MM naturally stretched out one hand to grab the corner of the coat, and propped up her side. Wen Dong also held one hand, and the other hand naturally wrapped around Sun Xiaojie's waist.

Xiaojie leaned tightly on Wendong's body, her small head rested quietly on his shoulder, her thick and warm chest made her feel at ease in a different way.Although they were already boyfriend and girlfriend, Xiaojie couldn't help being shy, her face flushed slightly, especially with Li Binger beside her.

Wendong glanced at Li Binger, who was drenched in the rain, and seemed to understand what Sun Xiaojie was thinking, but there was nothing he could do about it, the clothes were so big, so he hugged her waist tightly and said, "It's okay, she has a hat to protect her from the rain. "

Li Binger: "..."

Seeing Li Xiaoniu's unkind expression, Wen Dong was also a little embarrassed, after all, it was somewhat suspected of showing affection.

"Well, why don't you come in too?" Wen Dong's hypocritical invitation was a bit of a villain's success.

"No need." Li Bing'er snorted, quickened her pace, and walked towards the car parked in the distance.

"Why are you angry at him? What's there to be proud of?" Sun Xiaojie pinched Wendong's waist with her small hand, and blushed and hummed.

"Hey, don't I feel embarrassed too, I don't feel sorry for her." Wen Dong smiled, looked down at the shy Xiaojie beside him and said, "Let's walk slowly, I feel like this is quite Romantic."

"You are romantic, you are leaving soon..." Sun Xiaojie raised her pink and tender face and gave Wendong a glance, but she also slowed down slowly as if she had a tacit understanding, and snuggled into Wendong's arms. When the guy reminded her like this, she also felt quite romantic.

It just so happened that she still had a bruise on her leg, so walk slowly, well, there is a strong reason.

"Hmm... what a romantic rainy night, just another tongue kiss..." Wen Dong took a peek at Xiao Jie and murmured.

"You're so tall, let's go." Sun Xiaojie stomped her feet angrily, this guy is really thick-skinned.

"Yes, it's the tongue." Wen Dong nodded quickly.

Sun Xiaojie: "..."


"Damn it, I'm soaked to death, Brother Wen, how can you thank me?" As soon as the two of them got into the car, a tall figure in big underpants rushed over from the dark scene, opened the car door and got in. He was carrying a cuboid box in his hand, which should be a disassembled sniper rifle.

The car that Wendong borrowed from the beautiful landlord was not spacious at all, so it was obviously crowded when such a big man was stuffed in, pushing Wendong and Sun Xiaojie into a corner, and seeing Zhao Yifei who was like a drowned pig, Wendong hurriedly went to the car again. She squeezed towards Sun Xiaojie: "Damn, you're covered in water, don't touch me."

"I'll go, do you still have a conscience? I'm here to help." Zhao Yifei threw the box to the bottom of his feet and said quickly, "Come on, that cigarette."

The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched, and he took out a cigarette from his pocket: "Ah... it's wet."

"It's okay, use the lighter to cook." Zhao Yifei waved his hand.

"This is?" Sun Xiaojie looked at Zhao Yifei curiously and said.

Hearing this, Wen Dong quickly introduced: "Oh, this is my buddy Zhao Yifei. This guy squatted on the roof of the opposite office building for half the night, and he was the one who knocked Yan Ze unconscious with a sniper anesthesia gun."

"Ah?" Sun Xiaojie suddenly exclaimed, looking at Zhao Yifei who was covered in rain, she said with gratitude on her small face, "Brother Zhao, thank you."

"It's okay, thank you." Zhao Yifei waved his hand indifferently, lit up a cigarette and took a puff, then turned to look at Sun Xiaojie, and suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Damn, what a beautiful MM, I observed It was only discovered overnight, it seems that the broken night vision goggles are really outdated."

"Ah..." Looking at Zhao Yifei's grinning big man, the girl Xiaojie was startled, she faltered and couldn't speak, her little hand grabbed Wendong's shoulder, she was frightened.

This guy is really scary, not to mention the big guy, he even shaved his head, his face is covered with rain, he has a cigarette in his mouth, his porcelain teeth grin like a rapist who just escaped from prison, no It's good enough to scare a little girl to tears.

Wen Dong's old face twitched, this guy is really embarrassing.

Ignoring Wendong's stare at all, Zhao Yifei smiled: "Well, I heard that you are also working in Lanyun?"

"Yes, yes." Sun Xiaojie leaned on Wendong's shoulder in fear, and nodded with a forced smile.

"Oh, fate, I also work in Lanyun." Zhao Yifei exclaimed, his face full of flesh was full of excitement, which made Wendong think that this guy had something wrong with Xiaojie, and looked at this guy with vigilant eyes. If he dared to reach out and grab Xiaojie's little hand, then Wendong would definitely kick him out of the car without hesitation.

"Well, well, it's quite a predestined relationship." Sun Xiaojie nodded and smiled.

As if he didn't see the fear in Sun Xiaojie's eyes, Zhao Yifei stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said, "Well, is there any beautiful girl in the department you work in?"

Sun Xiaojie glanced at Wen Dong cautiously, seeing that his old face was expressionless, she nodded and said, "Yes."

"Oh, is there any petite and dainty type? Well...shorter than you, petite, gentle and kind, MiMi is bigger, well, D-shaped or above is fine, your colleagues are fine too, and girlfriends are fine. .” Zhao Yifei looked at Sun Xiaojie expectantly, his eyes eager to see through.

Sun Xiaojie twitched her mouth, thought for a while and said, "Yes, I have such a good friend."

Zhao Yifei exclaimed again: "Oh, that's really great, do you have a boyfriend?"

"What!?" Wen Dong suddenly exclaimed, staring at Zhao Yifei with murderous eyes.

"Oh, no, no, I'm excited, I'm asking if your friend has a boyfriend." Zhao Yifei quickly changed his words.

"No...not." Sun Xiaojie also saw that this guy's head was a little abnormal.

"Oh..." Zhao Yifei started again.

Wen Dong couldn't take it anymore, opened the car door and went to the driver's seat. Li Binger sat quietly in the passenger seat and didn't speak, but the handsome face under the cap was extraordinarily dark, obviously to the childhood sweetheart Fei Ge Very speechless...

Sun Xiaojie asked Zhao Yifei in a low voice: "But my friend is only 21 or [-] years old at most, how old are you, brother?"

"I..." Zhao Yifei burst into tears.

Wendong and Li Binger who were sitting in front couldn't help laughing, Xiaojie was really painful, but Wendong also knew that Zhao Yifei was actually not yet 25 years old, just a year older than him.

Seeing Zhao Yifei's old face alternately blue and red, this guy really didn't pay attention to his grooming, he was still wearing a pair of big pants today, with an unshaven beard, Wen Dong suppressed a smile and said: "Brother Zhao is actually not very old, he is only a few months older than me , just looks a little anxious."

Zhao Yifei's old face suddenly turned green: "Damn!"

"Pfft!" Xiaojie MM and Bing'er burst into laughter, and Zhao Yifei couldn't hold back his old face.


"Xiaojie, I have something to do with Binger later, she asked a colleague to take you home first." Wen Dong turned to Sun Xiaojie.

"En, yes." She knew that Wendong still had something to do, so she agreed, and was really confused by Zhao Yifei's questioning, although this guy looked really cute.

"What kind of colleague are you looking for? I'll just take Miss Xiaojie home. I just want to talk to her about her good friend." Zhao Yifei said hastily.

"You send it? You take a taxi back? That's not too much trouble." Wen Dong said.

"Why take a taxi, I have a car, okay?" Zhao Yifei pouted.

"Do you have a car? Let alone a motorcycle." Wen Dong was immediately surprised. Although this guy has a wealthy family, he doesn't seem to have much pocket money, or even no pocket money. It's all his own salary, and the family discipline is strict. , You have to ask yourself to smoke.

"Car, don't worry." Zhao Yifei smiled triumphantly: "The old man heard that I joined Lanyun, and he just gave me a match yesterday, for finding a wife, and he also gave me a one-month fuel card, and only for one month. I have to take a grandson and daughter-in-law back within a month, and it’s best to plant it from my old Zhao’s family, otherwise the car will be taken back to me, or I won’t be in such a hurry.”

Sun Xiaojie suddenly stared at Zhao Yifei with wide eyes, and brought such a thing?
"Damn, your old man is really domineering, this time is a bit tight." Wen Dong said speechlessly.

"Well, that's not right, I also think that old guy is too stupid, and he even forced me to issue a military order." Zhao Yifei said painfully.

"That's okay, is it up yet?" Wen Dong gave him a pitiful look.

"Of course it has to be established, otherwise I won't be able to drive a car at all, and the old man won't give me a car if I don't issue a military order!" Zhao Yifei said with a mournful face.

"Pfft..." Sun Xiaojie finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, Wendong really didn't know where to find a treasured friend.


"This is your car?" Under Zhao Yifei's command, he drove to a parking strip on the other side of the street and looked at a brand new car.

Well, looking at Mr. Zhao's cripple, he also spent a lot of money for his granddaughter-in-law. This car is called Xuehu, and it is the most high-end domestic car. It costs at least seven to eight million yuan.

"Of course, domineering." Zhao Yifei said proudly.

"Well, Xiaojie, why don't you let Brother Zhao take you back, I don't worry if he takes you back." Wen Dong turned to Xiaojie and said, Zhao Yifei's skills are not to be mentioned.

"Okay." Sun Xiaojie nodded obediently, letting this cute guy take her home, the journey would not be boring.

Zhao Yifei leaned over and lifted the box: "Let's go, Miss Xiaojie, let's continue talking about you being my girlfriend... um, no, no, it's about your friend being my girlfriend."


Being sent downstairs by Zhao Yifei, the corridor was pitch black, and the sound of the pattering rain was exceptionally silent. Sun Xiaojie was timid, and encountered something scary again tonight, so she ran back home quickly, turned on the desk lamp, and looked at the warm little girl. Wo, Sun Xiaojie finally let out a sigh of relief on her nervous little face.

"Ding Lingling..." Before washing his hands and face, the phone rang. He thought it was Wen Dong's call, but he didn't expect it to be Yan Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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